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Stuck in the Past

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:: 2003 23 March :: 9.46 pm
:: Mood: annonyed
:: Music: rock

Oops, you broke it
Darnit all. I lost my last entry cuz I acciendently deleted it...Damn. I was gonna click on chat or a window or something and I hit that button instead! GRRR!!

Well, it doesn't matter. What I typed on there was wrong. Because I'm stupid, which I have proven to myself many times tonight, on the nonfunctioning chat.

But, basically, the only thing I typed in that last entry was I fricked things up with jackie. thats it. I don't know if I can fix it or she can, or anything. I think people posted but since I deleted it DAMN DAMN DAMN I couldn't see any of the responds. So, I dunno.

I never know. I don't know anything. I'm wondering if I'll ever become 'Unstupid'. I don't think it'll happen though.

My apologies go to mitch. You did almost nothing. I'm just stupid, as stated above.

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:: 2003 23 March :: 1.03 am

Has Atman hurt you before?

Yeah, and theres still a scar there you SOB.
I wish he would...I consider it to be quite sexy.
The wuss doesn't have the balls to do it.
All too frequently...
I wish you'd go away
I don't think your capable of hurting someone
I've hurt you more than you've hurt me
Atmanall you do is create a low opinion of yourself and try to convince others you are just really stupid and insensitivewhen in realityyou are a good guy.

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:: 2003 22 March :: 11.27 pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Bloody Valentine

Am I messing up what I've been doing or am I making the right choices? I'm thinking I've been messing things up, and I don't want to...I'm sick of hurting people or things. Sometimes I don't want to meet people because I fear I might hurt them in the future. Heh, yeah...more of addisons personal over analyzing problems revealed!

Yup. So I was at Nates this weekends...again. I'm starting to feel sorry for his parents. His mom doesn't care I'm there, but his dad obviously sends off vibes he doesn't want me there. Thats fine. Nowadays I return the vibes. But, the main point of why I'm saying I was there is because I had a dream...this one was actually simple. Its been a long time since I claimed I had a simple dream. This one just showed me interacting with various people...that was it...but it opened a few things up for me.
Don't understand? Well, you're probably stupid, but I'll break it down for you.
For example, chris and katie kept making out, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, so I finally got pissed and left. They followed me and kept asking, "hey, whats wrong?", and I finally shot back, "Well, WTF do you think is wrong?" Then chris gave me his usual, I have no control over the situation speech that he ALWAYS gives, and it pisses me off.
*Atman checks his checklist, first bridge burned*
Some of the things struck me as true and others kinda surprised me. Some were funny. Me and moe were snowboarding, cuz apprantly I learned how, and it was quite entertaining...two stoners doesn't get better than that. Moe hit a jump, and did a good job, but failed terribly at the was quite funny. We both eventually turned into us calling each other stupid and hitting each other.
The one with Raych was depressing...not cuz she is, but what she was doing, to be honest. I won't go into details, obviously. Although she'll probably ask me later.
Some of it was arguing and fighting, which was cool. Me and armstrong had an argument...great fun. The punk launched into an argument about how young kids these days don't respect their elders, and how bad we can be.
Wow. I wish I could have video typed myself.
I launched back with how his generation never stopped us from doing that stuff and how they continue to sponser it, and how adults don't respect kids, either. It was a big grand argument, but I've taken up WAY too much space for this entry I'm sure people with short attention spans aren't reading this part.
Lastly...I kinda wanna talk about what happened to jackie...but I shouldn't. She can ask me about it later too, I guess. If she cares.
So, thats my dream...that probably took up WAY too much space on your friends page...oh well, not my problem...ILYTL

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:: 2003 19 March :: 8.34 pm
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: Always

Woohu is back
Yay, woohu is back! Thats awesome! I can listen to others peoples problems! bitch about things! be negative...listen to others...bitch at others...enjoy themselves...damn, maybe this isn't such a good thing. Well no, woohu is fun, I don't care what anyone says, and its always fun to just type stuff. Heh, I really have no complaints about today. Ah, no, mom is awesome. I told her I was tired and she said, Ok, I'll let you sleep in...Yes! She's awesome. Sometimes I call her a bitch, but I don't think I mean it. I don't know of any other mothers that would do something like that for their kids.
I just realized, I can type pretty fast for someone who usually sucks at technological stuff...and I misspelled technological around five times before I typed it right.

I seriously don't have anything to, I could talk about how stupid I've been to sugarjackj...more than half the time I see her now, I get around 5 feet away and say, "wait a second...wasn't that...? DAMNIT! Every time!" Oh well. Not much I can do about my own stupidity. Maybe it'll go away on its own.

