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Il n'y a pas de crainte dans l'amour

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:: 2004 6 June :: 4.12 pm
:: Mood: disappointed

It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down....
So I'm in a "The Best Mix" mood. I've discovered that it's not the hallowed CD we once thought it was.

It's basically emo/punk wannabe music. The generic kind too.

By generic, I mean the kind that even I've heard and I'm not into that genre enough to be exposed to it.

Disappointing really.

Half the bands don't even know how to spell their own name. Sigh.

Anyway, I took time out of my oh so jam-packed life [sarcasm sarcasm] to figure out what each song is.

Every time I found out a song title, I gave a sigh of disappointment when I saw the band name. I hope a sophomore made this and it wasn't someone in my grade.

So, Kelly, Katie and all who have heard of "The Best Mix". Here it is in all of its disappointing half-glory. Like everything I spend time on, my colorful commentary and opinions will be included. I'll probably offend half, if not most, of you.

1. (I have no idea what this song is so I dub it:) Miscellaneous Screamo Song #1
2. Little Room by The White Stripes (I've heard this song before. I don't know where. I want to say a commercial but I have no idea. Generic.)
3. Play Crack the Sky by Brand New (This one wasn't that bad. It was still bad though. The weird title gives it extra points.)
4. Walk Away by Dropkick Murphys (Oh yeah, I've heard this one before too. That makes it generic.)
5. Understanding in a Car Crash by Taking Back Sunday (I've thought before that all of Taking Back Sunday's songs sounded the same and this one confirms it. Nice lyrics though so it's less bad.)
6. Three Simple Words by Finch (The band itself makes this song lose 50 points. But meh, okay lyrics. Oh, I've heard this one too. Generic.)
7. Tomorrow Too Late by Saves the Day (Originality gives it ten points which are quickly stolen away when I realize I've heard this song before. Generic.)
8. 500 Miles by Some Cover Punk Song Band (I like this song. I like Punk remakes. I thought it might be Me First and the Gimme Gimmes but it's too punkish. It's good though. I heart this song but not this version. Well, it's okay. Now I'm just being wishy-washy. Next song.)
9. Sureshot by Yellowcard (This song gets five bazillion points because it's Yellowcard and they not only use an electric violin but also make me cry.)
10. Kristina by Unsung Zeros (This song gets two points because it has one of those cello things in it and almost sounds like a sock hop song. Until right here were it falls into the punk/emo mold and loses acquired points.)
11. Flight 601 (All I've Got is Time) by Fenix TX (This song loses five bazillion points because the band can't spell their own name and it sounds just like every other song. Another five points are lost because they can't decide on a title and have to be like the "cool kids" and have a second title in parentheses.)
12. Radio Song by The Anniversary (They get two points for having a band name that probably half their fans cannot spell. Those two points are quickly taken away and the entire fan base is run over by a station wagon because I recognize this song. Generic.)
13. Sick and Sad by Catch 22 (Unique beginning = three Points. Negative five bajillion points for nearly indecipherable words.)
14. Beyond the Gray Sky by 311 (Nice sort of calypso/reggae style. How do you pronounce the band name though? Three-eleven? Three-one-one? Thirty-one-one?)
15. Crawl by Alkaline Trio (I sighed when I saw who sang this song. It's very… plain to say the least. A cookie-cutter song if there ever was one.)
16. The Worst Day Since Yesterday by Flogging Molly (I'm hoping not all their songs are in this style because it's pretty unique. I don't know what to think about it. Nice lyrics. A little too emo though.)
17. Sesame, Smeshame by The Early November (Weird title. Odd band name. Same old song. Nice lyrics. Gasp. Okay I've heard this before. It just crossed over to generic.)
18. Ghost Man on Third by Taking Back Sunday (Remember what I said about Taking Back Sunday's songs all sounding the same? This is a fine example. It sounds just like every one of their songs I've heard. The lyrics are pretty nice though. Sadly the same. How can you listen to a CD of the same song with different lyrics over and over?)
19. Anthem of Our Dying Day by Story of the Year (Nice lyrics but they're too emo and it just sounds like every other song.)
20. Shatterday by Vendetta Red (It jumps out of the cookie-cutter form that all punk/emo songs fall into and surprises me a little. I almost like it.)
21. Cailin by Unwritten Law (What? It's no different. It's blah.)
22. Pinky Swear by The Movielife (This is what happens when you try too hard. It's different and would be okay without the beginning and the middle and the end. Everything in-between is pretty tolerable and almost okay.)
23. Alien by Pennywise (It sounds like another song. Pretty okay lyrics. I don't know. It doesn't have enough to form an opinion on.)

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:: 2004 6 June :: 12.59 am

"People aren't like they are in stories. They hurt each other without meaning to. They are kind and unbelievably cruel at the same moment."

I love you all.

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:: 2004 5 June :: 12.28 pm

My mom, in her impatience, has edited the proofs of my senior pictures because she wanted to see what they would look like.

