2005 6 September :: 2.03pm
Well I have my second interview today in about, oh, 30 minutes. Wish me luck, I hope I get the job!
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2005 6 September :: 12.47pm
Today's been pretty okay so far. I woke up kinda late so I was rushing to get to class. Verdammt my legs burned! I felt so out of shape, even though I'd only been gone for a few days.
Today I conversed with my partner, a senior at the local high school, in my German Conversation class. He's kinda quiet, has frickin' adorable freckles, but nice. I asked him if he had senioritis yet, and he informed me that he's had it since his freshman year. I laughed and told him that that's how it was for me, and probably everybody else, as well when we were freshmen.
Ugh, legs hurt. Zey buuuurn. I'm gonna give myself ample time to get down to Brown this next time.
Hope everybody else's days are going fantastisch. Hearts.
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2005 4 September :: 9.21am
I've got "Magical Trevor" stuck in my head!!! *shrieks*
Dammit! Thanks, Rachel, for showing it to Ben!!
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2005 4 September :: 12.24am
so everyones going to collage and it got me thinking i should really go too, i was just ganna try to get in at a motorcycle shop, but now im planning on going to gvsu next year for criminal justice, and im probably going to go through rotc, so 4 years of millitary after collage, but thats cool, ill earn 27,000 dollars a year in the millitary, should pay off collage and a start twards a new home... but now im getting really exited about it, but i dont want to get ahead of myself, i still need to get accepted lol.
maybe ill be a collage kid too next year
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2005 2 September :: 9.09pm
Yay, I'm home.
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2005 2 September :: 12.59pm
Hello all.
I'm in the small p.c. room lab thingy at Rood (math building) right now. Waiting for the prof/whatever to come in. Some guy keeps snickering at something he's watching. w00t.
I'm going home after this class today.
And be proud of me, I didn't eat alone today for lunch. I sat with a couple of people on my hall, they're really nice.
Moo moo moo, blah blah blah. Home, yay, home. Hafta walk down and up hills again though to get to Garneau.
Ich bin fit!
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2005 2 September :: 12.20pm
So, it seems Mat does love me. That's always a good thing.
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2005 2 September :: 10.58am
Hi friends. Hows it going? I'm bored and don't have class for an hour. Hence I am updating. Yesterday I went to this club called the Open Grove Society, which is basically all about religious diversity. I met crazy people there. So I am apparently not the only weirdo on campus. So then after the meeting we went out for coffee and I learned all about ley lines and how Mount Pleasant has a lot of them. Which is creepy. I got back at like 12:30 and my roommates were like "Oh thank god you're alive" So the moral of the story is call if you're going to be late so you don't scare your roommates.
I'm going home later today. Anyone want to hang out? Its your last chance till thanksgiving probably.
I think thats it for now. Hope to see y'all soon. Bye.
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2005 1 September :: 12.57pm
Check it out!
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I talked to this guy in my German Conversation class. He's been to Europe 5 times, lived in Austria for 6 months, and Munich for 3 months. He's a pretty awesome dude, he's majoring in something political. I had fun talking to him ^___^
I've got German Comp in an hour, I don't like that prof as much as I like the prof from Conv. The prof from Conv. has a haircut much like the chick from Amelie. I like her bunches, she's my fave prof so far.
Ugh, I should probably go back to the room and get my stuff, then leave.
Peace out, yo.
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2005 1 September :: 8.02am
I don't remember how I got to bed last night. I tried to think of it but I can't. The last thing I remember is being on my computer. Odd, no?
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2005 31 August :: 3.43am
Alright, so I haven't much to say here right now. In fact, I can some up most of my general sentiment tonight with two words: Insomnia sucks.
I have been trying to fall asleep for a solid 3-4 hours before I gave up and decided to sit down here and start writing. I suppose, there is honestly quite a bit on my mind right now. I guess I won't post it here for now, for fear of sounding even remotely angsty. Though, I will still say that I really am getting pretty damn sick of being single. I mean, yeah sure, the freedom is nice. However, if you happen to have morals like I do and look at the notion of a purely physical relationship with disgust (not that I'm not guilty of having such a relationship in the past, but I assure you I felt bad about it the entire bloody time), then you know you really lack certain freedoms you only get in a relationship. For instance: the freedom to cuddle, and kiss. Heaven knows I've been missing those quite sorely for a rather long time now. That isn't it though, this isn't just me craving for cuddling and whatnot, I really just want a girlfriend, a companion, you know?
Well, so much for altogether avoiding angsty shite, though at least I managed to circumvent the majority of it. The time is now 3:53, which basically means that I have just few minutes more than 4 hours to sleep before I wake up (hopefully), and set out on a 25 minute hike to get to my calculus class.
Thank you to anyone who actually read my ramblings here, and allow me to assure you all that I am actually doing far better than I probably appear to be doing.
Farewell my friends, y va con dios.
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2005 30 August :: 8.39pm
September is a big band month.
Switchfoot's new CD comes out on the 13th.
Socialburn's new CD comes out on the 27th. (I'm glad they still sound like Socialburn. Even when they got a new record company. I don't think I can take another Eisley transformation.)
Our Lady Peace's CD came out today.
The Arcade Fire is going to be on David Letterman on the 14th.
Deerhoof's new album's coming out on October 11th so maybe it's just a fall thing.
I'm really excited for Socialburn's CD. Actually, I'm really excited for both Socialburn and Switchfoot. And Deerhoof.
The Books changed their site around. I like it.
I love you all.
P.S. Wouldn't it be nice if The Cranberries weren't "taking a break" or The Smiths were still together? Sigh.
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2005 30 August :: 5.04pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Million Things by Cloud Cult
Life is awesome. College is awesome. Here is a song for you lazy folks now that you're back in school.
I love you all. Cloud Cult rocks. They have a sad backstory though.
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P.S. I know my icon is awful. It's a placeholder until I find something less tacky. Plus it just makes me laugh.
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2005 30 August :: 1.49pm
I have an interview at Jonnhy Carino's at 2:30. Wish me luck!
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2005 29 August :: 8.40pm
Hi friends. So I made it thru my first day of classes. The first (and hardest) one was calculus. So hard in fact that I dropped it. Long story short, it went right over my head. So I'm taking geography instead. And then I had intro to philosophy. I'm rather excited about this endeavor, although there's a lot of reading/analyzing essays involved. It might hurt my brain. And my last class today was French 202. The professor spoke mostly in French but amazingly I understood most of it. But my homework took way longer than it should have.
On the morrow I have American Lit and more French. Wish me luck!
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