Actually, Larissa Hareaarraaafarafagg (I realized I couldn't spell the last name, so I just kept going) made me feel good today in Millers class...and I just realized that could be taken incorrectly in so many fashions. We were doing a poem thing in English, and she said I had an excellent answer, and actually copied it down on hers! :) heh heh, you have no idea how awesome it is to say something smart to someone smart so they say wow, that was pretty smart, you must be smart. Stupid things like that cheer me up nowadays, and I don't know I starting to enjoy random pity? Or are people actually being nice to me and I've finally noticed?

I dunno. When things get too complex for me, I eat pizza. So thats what I'm gonna go do.

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:: 2003 14 March :: 11.23 pm
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: Runaway

The Bean
Tonight was a night of firsts for me...pretty freaky.
I've never been to the bean.
I've never heard Bruce said Checkers.
I've never seen raych before.

So, tonight was gonna be a night of experiences for me, I thought. Well, the Bean completely wowed my expectations. I thought it was gonna be a little coffee shop with no elbow room and it sucked. But it wasn't.
I thought bruce said checkers was gonna be a bad band.
They weren't terrible, but they weren't great.
And I met raych...Uh, she pretty much was what I was expecting I guess.
So, Bruce said checkers was singing, and I wanted to talk to raych, but its hard with robby bouncing around like a three year old on speed. So, I eventually went outside, and talked to andy...and hooked up with rueben and gab. Fun fun. Then we got into a discussion somehow about how amy was bi...I feel a bit bad about that. But not too bad. Then, cops showed up and freaked me out...yikes. Then rueben was staring right at the cops the entire time, I thought for sure we were going to jail.
I also met mitch armstrong, or the alleged "Tabletop". I don't really, shouldn't talk about it.
But, its late, and I'm gonna ramble about gods plans of me being a pawn and falling into chicks, grabbing their boobs. ILYTL...or someone elses, I don't care.

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:: 2003 11 March :: 9.12 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Say it ain't so

I'm 17...yay.
I honestly don't feel any different...maybe I'm supposed to mutate tonight or something...whatever. If you think about it though, the age of 17 gets the shaft. You can drive when you are 16 and you become an adult when you are 18. so, that sucks.

Heh, it was an ok day...I never got questioned about yesterdays lab...I wonder why? Eh, less for me to worry about. Band still feels wrong...I dunno something must be wrong with me. Geography is still bs. Schoen didn't tell us about the test we were gonna have, but we all knew it was gonna happen. So everyone studied...but me. I hate that class, and I suck at it, so, screw it. Plus I wasn't in the mood.
Geometry is getting harder, and dumber...I'm probably going to fail and retake it. Joy.

I love this righteous attitude I have. I'm stupid, I suck...yeah, its all good.
I officially hate long distance, for not only am I the worst, but I do that over-analyzing thing and I get fucked over, because I think about things I don't want to think about as I'm running, yet I have no choice, for my mind can't focus on anything else.

Finally, I leave you all with my horoscope for today. Its 90% accurate, I think.

'You are unusual and uncommon. You combine many key traits that are most often found in those born under different signs of the Zodiac. You have the sensitive, artistic nature of the more sensitive signs, while you usually move forward with the bold aggression of those known for taking risks. You can be critical, yet as accepting and easygoing as the next guy. You are highly individualistic- and quite unpredictable. You are the kind to give Pisces natives a good- and interesting- name.

A good name...I dunno about that.

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:: 2003 10 March :: 8.31 pm

Will Atman make it through track?

Yeah, don't ditch spud
No, ditch spud anyway
Yeah...C'mon man, what about the ladies?
No, chicks from cedar aren't that attractive
No, Sabinas will drive him nuts
No, someone else will drive him insane
Yes, he'll do it for his family, who for some reason seem to be happy he's doing track
Nohe'll get it together and realize a job is the better way to go

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:: 2003 10 March :: 8.03 pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: Hey Jude

The beginning begins again
Yeah, today sucked.
I love opening like that...I'm not kidding around, I'm not bullshiting, I'm getting right to the good stuff. So, now, tomorrow, I'm going to find out my punishment for an act of pure evil...are you ready for this?

I poked a puff ball with a stick.

Thats right. I'm a rebel. I'm evil. I showed armstrong I'm a rebelious kid whos evil and wants chaos and evil to plague us all.

Or maybe hes stupid and doesn't understand humans are capable of commiting errors, or that it was an honest mistake.

Which side do you think I'm gonna take? So, heres how it went.

