2008 25 March :: 5.46pm
:: Music: temple of the dog
i had a dream last night that i played hockey with the red wings. i was really bad. but they still liked having me on the team, for whatever reason. it was one of those dreams where it's really frustrating, because you can't move as fast as you know that you can. and you keep trying to will your body to do stuff, but it won't. before that i was driving in a car with my sister. which i think was a continuation of a previous dream i'd had.
did the in-class shoot today. it kinda sucked balls, but whatever.
robby had to cancel today. which i guess is okay. i just wish he would have told me ahead of time so i wouldn't have had to go and reserve the recorder and have dad bring the mics out and all of that happy horseshit. but i suppose it was for the best. it gave me time to get more accustomed to the machine and think through exactly how i want to set it up when he actually can record.
also, i couldn't talk to the financial aid people today. but i made an appointment for next wednesday. and i might be able to do walk-ins before the appointment. i'm debating on how urgent my need is. well, i need $2000 by april 25, if at all possible. so pretty urgent, i suppose.
then again, i won't be able to give them anything if i can't register for the class, which i also have to wait on. i talked to the lady in the school of com office today, and she said that the names hadn't been cleared yet, and to try again next monday. and if they're not up by next monday, i'll just have to wait longer.
and the honors college still hasn't cleared me for WRT 305 yet, either.
so all around, a whole bunch of waiting for people to get their shit together. which is frustrating. but there's nothing i can do about it, other than wait, so i might as well just relax and enjoy.
there's a free trade concert tonight that i'm helping out at. the scientists are running the pa and recorder for the show. should be fun. i enjoy doing that stuff, and they're good people. always a good time.
Would you drop everything?
2008 24 March :: 11.23pm
dear god,
if i go deaf because i'm the first person to ever be diagnosed with a "skull infection" i am going to be pissed at you until further notice.
actually, my nose is getting a lot better. but now my left ear is all messed up. it's happened two or three times now where i go to blow my nose, and then i blow too hard or something, and my ear pops, and then it rings and feels all funky, occasionally making more popping/swelling sounds, until eventually it goes away. but the entire time it's like that, i can't hear shit. i know it's something to do with my eardrum. but that doesn't make me feel any better. i kind of need my eardrum if i want to work in a recording studio. motherfucker.
i feel good though. i got a lot of shit done today. and i have lots more to do tomorrow. should be cool though. i'm definitely getting somewhere with stuff and things. always gratifying.
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Would you drop everything?
2008 24 March :: 9.11pm
Would you drop everything?
2008 24 March :: 7.41pm
I must have smoked crack today...
Today is the last fast food meal for what I wish would be the rest of my life... and being that i"ve eliminated pot already I decided to make a list of other things to get rid.
things left to eliminate:
-Hamburger Helper
-not excercising
oh right, why I would say that.
Well I kind of went on a cleaning spree, and cleaned everything.
btw, who would have thought?
MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Family tree chart - Dynasty
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Would you drop everything?
2008 23 March :: 6.59pm
OH god damnit. But maybe the battery dying is for the better. I would have sat and listened for hours...
Would you drop everything?
2008 22 March :: 12.18pm
THis is just proof of the human inevitability, including myself, to anything to bitch about...
Would you drop everything?
2008 21 March :: 1.15pm
:: Mood: unintelligent
thanks andy!
here you go:
*names have been changed, for fun and profit*
so, i'm a little slow sometimes. we all know this to be true.
i got an email awhile back from FRED, saying something along the lines of "i was listening to music on xxxxxxx.com, and it made me think/feel some of our conversation a while back. you should check it out." so, i was like 'okay. don't recall having any conversation of this sort with FRED. but hey, i forget things all the time.' so, life went on. a little while later i actually went and checked out the site. it was sweet, so i sent him a note saying it was awesome, and he replied with a couple of bands to check out. so i did. and i thought, 'wow, FRED's taste has changed a bit. i guess that's to be expected. and i like it. it's cool. but it seems different for him.' but it wasn't really that far of a stretch, so i didn't question it. life went on. then i made a project for my media II class, using FRED's music, and i sent FRED an email requesting permission to use it. and he replied saying it was fine, using what i understood to be some quote from the liner notes. only, when i checked the liner notes, i couldn't find anything remotely resembling the quote anywhere on them. huh. that's odd. so, i sent FRED a message today, saying that i had finished the project and, if he was interested, i could get a copy to him on DVD. he messaged me back with his address, so i could mail it to him. but why would i need to mail it to him, when FRED lives right in town? i could just drop it off at his apartment.
so, after working out the fact - and coming to terms with the embarrassment - that i'd been talking to the wrong FRED for about a year, i then realized that i'd roped myself into sending a dvd, having nothing to do with FRED (not to be confused with FRED) - or his music - all the way to fucking san francisco. that, and i still don't technically have permission from FRED to use the music that i'm sending to FRED.
all because i'm an idiot.
so, long story longer, no matter how many problems and snafus you encounter with all of your dealings today, whether at work, or at home, or with other bullshit, at least take solace in the fact that you're not quite as moronic as me.
