2004 20 October :: 11.08pm
:: Mood: ..
My head hurts.. why do I get depressed so easily?
And I have such.. wonderful days. o.o
Tomorrow's UTurn, Battle of the Sexes. If you spell that backwards, you get the same thing << That's so great. Anyways, I going to go..
I love you.
Make my heart stop hemhorraging over my insides.
I love you.. anyways.
6 hugs |
For me
2004 19 October :: 6.35pm
:: Mood: Okay
:: Music: The rushing of outside.
Some Day. And stuff.
Augh, another crazy day xX;;; Mmkay, let's start
The Drop-off:
- The point where my mom leaves me to the cruel world of fate, and a street crossing o.0;;; But today, I just HAD to be late 'cause I was wearing a mini-skirt ._.;; So yeah, we go to the drop-off, and GUESS WHO'S THERE?!
If you said Abraham Licoln, WHAT ARE YOU ON?! o.o No, it was hot goth kid Keith, smoking (TT Noo) with his girlfriend and two other boys. I was like "Mom.. keep driving" and she's like "I can't! I'll hit them!" so I said "But.. that's Keith!" and she's like "Oooh.." So I had to get out any way and I tried to move quickly xX; When I was at the stop light, I glanced back and he was staring at me xx;; Awkward..
Algebra 1:
- I didn't get to sit with Amanda 'cause I was late, so I went straight to class.. They had this PTSA for Toga Day, which was hilarious. It had two kids dressed in togas, sitting there, with the pondering pose, one saying "Socrates.. why are we dressed in togas?" the other "Maybe.. because it's toga day?" and both went "HMNNNNNNN!" XDDDD It was SO GOOD! I was laughing ^^ 'Cause it was so good! So yeah, that was that.
Personal Fitness:
- Classroom day. I turned in my perfect folder and took the chapter 4 test. I think I did pretty good. Nothing else really happened.
Integrated Science:
- Julio was raping Erin again o.0; She apparentally bit his shoulder and he picked her up off the ground by the pants. It was amusing ^^ But looked painful at the same time. Poor Erin. I soon learned that I had forgotten my water bottle.. and it sucked xX; Oh well, I lived.
World Geography:
- Heh.. Mr. Bianchi. <<; I learned today that our project on Africa was due tomorrow, soo.. I made plans to take Keith home with me rather quickly. ^^; Ahh, flexibility and chance of high school. Anyways, took another test in herr. Nothing else.
- First time I've played in a week. I didn't like marking time in a skirt 'cause my shirt kept pulling it up, and when I'd pull down my skirt, my underwear would go with it o.0;; Now.. that's.. just wrong, my friends.
- XDDDDDD Emily, making a phone call on her cell during lunch. I INCONSPICUOUSLY layed my head on my back pack to call my mommy. It was pretty funny ^^ After lunch, we, of course, went over the the goth table. I hugged my tall friends and Mizz, the darling who invited us in the first place, annnd.. Naomi saw Keith talking to his girlfriend, who then looked at us..
Oh yeah.. we're on the hit list >>; Now she knows what we look like, so we're SOOOO dead. OmG TT;
Pre AP English:
- Heh, hearing and vision tests. We went to the Little Theater for most of the period. Zach and Eli knocked the pretzel cantine over inside the tickets booth and I was running around, showing off my moustache (the handles tied together hanging just below my nose >>) It was great. I love Ms. Spurgeon ^^
TV Production:
- He STILL hasn't played our tape, or even watched it, I think. We continued watching The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock today, god, I love that movie XDDD It's like.. genius. Especially when the birds are chasing the kids. It's not like the kids MADE NOISE or anything!
But it was great ^^
After school:
- Met up with Keith and dragged him to Publix. We bought a peice of black poster board and waited for my mommy. This guy kept giving people flyers to vote for Kerry, which perplexed me.. But oh well. Stuff will be as stuff does.
We went to my house and worked on some stuff before I made him go home. Poor kid, I was like "Keith, you're going home, I'll be right back" >>;; Yeah, but I finished it. And it's pretty.
Sorry, Keith, I didn't use the Jackal picture.. but I was thinking about it XDD I printed out pictures on the Zulu culture fest and one of South African land scape. Our A is in the bag, my dear.
So yeah, talked to Jenn for a little bit, I love her to beans ^~ I've been talking to Evan A LOT more since the movies, he's really a sweet kid, if you get past the part when he shot people and went to military camp.. <<;;;
But what can you do? It's a crazy world.
