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:: 2005 18 July :: 2.04am

Anyone who's finished with the Half-Blood Prince want to get together and have a cry party?

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:: 2005 17 July :: 4.39pm
:: Music: Orgy

Mmm...Orgy. They sound exceptionally good today.

So I'm back and sunburned. Sob cry. The lake water up North is really warm, much warmer than Ludington yesterday. I wanna go swimming again!

I bought the new Harry Potter book yesterday and read it, it's good. Makes me sad and depressed, yet good.

Olga has 878 songs on her now. Listening to some of the Escaflowne soundtrack songs I have makes me want to watch it. That and Jin Roh. But the boys are downstairs right now, and I don't want to torture them with subtitles.

Michi seemed interested in JTHM when I showed him it. He was intrigued because I've got my Jhonen background up right now on Tomato, and was asking me about him. (I can't help it if Jhonen is delicious-looking)

Moo. My cows are dead.

Edit 18.19
New layout. Jhonen style.
Tracey, you'd like the background ~_^

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:: 2005 17 July :: 3.15pm

KT, I have a friend who wants to meet you. ^_^

He just came back from Europe, he loves anime and he's three years older than you (which means he can buy you alcohol!). :D

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:: 2005 15 July :: 8.50pm
:: Mood: worried

Well, it looks like I'm going to have a bloody long and lonely night at work ahead of me...

...ah well, at least I get overtime pay.

Other than that nothing seems to be happening to me as of late. I managed to crack my writer's block shortly after I made my last post, since my internet gave out at roughly that time and left me with nothing to do, and massive boredom.

Interestingly enough I also just wrote a poem on a whim about two minutes ago. It's really not very good at all, and quite depressing, so I'll simply spare you the time and not post it.

Aye though, but aside from that, life is dull, certainly not bad, but quite dull.

I hope everyone else is having fun, y va con dios mis amigos y amigas.

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:: 2005 15 July :: 2.30am

Ben, I think I'm back up to 120lbs. Damn you chocolet cake! *angry old man fist shaking*

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:: 2005 13 July :: 8.22pm

So I'm home for like 2 hours. As is Tracy. I hope all is well with everyone. I'll be home friday night thru sunday morning also. Camp is going pretty good, with a few minor glitches that I might bitch about later. But not now. Because I really need a shower.


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:: 2005 13 July :: 3.03pm

I'll be gone tomorrow through a bit of Saturday. We're going to see the Sleeping Bear Dunes. I'm slightly intrigued because I've never seen them before, but also irked because I wanted to wait out Friday with Rachel for the new Harry Potter book's release. Oh well, at least Michi gets to see more of Michigan. Grumble grumble grumble.

Babysat last night, made more moneys to help pay for college expenses. I freaked mom out because I memorized her library card number in less than five minutes, then proceeded to request some books on her card. When she asked how they got there, I informed her by saying her library card number. I only memorized it because my card is off the database, it's been missing for years now. The library won't let me get a new one because I don't have a license. Damn them and their nazi ways!

I still need to turn in my info for the FYE (first year experience) dealy at Western.


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:: 2005 13 July :: 2.06pm

I'm taking my driving test next Tuesday at 1.

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:: 2005 13 July :: 1.05am
:: Mood: vexed

Ugh, so writer's block has officially infected me down to my core. I've tried writing pretty much anything I can think of, and I've come up with one big-ass blank, and a considerable heap of paper soiled with some of the worst garbage I've scrawled since I started trying to write my first book way back in middle school. (in case you're wondering, my first book ever, which I scrapped before ninth grade was essentially an X-men rip off with dialogue that was surpassed in quality by that of most B-level action movies. The only typed copy was -thankfully- deleted about two years ago.)

Ugh, so now I'm just listening to NIN while running through the plots of my current projects. Once, I finish this entry I'll probably run through all the notes I've ever written on my stories (which amounts to roughly 50-60 written pages for what I've written in notebooks, and about 20-30 pages for what I have stashed away in my computer). Honestly I don't really mind that at all, in fact, I'd rather enjoy it, if not for the fact that I know it will take me hours upon hours upon hours just to properly read, analyze, and piece together everything. *sigh* and the fact that I wrote everything out of order and between notes I took for classes, is not going to help things...
...particularly when I get to the part of my one notebook where I started writing backwards, and alternating stories...

...Ah well though, I'll have to do it sooner or later.

Hmm, so otherwise, my life has been extraordinarly boring. My mom left the house this last week, so I get the house to myself during the day, though I have to take care of our insane dog that hides in the closet all day, and water the flowers. Tomorrow I also have to bring my dog to the groomer early in the morning.

Somehow I think tomorrow is going to be one of those really long days. For some reason they seem to keep getting longer on me, along with the nights. Ugh, and I swear there is nothing to do this late anymore. Adult Swim is nothing but reruns except for on saturdays...
...and if I'm lucky I can find a single person to chat with online.

Well, that's pretty much it for now.

Va con dios amigos.

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:: 2005 12 July :: 3.38am

I attempted to run Gnomer with a friend and some people we didn't know.

The tank wouldn't tank, the healer insisted on fighting (and therefore dying so she couldn't heal or rez any of us) and then someone rolled on something that both my friend and I wanted/could wear only to disenchant it.

It ended with the healer jumping off the area we were all standing on, thereby aggro-ing everything, dying, then getting pissed off at us and leaving the group. Then the tank jumped down to help her, died, yelled at us and left.

The rogue was the only nice guy.

I really hate grouping with people I don't know.

And Gnomer is a sucky instance.

Good news: Rumor has it that the new patch comes out tomorrow/today!

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:: 2005 12 July :: 2.45am

I got lost in the jungle (in FFXI) for 45 minutes and no one would help me out. ;_;

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:: 2005 11 July :: 2.57pm

Woo! I just submitted a couple of photos!

The server at DA today is really slow. Grrrrrrr...

A friend of mom's asked me today if I was out of my black phase. I gave her a look (trying not to give her the evil eye) and informed her very coldly that I wear other colors as well.

Sometimes grownups can be so dumb. I hope I never become one of them.

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:: 2005 11 July :: 11.05am

I found someone to go with me to the Dear Friends concert. I would like to go to Michigan's Adventure on Saturday though and then go to the concert on Sunday, I just don't know how well Shayna's mom will like it. :/

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:: 2005 9 July :: 2.56pm

My succubus comes on command!

You know it.

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:: 2005 9 July :: 9.10am

Was ist Liebe?

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