2004 16 May :: 12.41 pm
"There are teenagers out there who aren't exactly itching to have a roll in the hay."
Hell yeah there are!
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2004 16 May :: 1.01 am
:: Mood: calm
I know that I hurt you, things will never be the same
How am I supposed to feel about the things I've done?
I really cannot wait until school is over.
The stress is killing me.
I love you all.
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2004 14 May :: 7.49 pm
:: Mood: discontent
:: Music: Yellowcard
And you still came back for me...
Sorry for updating so many times but I want to post my poem.
I wrote this down at 1ish this morning. I wrote it in my head while thinking in the shower before going to bed and writing it down. I reworked it during school since I fell asleep right after getting my thoughts down and never re-read it.
I don't like it.
Review it on fictionpress if you wish or just tell me your thoughts on it here.
I named it By My Troth but, by my troth, I hate naming my poems.
I love you all.
I never did quite heal you see
Although I claimed I did
I never tried to fly you know
One wing broke, the other tore
I never could stand up you see
You knew once I fell down
I never really moved you know
Our shadows lurk around
I’ve already jumped you see
And failed to spread my wings
I broke my promises you know
Fell when I should fly
I still can’t find my heart you see
You feel my sadness grow
I feel that I messed up you know
By loving you too much
I feel that I did wrong you see
And for this I must pay
I never tell the truth you know
Every question’s answers lie
I’ve tried to piece it all you see
Bent down to find the shards
I really loved to cry you know
Feeling lost to empty words
The tears no longer come you see
Think of you every night
Never quite got over you
And only hope I shall
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2004 14 May :: 5.28 pm
Smurfing wow...
Everyone has to watch Joan of Arcadia tonight. God tells Joan to give Adam a gift and she finds a condom when shuffling through his stuff. It looks like she seems to think that's the gift God is talking about...
I know they cannot bzoink because God will get so pissed at her. I'll get pissed at her even.
Anyway, it'll be interesting how they handle the whole premarital sex thing. I'd like to see how they interpret it. Plus, it'll be a good lesson for y'all.
This senior from my Shakespeare class is in a band called Mother McCree's Uptown Jug Band. They're playing at the Liquid Room on May 28th at 8. I'm going to try to go. It costs $5 to get in and it usually lasts until 10.
So you all should go. Not just because I like this guy but also because we all need to get out of the house.
They have anime nights at the liquid room on Mondays. Awesome. I never knew.
I love you all.
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2004 14 May :: 3.58 pm
:: Mood: calm
I love rain.
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2004 13 May :: 7.26 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Jacques Brel
Ne me quitte pas...
Le rouge et le noir
Ne s'épousent-ils pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
I am in no way a rebellious teenager but I've always wanted a tattoo of angel wings. It's only lately that I've become totally adamant and obsessed with it.
Read more..
This song makes me sad. Jacques Brel rocks.
I love you all.
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2004 12 May :: 8.13 pm
My mom finally told us how my uncle died.
It was from atherosclerosis.
[edit 10:11]
Sorry I didn't describe it. I don't even remember typing this. Basically it's hardening of the arteries.
sux0rz ne?
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2004 12 May :: 5.55 pm
:: Music: Yellowcard
Now I'm older, I want to be the same as you.
Taco-san got elected president of anime club! w00t! It'll be so awesome next year.
He nominated me as VP. r0x0rz.
The rest of the day was boring. Last Exile is beautiful.
I can't wait until next week. The seniors will be gone and we'll be the seniors! Plus, there are only 7 juniors in my Shakespeare class. We'll be the only ones there.
Rock. Almost summer. I can't wait.
I love you all.
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2004 12 May :: 6.44 am
Happy birthday, Kelly!!
I've fallen behind on my birthday greetings... I missed a few. Sorry!
I love you all.
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2004 11 May :: 9.10 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Yellowcard
Ne me quitte pas
Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Be strong
I love you all very very much.
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2004 10 May :: 9.18 pm
:: Mood: discontent
I drive myself insane.

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2004 10 May :: 7.43 pm
:: Mood: stressed
"it's like trying to get a dead guy to stand up"
I'm stressed so much that I'm getting sick. All day I felt ill. Nervousness, stress and lack of food made my stomach upset all day.
I'm single again.
My fault. I feel really horrible about it but I'll be okay. I don't like bringing people down with me.
I haven't been able to cry lately and that upsets me. Even when I really feel like crying and I'm really down, I cannot cry at all.
I'm praying a lot lately.
This is random, I apologize.
I love you all.
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2004 9 May :: 9.08 pm
C'est moi.
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2004 9 May :: 3.55 pm
:: Mood: amused
Foregone conclusion
[edit 3:54 --- My parents left for Las Vegas at 5 this morning. My mom'll be home Tuesday night and my dad'll be home Thursday I think. So if anyone wants to come over, I'm going to be really bored.]
Now I'm one of them.
My mom got my brother, my sister and I a cell phone to share. It's so we all can call her and my dad on that phone while they're gone since it doesn't cost much if anything.
She's been wanting to get us a phone so that my sister and I could take it with us when we go places.
Blah. I'm one of them.
I love you all.
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2004 9 May :: 1.12 am
"Stop hiding who you are."
I love the rain...
I love you all.
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2004 7 May :: 3.29 pm
:: Mood: blah
Joy upon joys [some swearing. sorry.]
[edit 4:49]
Fucking capitalism!
Comcast (they own that stupid G4 network, I have a lot to say about that) bought out TechTV.
That would be semi-tolerable if they hadn't fired every damn person!!
That pisses me off like you have no idea...
Sigh. I took that birthday month quiz.
Read more..
It's me. *twilight zone theme song plays*
Those kids who called me a hot lesbian yesterday are the same ones who keep calling me a hooker.
People are so stupid that they make me laugh.
I have a headache and I'm not feeling that great...
Today was awful. I have to do something I dislike and it's got to happen sometime. Today was a potential occurance of that event and the dread just killed my day.
Other than that, it was a pretty damn good day. I'm so glad it's Friday.
Read more..
Anyway, I want out of the house this weekend so I'll head downtown or something tomorrow. If anyone wants to hang out, just call me because I'll be bored out of my mind.
I'm going to go lie down.
I love you all.
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2004 6 May :: 10.36 pm
:: Mood: amused
I got called a lesbian for the first time in my life today.
A "hot lesbian" though.
Which makes it all so much better...
I love you all.
P.S. I was hanging out with Tom, Katie and Kelly.
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2004 5 May :: 7.45 pm
This year...
I've lost about as many friends as I gained.
I don't know how I should feel about that.
It makes me sad.
I love you all.
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2004 5 May :: 6.26 am
Somedays I'm surprised Andy doesn't shoot himself.
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