FRITZ (a tribute to any dr. seuss fans in the crowd)
Would you drop everything?
2008 20 March :: 8.09am
i'm pissed/ grumpy as shit today.
don't know why.
still hate my job.
Would you drop everything?
2008 19 March :: 9.33am
I had a dream last night that me, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Sam Jackson were in New York stealing cars. We had to run away from a helicopter and two cops but Chiwetel made the chopper crash into the other cars. Then we had to hide out in a rusty building in Central Park "so the heat seeking bastards" wouldn't get us. I'm pretty sure they'd still see us, but it was my dream, so back off.
Would you drop everything?
2008 19 March :: 12.52am
last night was epic.
compareable to a led zeppelin reunion concert.
Would you drop everything?
2008 18 March :: 11.58am
fuck you trent reznor
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Would you drop everything?
2008 17 March :: 10.59pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: the fucking spin cycle. it's a squeaky bastard.
this is a pretty typical conversation for us, i'd say:
me: yo
H: hey
just heading off
feeling better?
me: nope
H: huh
funny how that works
I suggest amputation
me: tie a tourniquet around my neck to stop the bleeding?
H: wrong head
me: no, that would only make it harder.
H: or turn blue and fall off
me: no, it does that on its own. it's a defense mechanism....
H: hmm
either way
register for classes tomorrow
me: yepper
H: I'm sunk
hst 300 - writing history and my capstone
plus the honors project
me: nice
H: boned
me: aren't we all...
H: you probably are
me: not tonight.
H: sucker
me: nope, not that either.
H: even worse
me: yeah
H: alright, I'm out
see you around
me: bye
i like that it doesn't have to make sense to make sense.
alright, sheep-man. what's the next move? and how do i make this cold go away?
pretty please!
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Would you drop everything?
2008 16 March :: 12.07pm
everything was so new. it goes so fast.
Would you drop everything?
2008 15 March :: 1.17pm
ahhh success. I've never been so lively after a night like that but something in me clicked and it took about two seconds from when I opened my eyes to get up and moving. Now I have this whole day ahead of me.
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Would you drop everything?
2008 15 March :: 12.54pm
i pissed jennie off that works at howies,
i'm building her a cake right now.
Would you drop everything?
2008 14 March :: 11.08am
gonna be a good day, i've got that feeling.
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Would you drop everything?
2008 13 March :: 2.01pm
I'm floating down a river
oars freed from their holds long ago
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Would you drop everything?
2008 11 March :: 11.58pm
:: Music: metallica
strongbow on tap
it was a lot of fun going out tonight, and we got to see professor eick and stuff. he seriously gets more and more cool every time we hang out with him.
i didn't get anything done today, unless you count cleaning the bathroom floor. hopefully that will alleviate our ant situation.
but yeah. not very productive today. that's alright though. that's why we have tomorrow.
and the day after that...
and the day after that....
Would you drop everything?
2008 11 March :: 11.19pm
nope not true. just sayin.
oh, and...
i miss everyone!
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Would you drop everything?
2008 11 March :: 1.55am
i think i just fell in love with four finger five.
i MUST see them next time they're at founders. which i believe is april 19.
i should go to bed.
but damn. this is the shit. it's just such a solid, soulful groove. right in the pocket. amazing.
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Would you drop everything?
2008 10 March :: 12.43pm
so, did anyone else think it was funny that on "my name is earl"
when Chubby(burt reynolds) died, his son little chubby was played by norm macdonald?
"you see, its a oversized hat, its funny"
Would you drop everything?
2008 10 March :: 1.21am
i hate how this job dictates my life.
i hate having to wait till 10:30 on my saturday night to go to work before i can go out and have fun with my friends.
Would you drop everything?
2008 9 March :: 11.48pm
so, i've been working on an idea for this scriptwriting project i have, and i think i like it.
i've been getting lots of help from people, but i think that you guys can help too.
basically, i have certain things i want to incorporate in the thing... certain details. but i still need more ideas to kind of fill in the gaps and create tension and conflict and stuff.
what i have so far:
this kid in high school is keeping a journal. shit happens. i plan on taking advantage of discrepancies between the journal and the "reality" of the situation.
but i'm kind of wondering about what kind of shit happens? what stuff is this kid into? who is this kid? what are they like? what are their friends and family like? etc.
this is where you come in. if you have any ideas, especially those related to journaling, since you are my journaling community, please let me know.
these ideas CAN be based on your own personal experience, but don't HAVE to be.
any and all help with this would be greatly appreciated, as i'm already three weeks behind schedule, after going in partway before completely scrapping my first idea.