I've decided that Jade, Lo, Jenn, and I are going to the Spanish River Homecoming on Saturday the.. umn.. 24th. There's also a home game on the 23rd (Friday) so if you want to see Emily in her lovely, pointing, ass-defining band uniform, COME ON DOWN! o.o; It's in the 'Shark Pit' at 7:30, I think. I don't know for sure, but I'll update you, 'cause I know you're just dying to root for the Sharks, right?
Even though they haven't won a game of foot ball yet..
But yeah..
I shaved my arms last night.. What a silly feeling ^^ And they look so much nicer with out the long, dark arm hair <<; I feel like a lady?
I dunno. I think I have homework, but I really don't want to do it.. Gosh, I sure do type a lot.. I need to wash my shorts.. AND! I need to get peices for my Jack costume (Jack Sparrow are gooderest ^^) Anyways, umn, yeah..
7 hugs |
For me
2004 13 October :: 9.39pm
:: Mood: Wheee!
My day ^^
Heh ^^ Today was fancy. I thought it would be my best day EVER, 'cause Chris sent me this chain letter in IM and it said if I sent it to ten people in some amount of minutes, today would be the BEST DAY EVER! o.o;; But it wasn't >< DAMN YOU CHRIS! Oh well, I lived ^^ Here it is!
-I got up kinda late (6:45 xX) so I left kind of late as well. I think it's so snobby, there's this girl next door who goes to Spanish, driving herself every day, and I can't even ride with her o.0;;;; Oh well, preps suck, I'll get over it ^^
Sitting with Amanda:
-Yeap, I do this every morning before first period. I trudge across the street, scowl through the halls and fall into a sit next to her, then we chat about how many people are wearing a color and vote on tallying or not. Then we decide if we want to scream out a random guy name to see if one looks at us. They usually don't but whatever. It's happened before, but with a chick XDD I was like "MICHELLE! I love you!" and this other girl turned around and I was like "o.o; You must be Michelle, too" and she was like "Yeah" and I disappeared into my class ^^
Not much happened in our hall sit today, but it was still cool.
Algebra 1:
- After the morning announcements we migrated to another room. Mrs. Richar's daughter is so cute =p We did some graphing today. I hate graphing, but whatever. I survived, right? XD
Personal Fitness:
-AUGH! We went outside 'cause of PSAT testing in the gym TT We couldn't even be in the Fitness Room 'cause of that. How mean. It was kinda okay, 'cause it was all breezy. But I still hate being outside. I started hyperventilating as we were walking outside XD I'm such a drama queen! You'll see more about this drama queen point a bit later.
Intregrated Science:
- Wojo is so awesome. Me and Erin started beating up Dirk. God, I cannot fight, but SHH! Don't tell! I still want to be able to threaten mercilessly! o.o; So we watched this INSANE British-sounding movie about the elements. The elements would talk in rhymes, and it would always be the same guy's face and accent. I loved it when he explained Potassium and Lithium XDDD 'Cause if you have too much Potassium, you get hyperactive, and Lithium is the counteractant.
So he was talking about Manic Depression, so he'd talk real fast then talk reeeeaaaalllll sloooooooowwwwww then real fast! then reeeeeeaaalllllll slooooowww and it was just so funny ^^;
But hey, atleast I learned something, right?
World Geography:
- Oops, oral reports today ^^;; I finished mine a little bit ago, and I did do a little bit last night, but I go pre-occupied, so it didn't get done last night, but now it's done! It was so funny, we were making fun of annoying Kasey, saying she was anorexic and stuff, and she's like "Oh my gaaaaawd! I am SO not ANO!" and we're like "Wow, she even knows the nickname, she must be anorexic!" and she's like "NUH UH!" then Mr. Bianchi said something about Tinkerbell and she's like "I used to LOVE Tinkerbell, then she got so commercialized and I didn't like her anymore" and someone said "You liked her 'cause she was so skinny, right?" and it was just.. hilarious ^^
- Ah, the 2nd day of "My Clarinet's in the Shop" scandal xDD But yeah. It was SO gross! Hey Omni palxx0rs, remember Evan Pelz from the morning announcements? Well.. he has a girlfriend o.o;; ASHLEY WEISSMAN! OMG!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! They kissed right infront of me and I FREAKED OUT! I started running about the band room, screaming "OH MY GOOOOD!" it was funny, but people were like "Chill out" "Shut up" stuff like that xD Then Naomi told me she gave a note to her sister to give to Keith, 'cause her sister is friends with Keith (Hot Goth Kid Keith) and she said that she put that I loved him in there so I started freaking out again
My fucking knees gave out XDDDDD
I'm sure he already knows, but GOD! So I sat out for a half an hour, and I spent the rest of the half an hour looking from Evan to Ashley in sheer amazement xDD He caught me staring at him and was like ".. What?" and I was like "0.0;;;;" xDD
So yeah ^^;; You know how it goes.
