2008 13 July :: 10.43pm
Well, time for a real update I suppose. We got our apartment, and even at this very moment are in the process of moving in, hooray! The point is, It will probably be a couple days before internet is set up, so I may be away for a little while. But anyone can call and come hang out with me if you would like. I don't work until Wednesday night. =] Ummmm.....other than that, there really isn't that much else that is new. At least not that I can think of right now, and my brain is in a frenzy right now from moving and all that that I could very well be forgetting something. =]
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2008 9 July :: 5.07pm
A friend of Mike and I's died this morning.
He was riding his motorcycle to work this morning and hit a deer.
He managed to ride it out, but by that time it was too late because he was in the other lane, and was hit by a truck.
He was put into several bags.
And his helmet was found away from his body, but the chin strap was still under his chin.
Here's the freaky part.
Kirk died on the bike he bought from his friend Norm.
Norm was killed in February while working on Kirks car. (The car fell on him).
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2008 8 July :: 11.44am
Woot! Finally got the okay on full time. Im happy for the moment now.
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2008 8 July :: 10.04am
:: Music: CCR
Talking to my Love
So Rachel is home again. Im happy again. Well...happy as a man can get when he is seperated from the one he loves and hates a good 80% of the world around him. Damn...Im a very bleak person.
Moving along
Ive taken in more time with TF2 lately. Loving it. Unlocked the new things for the medic and pyro fairly quick once finding achievement boxes. It feels like cheating, but its not really cheating when the map was designed to help the user out. Ive started honing my sniper skills. BTW if you havent seen it: Meet the Sniper and of course: Meet the Scout
I was talkin to Rach' last night and she seems pretty happy to move out with her sister soon. Im happy 'cause she wont be struggling to just talk over msn. Friggin love that. We got into a talk about music and such not as per the usual. When suddenly she was like "that reminds me of CCR..." and I was like "huh?" 'cuz what we were talking about had nothing to do with CCR. Then shes like "Cross Canadian Ragweed" and Im like W..T..F! NO!
>.< She hasnt heard the wonders that is CCR the true original. Creedance ClearWater Revival is so freakin good! So I proceeded to hassle her about making sure she hears about it. So I mentioned a few good songs to start with. Fortunate Son, Heard it threw the Grapevine, Bad Moon Rising, Green River, etc...
This month is gonna be a long one, I can feel it. Alot of things going on this month, but alot more to come.
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2008 5 July :: 12.29pm
So my power did come back on Thursday. Which I was very grateful for.
I could not live the Amish way. No way, no how.
I got my paper done and turned in on thursday.
I made a little extra money baby-sitting thursday evening.
Last night Mike and I went to watch the fireworks in Crystal with Rich and Sara and their kids.
Now I get to work on another paper that is due friday..
On sleep deprivation and its greatest problem associated with Corrections Officers..
Not as easy as it sounds, trust me.
My professor is a major ass. He's worse than an English teacher when it comes to grading papers.
Oh well. Hopefully I get a good grade on it.
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2008 3 July :: 10.18am
So I am currently without power and at my dads using his.
I had a paper due today, thankfully I just finished it after 3 hours of straight time working on it. Work was cancelled because they have no power.
The estimated time for when I will get my power back is 11PM SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 5TH 2008..
Seriously, I want to cry.
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2008 28 June :: 3.45am
I have so much fucking hate for all the dumb cunts in the world.
I never did a fucking thing to you, ever. In fact, I thought we were friends. Well fuck you, you ugly dumb slut.
Fuck this shit.
I need to learn to let this go. I'm just so pissed off, I don't know if I can >:(
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2008 27 June :: 8.57pm
So there really hasn't been anything exciting going on in my life.
I got my hair cut. About 5 inches of fried hair went away. So it's kind of short, but it feels so good to run my fingers through my hair and not get them stuck in a snarled mess of fried hair.
My sister and Derrick were up all last week. Didnt get to see them as much as I would've liked. But atleast I got to see them.
My sister looks so cute pregnant!!
College is going pretty good. Can't complain.
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2008 27 June :: 11.53am
/*.tundra {background:url(_images/04.jpg) no-repeat 0 0} */
/*.harbinger {background:url(_images/08.jpg) no-repeat 0 0} */
/*.cold {background:url(_images/16.jpg) no-repeat 0 0} */
/*.cavern {background:url(_images/15.jpg) no-repeat 0 0} */
/*.icy {background:url(_images/23.jpg) no-repeat 0 0} */
/*.evilpenguin {background:url(_images/42.jpg) no-repeat 0 0} */
Oh blizzard, how you tell jokes makes one laugh. I give you "the numbers" from Lost. How better to give folks a joke and keep them guessing. This whole splash screen uptill the announcement is quite humerous. Ive enjoyed reading the hype and attempts to solve the riddle.
# Day 1 - The first rune looks a lot like the one found on the Lich King swords in many official artworks.
# Day 2 - The 2nd rune is the Hel Rune from Diablo 2
# Day 3 - The 3rd rune is the Protoss Symbol found on the Starcraft 2 official site
# Day 4 - The 4th rune hasn't been identified yet, and what looks like the eyes of the lich king appeared in the center of the ice crack.
# Day 5 - A new rune has been added and looks like a viking compass. The eyes started to glow, the creature artwork from the CSS files is now complete. The runes also started to glow.
Day to day progress
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2008 25 June :: 12.55pm
"...when your screwing up and nobody is riding you about it anymore, thats when you give up..."
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2008 25 June :: 11.27am
So Im in the bathroom, last night, brushing my teeth and i hear couple loud noises in my room from what would be the cats, I look out the bathroom to see them both rush out. I shrug and go back to my finishing up in the bathroom. I go into my room sit down and go to lay down and feel something wet.
Hooray me one of the cats decided to pee smack in the middle of my bed. I was less than thrilled.
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2008 25 June :: 3.32am
Why the batman/superman movie will never happen....
*Fade in on the Gotham City Police Department. Batman addresses Commissioner Jim Gordon and his officers.*
Batman: There's no time to waste. Two-Face is holding the Second National Bank hostage, and we-
*Superman bursts in.*
Superman: Yo, Bruce-man, sorry I'm late. What's the sitch?
Batman: Well, as I wrote in the comprehensive brief I sent out-
Superman: Oh, no worries, totally glanced over that. Double-Face, right? What's his deal again? Laser eyes? Super-speed?
Batman: No, he's, um, obsessed with the number two.
Superman: Ha! No, seriously. What's he do? Mind control?
Batman: Well, he also has this skin condition.
Superman: Are you f*cking kidding me? One sec.
*Superman crashes out through the wall.*
Batman: Actually, the skin thing is more of a metaphor for the duality of-
*Superman flies back in, carrying a handcuffed Two-Face.*
Superman: Done.
Superman: Also, while I was out, I went ahead and stopped crime. All of it.
Batman: But- The mission- My parents-
Superman: Dude, no worries, you can totally lighten up now.
*A single tear emerges from under Batman's cowl.*
Superman: Anyway, I'm headed to Cabo. Anybody want a lift?
*A cop tentatively raises his hand.*
Superman: Um, yeah, sorry man, when I say "anybody", I was really only talking to the chicks in the room. Any takers? No? Ah, well your loss. Later!
*Superman crashes through the other wall. Roll credits.*
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2008 23 June :: 1.27pm
This weekend was great fun.
I regret the pain I now suffer in my knee but it was the means justifying the end.
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2008 20 June :: 2.09pm
IMO things should be on metric time scale...
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