McDonald was gone today, and I hate that. Honestly, he's a cool teacher and I sorta enjoy the subject of biology. I don't get a damn thing, but its fun. So, today, we had a fungi lab. Joy. We had to go to Armstrongs room, and, I gotta tell ya, I don't like him. I don't like the way he acts, I don't like the way he talks, and I sure as hell don't like his teaching style.
Granted, I shouldn't ridicule the guy for he is not one of my teachers, and I shouldn't down a teacher on woohu. But guess what? He jumped to conclusions I was there to piss him off, and I have always love people getting their own medicine. Cuz, you know, its bad tasting...and sucks...*Atman clears throat*
Anyway, theres a puff ball in the back, and there was a stick next to it. I'm like, "Hey, a stick...and a puff ball! Thats awesome!" So, I'm poking it with a stick, and its fun, when Armstrong comes up and starts lecturing me and stuff. I was confused and asked what the problem is. He told me not to play dumb or something.
Buddy, I don't PLAY dumb, I am naturally. Ask anyone.
So, he explains that the stick had LICHEN on it, and was a specimen. Grand. Just grand. So, he's bitching me out for something I didn't even know I was doing. Thats just great.
So, later, after class, I had to talk to him. He complained and blabbed and everything else to get his point across.
So, now he's assuming I wanted that stupid puff ball thing destroyed or whatever. Woohu. I'm a rebel.
Then he started talking about a suitable punishment.
He even had the balls to accuse me of doing that because I was in his classroom. I would've done it in McDonalds room, purely by accident too. So, he's going to tell McDonald tomorrow and he'll probably decide what to do. You know what the worst part is about getting chewed out for something?

The attitude the other person carries. I wanted to smack armstrong around, afterwards, as he made it sound like it was my mission to make his life a living hell or whatever. He also threatened to make me write essays whenever the class did labs. 500 word essays, to be precise.
I'm glad I don't have his class...I'm truely glad...I'd get sent in the hall everyday, I think.
McDonald is awesome, and when I explain what happened tomorrow, I think he'll understand it was just me being ignorant and give me a detention or something. Thats fine. I'll serve it, I don't care. If I do ever have to do an essay, I can guarantee it will be on how big of a dick armstrong can be. I can assure you all, thats what it'll discuss.

Track was today too...heh, joy. Me not running for a month now trying to just pick it up is impossible. I only got two miles before I had to walk...out of three...THREE. Thats not even that many. I'm soooooo screwed. I'm thinking of just doing short distance stuff, but I hate sprinting over and over again. But, tonight made it all better because my parents had to celebrate my b-day tonight. Awesome. I got cheesecake...thats all that counts. I'm a cheesecakefiend, man. I love that stuff.
Sorry about the REALLY REALLY long entry, but I had to get all that out of the, ILYTL.

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:: 2003 8 March :: 11.23 pm
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: silence...suck on that

still sucking
Yup...I've officially decided I can't drive.
No, seriously, all my confidence in my driving ability is gone. I have none. To night I lost control of my car and spun and LUCKILY did a 180 and landed safely on the side of the road.

Yeah, just grand. Nate was with me too, so that topped it off.
Then, later, my car almost lost control right into another one. I feel awful, but part of it is my tires and car is crappy, mixed with my crappy driving abilities.
I can drive, usually, but I no longer have confidence in myself...although I never do for anything, so...I...huh, I've confused myself.
Tomorrow I get to go to a birthday party for my cousin and I...yay. Too bad I don't feel like going. I feel like lying around and sleeping, because hell starts on monday...and I've done jack for training. heh, that'll be fun. dying on my first mile of four. Grand.
Hmmm...happy birthday to Jess, I guess (That rhymed, He!) and I hope it was a good one.
I got nothing else to talk about, so, ILYTL.

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:: 2003 6 March :: 9.40 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Linkin park...that new one

Always with the band and the playin and usually the sucking. I honestly don't think concert band did so badly, but, I think I was a big factor as to why we got a two...I messed up on exalatation really bad, and yeah...I didn't goof up any A's though, so talk to someone else about that.
Least favortie part about sight reading...the end where the old man tells you what you messed up on...I can't stand it, because I hate to be corrected...mainly on stupid stuff like breathing?! C'mon guys, seriously.
But, all in all, it wasn't a bad day...I've decided that I'm just gonna get out of spuds and katies seems all I do is get in the way, and make them feel, from now on, I plan to just leave or whatever when they start doing anything...three's a crowd, and I'm not interested in third wheel pitys, that I don't want/need. They are nice, but no. Not what I need. It'll pain me to walk away, and they'll think I'm jealous or something, but I don't care anymore. All I do is guilt spud, and I'm not gonna keep doing it.