-Mm, not much happened. I was screaming again. I do that a lot, don't I?
Pre AP English:
- Not much happened here either. I was being smartsy.
TV Production:
-Hee ^^ I chilled out next to the camera thingies.. AUGH! Why must hot goth kid Keith be so attractive? ExpeciallY with a guitar! >< And.. a whip! XDDDDDDD Don't even ask how that happened, but yes, he did have a whip, and I think I drooled. xDD
My bad ^^;
Anyways, I just got back from art class <3<3 Had a BUNCH of lasagna TT Yum, and sooo.. HERE I AM! <3
I Love you all! ^^
6 hugs |
For me
2004 12 October :: 10.04pm
:: Mood: Frustrated
Teh Scream
This has been a scream of sexual and embarrassed frustration by: EMILY, GODDAMMIT! ><
Luvvles ^^
9 hugs |
For me
2004 11 October :: 11.10pm
Why'd I even try <<;; I are not sexyful! XDD
10 hugs |
For me
2004 11 October :: 10.30pm
:: Mood: Depresses/annoyed -- Happyyyy
Some stuff.. that is good.
Hiyo.. It's me again. This is pretty much a time filler so I can get my clothes out of the laundry with out being bored and falling asleep. I guess I could take a shower, that would be good.. But I really REALLY don't feel like it.
I know that sounds really gross and stuff, not to mention I wanted to stay in the same clothes again, and it would of been the third day tomorrow, but I'm not going to. Well, I kinda am, I'm wearing the same thing, but I'm washing it. 'Cause washing things are good. Something or some one has been stealing my arm warmers, and it makes me sad.
Because I like them.
And no one calls me, even if I post my number as an away message.
That makes me sad, too.
God, I can whine a lot.
I guess it doesn't help that I'm on my period.
I can't believe you're still reading, because this is pretty irrelevent, I'm sure. o.o;
Just teen angst, and some PMS, mixed with stress and a dash of sweat and laundry.
That's scary.. A very scary thought right there. Let's see what I talked to Jade about.
Jade: I love you
Em: My heart hurts again and I don't know why
Em: Jade, why do I always get so depressed over nothing!?
Em: Nothing at all! And I'm just so sad! ><
Jade: ~licks~ I know how you feel, that doesn't happen to me anymore though...
Em: You could say it's PMS right now, but it happens when I'm not ovulating, too..
Em: Anymore..?
Jade: I don't get depressed
Em: No..?
Em: What's your secret? Tell me, buddha!
Jade: I don't let myself, because I'm really really happy go-lucky now, and I don't want to fail myself by being depressed, because it's like I'm just giving up, I can make myself stay happy, even when I don't want to be, and I don't have you guys, I force myself to be happy.
Jade: Because depression... It hurts, a lot, and I just find it easier to be happy.
Jade: Or be indifferent, if I can't be happy.
Jade: I never thought it would be easy, you know? I never thought I was able to make myself happy, I never thought I could fight it without you guys... But here lately, it just kinda happened...
Em: ^^
Em: Good for yoooou!
(Wow.. I'm a bitch o.o;;)
Em: I wish such enlightenment would raise my spirits
Em: But it holes me more >>
Jade: ~licks and huggles~ It won't be like this forever, that I promise. If I can do it, so can you.
Em: I'm a helpless drama queen with a buncha friends o.o;
(And I love them all, mind you, this is just some more whining to the only person who'd put up with it.)
Jade: Nothing's more pleasing... than a tummy full of chocolate and ice cream.
Jade: o.o
Jade: Try that remedy
Em: I already did ramen and Dr. Pepper
Jade: Try chocolate, cause it really helps.
Jade: Sailors promise!
(Note: Jade isn't a sailor >>)
Em: I don't have any
(Prepare yourself.. for the DOWNHILL RIDE OF TEEN ANGST AND PMS!!!)
Em: Screw it
Em: I have no future
Em: And I'm a Boca brat
Em: Spoiled
(Spoiled, tubby, short, tan, mock-rebellious, I couldn't break a major rule if I wanted to, I have mental problems, I think I'm acquiring acute respiratory issues due to stress, AND! I only just started high school!)
Em: The whole deal
Em: I just haven't dressed the part yet
Jade: ~smacks her butt~ Well shame on you then...
(What is it with people and my behind? I guess it's just so fucking huge that they have to touch it. o.o;; Wow..)
