2010 27 April :: 5.19pm
i need to go do something. that way, i'll have something to write about when i come back.
because, even if i embellish it, my day to day life is pretty bland most of the time.
Good Job!
2010 24 April :: 1.31pm
:: Mood: mellow
o rly?
i did a thing! new journal stylez for the elite blogging community that is woohu. look at all the pretty colors.
Good Job!
2010 20 April :: 12.19am
:: Music: Time after Time - Cindy Lauper
Haven't posted here in a while.
College is way easier than I ever anticipated. Teachers are way better and lenient, and going to class doesn't seem like such a drag. It's funny, but it's not college that scares me most at this point, it's what comes after. I have to find a job here in the next couple weeks. I have to find a car. I have to start paying insurance and phone bills and balancing my bank account and actually... take care of myself. Up to this point I haven't had to. And while I'm scared to take that big step out of teenage fun and angst and into maturity and adulthood, I know I'm ready, because it's expected out of me not just by my parents and family, but of myself too. In the movie "Coach Carter" one of the characters says that their deepest fear isn't that they are inadequate, but that they are powerful beyond measure. Well, that isn't the case for me. My deepest fear is that I'll be inadequate. I somehow just have to find the motivation to say to myself "Hey man. Let's do this thing, and let's do it right." And then I have to find the strength to listen. Well, until the future presents itself, I'll just have to see.
Good Job!
2010 17 April :: 3.37am
Im a bit slow on the news so this is late but um...Im in the clear to report it!
The sun ate a comet on april 12-13; a rather big one too.
8minutes after this happened we started being bathed in its explosion radiation flare. A huge one too! We are still here and nothing went crazy. I was slightly shocked at this. The largest flare recorded in the last 15yrs. Spectacular image for ya on the link below too. Ya I know its color tone is wrong, its on purpose.
Sun eats comet!
Good Job!
2010 13 April :: 12.18am
Really? when you search free porn on google you get... porn?
Good Job!
2010 7 April :: 1.55am
:: Mood: drunk
:: Music: 311 - Evolver
:: The Insanity
This weekend was interesting. Between an all-night film shoot sound recording and easter with the fam, many an adventure were had.
and suddenly handyman has an interest in my unique skills again. which invariably means carting tools around for bruce all day tomorrow on virtually no sleep, and then cleaning out some gutters in the rain on thursday. hot damn.
had some nice talks with chuck tonight about theoretical physics as relating to music instruction, and hippie philosophy pertaining to government. Verdict: M-Theory and Anarchy, respectively.
and i made friends this weekend. i had a good time, and i think the shoot went well. it was an interesting set to be on, for any one of multiple reasons. regardless of why, i'm glad that i took the opportunity to contribute and take part in the experience. definitely worthwhile, despite the hardships it presented.
i need to quit smoking and start lifting again. and riding my bike more. optimism regarding anything resembling a "beach bod" is scarce, but at the very least, i know i would feel better about life in general if i made the extra effort to take care of myself at least a little. which, unfortunately, includes sleeping. this weekend was fun, but i'd like to feel a little more human again, and be on something closer to a normal sleep schedule. well, here goes nothing... 'night y'all.
Good Job!
2010 1 April :: 2.05pm
:: Mood: foolish
:: Music: beyonce - single ladies
for self reference: Read more..
guest@xkcd:/$ cat welcome.txt
Welcome to the unixkcd console.
To navigate the comics, enter "next", "prev", "first", "last", "display", or "random".
Use "ls" and "cat" to navigate the filesystem.
guest@xkcd:/$ ls
* welcome.txt
* license.txt
* blag/
* blog/
* fora/
* forums/
* store/
* about/
guest@xkcd:/$ cat
You're a kitty!

Good Job!
2010 30 March :: 2.47am
once upon a time, i used to be fit.
it's hard to really nail down and pinpoint an exact moment, but i'm fully confident it happened. at least once. i often wonder if it will ever happen again.
i think it was sometime in college when i didn't just eat whenever i got hungry. i ate when people gave me food.
Good Job!
2010 28 March :: 3.46am
Level 2 Judge: 13 Mantra Rules
Anowon Sage ruling:
113.9a Just because an object or player is being affected by a spell or ability doesn't make that object or player a target of that spell or ability. Unless that object or player is identified by the word "target" in the text of that spell or ability, or the rule for that keyword ability, it's not a target.