This is my favorite one and she did a pretty good job of taking off the watermark. My hair looks funny because she cloned that area really weird-like to get rid of the watermark. There must have been one on my neck too.


I look really different.

Read more..


I love you all.

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:: 2004 4 June :: 2.47 am

Just came back from the third Harry Potter movie. It was pretty good. They left a lot out and it seemed short but I liked it more than the first two.

It was more "see it if you've read the book" than "see it if you think Harry Potter sounds interesting". There was a lot you had to glean.

Trelawney = 73h r0x0rz

[insert something about nice CGing here]

I don't know. I'm tired and I'm going to bed.

I love you all.

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:: 2004 3 June :: 12.47 pm

I'm a senior now!!!!!!!!

Today was the last day of my junior year in Rockford High School. Thank God. Soon we'll be out of stupid sheltered RHS.

It is scary though, being a senior. The title just freaks me out.

I found this quiz thing about the school year. It might be a little long because I long ranting.

Hardest Class: Chemistry, second semester. Ug. How many ways can you calculate the titration of suckiness in second semester compared to first semester when measured with an orange potassium nitrate indicator while standing on your head, calculating the molarity of 3.14g of potassium nitrate and hanging yourself because the class is too damn confusing?
Easiest Class: Shakespeare. I loved that class. It was so easy. All you had to do was read. That was the only homework. As long as you read and paid attention to the discussions in class, you could get a high B or an A on all the tests. My lowest test grade was a B+ and that was the exam I took today. I ended up with an A in the class. A really high A too.
Most Fun Class: French 3. We had, I believe, five different teachers. We ended up with this college professor who didn't really care what we did in the class. We hardly had any homework and when we did, he usually gave us all A's anyway. It was a hilarious class too. Everyone was just so awesome.
Best Teacher: Oh... all of them. Miss Harley sort of sucked though, sorry to say. Mrs. Williams was awesome. She was semi-feminazi/hippie and it was just so exciting going to her class and waiting to see what she'd talk about that day. I had Mr. Miller first semester for AP History before I switched to easy history. He was hilarious. He made fun of everything. He was ultra-republican though and that sort of scared me. Yagga-zoozie was my favorite. Mrs. Whitney was tolerable. People hated her because they said she didn't teach but meh. I liked her. French... smurf. Yeah, I covered that a bit already. I love Wessely-sensei. I can't wait for next year to have her as a teacher again. Mr. Watson r0x0rz. He's nice and really smart. He teaches AP Lit and I'm thinking of taking that. Mr. Beach was awesome, as always. I heart Mr. Beach. Did I have another teacher first semester? I don't remember.
Worst Teacher: Miss Harley. Smurfing wow is she not smart. I mean that in the best possible way. How that's good, I don't know. She had little personality too. It was just... ug. No.
Best Grade: Um. My really high A in Shakespeare or my A+ ish in History.
Worst Grade: My D+ in AP History or my failing at one point in Chemistry.
Boring/Fun lunch: Lunch was pretty awesome. I had everyone I wanted in lunch both semesters. It was nice.
Detentions: Just like always, none.
Best Game: The football game when it was snowing. It was beautiful. Or the water polo game with the teachers. That was hilarious.
Worst Game: Homecoming. I was not doing that great and ended up crying a lot.
Most Fun Dance: I didn't go to any this year so... all of them!
Newest Friend: Joe, Michelle and all the sophomores (now juniors) in my Japanese class.
Oldest Friend: Kelly and Kyle. Amazing, ne?
Favorite Memory: I can't really think of any. We were playing bingo once in French class and this kid had about 6 cards. He kept telling the guy reading the words to slow down. The guy reading it said maybe he'd be able to catch up if he wasn't cheating. The kid with the 6 cards said, "It's not cheating, it's capitalism!" Or the time Kelly's standardized test told her to improve her knowledge of the subjects and predicates of a sentence.
Embarrassing Memory: I can't think of anything. I don't get embarrassed easily if ever. I just don't care what people think.
Worst Memory: When I learned my uncle David died. The day after Ben totaled his car. The night Nick and I broke up and the day after. Of course, the day/night Ben and I broke up.
Best School Meal: Calzones. Nummy.
Worst School Meal: Every time Kyle criticized the food and still ate it.
Best Decision: Um. I don't know.
Biggest Regret: I regret nothing.
Biggest Concern: Everyone.
Smallest Concern: Grades.
Friend you wish you still had: Hm. I don't know. I can't think of any.
Friend that you are glad you don’t have: Those snotty girls in my Chemistry class first semester.
Spring Break/Winter Break: Both were pretty awesome. Winter break is always the best. I love snow so much.
Best boyfriend/girlfriend: I'm refraining from answering this one.
Worst boyfriend/girlfriend: Same to this one.
Biggest Fight: All the ones with Katie.
What was it about: Who knows, or cares, anymore?
Coolest Trend: I'm skipping this one too.
Dumbest Trend: Another one I'm skipping.
Good/Bad Year: It was pretty good. Stressful but good.
Rate it 1-10 (10 best): 7ish. Room for improvement but it was pretty damn good.

