love burns a circle in the snow

audaci favet fortuna


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it shook us like a bad dream

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:: 2020 27 June :: 11.01am

I'm not a rock

I'm crumbling sand stone

just garbage in the wind lacerating your lungs

shredding your heart

completely worthless



:: 2020 11 June :: 2.31pm

everybody's changing

and I don't feel right



:: 2020 10 June :: 7.45am
:: Mood: crushed

I'm a sad lonely girl

living in a cruel sick world

1 . | .


:: 2020 9 June :: 2.48pm

I am so fucking sick of people being assholes.

grow the fuck up.



:: 2020 31 May :: 9.44pm

I'm tired of everyone dying, why is life so sad?

drug addiction just decimated another bright young man.

just so some cartel can have another swimming pool or whatever else.

and now there's another hole in his heart and I hate that I can't fix it.

rip Ashton. you will be dearly missed, I know.

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