Good Job!
2010 27 March :: 5.32am
Rise of the Eldrazi speculation:
Sarkhan Vol: Black/Red
+annihilate(2) for target creature
sacrifice creature gain +x/+x to target creature
Destoy X nonland permanents
Gideon: Colorless, White, or Black/White
+defender to creature
tutor(1) or scry(5)
Draw X cards, discard Y, sorcery/instant -Y to play this turn
Good Job!
2010 27 March :: 3.27am
I hate it. I like her. In that same old way? Prolly.
Unfortunately... good, bad, in between, Im just made into an ass. Like some form of natural defense.
She gets distant. She gets soft.
Click on.
Remark. Leave.
Good Job!
2010 23 March :: 10.17pm
just in case you were looking to buy some beginner drums:
i figure a 5 piece set (snare, bass, and three toms) is standard rock drums. 4 piece (only 2 toms) is more of a jazz thing. but if you get the 5, you can always just pull one off, and bam, 4 piece. so i'd recommend 5.
now that an arrangement is settled upon, there are only a few key factors that make one set different from (better than) another:
-shells (wood type, number of plies, construction methods)
-hardware (lugs, rims, pedals, stands, and mounting brackets)
as far as shells go, most starter kits are a mixture of birch and whatever else they have lying around in the factory. for your purposes, i doubt it will matter. but if you want something that will be durable, stay reasonably tuned, and sound good enough for a practice set, i would go with no less than 6-ply, regardless of what kind of wood it is. preferably 8 or more, especially on the bass and snare drums (unless it's a steel snare, which is fine too. wood sounds nicer, but steel is usually a little cheaper).
hardware. now, this one here is a bitch. because it's hard to tell online how sturdy or rattly or user-friendly the hardware is. as a general rule, you get what you pay for. which means, in the $400-500 range, it's probably gonna be pretty chinsy. there's pretty much no way around that, other than spending more money, which is obviously not an option. you're just gonna have to deal. my personal opinion: pearl, gretsch and ludwig are going to have the best hardware. i would stick to those. i don't have enough experience with ddrums to know for sure, but i'll give them the benefit of the doubt. they're probably right there with tama or pacific/PDP, which is also fine. but i would stick to the main brands. they are tried and true, and have enough experience to make decent drums on the cheap.
factory heads are always crap. i say let the boy beat the hell out of 'em until they are dead. at which point i can help you pick out some better quality replacements.
the story is similar on cymbals. if it's an entry-level set that includes cymbals in the package, it'll likely be near to banging on trash can lids. again, just beat 'em up, and when it comes time for new ones, i can help you shop around. the only problem is that some of these sets do not come with cymbals. i would almost prefer this, just so you could pick out something a little better from a company that does cymbals specifically (it's more art than science), but this will add on to the overall expense, as it is above and beyond the cost of the set itself.
here's what i found:
Ludwig Accent - http://www.zzounds.com/item--LUDLC125
this guy is pretty solid. the measurements are average: 22" bass, 14" snare, 12" 13" and 16" toms. sometimes they'll have a 14" instead of 13", but that's less common. i like that the stands are double-braced. the other hardware is decent. it doesn't tell you how thick the shells are, but i'm guessing 6 ply all around. all in all it's $400 for absolutely everything you need other than sticks and cymbals. and on the side they have a feature that says for $560 you can get some beginner zildjian cymbals to go along with it. yeah, it's $160 for a pair of hats and a crash/ride, but that's really not too bad, considering. paiste also makes some good cymbals at reasonable prices, but they won't be any better or cheaper than this package deal.
DDrums D2 - http://www.zzounds.com/item--DEPD2
this one will probably be the most attractive to you, as it is a self-contained setup, including cymbals, for $400. i don't have any personal experience with this brand, and can pretty much guarantee the cymbals are garbage, but hey. it's drums, it's cheap. i think it would serve your purposes plenty well enough, although i would consider it a step down from the ludwig. cymbals and heads can always be upgraded later, and this at least is a decent foundation to start from. Note: 9 ply mahogany is an interesting choice. definitely durable, maybe not as resonant. also, this has a 10-12-16 tom arrangement, instead of the 12-13-16 mentioned earlier. nothing wrong with that, just different. the more i look at this set, the more i like it.