I love you all.

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:: 2004 3 June :: 6.36 am

Today is the last day of school!


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:: 2004 2 June :: 8.29 pm
:: Mood: sad


I'm so sorry.

I want to cry. You have no idea how bad I feel.

I'm so very sorry.

If you need help, I'm here. Always and forever.

I love you...

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:: 2004 2 June :: 12.24 pm
:: Mood: freaked

Fatal Frame 2 is freaky but for some reason I want to go play more...

I'm going to pick up my senior pictures today.

Fatal Frame is better to play with people watching. Then I'm not the only one scared.

The twins are hot though. [/random]

I love you all.

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:: 2004 1 June :: 10.04 pm
:: Music: The Dumbing Down of Love by Frou Frou

Music is worthless unless it can make a complete stranger break down and cry...
I'm listening to this song and I think it might make me cry.

Step 1: Open your music player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: List the first ten songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.

1. Solitaire by Strung Out
2. Aspirins and Alcohol by Last Days of April
3. Rain of Stars from Record of Lodoss War
4. Moonlight Shadow from DDR
5. BEHSMENEMEH!! by Songs to Wear Pants To
6. Links 2 3 4 by Rammstein
7. Across the Universe by The Beatles
8. Come Here Boy by Imogen Heap
9. F.E.A.R. by Ian Brown
10. Sasquatch and the Bologna Caper a Cover of Scott Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag by Songs to Wear Pants To

I love you all.

P.S. Go to STWPT. Get some songs. They'll make you giggle. I like the Bjork one.

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:: 2004 1 June :: 4.29 pm

I joined the Joan of Arcadia Fanlisting. I'm such a dork.

I love you all.

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:: 2004 1 June :: 12.37 pm
:: Music: Frou Frou

Breathe in
Sorry for the lyrics but this song is sort of how I'm feeling right now. Sort of. Just confusing random thoughts.

Read more..

I love you all.

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:: 2004 1 June :: 6.17 am

I got maybe, maybe five hours of sleep last night. Probably four.

Now I have a headache and get to take two exams. Joy.

I love you all. Good luck on your exams.

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:: 2004 31 May :: 10.18 pm

Sorry I was sort of out of it at the Halo thing.

I had fun. I hope you all did too.

I love you all.

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:: 2004 30 May :: 10.10 pm

I, personally, have not watched TechTV since it became G4TechTV. For those who don't know, G4 sucks ass. And getting rid of all the good that is TechTV and combining it with shit, doesn't work out that great.

Here's what one guy had to say about the G4 shows and what I've been hearing ever since G4 was created:

Arena. This is a show where they basically have a LAN Party against two clans. You sit and watch other people play, OH BOY! In between you're treated to a sports announcer who I can only guess was rejected from Fox's Sunday Sports show, and a retard in a militarily getup.

Cheat. As you can guess by the name this show deals with videogame cheats. This is probably the most irritating show on here. For a half hour this is basically all you hear.. UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, B, A, F9, STAND UP, WALK TO TV, CHANGE CHANNEL. If you hear the sound of another channel you've successfully entered the code. I mean just god.. so very, VERY boring. If I wanted a cheat I'd go look on Game Faqs.

G4TV. It's a radio call in style show. Now with the right people this concept can work, however, in this case it does not. Hell, I'm not sure if they've even touched a controller. They seemed too busy ripping off Howard Stern's show to care about relevant content.

Electric Playground. Now this existed long before G4 but it's since branched off within the network to another show, Judgment Day. I didn't like the show then I don't like it now. If you like listening to sales people saying how great their crappy game is, by all means watch.

I hate capitalism....grr.

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:: 2004 30 May :: 7.48 pm

I'm bored.

Read more..

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:: 2004 30 May :: 1.23 pm
:: Music: Psychobabble by Frou Frou

I ♥ Frou Frou and Imogen Heap.

Do just what I tell you
And no one will get hurt
Don't come any closer
Cuz I dunno how long I can hold my heart in two

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:: 2004 30 May :: 12.07 am

J'aime le petit prince.

Read more..

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:: 2004 29 May :: 10.36 pm
:: Mood: crying
:: Music: Bomb by Bush

Oh kill a man
Life just isn't fair. Karma doesn't work at all.

So much time I wasted on you.

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:: 2004 29 May :: 7.48 pm

Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away Across the Universe.
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai Guru Deva Om
Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world.

Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
They call me on and on Across the Universe.
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box,
They tumble blindly as they make their way Across the Universe

Jai Guru Deva Om
Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world.

Sounds of laughter, shades of earth are ringing
Through my open ears inciting and inviting me.
Limitless, undying love, which shines around me like a million suns,
And calls me on and on Across the Universe

Jai Guru Deva Om
Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world.

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:: 2004 29 May :: 6.02 pm

Life sucks

I love you all.

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