(Mroww! Hisss! >>)
Jade: Mm-hm...
Em: Grr! o.o;
Jade: You apparently thought you did something wrong, so I was just 'punishing' you.
(I really didn't understand that part, but whatever.)
Em: Then I started thinking about that stupid show, Unfabulous or some shit
(Ugh, I hate that show, it is S0000 poser ><)
Em: With that singing girl who started high school
Em: I thought about sending her a hate letter
Em: 'Cause she can't sing
Em: And she's a bitch to her friends
(Sound familiar?! o.o;; No, don't look at them, I was talking about me.)
Em: So why not? <<;;
Jade: I'm sure she gets enough...
Em: Tell her who ever gave her producer the idea was on crack
Em: 'Cause it was stupid to begin with
Em: And we don't need any more TV-Stars-turned-Pop-artists
(Curse the system! Screw the Man!)
Jade: Yup
Em: >>;;;
Em: Le blah
Jade: .. Excuse me for a moment... I'm going to go make myself some choco-milk... Cause I need something cold and chocolate...
Jade: I'm getting... ice cream tomorrow...
Jade: Or... I'll like... die or something... o.o
Jade: And Dr. Pepper... And I'll be good
Em: I need.. chocolate milk
Em: That would be so hot
Em: I'd be like.. yum. xD
Yeap.. there you go. Amazing, huh? I'm sure you were enthralled and ensnared in every little bitsy peice, huh?
Well, in more currenter news, if it could get more current >>; We made our music video yesterday, and it was pretty crazy.
We did Magic by King Diamond (the coool guy). I was supposed to be King, Jade and Laur were guitarists and Chris was the drummer.
Sooooo.. We decided I was going to do a knee slide under the battle of the guitars, but instead, I walk into the guitars, turned knee-slid under the guitars, ran into the door ('cause we filmed it infront of my front door) pushed off from the door, got attacked by our ghetto drum set (a bunch of buckets on stools and a covered bowl as a base drum with King Diamond's sign)(Which REALLY looks like a penis) Chris picked up the drums off me, I grabbed the bowl/bass drum, smacked myself in the head with it (though you couldn't see this because Laur or Jade was standing infront of me) then started showing off the red penis sign on the thing.
I stood back up and started singing again, it was great. Really funny ^^;
I turned it in this morning to Mr. Weddle and got really scared 'cause he said before that he was going to show them on the morning announcements, and I didn't know if he would show it today. He didn't (thak god) and we didn't even watch it in class. I would of been okay if we watched it in class today because Hot Kid Keith wasn't there, so I wouldn't be as embarrassed as I would be if he was there.
All this over a boy.
A very attractive, gothic, make-up wearing, color coordinated, yummy, pale boy..
Damn o.o;;;
Naomi, Michelle, and I have like.. a fucking Keith fan club. Speaking of this goth boy, let me tell you what happened one day.
------------------- FLASHBAAAAACK! ----------------
Mmkay, soo.. We're at lunch, and Keith walks by, and Michelle says hi, then Naomi's like "Hi" and I waved some, though I was like, paralyzed. And he walked away, so I was like "OOOOOH MY GAWWWWD!" and started to fake cry in Michelle's stomach, and she was patting me, and.. he comes back o.o;;
I was like.. frozen, my fucking FACE in Michelle's LAP (xD) and Naomi's like "Hiiiiii" and Michelle's like "Looking for someone?" and he's like "Yeah.." and Naomi's like "I like your pants.. and your boots.. they're really cool." And I still didn't move 'cause I was so scared.
I could just feel him looking at me, and I was so embarrassed, I mean, I have last period with this kid xD (TV PRODUCTION! XX) So yeah, he went away, and I freaked out again, and it was funny.
------------------- END FLASHBAAAAACK! ----------
Heh.. Today was silly, too. This boy walked by with REALLY hot chainy pants and Naomi's like,"I like your pants!" and he's like "Thanks.." and I was screaming after him "I LIKE YEW!! I LIIIIIIKE YOU A LOOOTTTT!!!"
<<; I scare any one who walks past our table xDD
I would scream out different words for period, and every time I did, this other kid we positively adore would walk by. It was so funny ^^;
YEY! I MADE MYSELF HAPPYYYYY! And my laundy's almost done! ^^ Good things!
The first anime meeting was today. And I felt so smart 'cause I knew a buncha stuff they asked and I'd cosplayed and gone to a con before and stuff ^^ Special ness.
My neck hurts from headbanging (another thing I did in the music video) and Josh (Wolfe, whatever) said I could take pictures of Sworn to Silence (the band he's part of) for like websites and stuff.
