So I finally sucked it up and applied at GRCC for their associates nursing degree program.
I'm terrified.
Of not getting accepted.
Of failing.
Of not being able to hold the GPA that is required.
In other news... I got fucked over by my job, so I'm currently job hunting like it's cool. It sounds like I'll be getting an interview with National City Bank, but I haven't heard anything for sure yet. Hopefully though I will get a phone call this week.
I finally got all of my taxes back though, so that should hold me over bill-wise at least for the next two months. I pray to god I'll have a job by then.
My car is all sorts of fucked up, and I was going to get it fixed with my tax return, but obviously that won't be happening. I also wanted to get my digital SLR, and that isn't working out either :[
I'm basically feeling rather discouraged about life in general. At least things with my love, friends, and family are wonderful. Aside from Kelly leaving in less than a month [sad face].
i have a perhaps unhealthy interest in bathroom graffiti.
but you have to admit, the progression here is truly something special (yes, i do return to the same bathrooms, and since i'm there, i'll check out what's new):
2. my CUNTry tis of thee!
3. my CoUNTry tis of thee!
three visits - each with a new update.
now, bear in mind, this was on a divider between the urinals.
knowing that, how creepy would it be if you were the one standing at the urinal, and someone in one of the stalls STARTED SINGING THAT SONG while you were standing there.
i would probably lose my shit.
plain white ts show tonight. pretty stoked about that. yes, my vag may even be tingling a little. either that, or it's my purity ring acting up again.
Everything is connected. Our actions have effects that we cannot conceive. We are gears in a machine, but we do not know how this machine is put together. If we did, or if we could look at the schematics, we could see every possible course that our energy output could take. We would see the end result, and we would know before we acted what the exact consequences would be. However, we don't have that capability. We may be able see this on a smaller scale, but we can never have the whole picture. Too many other gears are constantly interfering, ones of which we are completely unaware. Communication is key. If we could all work together coherently and efficiently, the possibilities would be endless. We are all parts in this machine and our actions decide the outcome and the product it generates. Synchronization. Collaboration.
The gear would be a symbol of the realization that my actions have effects on everything around me. It would serve as a reminder to question more thoroughly the things I do before I do them. It would keep me aware of a larger universe than just the one I inhabit in my mind.
My ideas are a result of the culture in which I was brought up. They are a product of all the information I've ever taken in. The gear is a symbol for the continuity of time. This is the reason for the twelve cogs, representing a clock. The past controls the present controls the future controls the limitless possibilities of time.
The endless circular motion represents the cycle that every atom on the planet is a part of. It is a realization of death as not the end, but as just another turn of the gear. Renewal.
The inner gear with ridges pointing inward symbolizes the fact that though I realize I am part of a larger entity, I cannot forget about my self. I cannot forgo completely my own goals, feelings, needs. I must weigh the two against each other and make my decisions.
They call me a mason, because I make you shit bricks
I'm known as an illness, cuz my rhymes are fucking sick
I am a magician, the way I make you turn tricks
I'm like a narcotic and you gotta get your fix
The problem with working in IT is that when you dont know the answer its like they look to you to wave a magic wand and make it all better. Then you tell them "I dont have an answer for you" and they just look like theyre all about to let loose in tears.
"Satellite developer Intelsat and the Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation are other well-known names on the list."
no.... anyone but krispy kreme!! Fuck GM's financial aid plan... give that shit to Krispy Kreme!!
My theory:
If GM goes insolvent, thousands of people will lose jobs.
But given that we move the aid to Krispy Kreme, doughnut prices decrease at record pace and all the unemployed are too distracted by delicious glazed doughnuts to worry about how they're going to feed their kids (they could just feed them doughnuts as well, but that's unhealthy. This is where McDonald's comes in...) and live for the rest of their lives!
"Sectors least represented in the Bottom Rung group include natural products, forest products, healthcare, metals and mining"
I feel like I could have told that health care may still be one of the more highly desired items in case of economic meltdown, but who am I...
Things seem to hurt easier. I hope I have enough trust for this. I dont think I could deal with the trust being lost.
"3rd times a charm" I hope this charm is a good tidings one.
Today in a nutshell is as follows in the video.
Just when you think that you're in control,
just when you think that you've got a hold,
just when you get on a roll,
here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again.
Oh, here it goes again.
I should have known,
should have known,
should have known again,
but here it goes again.
Oh, here it goes again.
It starts out easy, something simple, something sleazy, something inching past the edge of the reserve.
Now through lines of the cheap venetian blinds your car is pulling off of the curb.
I guess there's got to be a break in the monotony, but Jesus, when it rains how it pours.
Throw on your clothes, the second side of Surfer Rosa, and you leave me, yeah, you leave me.
i really enjoy the fact that, whenever i have to compose an "official" message or something for a group i am with, it always starts out very prim and proper, but right near the end of it the professionalism diminishes rapidly.
it's probably not a good thing, but i'm amused. because i feel like i'm a lot funnier when i'm unnofficial.
it just goes to show you how delusional some people can be.
2009 9 March :: 2.12am
:: Music: black sabbath - paranoid
i think the interesting part here is not my inane banter, but the fact that japan even confuses facebook.
i have now transcended the time-space continuum, through the simple act of having written something tomorrow.
it makes me almost feel like i accomplished something today.
well, i did talk to dad. and i talked to becca's guy about playing drums in a band, like with actual gigs and stuff. seems pretty exciting. i guess we'll see what wednesday brings. and i worked for a few hours, rather unexpectedly. gotta love management.
Heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says "But, doctor...I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.
2009 6 March :: 10.23am
:: Music: The Beginning of the End
Ok so for the past like 5 days has been doing a satire of the new movie coming out today Watchmen
Id like to share that if you even thought about the movie then you read these days of the comic. Think Watchmen meets newspaper comic characters. With a plot to match the characters. Its good stuff. Below is the link for the start of the comics strand.
And...fade to white.
Things got better. This is good.
Stress is melting off me for the moment. Now I only have to deal with it as a pool at my feet that I cant seem to shake off my shoes.
I feel fucking fantastic after wednesday. I know Im not a shapely person but I already see results of my small muscles being toned out against my even smaller bones.
Gah! Why didnt I always do this. SOB.
Gonna come back as a ripped lanky motherfucker when all said and done.
April 13'th 2009
I ship out on this day. So anyone wishing for my address contact me.
The more the merrier.
To prove myself, I must beat the biggest object in my path. Me.
I want to be a Marine.
Workout starts tonight. x60 situps, pushups, pull ups
It felt good. Having the drive felt even better.
"One of these mornings
Won't be very long
You will look for me
And I'll be gone" -Moby "One of these mornings"