..:*:..Your born (yay!)..:*:..You play drums (more yay!)..:*:..You die(boo!)..:*:..

Hatred is a waste of time and energy " Don't waste your time trying to be different b/c when it comes down to it we're all just alike <


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:: 2003 18 October :: 11.55pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Alkaline Trio's This Could be Love

Wow, now i kno why guys play guitar, and why its easier for them. I dunno about all you other chicks,but i apparently like have small hands. Compared to other chicks i have big hands but to my guy friends i have small hands so now i see why it sooo much easier for them.GRRRR! The c chord alone in killing me, if i cant handle that,what am i gunna do?Oh well, i can do it!

Speak Your Neato Mind


:: 2003 17 October :: 3.34pm
:: Mood: Sneeky )(kinda)(

"People are not always what they seem", that quote never applied to me nor did I pay attention to what it says. BIG mistake. I advise everyone in the universe to go by it and be very careful and particular of choosing friends.
Yeah, sure they seem nice and TubuLAR (my word g) but what do they act and say when your not around? If you trust them that's skippy, but that doesn't stop them from talking bad about you behind your back or dissing you.
I will admit to you all today, October 17, 2003 that I, AndI, were one of those ppl who talked crap about ne one's back. Key word: Were. I try not to do it ne more expecially if it's one of my friends who have done nuttin to me. I thought that was what some of my friends did too. Wrong! Dead Wrong! They talk behind my back and all that evil blue french (wee wee!) monkey's bum. I am angry for it. But hey I can't stop them.
I thought better of them, but they did talk behind some our friends back too, so why would they not talk behind my back too?
If you talk behinds someone's back and act like you like them to their face, your a friggin liar and you are leading them on. It's like the wussy way of it all.

I am ready to give up on some ppl and just move outta this dead town and forget everything and everyone!!!!!! But I love this Coma place. It's my home, I lived here my whole life...)(Sigh)(

Sooo screw everyone who I mean this too!

**You wanna know who I'm talking about then ask and maybe I will tell you..**


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:: 2003 16 October :: 6.53pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: stacie's mom

Publix..:_:..My boyz
I went to Publix and Casey, Joe, Dirt, Jared, and Logan was there. YAY! We, well more them, skated and stuff. Casey, it was soo great and funny (sorry casey) he ollied off a 10 ft garbage thingy and he was doin great but the deck got away from under him and he fell hard on his feet and landed on his bum. It hurt his knee pretty bad. ((tear))

Casey, Jared, Logan and Dirt were trying to ollie over the drain. It was funny when they busted their cap and their heads peeked over. lol sooo cute!
Some dudes came over and started to skate and I felt like the dork on the side ((boo-hoo)). But later they went somewhere else for a bit but came back. When they were gone Jared was teaching me how to do an ollie better than i do now. I did do it better 2 times outta what? 10, 20 times? I lost count..lol yeah but i'm trying.
Then a guy name Jason came over and was trying to teach me too! I didm't perform my mad skills ((yeah right!)) in front of him b/c i'm not comfortable in front of ppl i don't know to skate w/ yet b/c i'm not that great as all of 'em are. When he gave up on me and left Jared asked," You know that was his way of hitting on u right?" I'm like no crap. Jason is cool and all but he's a jerk and a show off at the same time. urgh!

Jared and I left those guys and went home.
I had fun that day.

Then later i went to church and was grrdified at Levi the whole friggin time. I have no clue why. I'm ready to give up on that kid. I don't feel it n e more. We're not like we use to be ((frown)). Alright well i'm gonna go. lata balla!


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:: 2003 15 October :: 10.22pm
:: Mood: excited

Yay! Im at my aunt and uncles for Halloween meaning no limits! I can be w/ my friends on a Friday night as late as I want and I can do pretty much whutever I want! I dunno why God gave this to be but im sure glad he did!WooHoo! Hell ya!

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:: 2003 13 October :: 9.09pm
:: Mood: OPEN

Who I really am, or what I know about me...
I came to realization the other night that NO one knows the real me. But who can blame you? I don't even know the real me....But I would like to tell you the real me or at least what I know of myself at this moment b/c I'm still on the long dusty road of getting to know me b/c some of you know, I have lost myself over the summer.....