So I was freaking out ^^
Then Jeremy called, and that kinda made me depressed 'cause he wants to kill himself all the time. He's been in rehab recently for trying and now he's all like "I need a gun" and "Won't you kill me?" and shit like that, and I really don't need that right now, yanno?
I got enough stuff to deal with emotionally and I really don't want to know about that.
Keep it.. to yo-self o.0;
Anyways, I think I'm gonna try and wrap this up a bit..
I don't think I have any more newss... But if you see my cell number in my away message, that means you call me, you crack whores o.o; No excuses.
I love you all ^^ And great HAPPY THINGS! Like that.
Bai <3
5 hugs |
For me
2004 9 October :: 4.58pm
:: Mood: Pissy and tummy-achey
The moral: SHiT HAPPENs!
Haa.. soo.. last night was my first game. o.o;; My first band/football performance ^^;;; Well, lemme lay out the scrimmage of a band geek..
Okay, after school, Naomi and Amanda came home with me. We ate fish sticks and Amp (YeSH!) and then played DDR. So we DDRed 'til we had to leave.. which was at 5
So we get there, and we're a bit late, no big deal, so we practiced marching. This could be counted as pandemonium, pacing back and forth across a band room, rolling your feet for your life.. Ah well.
Here's where the real crazy stuff starts, the passing out of the uniforms.
So they had us wait 'til they called our names, though everyone was practically screaming, so it was kinda hard to hear. When I finally got mine, it was just.. wow. xDD
Sooo.. I got my pants, right? And I'm wearing these long shorts (oxymoron!) so my friend's like "Here, wear my sofies" so I'm like "okay" and these things, I'm not even exaggerating, were two inches of cloth off my waist xD So I'm trying to pull on my over-all pants, and these are WAAAAAAY too tight! And the girl who was changing with me was trying to zip them up.
So I'm holding my breath, and they're SO tight, I let it out real quick, and I pull a fucking muscle in my diaphragm! XDD So yeah, that was pretty bad. I traded them in for some better ones TT; Thank god. I could BREATH! But they had to pin them up 'cause they were so long. DAMN MY SHORTNESS!
Then it was Jacket time. This thing did not cover any one's ass, and I was no exception, so my huge butt was quit out there xX; The Bando shoes are crazy xDD And the HATS! OmG, I'd be part of band just to wear the hats! XDD
So yeah, we were all ready to go, we got inspected, then lined up outside. We marched into the stadium, and that was probably the peak of the exitement. Not to mention the Santaluces band was HUGE! XX
But yeah, we played the star spangled banner, then it started to rain, but that was okay at first. So we chilled, half time came, and the bands approached the field.
The Santaluces band went first, and they were magnificent. They did fucking Tai Chi while playing XDDD That was amusing. Then it was our turn, and it started to POUR! Poor Sinbad was drowning! His ship sank in a typhoon! That's what it sure as hell sounded like XDD Oh well, shit happens.
It was third quarter, and time for the traditional Band-mingling water break. We each got a bottle of water and talked with the other band. They were so polite ^^ Go them. Alexis, Naomi, and I just had to stand in one place, and a million people came up to us and shook hands. The general message was "Nice to meet you, your maching band sucked, I'm glad it rained on you" but they were nice about it, atleast. They tried to lie and we were just like "We know we sucked, you can tell us."
Mmkay, so we're back in the stand, our cheer leaders suck, little kids are stealing the Color Guard's wet flags, and the Santaluces band STEALS ALL OUR MUSIC! Our drum major will say "Louie Louie!" we'll flip our books, get ready to play, and the band acrost the field will blast the beginning notes to our planned song just as we take our breaths! ><
So yeah, that ticked us off. So while everyone was leaving, we played a few songs, and yeah. Then we left, a bit sad, but when we got into the room, the shit hit the fan o.o;;
Mr. White can be a scary guy xX;; We didn't notice we had to line, so we quickly did, shoving our hats back on, and we stood in a semi-circle around the three band directors, wet with rain and sweat, eyes set on nothing in particular, taking mental blows, for a straight half an hour. We weren't allowed to move, look around, or bend our knees, we just had to stand there.
And that.. that really hurts TT Oh well, shit happens. Hopefully we'll get better XX;
So that was my exciting evening. Bai!
3 hugs |
For me
2004 3 October :: 4.42pm
:: Mood: Okay
:: Music: TV
Okay? ^^;
Hehe ^^ Another lay out change, how seksi. Anyways, it's been a crazy-long weekend.. I've been out of school for.. 9 days ^^;;; Wowwww.. Yeap.. Sooo..
I'm real tired..
