2005 23 December :: 2.39am
:: Music: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Today was a good day ^_______^
It started off with my parents waking up very early and waiting outside the NBC studios to get tickets for the Tonight Show with Jay Leno (aka The Chin). My uncle drove Andy and I up there and we waited in line to get it. And we did. And we saw The Chin. It was awesome. If any of you all saw the Tonight show tonight, I was in the audience XP
Afterwards dad drove us to Hollywood Blv, where we went to the mall and the Chinese theatre. It was really cool. I got to stand on Johnny Depp's foot prints and compare my hand size with Marilyn Monroe's (mine're smaller). We went into the biggest Hot Topic that I've ever seen. There, on a whim, I checked their CD selection because I'd read on a forum on my Rammstein site that someone had found Rammstein's newest CD there (it's still unavailable in the states except over the interweb, and even then it takes 4 to 6 weeks to ship). Can you believe my luck? I FOUND IT!!!!!!! Dad quickly snatched it away and bought it as a christmas present for me. Squee!
Our last surprise for the evening was also amazing. We went into the Chinese theatre to just "check it out" and find dad some dessertage. Turns out that the parental units had bought special VIP tickets for the new Jim Carrey (Andy's been dying to see it). It was sooo cool!
So yeah, that was my day. Now we're sitting in the family room, watching the Tonight Show. It's kinda weird, knowing that those're our laughs and applause. The Chin is a hell of a lot funnier in person than on the TV.
Tomorrow is Disney Land!!!
And Rachel, I'll remember my camera ~_^
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2005 23 December :: 12.14am
Every kid wants an Ann Coulter action figure!
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2005 22 December :: 7.20am
An AMAZING Christmas tree story
When Hannah and I were at Schuler a few weeks ago, I bought this AMAZING Christmas tree that I thought looked pretty cool. In twelve hours, with magic water, this stuff happens! You can even grow an Aryan supremacy tree!
It seemed awesome at the time. Five bucks worth of awesome, at that. However, all my hopes were crushed in just a few minutes after my arrival home.
The tree had instructions on the bottom of the package. These instructions specifically stated that the tree would only last 3 to 4 days. Oh, that's okay. I'll just set the whole thing up on Wednesday night and hopefully it would last until Sunday.
So last night I finally got to set up my AMAZING Christmas tree.
Well, it follows that the "magical water" is actually monobasic potassium phosphate. Which I'm fine with, I suppose. I mean, it's not as magical when you give it a name like that but it's cooler. More cool.
Like all -ic-ium-ates, you shouldn't get monobasic potassium phostphate in your eyeballs. It is a buffering agent or a dietary supplement.
I actually didn't care what it was. (Did you see those side effects?) All I cared was that it would make my tree grow.
But it turns out that I should have cared because the monobasic potassium phosphate monobasic SMELLS REALLY BAD.
I have a very stinky Christmas tree (which I would love to show you because it's sweet but all the batteries to all the cameras in this house are dead.) sitting on my kitchen table right now.
9 o'clock marks 12 hours since it has been stewing downstairs. It also marks the point in time when we can put the star on top and sprinkle the glitter on it! Yay!
I love you all.
P.S. You should buy one. They're fun. I don't know if they're five dollars worth of fun but they're fun.
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2005 21 December :: 1.46am
Another lovely day in Californi-ay.
I slept in until 11, so I'm pretty much used to the time change (sleeping for 12 hours also helps). Parents dragged me and Andy away at 3 to go shopping at the mall and whatnot for Christmas presents. Andy and I found a shop that sold puppies and nobody could tear me away from the windows where I was cooing over the cute lil puppies. Ah wanna puppy!!!!
Caitlyn's starting to warm up to me. Dad gave a good reason; I'm not exactly a kid anymore, I've got this "mature" air about me (mature my big fat ass). But she was quite happy to see me and Andy when we got back. We played ballerina (no, I will not be playing that once I get home ;p), hide-n-seek, and the piano/microphone (she'd turn off the power while I was playing and turn the power on while I was fiddling with the microphone). I'll have some pictures of Caitlyn soon. She's freaking adorable.
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2005 20 December :: 12.31am
I'm in Calfornia now.
It's really strange seeing palm trees everywhere, oh and the fact that THERE IS NO SNOW. Weird. Plus it's warm. Also weird. I haven't been to California for ten or eleven years, when my uncle and aunt got married.