ONE thing I want you to all know is that I have a major desire and I am determined to be diffrent from everyone. Set myself apart from them. I actually wanna be that weird girl in the corner. I know I am picky about people having the same crap as me or saying teh stuff that i say. But dude(s) son't u understand? When I was little I wanted to take up sk8brding and drums just b/c not alot of girls do it. I wanna do and have stuff thta no one has. Impossible? Yes and NO. It's just my goal in life. I wanna feel and BE different. But a good different.I feel trapped and I cna't breathe when I can't be a different someone. So you want me to stop being a bitch about you or someone else talking and having the same stuff and doing the same crap? then DON'T do it. I would be very happy if you stop....

Another thing is I'm stubborn. If i think I'm right or have a strong point. I wont back down unless if i don't it'll lead to something bad. But it varies..

3rd thing I actually don't get mad or hate ppl unless they do the certain things that will get me that way. Like goin behind my back. That will really get me pissed and wanna choke you and hope to die. Another is being something your not. Whose worth working ur ass off for being something that's fake n e ways?? Another well.....i'm not gonna go there.

4th I believe in GOD. I try to be a good christian. There is really nuttin to live for on the Earth. I fall back to being a "bad christian" just b/c of my surrondings. But I try, but not my hardest. Right now I am heading to hell b/c I haven't been baptized. I did when I was lil but that actually doesn't count b/c it wasn't my choice. Hell....geez that's scary to me.

5th I don't get scared too easily. It's just all fun and games to me.

6th I like to do crazy stuff. But I may not do it if there will be a bad outcome.

7th I don't take a lot of things personal. Sorry to say but if I'm in a fight w/ someone and w/ their "evil" comments to me and them trying to get me pissed or feel bad I laugh. I just find it funny. I guess b/c I don't take it personal b/c it's all in an opinion. It what ppl think about me, but it's not what i think about me sometimes.

8th I do some-what care what ppl think about me to the extent. Just b/c i care doesn't mean I will change myself for them. I also don't think if i do this what will they think of me then?? They don't like it then w/evas.

9th I can say somethings that are mean to ppl w/out me knowing it. I just don't think ppl will take it in that way.

10th I hate ppl being immature, grow up!!! We're how old now? 2? It bugs me when ppl can't even go up and talk to a guy or a girl and make a big deal. That also falls into I hate drama queens. We don't need them in the world.

I if i have n e more of me's i'll let u know b/c I can't stand it when ppl don't get stuff about me but i don't even know some stuff about me...

p.s. A journal always has a first step.

2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind


:: 2003 12 October :: 11.09pm
:: Mood: aggravated

Fuck you!
To one person, fuck you, you should kno who u are!

Speak Your Neato Mind


:: 2003 11 October :: 9.45pm
:: Mood: good

Saturday night!!!
Dude i chilled w/ my hoe's hehe j/k. luv u! We went to down town CC. There is a neato cafe there. I think that should be our hang out for now on, seriously. N e ways, we hanged there for 2 hours and then walked the city or rather a city wanna-be that this town is. It was fun.
There was a korny parade. There was a car show. Woo! Amanda and I had our dream cars there or what is close to it.

We went into wallgreens to buy something. I bought the TGI Fridays chips ((yummy!!)) and a water. well I couldn't open the bag so amber and amanda tried. lol didn't work out. So Amber went in to ask the lady to cut it. Amanda and I laughed so hard b/c we could imagine over the intercom saying,"Blonde girl w/ pink hair aisle 1 ailse 1 step away from the bag" yeah so the cashier lady started laughing at amber when she left.
We hanged on the side of the store and played w/ the store carts. Sooo fun fun!! Amanda got in one and amber was pushing her around. A cop came by and Amanda was on the phone w/ her grandma b/c she called and Amanda yelled o shit cop! Amanda scrambles out still on the phone w/ grandma and gets the drinks and run....Woo! We went back and had races. A truck was backing out, so we went to the side to wait and he's like u gonna race or what? SO Amanda and I raced and he betted that i would win for 2 bucks. But amanda won b/c we wanted the money but u know, the doosh didn't pay. O well.
Then we walked around while scarfing on the chips. It was grand. I attacked the chicks w/ the chips (i rhymed) amber threatened me. I like it when she does that. She tried to have me spill my wa wa on me but w/ my neatoness that i have (ya right) she only got a lil on me. A car went by and slowed down to check us out and i yelled keep movin. So they did and then turned around to go back to us. We went back in the cafe to listen to the blues guy and to get away from the guys in car. Well later those guys came in the cafe. lol they left though.
Then Amber's pa picked us up and droped me off. It was all fun and games. Woo hoo!
I'm home alone now. It's all good though. Ok i'm gonna go. Ta Ta.