And I gotta clean some more.. Let's talk about all the stuff I have to do.
1. Laundry
-- This is important, because I'm pretty much out of clothes. Well, out of underwear. =p
2. Homework
-- I don't know what I have to do, but I guess I should look.
3. Room-cleaning
-- Yeap.. my room's a bloody mess TT;; Not to mention, we have no more plastic bags, like, grocery bags, so that complicates the cleaning.
4. Shower
-- My bathtub is full of towels and what not from the pool.. So those need to be laundered as well.
So.. there is was, narrowed down some. I'm kinda hungry but not..
You know that song by LP, 'Breaking the Habit'? What am I saying, of course ou know. But that music video is amazing.. I absolutely love it TT;
Ahh well, what can ya do.
OhH, I got a cell phone ^^;;;;;;;; Man, I'm gonna pimp this shit out.
Flashing antenna, reflective screen-sticker, different anime strap for every day of the week.. Hells yeah XDDD
Anyways, I think that's it!
Love you all ^~
"Ohmiguh! Like, nooo way!"
6 hugs |
For me
2004 28 September :: 6.33pm
:: Mood: Yey
:: Music: Talking.. crunchy cheetohs >>
The Exlanation of Lo's Stalker
OKAY! Here's the down-low on Lo's talkership.
Okay, so, there's Paul, right? And Paul thinks Laura's hot. But the dead frog knew this would happen before then, so he started watching Lo, because the dead frog can read the futurrre! Futurrrrre..
Anyways, Paul hires the dead frog of Lo's neighbourhood to watch Lo, which the frog had already been doing, but atleast now he was getting paid! ^^
THEN! The dead frog needed some wheels, so he jacked the scary white van form previous stalkers and drives it by repeatedly, thinking we wouldn't catch on.
Lastly, the dead frog, Montello Weishowcsky, hired super-spy lizard, Herbert De Dominico, to do the dead frog's dirty work while he drove the crazy white van around the block..
Theeee Ennddd ^^
10 hugs |
For me
2004 24 September :: 3.01pm
:: Mood: GARHHHH! ><
:: Music: King Diamond -- Puppet Master
Feh ._.;
Another while, I see.. heh, oh well. I'm so annoyed.
You know about my birthday, right? Since the hurricane came, I couldn't have my party.. Or even stay at home. For my birthday, I got towed up to Indiannapolis in a fucking car with my little brothers and a friend of there's. Against my will, please, I'd never agree to this.
Even then, we were going for a fucking HOME THEATER CONVENTION! Nothing fun! Nothing I'd WANT to remotely do! A CONVENTION ABOUT SPEAKERS! ><;;;
You do not know HOW much emotional baggage this tosses on me.
Blah.. anyways, I FINALLY plan out my party (a rave ^^) and HERE COMES WHATITSFACE HURRICANE! Whoo! It's comin' to meh partyyy!
Anyways, whomever reads this and knows about Saturday, I don't know if it's gonna happen.. TT
I hate this..
I know..
I hate to say it, but my life isn't bad at all.
But I hate it.
"You know what summer means..? GHOST STORIES!"
9 hugs |
For me
2004 19 September :: 6.57pm
I washed two maples in Naples;{
1 hug |
For me
2004 16 September :: 3.33pm
:: Mood: Proud **;
:: Music: Puppet Master - King Diamond
My pretty Jupiter report outline ^^
Galea, Emily
World Geo. – 4
Sept. 17, 2004
O.R. #1
Jupiter is a planet with 4 well-known moons, which were discovered by Galileo, but it has at least 39. The composition of the planet resembles something like a star instead of a terrestrial world. It is twice as massive as all of the other planets combined. If it had been 100 times more massive at birth, it would have been a star instead of a planet. Jupiter is almost entirely made of gas and liquid, and a never-ending storm rages on the surface of this sphere, seen quite easily in the pictures taken.
I. Jupiter has 4 well-known moons.
A. Europa, Ganymede, Io, and Callisto are the biggest satellites.
B. In just May of 2002, 11 of the 39 moons were discovered.
1. These were only about 2-4 km in diameter.
2. They have a highly elliptical retrograde about the planet about 21 km from it.
C. These moons, along with the planet, are being studied currently by the Galileo spacecraft.
II. The planet is made mostly of liquid and gas.
A. These planets haven’t a solid surface.
B. The core is probably made of rock, 10 to 15 times our Earth-mass.
C. What we see when we look at this planet is the tops of storm clouds, made of gas and stuff.
III. The storm upon Jupiter hasn’t subsided since the planet’s birth.
A. Jupiter has three distinct cloud layers:
1. The first, lowest, is ammonia ice.
2. The second, middle layer is made of ammonium hydrosulfide
3. The third is made of a mixture of ice and water, but mostly just H2O
B. Jupiter was expected to contain twice the amount of oxygen, but it may not have as much water in its atmosphere as we thought.
