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Il n'y a pas de crainte dans l'amour

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:: 2005 6 October :: 6.02 am

I think that doing our French project last year (the second fairy tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, not the first) had to be one of the best times in my entire life.

And up until three seconds ago when Nicole reminded me of it, (Je suis un ninja comme Jackie Chan, WAH-TAH!) I had totally forgotten.

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:: 2005 2 October :: 1.52 am

I guess I should tell you about school, now that I have time.

College is the best thing that I have ever encountered. (Next to Nick, of course but normally I don't call meeting Nick an "encounter".) All of my professors are nice (even though my I&E prof channeled Mr. Watson yesterday), none of my classes are lectures and I haven't slacked off as much as usually. School is so much fun. My friends are awesome to just hang out with, all the clubs I'm involved in are either on topics I really care about or things I'm really interested in and the girls outnumber the guys 4 to 1.

My French professor is also the Spanish prof. She speaks French for the entire hour. At first, I was really afraid of that class but as it got going, I realized that we aren't learning anything. Then Shayne and Nicole told me that Mrs. Dudka is pregnant and on bed rest again so they aren't learning a thing either.
My English class (I&E) is okay. It's really a waste of time but since I didn't take the AP test and it's required...I'm trapped there. The prof, Dr. Dawson, is a hippie.

My PE/Health requirement (Nutrition, Exercise and Stress) is just that, a requirement. I'm trying to get it out of the way so I can be happy an unhealthy for the rest of my life. The prof also teaches the pilates and yoga classes at Aquinas so of course we had to do those things. Pilates smurfing sucks.

My math class is alright. I hate math. I hate algebra. My prof is pretty awesome and nice. She also explains things very nicely. I understand most of everything. Mostly because I've learned it all before and it's pretty much remembering. I hate factoring.

At Aquinas, freshmen are required to take this Intro to Information Literacy class that teaches you how to use the library and research things for papers. It's actually kind of interesting and fun but I'm a dork. The professor is the co-director of the library and, for some reason, loves me to death.

My web page design class is great. It's all done in Frontpage so even if I didn't know how to insert pictures, I could find out in less than a minute. The professor wrote the first college textbook on HTML and is pretty "hip". He grows all of his own fruits and vegetables, his house is run on his own generator, he loves spelunking and he cannot remember any HTML. He loves cars and music too. Pretty cool.

My friends are awesome. I met my friend Jeremy at orientation. We usually eat lunch together. Sometimes his sister, Elysia, comes along. She's a junior and transferred from Saginaw Valley State University. They're from Caro, some small town on the other side of the state. Shayne used to eat with us but now he's too cool. He's in my I&E class though so it's okay. I see my friend Emily once in a while. She's in my French class and in both SAC and the radio station club. She rocks. And she's beautiful.
Life's going pretty alright too. I got a job on campus at the registrar's office. I only get about 10 hours a week so I was thinking of maybe getting a weekend job too. We'll see. The only sucky part is that we work during all breaks. Which means that I don't know if I can go see Katie anymore.

Nick and I are doing great. We keep running into these crappy things (that I bring up because it's my job to over think everything.) but we get right through them. We keep talking about getting married eventually or living together next year. I hope it happens eventually. It'd be nice. Nick's a really nice guy and I hope he sticks around for a while longer. We're coming up on sixteen months. It's awesome!

On Wednesday, I got up the courage to drive myself to school. Ever since then, I've been driving everywhere. I love it and I never thought I would.

Anyway. Life is awesome. School is awesome. Yeah, I'm stressed and worried about a bajillion things but I'm having fun and growing up. That's all I wanted. Hopefully I can start going to church again. I keep wanting to but I make a thousand excuses every single time.

I love you all. I hope everything's going great for all of you. I miss you, Kelly, come home sometime. The rest of you all need to come home too.

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:: 2005 28 September :: 1.52 am

To Nick, in response:
I love you too, babycakes.

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:: 2005 27 September :: 4.59 pm

Chickened out on driving. Will most definitely drive tomorrow though.

Love you all. Thanks for the support.

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:: 2005 26 September :: 10.19 pm
:: Mood: stressed

I drive myself to school tomorrow.

I've never driven by myself before.

I'm scared.

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:: 2005 25 September :: 8.06 pm

What words get bleeped out on the radio? I'm looking for songs to play tomorrow and I'm wondering if I can play songs with "damn" or "bastard" in them.

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:: 2005 25 September :: 5.50 pm

Uber-Christian people creep me out.

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:: 2005 24 September :: 5.58 pm

I have a car!

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:: 2005 21 September :: 1.31 pm

Nintendo revolution
Don't know if any of you all have seen this (or care) but I think it's totally awesome.

It's shaped like a remote and the analog stick just plugs into it on its own cord extention. It looks very interesting. And, especially, fun to use and play.

I love you all.

P.S. Here is a close-up. Kinda sexy.

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:: 2005 20 September :: 6.02 pm

I am so bipolar. This morning I hated my haircut but now, I love it.


Read more..