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind


:: 2003 11 October :: 1.41am
:: Mood: happy

Whats up?
Hey, just got back from the movies,had a tubular time. My friend amanda and i like put red gel in our hair and hers turned out really good but mine turned out pretty shity but thats ok becuz once i washed it out, it stayed pink so im happy.We saw School of Rock which wasnt bad, then we walked around and went to Outback w/ an uber hot waiter. He was fun, i wanted to take him home!LoLz!Anyway!i ment some new ppl which was neato and yea, i had a better time than expected!Yay!I rock LoLz(im not concided, im just confident) LoL!Byes and thanx Anne,Amanda, and Michelle your fuckin awesome!

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:: 2003 10 October :: 5.05pm
:: Mood: contemplative

why are we judged on what you wear and what you listen to? ok it is so odd coming from me of all ppl but i now understand. i truely never understood what ppl meant when they said"dont label me". i never even agreed w/ it untill now.i hate that i am becoming, or even just wearing and listening to what i want and some ppl (who will never be mentioned) dont think its me. of all ppl, you kno that i wouldnt change myself to make other ppl happy becuz i dont believe in that. i change becuz i want to and i like whut im becoming. i am no poser, and though no one has said that, they implied it. we really are all posers no matter who u are! its like calling someone tall! if you are a friend of mine, will you just support me?thanx byes

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:: 2003 10 October :: 4.05pm
:: Mood: Smart??? maybe not...

another one!!
The Difference Between Knowledge and Intelligence
By: Brandon Lamb

Almost everyday, someone walks up to me and tells me that they feel stupid. This is not only annoying, but slightly depressing as well. The general populace of this school feels inferior to those select few with a 4.0 GPA or higher and then have absolutely no need to. The amount of knowledge that you hold has absolutely nothing to do with how smart you are. People who lord their knowledge over others should be beat with dirty shovels for their stupidity and consent to pathetic human nature.
Knowledge is what makes up the world around us. Knowledge is not something to obtain, the obtaining of knowledge is entirely voluntary and has nothing to do with your personal level of intellect. Nearly every human on Earth is born with an inherent amount of intelligence that will grow with age, not with knowledge of its use. Intelligence is what makes you and I human. It is not, however, what makes us better or worse than someone. All men are created equal, yet, more than likely, it takes us a length of time to realize this, as the past has clearly shown.
Some humans harness their intelligence to gain knowledge, knowledge of the world and "society" around them, and that is more than fine. Yes, it is more than fine until they try to abuse the knowledge they have. By using the word "abuse", I mean more than simply using their knowledge to make others feel inferior to them and their personal level of knowledge. Whether or not they do it consciously is not a question I would like to address because the possible answers imply nothing excellent about the human race as a whole.
Some humans, unlike those listed above look beyond the world around them and what it contains, they look further, and they look within. The true sign of intelligence is the non-use of it to gain knowledge about the world, for the world does not last and is fickle and childish more often than not. Yes, the true sign of intelligence is harnessing your intelligence to gain knowledge of yourself. Through the knowledge of oneself, you can learn more about our world, the universe, and those who survive in them, more so than you could ever without it. The knowledge of one's being cannot be found in any books or conversations; only through hard work and many severely relevant epiphanies can one learn the truth of one's self. Only fools say knowledge is power! Knowledge is as irrelevant as many lives are without what makes our fabric of humanity, truth. So the next time you feel stupid, don't come whining to me, simply search for comfort in the truth of yourself, because that is the only thing that will keep you warm in the frost of lies that makes up our world today.

Speak Your Neato Mind


:: 2003 9 October :: 9.41am
:: Mood: annoyed

Definition of Journals: To write your events, thoughts and feelings on matters....

Ok so referring to that, why do people put surveys and quizes in their journal?? I've always woundered. Don't get me wrong. I don't think it's bad or wrong. So yeah... I just think it shows immaturity. Don't ask me how it makes me think that, it just does.

Speaking of immaturity, I CAN'T stand immature people. They drive me NUTS!!! I've tried to not get annoyed my them or anything related to that but I can't help it. I don't mind people for being immature on somethings, b/c somethings call for immaturity.
Where ever I look there is immaturity in people 24/7. argh! I just wanna smack their heads together w/ coconuts. I have no idea why I said coconuts, but yeah...

