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:: 2005 19 November :: 12.40pm

Okay, so it ends up that my appendix was fine. But my left ovary was bleeding severely. I'll probably be here at Bronson all day and let out tomorrow...tonight if I'm extremely well.

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:: 2005 18 November :: 9.08pm

Just as Rachel stated, yes...I am going to be a part of the appendix-less cult in a matter of a few hours. Third one of the family this year. Next will be mom.

Tara and I bonded over stolen latex gloves in a room at Sindacuse Health Center. She is seriously the best roommate in the world. I feel bad about all that I've made her go through today ^^" Tara, you're the best!

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:: 2005 18 November :: 8.20pm

So Katie is having her appendix removed.


Please pray for her.

She's still down in Kalamazoo at Bronson Hospital. I will probably go down there tomorrow, depending on how she's doing, if she's there and how the weather is faring. So if anyone wants to come along, I'll drive.

Oh, I forgot you're all not around here. Well if you want to come, find your way over here or be ready to pay me gas money to come get you.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 18 November :: 5.50pm
:: Mood: lonely

Hmm, so suddenly, I feel very lonely. I'm not sure where that came from, but I am. I've made a decent number of friends in the dorm. They're all nice, a little bit crazy, but still pretty clean (kind of like the old group back home, but two years older). I'm still friends with Rachael, who has been the savior of my weekends (if not for her, I'd have moped my way through every single weekend here not doing anything with anyone). Still though, I feel like I should be somewhere doing something with someone right now, but there's no one.

I have some work to do, an essay and a programming project. I can BS my way through the essay, and the program should be pretty easy once I get started. Still, I just really don't want to work right now. I don't want to sit on my ass either, but unfortunately the prospect of breaking in my chair is a somewhat more desireable prospect than researching some racial scientists of the late 19th century (by the way, the topic of race... ....I'm sick of it, no matter what anyone says, it's total bullshit. The difference is in culture, we are not all the same, because we have different cultures, but we are not all different in that our bodies are ultimately of the same basic design. That's all there is to it.).

I've been trying to write again lately. I can't say I've written much, but with any luck, I'll manage to get some work done in that area. Why am I not writing now since I have nothing better to do? Well because I'm not really in the proper mood, and I don't want to force it.

So yeah, to sum things up, I'm bored and lonely. Pardon this sad little entry in my journal. 'Tis not even dramatic and depressing, or happy, fun and sickeningly cute, just kind of blah, and such a step down after my massive (and apparently generally well received) rant on xanga.

Oh, on a more useful and informative note, I'm coming home this coming wednesday, possibly even this coming tuesday ^_^ (provided my bloody writing prof. cancels class like she should *shakes fist menacingly in general direction of Dr. Fernandez*). So let me know if you want to hang out sometime once I have returned ^_^.

Oh, and a bit of a heads-up. I'm quite seriously considering having a bit of a party on my birthday (the 19th of december in case you forgot). I figure it might be a good opportunity for us all to hang out in a big group like we used to before this dreaded thing called college snatched us all away, erm, and before we all kind of became boring and antisocial over the summer (no offense to anyone, I did it too). Oh yeah, and if I do wind up having a party and any bad blood is stirred up, I will insert a sobe bottle in your rectum, broken or whole (I have about 12 of those on my desk right now, and I figure I could put them to good use). So yeah, everyone here, let me know what you all think about the idea.

Hopefully you are all having an awesome start to your weekend.

Va con Dios mis amigos.

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:: 2005 18 November :: 9.04am
:: Mood: in pain

So I'm not exactly a narcoleptic zombie anymore. I just feel like someone stabbed a knife into my innards and has twirled it around. Yeah, fuck it hurts. It started last night when I was up in bed. Believe me, it was fun trying to get out of bed.

All I want right now is a cuddle buddy to hug me and give me backrubs, and my mommy.

And some medication would be highly appreciated as well ;_;

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:: 2005 17 November :: 1.29pm

So....I feel like shit.

I want to sleep, even though I've slept for more than 12 hours.

I am a narcoleptic zombie.

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:: 2005 17 November :: 7.27am
:: Mood: happy!

I just finished my paper for English. With 2 hours to spare! Go me! If I get a bad grade on this I will be extremely pissed being that this is the 2nd night in a row I spent writing till the crack of dawn. But at least I don't have anything else due till after thanksgiving....

That is all.

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:: 2005 13 November :: 11.46am

Yesterday was my aunt's birthday.

So I made sure that I spent time with my mom.

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:: 2005 13 November :: 12.35am

Western beat Central. Le w00t.

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:: 2005 11 November :: 5.59am

I don't have any friends at school.

The only person I actually hang out with a lot is Jeremy and he's planning on transferring next year. I'd love to hang out a lot with Emily, my friend from French class, but all the people who live on campus have their dorm friends and dorm things.

I mean, Shayne and I used to eat lunch all the time and hang out but he goes home to eat or hangs out with other people.

I'm hoping that next semester, when a girl I know from my I & E class is in another one of my classes, that I can be friends with her. And since my classes are switching around and I'll have tons of free time, I'll have more friend time.

I mean, you all know I don't have trouble "making friends." I don't know what's going on.

But it makes me really sad.

I love you all.

P.S. I was hoping Kelly and Katie were coming home this weekend because at the Wealthy Street Theatre today and tomorrow, they're showing the Wizard of Oz with a live band playing Dark Side of the Moon. Here

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:: 2005 10 November :: 5.45pm
:: Mood: retardedly happy

Random Stuff....including ham
I miss my dog like the dickens.

Also, my dorm room smells like ham and nobody believes me! Not even my own roommates! They were all like "Wow something in the trash really stinks." And I was like "I know it smells like ham!" And then they were all like "Jesus Christ Kelly it doesn't smell like ham!" But I swear to god it does. I even got a headache from it last night. I got a ham headache.

I will see you in less than 24 hours Katie! I hope your dorm doesn't smell like ham!

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:: 2005 10 November :: 3.54pm

So yesterday was awesome.

I actually felt like a part of something.

Jenn and I go to the Bigelowe caf after our math class and generally hang out in there for at least an hour. Yesterday we were there from 3 until closing. Yes. At one point so many friends were with us that we filled up a tiny table and another one was half filled. I finally felt like a part of a group, like I do back at home. It was an awesome feeling.

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:: 2005 9 November :: 8.45pm

Best illusion ever.

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:: 2005 9 November :: 8.21pm

I know I am awful and you might not be able to forgive me but I'm only on this site for a media study paper due tomorrow. I would not visit this site on my own free will.

Read more..

I love you all.

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:: 2005 9 November :: 12.32pm
:: Music: Deliver Us-Prince of Egypt

Ah, life in my territory. Some guy is in my throne, but I'm not gonna kick him out since he's talking to his grandparents on the phone. 73h k4y007.

I've been hanging out with my dear friends Jenn and Coop lately. We have too much fun. Just imagine the three of us getting an apartment and living together next year! That'd be crazy....and fun ^_^

In other news, I'm obsessed with Something Positive. I've found that I identify a lot with Peejee, except for the whole crush on a gay man thing.

Read more..

Western-Central game on Saturday!!! I get to see Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down with happiness*

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