That is my haircut. For now, I like it. It's cute. My janitor friend, Jose, said it made me look older and taller. My French teacher said it was very flattering and everyone else said: "I love your haircut."

But, seriously, who would admit that they hated it? Or that it was ugly?


I love you all.

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:: 2005 19 September :: 9.31 pm

I got a haircut today.

I don't know if I like it.

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:: 2005 19 September :: 12.47 am

I wasn't saying, Kyle, that people who drink are anything less than people. My parents drink and, before they were married, my father drank quite a bit. I'm so sorry that I'm upset that the people I care a ton about are making stupid decisions.

And I'm especially sorry that you think I don't give a flying fuck about them. I'm sorry that you think I don't care. I thought that by now, you'd know me better than that. I'm sorry that you weren't there to see me when I found out that Ben spent the weekend at his brother's drinking and getting drunk. I'm sorry that you didn't see how much I worried about him and still do worry about him. I'm sorry you don't see me pray every night that he, Jackie, Kelly and everyone at college or elsewhere will be okay.

Amanda's cousin died of alcohol poisoning.

I'm sorry that you don't see how important this subject is to me.

And I'm sorry that you don't see how important everyone is to me.

I apologize that I'm having a difficult time adjusting to everyone growing up and experiencing adulthood but I am. There's been a lot of stuff lately that has made me have to grow up and it's too bad that you aren't here to see it and that I'm not comfortable enough to tell you.

Yes, people with make dumb decisions. I accept that. I can suck it up.

I can care about them. And I do.

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:: 2005 19 September :: 12.29 am

Didn't write my paper for I&E. Have to meet with prof tomorrow for 20 mins to talk about said paper and previous paper. Whoops. Might be a short meeting.

Start radio show tomorrow. Nervous as hell.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 17 September :: 3.39 pm

The puppy!

Read more..

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:: 2005 17 September :: 2.30 pm

So we are getting the car. I just don't know when. I probably won't be able to drive it until I get a job and insurance but still: YAY!

Apparently, a Geo Prizm is just like a Toyota Corolla.

Then I'll get to do all those cool car things that I've been planning on doing (visiting Katie and Kelly, driving to school, visiting the houses I used to live in etc).

I love you all.

P.S. Leo is the cutest dog ever. He tries to usurp McHenry, it's funny.

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:: 2005 16 September :: 11.22 pm

I had a job interview yesterday and today my mom said she found me a car.

It's a '90 Geo Prizm (maybe?) and I hope I get to drive it before we actually get it. If we do.

And I hope I get the job because I need it.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 15 September :: 11.27 am

Speaker after speaker at the Nuclear Energy Institute's Nuclear Energy Assembly, held on 16-18 May in Washington DC, weighed in with variations on a single theme: over the next 20 to 50 years, nuclear power is one of the few options, if not the only option, capable of providing reliable baseload electricity to meet increasing global demand without exacerbating global warming.

Of course the NUCLEAR ENERGY INSTITUTE is going to say that nuclear energy is the only way to go! It's stupid to say otherwise. It'd be like a vegetarian restaurant offerring meat alternatives or a mosque having Christian services on Sundays.

To Bodman, the way forward was clear: "We need to develop new sources of energy to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and help protect the environment." These new energy sources and new technologies include hydrogen fuel cells to power vehicles, more effective ways to produce wind and solar power, techniques for removing pollutants and green-house emissions from coal, and improved fuel efficiency. However, "there is one technology already in place that can reliably generate large amounts of electricity with no dependence on fossil fuels, no pollution, and no greenhouse emissions. That technology is nuclear power."

Yes. Great idea. Until we have a nuclear meltdown and there is no environment to protect. That's not even going into the nuclear waste that's going to be left behind. What ever happened to hydroelectric plants? All nuclear plants do is make water into steam anyway, right? So why not skip the nuclear part?

I'm rambling. This is just to waste time before lunch.

P.S. "Nuclear power should instead be among our foremost options for ensuring that we have safe, secure, affordable, and environmentally responsible supplies of energy."

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:: 2005 13 September :: 7.42 pm

We got a puppy today! He's a pomeranian and has three feet and four legs. He is the cutest thing on the face of the earth. He's so small! For now, his name is Leo but that might change.

I'll post pictures later!

In other news, Switchfoot will be touring with Eisley! ZOMG! We have to go. I don't have any money but we have to.

10/27/2005 - Chicago, IL
Vic Theatre

10/28/2005 - Detroit, MI
Majestic Theatre

10/29/2005 - Cleveland, OH
House of Blues

I love you all.

P.S. Leo was on my lap and kept giving me puppy kisses and laying his head on my arm.

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:: 2005 11 September :: 10.16 pm

Starting next Tuesday from 10am to noon, I will be a DJ on WAQU (1590 - The Squirrel), Aquinas' radio station.

You can stream it off the interweb (whenever they set it up) here.

I love you all.

P.S. My dad is downstairs watching Wizard of Oz and listening to Dark Side of the Moon.

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:: 2005 11 September :: 3.17 pm

My boobs are bigger! Yay!

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