I'm in Web design class right now and I have to go and do Fireworks. lata balla. Holla!


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:: 2003 7 October :: 9.38pm
:: Mood: crazy

Holla balla! hehe. Ok so yeah.

My bed was my best friend that day. I slept it all away! Well then I went to go babysit. I let the 5 yr old and the 3 yr. old swing on the basketball hoop rim. Don't worry, they only got a scratch or 2 or 20, but don't get me started on the broken leg. It wasn't my fault i swear! I made some lil mulla. not much though.


School..snooze! ok on a better subject, I had drum lessons today. woo! It was the best. I was outta there in 20 mintes! Fastest ever! I did really good in there for sizzle my nizzle!


I found out that there is a gay high school! The only gay school in Amarica. It's been around for 20 yrs and has only 2 classes. This year, yup, it's a official . It's a public school! It's named after a polition who got assaniatated for being gay. SO the name is dun dun dun....Harvey Milk High School! Woo! It allows gays, lez, and bi's and trans. Super dooper....

That's all I have to really tell about now. SO lata!

AndI (woo-wee-woo-wee-woo!)

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:: 2003 5 October :: 12.49pm
:: Mood: Woo!

I went to the movies with Jesse and my sis. We saw the rundown, neato movie. We hanged around there afterwards for a bit. Then we went home and hanged around there. Jesse stayed till 1 am.
I slept in for a while. Then I cleaned the house all day, yearning to go to the mall and just chill the whole day. So the day sucked.
But at night I went to the movies again. This time I saw School of Rock. It was ok. I like the rundown better.
After the movie We sat by johnny rockets where we ate there earlier (yummy in my tummy). 3 guys came up to us and asked us what are ages are and asked if we would go out w/ their friend. Can u say gay? I'm like dude, how old are yeas? I swear they were 6th graders. I'm like your guys r retarded, go away. So they left.
Then later 2 guys that were 15 came up to us and talked to us. Then after them 3 juniors came up to us and one of the hotties asked,"Why are u sitting all alone? May we sit down?" I'm like that is lame but yeah u can. One of them is from chicago, the other is from texas and I forgot where the other one is from. They were so hot. They're here for baseball. I'm just like in awe when the texas guy talked. I love his lil acient. Love it! They were so nice and hot and nice and hot. Then they left b/c they have to get up early to play a game. poo! But it was soo fun. we never exchanged names though. lol.
I like sitting by johnny rocket's. I get guys just by sitting. lol.
O when I was eating at Johnny Rockets I saw Chalie and Jennifer (managers of Twisted Method). Jennifer is like Hi Michelle. I'm like O hey! It was nice. I was such a big dork though, o well.


Speak Your Neato Mind


:: 2003 4 October :: 1.06pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: My own Flava

When I was cleaning the house I came up w/ this....

I'm into you

I don't know/ what I'm getting into/
But I'm getting into you..
I know/ the way that I feel inside
I know/ the fire that burns up inside
Cuz I know/ I'm getting into you
I still/ don't know/ what I'm getting into
I'm just/ getting into you
I know/ the way I feel when I wake up/ and think about you/
I know/ the smile that is upon my face/
I'm getting into you
Cuz I know/ what you mean to me
I don't care/ what I'm getting into/
As long/ as I'm into you
The way/ you make me feel
The way/ you make me smile
I cannot hold it all inside
I cannot keep this smile off my face
Cuz I'm into you
You mean so much to me
Your smile is so perfect
Just being with you/ puts that smile upon my face
Cuz I know/ what you mean to me
I know the way/ that I feel inside
I know/ the fire that burns up inside
Cuz I'm into you
I'm into you
I'm into you.


Speak Your Neato Mind


:: 2003 2 October :: 6.07pm
:: Mood: confused

today on aol
I was talking to one of my good guy friends today on aol. I love that dude, he means so much to me. Well he asked me to do a favor for him. So I said sure. He just wants me to get this guy off this girl's back so he can go to homecoming w/ her. When he told me this I was like wha?? Jealousy came over me. It sux. I dunno if I like him or not. All I know is that I'm jealous. It totally sux, TOTALLY! What do you guys think?? I dunno what to do. I guess I'll talk to you kids later. Byes...


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