Would you drop everything?
2008 8 March :: 9.21pm
so, yeah, i've got better things to be doing right now in grandrapids than sitting around waiting for a fucking bus to come in.
but, i've got to wait till 10:30 so i can go clean this peice of shit thats probably going to be trashed by some fucking jr highschool peices of shit.
I have to clean it tonight because the mother fucker leaves tomorrow morning at 8 am.
I relly really like this job, i'm just sick of all the bunkass hours. 8-5 then come back at 10 and do these busses that have to leave in the morning.
its dumb, really dumb. fuck it.
Would you drop everything?
2008 8 March :: 2.05am
worked today from 8-4:30 5:30-7:30 went to a birthday party, then from 10:30 till 3:30 i worked.
and i have to go back tomorrow at 8pm and work, then i have 2 busses on sunday to do
Would you drop everything?
2008 7 March :: 12.50am
mister jay,
kristi called me tonight. we talked about lots of stuff: me. the frank lloyd wright house that's near her apartment. me. her mom's obsession with american idol. my family. her dad's snoring. my snoring. her snoring. RED WINGS HOCKEY! me. her friend at home, whose name started with a B(ecky?). me. my journal. me. her myspace. me.
needless to say, it was a great conversation.
in other news, i went through all my old looseleaf stuff. it got me thinking about atman a lot. and katie. you know, i used to think he had a thing for her. what's more, i still think he had a thing for her. i'll cite a certain game of "king of the bed" as exhibit A. i know for damn sure he wasn't trying to get me on his bed. i'm pretty sure he was trying to shove me out the window. it was all in good fun, though. then again, maybe he really was just trying to be "king".
anyway, guess who i get to see tomorrow: kristi. and kevin. and probably emily. and maybe some other people. and dad and libby and joe. but still mostly kristi.
p.s. this entry is still all about kristi, whether anyone (including her) fully realizes it or not. even the bit about addison and katie is really about her.
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Would you drop everything?
2008 6 March :: 3.18pm
:: Mood: nostalgic again
:: Music: lots of it
por kebin
there are more, i'm sure, but this is at least a portion of "kevin" songs within my repertoire:
bnl - crazy. you know why.
311 - champagne. the whole of "from chaos" really. i know i make you listen to that a lot more than you probably want to, but it always means "kevin" to me.
the chemical brothers - block rockin' beats. yessir.
fastball - out of my head. we still need to play this song.
jamiroquai - cosmic girl. cruising in your car, the first time i'd ever heard of jamiroquai. always a good time.
jimi hendrix - voodoo child. Al groth is a god.
john mayer - 3 x 5. pick one of the many times. it's a recurring favorite, and has been for years.
led zeppelin - since i've been lovin' you. this song is the reason i miss your zeppelin phase. i love the hell out of this song.
maroon 5 - secret. from the solar experience days. ah, yes.
pink floyd - the great gig in the sky. didn't you come to laser floyd with us senior year? either way, this song reminds me of you.
sixpence none the richer - puedo escribir. it's obviously not spanish, but that doesn't make it any less kevin for me.
soad - chop suey. this was when i was hanging out with tony putt and ryan gravelle a lot. and james golden, actually. but while you were busy ignoring me with bruce said checkers, i was secretly wishing we were in a band, playing this song. i know, i'm creepy.
weezer - only in dreams. you already called buddy holly. i just really like this song, and again, had imagined someday performing it with you.
weird al - since you've been gone. another recurring favorite.
average white band - pick up the pieces. Dr. Strangeglove. fun times. i still need to see that movie, though.
plain white t's - stop. this whole album reminds me of the sound that you were into back in the day. i only got it recently, so it has no specific attachment to any memories, but the overall sound is enough to hearken back to that era.
p.s. you're so fuckin' gay....
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Would you drop everything?
2008 6 March :: 2.36pm
why did they ever cancel this course?
and, more importantly, why was i sifting through the 1998/99 course catalog for audio classes? because i'm what they call "mentally retarded". that, and, apparently the reason i like grand valley is because it is so much like me. at least in the sense that it never throws anything away - even if it is obviously completely useless.
PHY 125 Introduction to the Physics of Music and Sound. Physical, musical, architectural, psychological, and anatomical aspects of sound. Particular emphasis will be placed on the physical basis of music and the acoustical properties of auditoriums. (3-0-0). Three credits.
Would you drop everything?
2008 6 March :: 12.00pm
So... I'm doing my usual re-hash the past thing. Whatev. The point is that between last night and now I've been scanning some of the old songs that I used to listen to alot. We're talking my freshmen/sophmore year. This has been a couple week process but I"m not making a list so I can look at it later when I forget about these songs again, plus maybe you'll see something you remember from way back when and we can have a moment... together!
