love burns a circle in the snow

audaci favet fortuna


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it shook us like a bad dream

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:: 2019 29 January :: 7.34pm

can life just be over? I'm fucking sick of feeling.



:: 2019 27 January :: 1.21pm

remember: you can't hug your children with nuclear arms



:: 2019 24 January :: 10.42am

this is just too much

everything is pressing down on me

I can't breathe

1 . | .


:: 2019 23 January :: 8.07am

a boat toad

tattoo idea: TAX on right knuckles RICH on left knuckles THE on your forehead

alternatively: replace eyebrows with mono brow tattoo that says the same thing

last night I dreamt I cut all my hair off and went back to my typical hair... I was so sad :( I guess I'm not smoking enough weed. fucking dreams.



:: 2019 4 January :: 10.10am

smoking in my car has to be one of my favorite things.

Gary Numan had it right

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