love burns a circle in the snow

audaci favet fortuna


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it shook us like a bad dream

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:: 2020 17 November :: 10.22am

holidays are cancelled this year. I miss my family.

been practicing making pretzels. they taste really good, they are light and fluffy, I just always feel like they are too soft. I am so scared of over kneading because I tried making tortellini from scratch before and they were so tough I thought they would break my teeth.

I'll knead it longer next time. I wish my oven was bigger.



:: 2020 19 October :: 10.00am

my life is a shitty mess

but at least I'm not a heroin addict I guess


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:: 2020 9 October :: 10.34am

that moment when your boss says none of us have a racist bone in our bodies, when every propaganda video they have been showing us says we are all just a lil racist.

this is a team of white people talking about racism and privilege. one hispanic lady everyone thinks is white. I don't think there is too much going on here.

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:: 2020 4 October :: 8.18am

i need you like water in my lungs

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:: 2020 15 September :: 12.59pm

I hurt myself today

2 . | . | Random Journal