Ludwig Pinnacle - http://www.zzounds.com/item--LUDP5K
this is another ludwig set. which means the hardware is exactly the same as the $400 set. why does it cost $450, then? because the shells are slightly beefier, and made out of a different kind of wood. and because this one includes some trashy cymbals. but, once again, it's a good foundation, and you've got the whole shabang, ready to rock for under five benjamins.
my feelings won't be hurt if you choose something else, but those were the strongest contenders i could find. and hopefully you feel comfortable enough now to know what sort of things you need to be looking for in order to find the right match for you.
by the same token, sticks are a very intimate part of the experience, and there's no right or wrong choice. you just have to go into a music store, get your hands dirty, and figure out what feels good to you. lately i've been coming back to the vic firth SD1s, which i hadn't used since i bought my first pair back in middle school. but they're a nice middle of the road stick, with a short taper and a ball tip. and it's what most classically trained drummers would have their students start out on. i like wood tips, as i feel they're less prone to breakage, but nylon tips sound much better on the cymbals. i just have this problem with nylon tips shattering and flying off, rendering an otherwise healthy stick useless, unless you have tomato plants or something to use them in. could just be me though.
Good Job!
2010 23 March :: 5.14am
iTunes library
over 5,000 songs; 25 gigs and counting.
this thing is getting out of control.
it's almost easier at this point to have something specific in mind to search for, as opposed to browsing it alphabetically. it's just too overwhelming.
but eventually it will be complete and fully up to date. at which point, i will be a happy boy.
: :
and then the drive will crash.
Good Job!
2010 12 March :: 10.41pm
it is a tenuous thread to which we cling.
that thread is the moment. that moment is life. we live in the present tense.
and yet, somehow, none of us is able to quite realize it at the time. you look back and say, "oh yeah, hey - look - we did a thing there just then!" that thing was a moment. a point in time at which you were doing that one thing with those one people. that was a good time. hell, even if it was a bad time, you still remember it. and it is something you share. memories have this unnerving propensity to decay over time. and that decay - that shelf life - is what gives those memories their value. valuable moreso for being unique to the individuals involved, and the lack of likelihood of their passing it on to a second party, and that party's then furthering the cause.
memories die over the ages. it seems sad that we only mourn them post-mortem.
that is why when i die there better be a fuckin' party. because i want the only thing people to be able to remember is that it was a hell of a good time. in homage to a life of good times.
Good Job!
2010 12 March :: 2.00am
Portal 2: Please assume the party submission position
Valve, for what they lose in timing, they make up everything in scheming.
Aperture Science is built on three pillars.
Pillar one: Science without results is just witchcraft.
Pillar two: Get results or you're fired.
Pillar three: if you suspect a coworker of bein' a
witch, report them immediately. I cannot stress that enough. Witchcraft will
not be tolerated.
Portal ARG
Assume the following for all collected data:
We are cows
We are going to be in a mouse trap
Computers will be present
Glados will "lol" at us.
We are being watched from a distance, telescope/microscope
We will die
The chicken sees a light bulb
Lab coats are available.
Inertia is reversed.
*Side board: Please contact Aperture Science @(425) 822-5251 [modem number] Please use backup login for further information.
Basically I translate this into: We(player) are cows(player) moving in inertia we cannot comprehend(math probems) because we are not scientists(labcoat.) The trap is set (mouse trap.) We will die(skull) like chickens. If we see whats going to happen it will be too late (light bulb.) Glados(a computer) is watching(scope) and laughing because of this.
Good Job!
2010 10 March :: 2.34pm
why the fuck don't i have a job?
it might have something to do with the current recession.
or it could just be that i live in michigan, and it snows a lot. i didn't realize that our frequent snowstorms were part of the economic turbulence.
then again, if you follow THEIR snowstorms link, it takes you to a page that references monthly surveys of businesses and households. at which point all of the statistics and graphs and bullshit they can muster don't apply to me, simply because i've lived here for two years and not once have gotten asked by any survey whether or not i am gainfully employed.
i always hated stats. calculus just makes so much more sense.
Good Job!
2010 8 March :: 2.02am
Mathmatical way to find VaLoth!
Math proves VaLoth
Good Job!
2010 5 March :: 10.49am
Finally got a new computer!
1 Comment |
Good Job!
2010 4 March :: 9.01am
a B+ is NOT that bad jessie. i can come back from this.
Good Job!