love burns a circle in the snow

audaci favet fortuna


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it shook us like a bad dream

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:: 2018 3 February :: 11.40am

I find the face of a woman very comforting

I miss many faces I used to know

But I'm very happy about the faces still in my life

And hopefully I can help them smile once in a while



:: 2018 28 January :: 10.51am

I just want to feel loved

How do you keep.gping when all you are at the end of the day is a number

2 . | .


:: 2018 26 January :: 11.59pm

I've been dying to reach you... But my extension cord doesn't reach that far.

There's just no fighting the sadness



:: 2018 26 January :: 11.21pm

I wish I was anything but white

3 . | .


:: 2018 26 January :: 9.47pm

Would we even really care cuz the world has ended?

. | Random Journal