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:: 2006 7 February :: 5.28pm

I went to the doctor today. I'm going on the Pill to stop my horrible cramps.

I even got away with not having a pelvic exam.


I totally forgot to say the very reason I'm updating.

I'm thinking of joining the Peace Corps once I'm done with school.

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:: 2006 7 February :: 1.20pm

College expenses
University of Hawaii (estimated) - $20,000

Univeristy of San Fransisco (estimated) - $41,000

Guess which one I would rather go to.

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:: 2006 5 February :: 11.52pm

Random thoughts of randomness
Hey all. What's up?

I'm pretending to be trying to do homework. But I don't feel like doing it. Bah. Katie and her friends came up to visit. As you probably already know. They are nutso in the best kind of way. Katie, is Eric missing a belt? Because we have one chilling in our room and nobody knows who it belongs to. Also Katie, Western sucks. ;p

MSN messenger keeps kicking me off which sucks because like everyone is on.

Um.....yeah. I'm already itching for another road trip. I'm not quite sure what I plan on doing about that, but I will have to do something soon. It would be cool if I could stop thinking about hitting the road for more than like 3 hours. Perhaps then I could be writing a paper instead of writing this. I think that's it. Bye friends.

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:: 2006 5 February :: 11.43pm


I saw Kelly the Bond this weekend!!!!!

Amanda version 1.0, the Jender Bender, Eric, and I went up to Central to visit. We're definitely Western students because we totally hated almost everything there except for the food and the room layouts. Never got a chance to get a malt from the Malt Shop...oh well =_=

I met a coupla interesting Jungs there at Central. They're rockin. And I saw "Battle Royale" which is majorly fucked up. Yes. Those crazy Japanese.

Right now I'm reading "M.Butterfly", which is an interesting play. I can't wait to discuss it in my English class tomorrows.

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:: 2006 3 February :: 8.40am

I have the best boyfriend ever.

Check out what Nick got me:

403 Forbidden!

That's right. I'm a gay robot.

Yeah, he also got me a bunch of cheese.

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:: 2006 3 February :: 12.00am
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: some of my roommates more interesting music

I feel 500 million percent better about everything.

[edit 12:30]
I just found this really cool idea
Read more..
Basically for those too lazy to read, you get a list of addresses and fill a box with cool shit and send it to the first person on the list. That person takes the stuff they want and puts more stuff in and sends it to the next person and so on. Then the last person sends it to the person who sent it off in the first place, and it goes around in a big circle of love!!!

Who's in? I know I am. But I need at least 1 other person for it to work.......So if you're interested send me an email with your address and I'll compile a list and get this thing rolling. If you don't have my email, I'll provide it upon request or it's on facebook. So yeah. That is all.

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:: 2006 2 February :: 9.44pm

It's nice to have the books for my classes.

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:: 2006 31 January :: 10.51pm

What did Rachel get for her birthday? C'mon, you know you want to know.

She not only got a bunch of totally awesome stuff but also a bunch of totally awesome Rene Magritte stuff.

How awesome? So awesome that she's not using a cut tag.

First off, I got this book:

(These are pictures from the publisher's website. It is a terrific book. It sort of explains his life and tells what he said about his works, trying really hard not to put meanings to them.)

Then, I got these totally awesome cards:

If I wasn't so tired and lazy, I'd scan them for you.

Anyway, I'm just Magritte-geeking.

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:: 2006 31 January :: 1.32pm

*Insert ginormous sneeze and then whining about lack of kleenexes here*

In case any of you haven't heard yet, I have a room to myself now. No more roommate.

In other news, I'm sick. And feel like something stepped on me. Gleck. So...cold...so...icky...I hate winter and all that comes with it (except for Rachel's birthday and Christmas).

Less than half an hour until German. I have my compy with me today so I can play music during my stupid Referat (presentation). It's about Oomph! and how they rock hardcore. No seriously, I'll be talking about how a German band has been around since 1989 and hasn't quit with all the American bands taking over Europe. And how they managed to get a golden record.

So yeah...looks like we're heading up to Central this weekend. Joy.

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:: 2006 31 January :: 9.13am

Kelly, remember Julius Sumner Miller? Here's a site with some of his videos from the early 60's.

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:: 2006 30 January :: 10.11pm
:: Music: William Shatner (who told him to make an album?)

I have an interview with Michel Pichot (my advisor and current French prof) and the head of the International Programs Office at 3 on Friday, February 10th.

Wish me luck.

I'll know if I am accepted by mid-February.

I really hope I get in. I just don't know what they judge it on.

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:: 2006 29 January :: 12.11am

something about anarchism and mosh pits...
I wrote this after going to an Offbeats show with Katie and Kyle. So there's your context.
Read more..

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:: 2006 28 January :: 9.25am
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: Queen of the Surface Streets by Devotchka (this song makes me sing)

You're like a lovely hallucination. You get me through my current occupation.
I am officially 19 years of age.

I love you all.

P.S. I googled the word "officially" because I'm tired and I wasn't sure I spelled it correctly. The first result: What Tolkien Officially Said About Elf Sex. Just thought that was interesting.

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:: 2006 28 January :: 2.27am

Nineteen years ago today, a baby girl was born.

Happy birthday Rachel!

I lurves you, Liebchen.

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:: 2006 26 January :: 1.09pm
:: Music: Jimmy Eat World- My Sundown

I see it around me, I see it in everything.
I could be so much more than this.
I said my goodbye's this is my sundown.
I'm gonna be so much more than this.
With one hand high, you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time, but no one cares.
No one cares.
I need you to show me the way from crazy.
I wanna be so much more than this.
With one hand high, you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time, but no one cares.
With one hand high, you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time, but no one cares.
No one cares.
I could be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I could be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
Good goodbye lovely time.
Good goodbye tin sunshine.
Good goodbye I'll be fine.
Good goodbye, good goodnight.

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