C. The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is an oval about 12,000 to 25,000 km, big enough to hold two Earths in it.
D. Jupiter’s winds are thought to be driven by the extreme heat of the planet’s core, along with all the varying magnetic fields.
1. The darker colored bands are called belts, the lighter colored ones are called zones.
2. Belts and zones and made by the different directions of wind over the planet stir the different colored clouds.
3. The different colors of the clouds are due to the slight chemical and temperature levels in the different winds bands.
E. The winds of Jupiter are over 400 mph!
1. http://www.nineplanets.org/jupiter.html
2. http://www.aerospaceguide.net/planet/planetjupiter.html
3. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/jupiter/jupiter.html
8 hugs |
For me
2004 14 September :: 10.29pm
:: Mood: Rushed
:: Music: TV
S'been a while, hmn?
Not much to say. I was happy to get back to school, can you believe it? I thought I'd hate high school. Ha ^-^;; Yeah.. soooo...
Nothing to say *-*;
My Deviant Page
Check it out. o.o; That is.. if you love me T.T;
Yeaaaah.. I like planes.
One of my lights went out..
I have nothing else to say.
I love you.
I better brush my teeth.
Goo Bai o.o;
"Oh my god, I love you."
6 hugs |
For me
2004 8 September :: 10.12am
:: Mood: Feh =p
:: Music: None >.>
Hey, it's been forever, I know o.o; How ya like the new lay out? Done in about five minutes, since today, I'm leaving to lovely fucking INDIANA!
I don't wanna go to INDIANA! It's my bloody BIRTHDAY and I'm being FORCED to INDIANA! >.< Gawd..
Oh well, screw it. I'm not leaving the hotel, though we won't get there 'til like.. tomorrow.. ._. That's horrible.
So yeah, the life of Emily since my last post. We got out of school on a half day on Wednesday (I like LTMs x3) (You get to sleep in 'til 10!) And didn't have to go back Thursday 'cause of Hurricane Frances.
It wasn't that bad on us ~knocks on wood~ But some other people got hit pretty hard.. Though it really sucked doing all that work. We had to screw ply wood over pretty much every window, pull Hurricane Shutters into my neighbour's house so they wouldn't become 'projectiles' (my neighbour got evicted, mind you) And through all this crazy 24/7 work of the demons, WE, the busy bees whom are trying to protect ourselves, get BLAMED for putting fucking TOP SOIL ontop of some one's car!
Goddam! IT'S A CAR! IT'S DIRT! Wash it off and be over with it!
Yeah, so the neighbours were pissed for a day or two. We had one day of rest (Saturday) then back to fucking work. We scrubbed the bloody house to nothing, whiped the windows to see-through perfection, and ran around. We even worked Monday, and yesterday!
We have the REST of the WEEK of and I'm being HAULED to INDIANA! >.< GOD DAMMIT!
Oh fucking well, once more. You see how passive I am? I'm so nice.
Anyways, I'll just quietly LOATHE them in my SHADOWS o.o Since the only light in my room is if you turn the lights on! ^^ I <3 it.
So yeah... I've done nothing with the South Africa project that's due early October o.o;; Keith, we gotta work on that thing! >.< Feh and what not.
So yeah.. I need to shower.. and pack.. put my entertainment crap in a bag. I should probably take my drawing book, but that thing's so bloody big. I'm thinking I'll just take some CDs and my game boy, and force my brother into submitting his CD player he looted from the evicted neighbours' house.
Now if you think he stole this, he really didn't. Susan, our neighbour, left a buncha crap all over the place that she didn't want to keep anymore. So we were picking through it and found a few things. I have mind to go back and get those books, but I feel so mean taking things.
Even if there was a holographic Avengers comic book in there x.x;
Oh well, one more time. I better go.
OH YEAH! I'm 14 today. How fancy is that?
See you ^-^
"I.. can count.. all the way.. to shfifteh five.."
11 hugs |
For me
2004 23 August :: 3.53pm
:: Mood: Whee arghhh
:: Music: Fatal Portrait -- King Diamond
In the darkness, we liiiive our liiiiives..
T.T This CD is so sad
Okay, it's called the Puppet Master by King Diamond. This guy and his chick in Budapest go to see this puppet show, and the guy's kinda scared 'cause he thinks he sees a puppet looking at him. Yeah, so the shows over and they go outside, right? The couple talk to the wee hours of the morning, just sitting outside the hall.