List of Songs:
Weezer - Say it ain't so ( I thank stewart for this song which started this journey), El Schorcho, Sweater Song, Buddy Holly, etc. It's weezer, just about every song is a "bring back good times" song.
Lost Prophets - Shinobi v. The dragon ninja/ Fake Sound of Progress. Dusty and I used to crank this song alot.
The Get Up Kids - I'll catch you/ Holiday. I totally forgot about this band. summer of 8th grade man... god damn I'm old.
All-American Rejects - Last Song. Wasn't always their biggest fan but I loved this song.
That fucker Chris Carraba - Living in your letters/ Bitter Pill. I know... I know... But there was a time, even if he is a narcassistic asshole who wines till he gets his way. Plus I'd be lying if I said I didn't still like the bitter pill song. I think it's the progression that gets me. Maybe I'm gay, who cares...
311 - Well, you know, just about every song, but if I had to be specific I'd say All Mixed Up/Confusing Use of Time/Purpose. Confusing Use of Time was a song that reminds me of Ski Club, those were the best of times.
Incubus - Anti-Gravity Love Song/ Here in my Room. I still listen to these, of course. But based on the whole vibe I have going, the songs are transcending their usual sounds and providing me with some good emotions. Summer Romance is a dusty standard from a LONG time ago, and here in my room will always be me and Chris, that fag. I love you.
Brand New - I still hate them. Gotcha bitches! And don't you forget it future Kevin. Classic me, really.
Thursday - How Long is the Night. Hilary turned me onto them, and I still like them like I like TBS. Not really fond of their newer stuff though.
Bad Ronald - Let's Begin (Shoot the Shit). Dude... how did I not know what this song was about? I guess I was 15.
311 - Tribute - I know I said 311 already... but I totally fucking forgot about this song, and I was borderline stalker obsessed with this one.
Blink182 - Party Song/Josie. Dusty made his TV pro video to Josie and we did a bunch of "jackass" stuff., and the other one is just fun.I refuse to put any other songs up there, because they hold no super significance to me other than the ones I may have attempted to play in a band.
Rival Schools - My Echo. Another one hilary turned me on to. Good times, you should look it up. here I'll do it for you. http://www.last.fm/music/Rival+Schools/_/My+Echo
FenixTX - Threesome. Lol. I know, I forgot about it too! If I were any older when this song came out it would have been my mantra. Because you both deserve a good time, and any position ;).
Silverchair - The Greatest View/ Emotion Sickness/ Ana's Song / Hell pretty much the entire "Neon Ballroom" album and then some. Probably who I view as one of the most underrated bands ever. THey had hit's sure, but Neon Ballroom is timeless and is some of the most Musically competent "alternative" music ever. Go Aussies.
The Vines - I'm only Sleeping (Cover). I thought it was well done to their style, plus I loved the vines, and God Knows I HATED the Hives... I dont' remember why though. I think it was a song they did I just thought was obnoxious. Who cares...
Taking Back Sunday - Ghost Man on third/ There's no "I" in team/ that whole first album. Very few people I know weren't into them at some point. I did my TV Pro video to Ghost Man, and it came out alright. Remember the Trilogy.
Something Corporate - If you C jordan/ 21 and Invincible. C'mon, we all know if you C jordan. and here I am now, 21 and Invincible.*tear* /wrist
Glassjaw - Worship and Tribute - Thanks Chuck for that one.
Saves the Day - At your funeral/ She
I'm sure there's more, but that's enough for now. Instead of dwelling any further I'm moving towards the future. If there is, however, any songs that you remember that I have not listed that you tie someway to me and you know I'd remember, let me know.
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Would you drop everything?
2008 6 March :: 12.49am
:: Mood: nostalgic
:: Music: pink floyd - the division bell
denham's dentrifice
so, got four cavities filled today. that was fun times.
had an interesting talk with mom. and libby's growing up. it's so weird / cool / frightening all at the same time. i think she'll turn out just fine. but it's really a bizarre experience to watch her going through it. it feels like seven years was such a long time ago. and it was. it just freaks me out knowing (or, not knowing, rather) that i'm going to be someplace unimaginable, doing something i can't even begin to guess at, once another seven rolls by.
and tuesday was mom and bruce's 10th wedding anniversary. we were looking at the wedding pictures. it was crazy. pal's is the same as ever, though. which, in some ways, makes it even more weird.
i really need to get rolling on this homework, before it's too late.
but i love this song.
in other news, my tax returns finally came back, so i can pay rent tomorrow. i was starting to get a little worried. five days is a pretty close call.
Would you drop everything?