love burns a circle in the snow

audaci favet fortuna


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it shook us like a bad dream

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:: 2020 14 September :: 10.06am

that feeling when your soul is an open window, and everyone can see the wind blow through.



:: 2020 29 August :: 10.21pm

someone actually paid me back today what the fuck

this is a strange feeling



:: 2020 21 August :: 7.59am

I very literally hate every day.

I hate my life.

I hate my choices in life.

I hate the future.

I just want to give up so badly. all this struggle and for what. nothing fucking MEANS ANYTHING.

it's all just cheap plastic emotions and cheap plastic people and cheap plastic money.

I'm so lonely.

1 . | .


:: 2020 11 August :: 5.54pm

quarantine is taking me back to the sus era.

I feel so isolated and lonely.

I don't like living, I'm done having my dreams crushed.

time to stop dreaming. and start existing in the mud like the fat ugly pig I am.



:: 2020 30 July :: 9.38am

who have I become?

I don't even recognize myself anymore

there's a stranger under my skin

. | Random Journal