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:: 2016 5 September :: 11.13pm

splurged on some new clothing today. torrid was having a buy one get one free clearance so I stocked up. a lil reward for paying off my car! I deserve it!

I just hope it all fits. the shitty thing is no returns... but let's be honest I'm too fucking lazy to go into a store.

I have some Blazers that never get worn.. I want to start wearing them more often just because. I'll dress up on Tuesdays, since men have tie Tuesday.

and maybe I'll get some new lipstick too...

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:: 2016 4 September :: 5.36pm

I felt better about my life, exactly today. I went to church, and I see a new crowd of people. It helps me to forget the bad part of my life that already past. This is exactly where I needed to be, with the Lord. Today was the Lord Supper, and it went by quickly. It's a new start for me today. Some things I learned about life. Don't believe in people's words too easily, don't be too kind or helpful if unnecessary, don't get drawn in easily with what you think is appealing, don't open up to easily or else you will end up losing more than you will gain, most importantly, don't let anyone take advantage of you in an evil way, if you sense there is something wrong with them, back away immediately and stay away even if it means you won't have any friends.

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:: 2016 2 September :: 8.40am

Shame is a useless emotion. It doesn't make us humble, it creates guilt. And I refuse to entertain it any longer. A healthy level of shamelessness is exactly what I need.

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:: 2016 31 August :: 9.07pm

maybe I really am just not ready

I fucking hate that motherfucker. I hate who I've become. who he trained me to be. I am so weak. still a slave to those putrid habits.

I am broken indefinitely. with broken strings it's hard to fix oneself.

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:: 2016 31 August :: 2.09pm

Bye, Felicia.

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:: 2016 30 August :: 8.05am

reasons I hate work:

- nothing ever works
- offshore processing

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:: 2016 28 August :: 8.19pm


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:: 2016 28 August :: 10.27am

oh my god I am tired

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:: 2016 25 August :: 10.08pm

off to the tri cities for another Mexican birthday celebration and the taco guy

he makes the most delicious tacos, and to watch him prepare them is a treat

camping out in the back yard in a tent

it's going to be how you say

el mejor

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:: 2016 24 August :: 12.51pm

I never have been

And I never will be

good enough

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:: 2016 22 August :: 5.33pm

I don't feel like adulting today.

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:: 2016 22 August :: 9.52am

probably the best thing growing my hair out has going for me:


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:: 2016 20 August :: 3.28pm

he's sawing adorable logs on the couch next to me

I gently touch his butt

he wiggles and makes the cutest sleep chuckle

I could die so cute

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:: 2016 19 August :: 9.30am

so some good news after the terrible horrible no good very bad day yesterday...


now to just get the title and she's mine ALL MIIIIIIINE

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:: 2016 18 August :: 11.42am

I live fat ugly and stupid
I'll die old alone and unloved

I try so hard to be seen
but I've never been more invisible

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