2005 30 August :: 5.04pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Million Things by Cloud Cult
Life is awesome. College is awesome. Here is a song for you lazy folks now that you're back in school.
I love you all. Cloud Cult rocks. They have a sad backstory though.
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P.S. I know my icon is awful. It's a placeholder until I find something less tacky. Plus it just makes me laugh.
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2005 29 August :: 10.53pm
mbenznut (10:51:27 PM): Have you ever heard of an upper-decker?
TaoMan1121 (10:51:54 PM): is that a sexual term?
mbenznut (10:52:31 PM): No, although that would be interesting.
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2005 29 August :: 12.18pm
No class this morning. Guess QC doesn't start until later in the day just like Western. Going back later for my night class. I'm watching the U.S. Open right now for the simple fact that they are playing a couple miles away from me.
from today's Metro:
"The U.S. census 2004 compiled this information regarding the median annual income by education level:
Less than high school - $21,600
High school - $30,800
Some college - $35,700
Associates degree - $37,600
Bachelor degree - $49,900
Masters - $59,500
Doctorate - $79,400
Professional degree - $95,700"
An extra 30 grand per year for 5 more years of work... I'm up for that. :-P
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2005 29 August :: 8.29am
:: Music: David Byrne - The Other Side of this Life
Back to school. It's only been 8 months, I'm sure this won't be weird at all.
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2005 28 August :: 9.40pm
:: Music: Heaven by Lamb
This could be heaven right here on Earth...
I kind of want to see the movie Just Like Heaven for a few reasons.
1. In the theater, the preview had the song Heaven by Lamb in it. And I love Lamb.
2. I'm curious as to how it would end. Like 50 First Dates, there's not really anyway they can end it. She's dead.
3. I'm a sucker for girly movies.
4. Reese Witherspoon is in it.
I love you all.
P.S. I just wrote my first rough draft for my first paper in college!
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2005 28 August :: 5.57pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Foo Fighters - Times Like These
Highlights from the latest issue of The Onion:
"...Immediately after acquiring your child, Jolie will dress it in Betsey Johnson infant wear, give it a faux-hawk, name it after a random passage from The Tibetan Book of the Dead, then resume her relentless search for babies."
from a "Michael Bay" editorial re: March of the Penguins being this summer's suprise hit:
"I'm busy in pre-production planning my next big spectacle (which no one will see because they'll be off watching a 10-hour documentary on park squirrels, no doubt). But if you are in the San Diego area, do me this favor: Go to Sea World, walk into the emperor-penguin exhibit, and punch one those fuckers right in the face. Tell 'em Michael Bay sent ya."
And finally...
" 'Despite the hurried nature of the visit, I am proud to report that my wife met and exceeded the operational standards set up by the U.S. military for readiness in a two-front war,' said Rumsfeld in a press conference shortly after the visit. 'I am confident that she can still stand up to heavy fire and serve ably, even in a rearguard action.' "
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2005 28 August :: 5.28pm
:: Music: Foo Fighters - For All The Cows
Best. Museum. Ever.
I'll tell right upfront, the purpose of this entry is two-fold. Of course, I wanted to share my excitement with you, but this is also propangda to get your ass out here. But since not everyone will make the jaunt, I offered some pics behind the cut.
Like I said, yesterday I spent most of my day at the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria (high class neighborhood in Queens, close to Manhattan). Pretty self-explanatory, it has exhibits related to film, television, and video games. The best part is that many of the exhibits are interactive, so you can play arcade games old and new, put yourself in front of a "green screen," and see how a baseball game's multiple camera angles are edited. It also has a theater on its main floor which shows classic movies every weekend; it's showing every Billy Wilder movie ever made starting in September. It was a great time and I can't wait to go back, but I'll let the pics speak for themselves...
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2005 28 August :: 4.39pm
It's a big joke at Aquinas that the squirrels are evil. It stems from the fact that any squirrel you come upon will not run away, it just stares you down.
Now I didn't believe this because I hadn't seen any squirrels on campus. But on Wednesday, I was walking back through the woods and there was a squirrel by the path just staring at me. He wouldn't move.
So I guess I believe it.
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2005 28 August :: 2.15am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Silverchair - Paint Pastel Princess
I like buying things
I should go to bed, but I still have lots of energy.
Watched Before Sunset, it's got me thinking. I hate it when that happens.
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2005 27 August :: 10.32pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Led Zeppelin - Going to California
Congrats to Federico Fellini's La Dolce vita for being the 1300th entry in my giant movie list. Points taken away for being so long and weird. Not saying that I disliked it, but I left asking myself "why?"
Saw aforementioned film at the Museum of the Moving Image, which is now my current favorite attraction in Queens. More about that later (along with a picture or two). I also need to post a couple pics of the place. Made a comprehensive "To Rent" list on IMDB as opposed to having a bunch of random lists lying about; it's up to 87. Too bad I don't have Netflix right now so I can get started. That'll have to wait until I get a burner.
I've really got to get my ass in gear with this writing thing. I start school in 36 hours.
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2005 26 August :: 5.40pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Fiona Apple - Love Ridden
as always, from
Thought some of you might enjoy this bulletin:
DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL's CHRIS CARRABBA has teamed with BOB DYLAN and U2 producer DANIEL LANOIS for the follow-up to 2004's "A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar." Carrabba scrapped an album's worth of material in February in favor of taking a musical risk. "People who were already Dashboard fans probably would have liked those songs," Carrabba told Rolling Stone, "and people who weren't would have had the same complaints as ever." Among the new material is the U2-ish "Heaven Here." The band, which kicks off a U.S. tour tomorrow in East Lansing, Michigan, plans to release the album early next year."
In other news, I think I'm going to spend most of tomorrow checking out the Museum of the Moving Image. Check out the exhibits, get a demonstration of how to do Gumby animation, and catch a double feature of La Dolce Vita and 8 1/2 on the big screen. Jealous yet, Leed-man? ;-)
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2005 25 August :: 11.18pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Evanescence - Anywhere But Home
So, evidently I'm 37, not 22
I'm insatiably bored tonight, so I was messing around online and found this...
Read more..
I mean, it's possible that there's a 37-year-old man who just happened to have lived in the four towns that I took up residence in, but somehow I wouldn't bank on it.
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2005 25 August :: 10.19pm
Ignore that first part. It's boring.
I don't really feel like taking a shower tonight. And you know what? I can do that because I am a college student and that's what we do. So tomorrow, I will sport a jaunty chapeau to cover up my greasy hair.
Things are settling down. I just need a JOB and life will be doubleplusgood. As compared to the plusgood it is now. Hardy har har.
If you feel like it, here are pictures from orientation. I'm not in any of those. Well, I'm in the Q.
Aquinas is so beautiful. You guys should just come with me and we'll walk around.
I love you all.
P.S. Nick = the best. Just in case you didn't know.
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2005 25 August :: 9.27pm
:: Mood: moody
:: Music: Cake - Tougher Than It Is
the Cutting Edge
(52% dark, 46% spontaneous, 31% vulgar) |
your humor style: CLEAN | SPONTANEOUS | DARK
Your humor's mostly innocent and off-the-cuff, but somehow there's something slightly menacing about you. Part of your humor is making people a little uncomfortable, even if the things you say aren't themselves confrontational. You probably have a very dry delivery, or are seriously over-the-top.
Your type is the most likely to appreciate a good insult and/or broken bone and/or very very fat person dancing.
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: David Letterman - John Belushi |
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 49% on dark |
You scored higher than 49% on spontaneous |
You scored higher than 38% on vulgar | |
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2005 25 August :: 8.11pm
:: Mood: upset
Didn't get the job.
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