The song for that part is uber sad at the end, 'cause they're like "I will never forget this night" and he says "I saw the magic in your eyes" and it is SO sweet. I swear, if some one sand that to me, I'd like.. die xD It's sooo nice.. So anyways..
The puppet master's wife, Emerencia, she kills the people and drags them inside for the Ritual, and she also snags the couple! So yeah, the next song after that starts out with him saying "Why am I strapped to this.. hospital bed?"
The puppet master tells him what he's going to do as the man assesses his surroundings, there's an alter, puppets, shelves with jars, which contain a dark substance (he says it's Dark as Hell ^-^) So, since the guy's scared, he kicks the shelf, breaking one of the jars, which is blood.
The sacrifice must have done something to his eyes, because he can use them without having the blood pushed into him.
Anyways, the puppet master extracts his eyes, putting them in the puppet base, then strips the skin from the body and puts it on the puppet base as well.
So yeah, after that, he talks about practicing walking and stuff with the body, they keeping the blood from his human body to keep him alive for an hour each day or so.
Then the girl puppet is being shipped off to Berlin, and it's uber sad, 'cause they have to say good bye, and and and.. It's sad! He tells her to remember the butterfly, which musta died and they preserved it's wings or something but, yeah, still uber sad.
Soooo he's all missin' her, and no one likes him, he stays in this old toy store for like, ever, 'cause no one wants to buy him. And he stares at everyone, and they're all creeped out. Yeah, really sad x.X
I said sad a lot, guess it's 'cause I couldn't think of another adjective, hmph.
Okay, well, I haven't posted in a while annnd.. Rik was whining at me (>p Bleehhh!) My week and a half have been fine. I'm SO happy we're gonna be mostly inside for Personal Fitness, but I hate to know where we're going to be during Team Sports.. T.T It was raining when I had to walk my little part home today..
My weekend was hot, but I think I might gotten a Red Bull hangover, 'cause during Band I almost fainted x.x I was all like "Woooah.." and had to sit down. T.T; My brain still hurts. I drew an uber hot picture, annnd.. it's uber hot xD It's kinda.. like.. this outfit I was wearing Friday night, and it say Eris above it.
Eris (sp?) was the goddess of discord, she who threw the golden apple addressed to "The Fairest Goddess" into the party on Olympus she wasn't invited to. This sprouted to the quarrel, and laterly, the bribery of Paris, leader of the Trojans in the battle against Greece.
WoW! I'm smart! XD Anyways, I linked myself to this mythological being because of what happened on Sunday.
Okay, sooo, this person signed on, and the thing popped up on Jade's computer and I asked who it was. It was Brad, a friend of Keith's. I asked her why she had him on her list, and she said that he just IMed her out of the blue one day, e-mollesting her, so I left him a message, rather jokingly, calling him a rapist.
He meesaged me back a bit later, telling me he wasn't a rapist and asking who it was, and so I told him, and he started calling me fat, right? I wasn't too offended, 'cause really, who hasn't called me fat atleast once? XD I really don't care!
Anyways, we went on back and forth for a bit, just kinda shooting different insults at each other. I really wasn't offended, but Jade must have been, 'cause when I was downstairs, watching TV, she got Ilana and Keith, not to mention herself, to cuss this poor kid out!
I come back upstairs, finding out about this goings-on, and start freaking out, because that really was against everything I stand for. Cussing some one out for something like a joke? Really.
Anyways, I forgive all who were part of it, and am still extremely sorry Brad got dumped by one of his 'best friends ever', though I think it would've been kind if I was spared the bloody guilt trip (._.;;)
You see? Emily is like Eris, the goddess of Discord, for I threw something like the golden apple. If I just hadn't said rapist when I IMed him, I bet ALL of this could have been avoided! ^-^
WHOO! SMART ME! XD Good one, ah?
So yeah, there's my explanation, and something like my peace of mind, I hope.
Sooo yeah. My head hurts.. I don't wanna read. I'm kinda worried about that thing tomorrow, in TV Production.. yeah.
Oi, Keith, call meh 'cause I aint gonna be on IM, we need to talk about that project.
AND IF YOU MUST KNOW, those who are inquiring so snidely "What project?", it's for Geography, and it's on South Africa. Even ask Mr. Bianchi >.<
Bloop. ~waves~
"Card Captor Sakura (CCS) is about a girl named Sakura, who's name happens to mean Cherry Blossom in Japanese, which is totally irrelivent to this explanation.."
6 hugs |
For me