love burns a circle in the snow

audaci favet fortuna


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it shook us like a bad dream

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:: 2017 3 December :: 12.58am

You insist I stay home when you go out to have fun

Makes me feel like I'm the secret



:: 2017 2 December :: 9.48am

when the puzzle is made of squares and you are a hideously deformed circle piece



:: 2017 30 November :: 12.06am

the warm embrace of a friend

3 . | .


:: 2017 28 November :: 12.50am

Please don't make it 3



:: 2017 23 November :: 10.52pm

I try to be sweet and loving and caring and helpful and yet I ALWAYS manage to ruin the night by being a psychotic bitch

Im not made to live on this planet. Im not made to love other humans. Im just worthless. A sack of shit. A piece of useless garbage.

Same as I always have been same as I always will be. You can't change the core of a person, only the nuances surrounding them. I give up.

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