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:: 2005 23 August :: 12.31am

Hey all.

This is my last journal entry before leaving for Western!!!!

The only sad thing is that I don't know what else to say....

MOO! I'll miss you all, have fun and stay in school!

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:: 2005 22 August :: 11.41am

Hm. Anyone know why my table background isn't transparent like it's supposted to be?

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:: 2005 21 August :: 9.46pm

Oh and I don't know if I mentioned this or not but I have an interview tomorrow at 9:30 for a job at the Aquinas library.

I'm pretty sure I'll get it. I was the first person to respond.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 21 August :: 9.40pm

Ben, I don't know if you ever check Woohu anymore or blah blah blah.

But I'd just like to let you know...

I'm bringing the picture of the subwoofer with me to Western ~_^

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:: 2005 21 August :: 9.00pm

So I have my first math class on Tuesday. And I can't find my calculator.

I found my black sharpie (I noticed it was missing this morning), my copy of Le Petit Prince (which has been missing since our Mardi Gras project for French class. It was in the box with supplies that I took to school.) and this gold glitter thing that is involved in another story that proves I'm insane.

But no calculator. I figure I've got a while to find it. I only have math on Tuesdays and Fridays and I probably won't need it the first day.

Stressing out about it isn't helping either.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 21 August :: 12.56pm

Ugh, tired. I'm tired of packing, tired of looking at the little space left in my room, tired of seeing all the clothes that I wear (a hell of a lot if you ask me). Tired of insomnia, tired of stress, tired of being such a drama queen for the past 24 hours.

Dad and Andy set up Andy's stereo in his room yesterday. The boy now has surround sound, enough to drive a person that wants to listen to something other than classic rock all the time crazy. So I stayed holed up inside my room, blaring my German music as loud as I could on my computer's speakers (I'm trading my "stereo" aka speakers for dad's speakers, and I don't want to carry them up to my room only to carry them down again).

I never realized I had so much stuff until I started packing. Damn that's a lot of crap!

I took some Nyquil last night to try and squash out my insomnia (I also had a headache, so it was a good excuse). Sadly, it didn't work too well. At least I got to bed before 4 this time.

Tara and I are getting our beds lofted funky-style, which is cool. Only our residence hall and the residence hall connected to us can have the beds lofted this awesome way. I only hope that I don't roll out of bed at night, because the fall will hurt, not to mention wake me up ;p

FYE starts on Tuesday, here's the schedule if you're bored enough to see what I'll be doing. Classes will start on the 29th at 4 p.m. Crazy go nuts, I know. But hey, no classes for me on Monday then!!!

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:: 2005 21 August :: 11.45am

Last night was fun. Right Ben? :P Just kidding. It was cool though. I called Ben when I got out of work and used the rain-check to go play pool with him. For some reason we were both sucking last night, so Ben won, but not by much. I did win the first game afterall...but yeah, Fridays was ok, not a big fan, but they do make one mean roast beef sandwich. :D

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:: 2005 21 August :: 10.35am

I start college tomorrow at eight o'clock.


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:: 2005 20 August :: 10.11pm
:: Music: Iris-Goo Goo Dolls

I'm starting to pack my stuff up, which is very boring and difficult at times. And I'm thinking about looking through Grandma's stuff once again, maybe I'll find something that I need.


I love you all.

P.S. I dyed my hairs again ;p

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:: 2005 18 August :: 11.03pm

Kelly and I hunged out today after I babysat the family across the street for (probably) the last time before I go away to WMU. We went to Meijer with mom and, I swear, spent more than an hour getting stuff for college. I'm almost set, all I need to do basically is put the stuff in boxes.

Read more..

I'm leaving for WMU on Tuesday, that's when FYE (First Year Experience) starts. Ich bin nervous, excited, and a little scared.

If you want to know my address and phone number and whatnot, just comment here requesting it and I'll shoot you an e-mail.

For those of you that I won't see from now until I leave, it's been awesome and I'm gonna miss you all.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 18 August :: 8.33am

pointless rant

I want to sleep in but I can't. Maybe Wednesday I'll be able to.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 17 August :: 8.17pm

Lyrics to Männer sind Schweine
I decided to translate the lyrics to the awesome and mighty break-up song last night after listening to it a few times.

Read more..

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:: 2005 17 August :: 6.39pm

Tomorrow starts my three-day orientation at Aquinas.

Thursday, I'll go with my parents at around noon and do some things. They'll leave at 7 and I'll be stuck having to socialize. I can't believe I got into an unsocialble funk this close to school starting.

Friday, I'll get there at SEVEN THIRTY IN THE MORNING and do some more stuff UNTIL MIDNIGHT. I wonder if they realize that we're starting school soon.

Saturday, I don't have to be there until 11ish and I only have to stick around until 10 or so.

What sucks is the fact that, after orientation, I can't really hang out with anyone. I need to get to sleep at a reasonable hour and all that jazz. Anyway, Orientation information is here, if you're bored.

I start school on Monday!

I'm excited except for the fact that I spaced my classes out weirdly and I gave myself an early class. I'm not smart. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

Plus, I don't have a car so I'll be driving my mom's van until I get my own car. It's going to suck. I'm not even on the insurance yet and I start school on Monday. Maybe I can stay over at Nick's occasionally. He's only about two miles away from school.

I hope everyone's doing okay. I miss you already. E-mail me your addresses and jazz so I can send you letters.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 17 August :: 6.13pm

Remember that hot girl I met at Aquinas?

Behold and beware for her hotness is blindingly so!

Too bad she's interested in men. Hee.

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:: 2005 16 August :: 7.50pm

Hi friends.

How is everyone? I haven't seen anyone for a long time. And that is sad. But I can't do anything about that right now, on account of the muffler is hanging precariously off my car. I'll bring it in on the morrow.

Is anyone else getting annoyed with pre-college shopping and whatnot? Yesterday me and the parents got into a huge arguement over whether I needed a new clock or not. It was ridicoulous but mildly amusing.

Speaking of precollege annoyances, Katie, can I use you as a reference on a loan? So they know I'm not a bum?

So yeah, if anyone wants to hang out on the morrow, give me a call. Or I'll call you. I think that's it. Bye now.

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