2006 26 January :: 8.44am
So guys, my friend Amanda version 2.1 gave Jenn and I a website to go to that she'd found the other day.
Check it out!!!!!!!!! It friggin ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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2006 25 January :: 7.47pm
I have a stupid harebrained scheme!
We should start a group called the Intercollegiate Association of Libertarian Socialists. We won't do anything but bitch about politics in a half-assed way. Much like we (or at least I) already do. And perhaps we will use the some of the tactics found in the CIA Sabatage Manual against the gov't. If we're really ambitous. You don't have to be a socialist, libertarian, or libertarian socialist to join. If you say you're part of the group then you are. If we're really lucky maybe we'll get the FBI on our asses. If the White Panthers can do it than so can we dammit!
And in case you were wondering, yes I'm bored and yes I should be doing homework.
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2006 22 January :: 10.08pm
So, I was going to say that I was home and everything but I don't even know if I told you guys that I was leaving.
Well I left. My cousin (the one who had the baby 2 years ago so she could "trap what's-his-face") had her wedding this weekend. Ugh. It was bad and good. Mostly bad.
I'll tell you more probably never. I used to be so big on this Woohu thing, commenting on everyone's entries, updating every day, having a huge crush on Andy (speaking of which, we need to hang out sometime), but I just don't have time or energy.
I love you all.
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2006 22 January :: 7.35pm
:: Music: Bob Dylan- Subterranean Homesick Blues
Protest Songs
Oh my god I just found all these awesome protest songs you can download!! There's everything from Bob Dylan to Anti-Flag. Check it out!
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2006 22 January :: 11.24am
So...it's January 22nd and you know what that means...
CRAPPY WEATHER!!!! Sorry 'bout the cold, it always is on this day.
Dumb question, but have any of you ever encountered those "invitation codes"? I'm just curious because I always see that whenever I log in, plus I might start looking for one for Coop (her mum's been reading her other journal...and let's just say her relationship with her mum has never been good because of her mum's words and actions to her).
Anywhos, blah.
Oh, and I turned 19 today.
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2006 21 January :: 7.09pm
:: Mood: blah
so I just back from my 1st day at work. Yes, I'm working for the man now. At the cafeteria to be precise. It was boring as hell. And I don't even have my own shift yet. Right now I'm just subbing for people who decide they don't want to work their shifts. But at least it's money.
I'm debating going to the punk rock show but I'm drained. And I have a headache. That is all.
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2003 23 February :: 8.06pm
i cut my hair, it looks really good
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2006 19 January :: 1.59pm
Hey peeps (especially Kyle), check this out.
Ridiculous, ne?
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2006 18 January :: 2.50pm
Even the slyest and most clever words cannot hide muted action.
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2006 17 January :: 10.15pm
Ignore the intro, click the cut tag. An anti-Bush text adventure!
I don't know if any of you have experienced the glory and darn good times that are contained in text adventures but you should try them out.
While you're pondering your further descent into geek-dom, read this totally awesome fake text adventure game that bashes our president! (taken from this blog which actually isn't this political most of the time every once in a while)
Read more..
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2006 12 January :: 8.49am
Also, Leute...
It has come to my attention that my birthday is in less than a week (it's on Sunday, January 22). I wish to remain in the Kzoo area to celebrate, but you all are invited down to celebrate with me! We'll be partyin' it up at a chinese restaurant called Joy Fong which is located in Portage. I'd be honored if you guys came down and joined in on the celebrations.
I'll post more details later on in the week when I have more time and am not about ready to go to class.
Peace out, j0.
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2006 11 January :: 3.57pm
I scoff.
To sum it up to those who are too lazy to click the link, Armin Meiwes (the dude that's imprisoned for cannibalism in Germany) is sueing Rammstein for their song titled "Mein Teil" because it's about him.
I scoff.
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2006 11 January :: 1.15pm
Happy MLK[Jr.] day!
We get the day off to celebrate ^_^
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2006 15 January :: 1.04am
:: Mood: amused
Oh how I love nerds
So I was just watching SNL and this kid who lives down the hall came by. Now this kid is kind of a dork, but everyone loves him for it. Kind of like.....80% of the people in our circle of friends. Anyway, he was like "Oh, you're watching Death to the Cab too?" And I was like "What?" And he was like "Everyone's talking about how SNL's gonna be awesome cause Death to the Cab is gonna be on. Apparently their a (airqoutes) band." And I was like "Oh, I've never heard of them." And he was like "I haven't either, but now I feel better about it." And so then he left, and the band came on. And guess what? The band was Death Cab for Cutie.
So yeah. Death to the Cab=Death Cab for Cutie. I thought it was hilarious. I don't know if it translates into internet-ness.
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