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Stuck in the Past

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:: 2008 30 May :: 11.42am
:: Mood: wet ::
:: Music: muse ::

hey, it's been awhile


yeah, i know, it's been awhile. i'm sorry. i'm a slacker.

since my last update i've...

been to europe.
left my girlfriend.
been unemployed.
fucked around.
gotten some stuff done.
fucked around some more.

there. now that we're all caught up, i can move on to more pressing things.

okay. i really don't have anything pressing. i've been in a funny mood lately. and that seems to pervade everything. so, there's no sense of urgency.

but i dunno. something has to change. i mean, a lot of STUFF has already changed since last we met. but i'm talking about something within myself that needs to change. because i can't continue on this path and remain successful.

which is exactly why i don't want to go back to steelcase. because i could, but it would just be more of the same old bullshit. and i want something new, something different, something that takes me somewhere else. i'm moving on damn it, even if the rest of the world won't let me.

another part of moving on involves not smoking. which is really really hard. it's hard because i don't want to. if i wanted to, it wouldn't be nearly as difficult. but i don't want to. i like smoking. i like the way it tastes and smells and feels. but we're a dying breed.

*pause for irony*

got that laugh out of your system? good. me neither.

but yeah. i really have to cut it out. out of my lifestyle. out of my budget. i need to make more room in it for beer money.

party at emily's tonight. bound to be a great time. i'm looking forward to it.

bruce wanted some help installing a door tomorrow morning. should make the job go faster, and i might get some cash out of the deal. that'd be nice.

after that is owen's graduation party. and hunter wanted to hang out in the evening. but the hockey game is on at rich's. so i'm gonna have to figure out what i'm doing with that scheduling conflict.

and rich invited me to go down to indianapolis with him to see nada surf. it's in like a week and a half. i hope i'm working by then, but i'll have to ask for that night off or something. i dunno. we'll see what happens.

and i think bonnaroo is the weekend after that. so i've got two concerts in the span of like a week. and they're both overnighters. damn man. i'm never going to get anything done.

speaking of which, time to get off my ass and do something. this has been a truly leg-numbing experience.



4 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 29 May :: 1.25am
:: Music: NIN - Were in this together now

Roscoe has been getting me into a lot of nine inch nails lately.
We just laid there listening to NIN all night.

I love Trent Reznor's anger.

It's exciting.

Pull a combo!


:: 2008 28 May :: 3.59pm

My bills are adding up and will consume me.

Im worried about my future but dont wish to rant on it.

I need help...

Stress of life is pushing me down into a dark hole i cannot escape. Wheres that fancy light at the end of the tunnel?

7 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 27 May :: 4.15pm
:: Music: Blaq Audio

The Love Lettter

What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive so hide your eyes.
So hide your eyes.

What should mean nothing to you
Has left a poison running straight from your lips
And into (lead to) the poison I'm becoming.
Walk right through me, I'm not really there.

What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive so hide your eyes.

Once it meant something to me.
I find it rather stunning.
I draped it cold and in clarity.
It's true, I find the look becoming.
Walk right through me, I'm not really there.

What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive so hide your eyes.

It's a day, it's a day gone away.
Turn away from the day, it's explosive.

What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive so hide your eyes.

4 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 25 May :: 8.50pm

p.s. thank you Woohu for not taking 700 years to load like myspace or facebook.

1 hit Combo! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 25 May :: 8.47pm

So I just have to not give a shit, because the guys really dont care. Especialy the guys I hand out with. Girls are just weird about these things.

So don't be a silly girl Jackie.
Be a man.


Pull a combo!


:: 2008 25 May :: 5.16pm

This weekend has been more eventful than I thought it was going to be.
Today I went to see AJ and Chelsea at AJ's tractor pull.
That was fun.
Tonight Mike and I are going over to Rich and Sara's to grill some food and hang out..
Maybe I will fulfill my weekend goal of getting drunk.
Who knows.
More than likely Mike will find some reason for me not to drink.

Friday I did some good will shopping with Shannon and her daughter Kyah.
That was fun..

I really hope that nothing goes wrong the rest of the weekend..

2 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 24 May :: 8.57pm

Went to "construction weekend" for the field it turned into Team FMF just shootin' the shit for the afternoon which is totally fine by me.

Doc gave me and Pj our new Condor Molle vests so that was always nice. Getting new nice vests like those to wear make things easier. Should have a picture of the team up later on.

Been a good day. Unfortunately thats on the surface that it was. I got a call from my sister this morning saying my Grandpa, my moms dad, has his livers failing and they arent sure how much longer he will be around. He is my last grandparent alive and would suck to have him go.

1 hit Combo! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 24 May :: 6.57pm

Why do guys continue to talk to girls that they know have passed out?

Talk about fucking creepy....

Pull a combo!


:: 2008 24 May :: 2.54pm

we are the earth intruders
we are the sharp shooters
flock of parashooters
necessary voodoo.

Pull a combo!


:: 2008 24 May :: 12.18pm

My dad is going to be here in a little while on his motorcycle.
He is coming up for the Car show, and we are going to eat elephant ears together.
I am really excited to spend time with my dad, my boyfriend and my boyfriends daughter!
It's going to be a great weekend!!

Pull a combo!


:: 2008 19 May :: 1.06pm

Moved in
Holy bawls!

Ive gotta love the apartment and I do. Still at the feeling of it being not my place but that will pass.
Thus far we all seem to like it and get along fine. I expect disputes to come about because none of us has been around each other for extended periods of time. Fortunately I think things can be worked out fine. Me and Pj always have managed to deal with shit without it carrying to far.

Um...oh. Pj was feeling rich so he got a bunch of entertainment type things for the apartment. So kudos x10 to him. I wasnt aware he was going to do such things so swiftly. The apartment is now happy to provide itself with a 42" widescreen 1080i television, a wii, and a nice LAN router/cable modem.

Im sure that pictures of the place will float by sooner or later if anyone cares.

Got my car back on Saturday morning, I guess the tires were shipped in faster than expected. So $200 later Im fine.

Still need to get a few things from home because I neglected to put them in my last load on Friday night. Table & chairs for dining area, testers paints, and asorted other things I will stumble across while back up at the house sometime this week.

Oh ya...we dont have internet and it is driving me insane. At least 10 times Ive caught myself opening firefox only to sigh as its "page cannot..."

<3 Rachel! I miss you so :(

5 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 16 May :: 6.37pm

my last huge post got deleted because of my stupid ass computer long story short. mandy pj and kelly thanks for visiting sorry that i could talk go go go all day long.
andrew came and that manager that has a thing for me gave him the staredown. it was really funny. I was pretty proud of myself having some guy giving my man the fisheye. lolz.
anyway it was a good day. gonna be a good night.

1 hit Combo! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 15 May :: 6.31pm

I have amazing news.
his name is going to be Seth Ryan Decker.
He is due October 3rd.

My sister had her ultrasound on tuesday.

I am extremely excited!

1 hit Combo! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 15 May :: 6.31pm

McCain is comminng to GR next month, I cant wait to see him too.

4 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo! | Random Journal