love burns a circle in the snow

audaci favet fortuna


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it shook us like a bad dream

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:: 2023 1 March :: 10.35am

I am just a piece of shitty trash in the Pacific ocean garbage patch

1 . | .


:: 2022 23 December :: 3.44am

I keep dreaming of us living in different places together.

I dream that you are all torn up, that you're broken and sad.

I hurt for you, with you. I do miss you.

"you once called me forever, now you still can't call me back"



:: 2022 26 November :: 1.35pm



:: 2022 17 November :: 4.11pm

when every song puts me into your point of view

each tune is a tune i wish I could share with you

but you had to go fuck it all up



:: 2022 16 October :: 7.24pm

words are cheap.

anyone can say "I love you", but not many can show it

did you ever love me?

. | Random Journal