Deanna and I can't dance. nor do we have any friends. But now we have anges. Wonder if she can dance.


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The names Brielle, bitch

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:: 2003 30 December :: 11.14 am
:: Mood: sleepy

i slept over danielles last nite with kristen it was pretty fun! omg kristen.. the dogs trying to eat the light bulbs... how'd your dog die?.. well hmm my friend fed it a light bulb .. freddie and the triplets... they didnt have any kids.. they adpoted.. .. im just checking to see if i peed... i bit it to see if it was real haha and tons more

ashleys coming over soon.. she was suppose to be here 15 minutes ago but whatever and after she leaves in goin to the dentist... damn...

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:: 2003 29 December :: 4.09 pm
:: Mood: pissed off

uhh.. my brothers frined just shot me with this plastic thing in my face and it hurts like a mother

shopping was okay... i spent 100 dollars at aeropostle.. and yea.. thats like all.. nothing excited.. i got new pants, and new shirts.. they had some pretty good sales.. haha

im going to danielles soon.. shes here.. shes outside im scared to go back outsdie because i dont wanna get shot again.. kristens sleepingover too! yay!! uhh.. i dont wanna go to the dentist...

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:: 2003 28 December :: 11.58 pm
:: Mood: happy

xsilverxspudsx: "and i thank you, i'll always thank you, more than you could know, more than i could ever show, and i love you, i'll always love you, there's nothing i won't do, to say these words to you, that you're beautiful forver..."
^brielle you are my best friend, you helped me thru some of the hardest times in my life, when i needed a helping hand you were there, when i needed a shoulder to cry on. i would be more than lost without you. i love you with all my heart.
^... woah.. i love you more than words can say!

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:: 2003 28 December :: 10.10 pm

danielle and raymond are coming shopping with us tomorrow.. that should be sooo interesting.. and yea.. rays hes just so funny but hes great.. and danielle.. shes just danielle.. and im sleeping over danielles tomorrow nite... again.. and lora lefted today.. that sucks... she was one cool ass chica!

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:: 2003 28 December :: 8.46 pm

** basics **
Location::b-town, nj
Birthplace::newton, nj
Birthstone::dunno.. its kinda blue
Birthday::december 19th
Righty or Lefty::righty
Screenname::a broken dream x
** your looks **
Weight::why does every quiz have this?
Shoe size::9
Hair Color::brown with blonde highlights
Hair Length::its kinda long
Eye Color::brown
Glasses::yes.. but dont have to wear them
Braces::no.. i got them off =)
** fashion **
Where do you shop::mostly aeropostle
What do you usually wear::pants and a shirt
What kind of shoes do you wear::fake adidas.. haha
Do you wear a watch::yes
Color you never wear::black
Color you wear at least once a week::blue
Something you wear everyday::a shirt
Do you wear make up everyday::yes
Make up essential::mascara, eye liner, blush, eye shadow, lip gloss
Most cherished piece of clothing::dunno
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing::a night gown to school
Do you wear belts::no
Do you wear hats::no
How many pairs of shoes do you have::like uhh 4
** music **
Favorite kind of music::gc, simple plan, nfg
Least Favorite::country
How many CD's do you have::a lot
Last CD you bought::nfg
Whats in your CD player right now::first good charlotte cd
Do you download music::no
** Favorites **
Ice cream::vanilla
Quote::i like a lot
Band::nfg, gc, simple plan
Singer::enrique inglous.. hse soo hott
Song::i love them all
Movie::pirates of the caribbean
Actor::orlando bloom
Actress::mk & ashley
Kind of movies::action
Place to be::mall
Time of day::noon
Clothing Brand::shirts
Fast food place::subway
Boy's name::josh
Girl's name::shalya
** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference::dunno
Boyfriend or Girlfriend::boyfriend
Crush::no one
Do you believe in love at first sight::yes
What do you look for in a guy/girl::honesty, good personality
Best physical feature::eyes
Best hair color::brown
Best eye color::brown, blue
** randoms **
Do you paint your nails::yes
What color is your tooth brush::purple
What's on your desktop::a pictures
Do you like roller coasters::yes
Do you do drugs::no
Are you a virgin::yes
Do you have any pets::yes
What time do you go to sleep::when im tired

Basic Survey [ 87 questions] brought to you by BZOINK!

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