The uncle and family are doing well. Aunt is teaching my cousin chinese (I forgot which dialect...the one that isn't spoken in China), my cousin is still enamored with Andy and takes a while to warm up to me, the uncle has many gadgets with which to play or watch (he's loaning me The Nightmare Before Christmas).
I spent time on the plane catching up on my reading. I finished reading "One flew over the cuckoo's nest" (electroshock treatment and lobotomies should be against the law, and the Big Nurse should be hanged without a trial), the 6th Harry Potter book (had to try the hardest not to cry near the end when Dumblydore dies and his funeral), and started reading "Dave Barry does Japan" for the kajillionth time
I wish I'd brought my trenchy coat with me ;_;
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2005 19 December :: 11.22pm
Grades are in.
Third Semester French = A
Inquiry and Expression = B-
Nutrition, Exercise, Stress = A-
Interm Algebra & Trigonometry = B+
Web Page Design = A
Intro to Information Literacy = B
Pretty good for my first semester in college.
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2005 19 December :: 4.18pm
I'm such a dork
So it took me forever to get to sleep last night because I was afraid the dog man was going to attack. See there is this dumb song my dad plays about a dog man that attacks every 10 years. And it creeps the hell out of me. Even though according to the song it's not even the right year. And also it's a joke. When I got over the dog man I was freaking out because there are these plants by the window in my room and I could see them reflected in the mirror and they were shaped like Cthulu.
Yeah, I'm lame.
PS Random windmill!
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2005 19 December :: 12.40am
I don't know if it's a for sure thing but watch the Grand Rapids Press tomorrow. I'll put a link up if anything actually happens.
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2005 19 December :: 12.06am
So. I'm trying to set up parental controls so my brother can't play WoW 24/7 and so the rest of the world can get on the computer.
But they make you answer the security question that you chose when setting up your account. Ben helped me set my account up so he chose the question. "What is your favorite activity?"
I can't remember what he put as an answer but it probably had something to do with sex.
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2005 18 December :: 12.45pm
Merry family Christmas!
Andy and I are waiting for the parental units to come home right now, they're apparently at Meijer. Didn't call us until they were west of Lansing, those monkey butts. Mom's usually on top, but lately she's been way too forgetful and lenient.
We've made our usual Chinese stir fry. I'm making my not-as-awesome-as-Kristy's rice. The table is set, the wine (and wine mixed with vernors) is poured. C'mon mom and dad! Time to come home! Edward's hungry!
Merry family Christmas to all, and to all a "I'll say merry Christmas again on the actual date"!
Edit 20:04
We unwrapped all o' the presents. Andy got his much lusted-after portable DVD player. I got mah dream coat.
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Looks like I've gotta wake up early tomorrows. We hafta be at the airport by 8:30 ><" I'm sooooo not used to having a short flight (thanks to the 8 to 10 hour flights to Germany, England, Paris, and Zambia that I've had). I'll be bringing my computer with me, so I get to go through the compy security check that the flughafen always has. Joy upon joys.
*jumps up and down with anticipation*
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2005 18 December :: 12.32am
Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out
What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?
(I'm not okay)
I told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it means
(I'm not okay)
To be a joke and look, another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out
Forget about the dirty looks
The photographs your boyfriend took
You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed
I'm okay
I'm okay!
I'm okay, now
(I'm okay, now)
But you really need to listen to me
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
(Trust Me)
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-fucking-kay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
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2005 17 December :: 9.59pm
My Birthda Party
Alright, so here is the plan (thusfar), and I apologize completely for not having explained it in depth sooner. My party will take place on Sunday (AKA tomorrow) at 7 pm until whenever the hell everyone goes home. I have no idea what we'll do and whatnot, probably just watch movies and hang out like last year (if you came).
Everyone here is invited, but please just let me know if you're coming (by phone or woohu) so I have some idea as to how many people I should expect. Feel free to invite others who do not have access to this page, but please let me know before you do...
So yeah, that's pretty much it. I hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow. Hopefully you all know where I live. If not, then just give me a call or something.
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2005 17 December :: 1.10pm
Andy just found and showed this great video.
It's in German, but it's easily understandable even if you don't know the language.
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2005 17 December :: 11.27am
On the people chart, I'm on top of Ghandi.
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