Still, everythings had an argument about track. I finally told her why I was doing it, and why I hated it. Not what she wanted to hear. To sum up, she called me a gheed...which isn't a good thing.
Still, times have been harder, so, I'm getting by. Not pissed, not depressed, not happy...sorta neutral, for the moment.

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:: 2003 5 March :: 8.45 am

What should Atman give up for lent?

His laziness...go do some homework for once!'ve been having far too much lately.
Your wussiness
Stop being so negative about yourself all the time

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:: 2003 5 March :: 8.36 am
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: Stupid Turtle Theme!!! ERRR

So, yeah. I was on chat last night, and I looked at the teenage mutant ninja turtles website because of their new show, which I have not seen. So, I thought that was cool.
I had a dream I was a freakin turtle! Only, at the same time, I wasn't. So, we weren't really turtles. Why we? Well I wasn't the only one in the dream. Donatello was spud, which doesn't surprise me. Mikey was Moe, which isn't surprising either, especially if you know him. I was Raphael, which is a mixed blessing. He's awesome and all, but hes dark and cold to others...that doesn't fit my style, really. I can't remember who Leo was...I don't think there is anyone in our group whos up for law and order. So, hmmmm. Looks like Dave gets the shaft, then.
But I got to use sais! Those things are awesome! I was all like, "fwa! zah! baah! mah! gah!"
I ate pizza before going to bed too. Live and learn.
Anyway, my last issue on this SNOW DAY (YES!) is whether or not I should call jackie...I'm not sure. I got the number, but doing it....hmmm. Seems kinda weird for me to do it. I might later, but I don't know.
So, ILYTL people.

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:: 2003 2 March :: 10.04 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Happy days

Ahhhhhhhhhhh...I feel soooo much better. Anyway, this weekend was awesome. It kept getting better as it went on. I basically stayed at nates all weekend, but, hey, when is that a bad thing? We hung out and I helped at the carwash and shit like that. Watched, "Screwed", an awesome movie.

I really don't have anything to talk about, but I'm in high spirits now.
heh, I shouldn't OVER do my good mood though, as it could easily change.
Heh, whatever. Just walk away knowing Atman is in a good mood again.

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:: 2003 27 February :: 9.10 pm
:: Mood: Happy
:: Music: Zephyr

100th Entry (Its not depressing, I promise!)
I'm member number 123 and this is only my 100th entry...Alright! To celebrate this special occansion, I'll type while I'm nude. Hold on.......
Ok, I'm ready...damn, its cold. Now I gotta go mess with the thermastat......
Ok, now I'm ready to go...I hope my parents don't walk in right'll look really awkward...
Ok, lets get back to the point of this entry, despite the fact there isn't one. Lets find something I can rant about. Hmmmm. How about biology? I've officially decided that I've given up in that class. I can't get a good test grade, no matter how hard I study. So, I'm not going to study anymore, and I barely pay attention in class, so, that pretty much says everything. I'm getting a B right now, and I don't want a B.

Well, tonight was our concert.
I felt like doing something completely outrageous, but, when the chance came, I turned it down.
I'm NOT wearing Amy Wallers skirt.
Thats not cool. I will pick her up though for a picture.
I saw chris out in the hallway taking off his stuff to put his band crap on...I thought, you know what? I'll do that. If you do things as a group, it looks natural. Thats why you have to moon or flash a camera as a group, so it looks natural.
If you saw me with no pants, I was at least TRYING not to be seen, so no bitching. So, after about twenty people mucked with my tie, I was ready for showtime. Lights! (right in the eyes!) Camera! (Obsessive band mom's) ACTION! (Nobody had sex on stage)
So, we started by playing our tuning note. I did a good job. Then we played the United Nations. I didn't even get the start right. From there, I just let my nervousness eat at me, so I never got better. I didn't muck up any A flats, so don't bitch at me for that.
Afterwards, Me and spud were removing our clothes when that sam bitch came by. She is starting to piss me off.
"I think the trombones are messing it up!"
"there always changing" Nar nar!
God, bitch. Simmer.
So, she walked by and said, "hello! This is what dressing rooms are made for."
I responded by saying, "Hello! Your hands are for your eyes!"
Whatever. It doesn't sound so witty on woohu. I don't care. She just needs to worry about herself.
So now I'm at home.
Doing nothing, when I should be doing family living, but guess what? That class is bullshit, so I don't care.

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:: 2003 26 February :: 10.29 pm

Are you sick of Atman talking of his personal problems

No, I think they are funny
Yeah, say smartass remarks, dumbass!
I don't care...I don't pay attention to him anyway
Yeah, I wanna help him
I'm jealous of what he has
I don't much would I get paid?
Yeah, stop blabbing about yourself, and worry about me!

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