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:: 2005 9 August :: 11.46pm

Having my driver's license is pointless without a car.

Having a car is pointless without insurance.

Getting insurance is pointless unless I can pay for it.

Paying for anything is pointless unless I have a job.

I need a job.

P.S. I have killer hiccups. You know. The kind that hurt. The kind that, with every hiccup, clench every single muscle in your body. They hurt and make me angry. And kind of ill. I just ate and they're squeezing my tummy.

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:: 2005 9 August :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: hot
:: Music: Ice Age in the distant background

OK, let's try this again...
"The Ouroboros biting its own tail is symbolic of self-fecundation, or the primitive idea of a self-sufficient Nature--a Nature, that is which, a la Nietzsche, continually returns, within a cyclic pattern, to its own beginning."

Mmm... self-fecundation (and unnecessary commas). I want another tattoo, but I don't have anything that means as much as the Ouroboros does.

By the numbers:
- 2 enteries short of 1300 on the movie list (that's up 200 from April of 2003)
- 512 enteries on the CD list, down from 615 (I've gotten rid of approx. 65 CDs in the past couple of weeks.. some of which are for sale, inquire within)
- 2 more episodes of the delicious second season of Millennium to watch (4th Horseman & The Time is Now... EEE!!!)
- 4 Eddie Izzard stand-ups to choose from (thanks Bebe!)
- 5 more days until I leave

Random thought of the day: I'm really starting to like Michelle's apartment. It's homey (much more so then the cookie-cutter cubicles of Sterling) and it smells a lot better. Mmm... cherry-tastic entertainment centers.

In other super-happy news, last Saturday was my last day at Menards. Words cannot provide this occasion justice; you just either know what this means to me or you don't. Knowing I never again have to worry about breaking open another pallet of mixed freight, never have to print off additional sale bintags, never have to follow a maze of misplaced merchandise.... I get giddy, really. But to be honest, I've moved on almost instantaneously. I guess that stems from how overdue that milestone was; it felt entirely at home, even necessary, to get out of there and now I can't close that chapter of my life fast enough. That and I have trouble retaining feelings as of late.

OK, let's see if I can post this before Joseph's evil mouse erradicates my entry once more...

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:: 2005 6 August :: 9.55pm

Holy expletive
A Very Long Engagement is the best movie in the world. Better than Amelie.

It's directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the same guy who directed Amelie. A few actors from Amelie are in it too.

Seriously, I haven't seen all the movies in the world but I can tell you right now that this is the best.

It's about a girl named Mathilde whose fiancee was killed in World War One. She doesn't think he's dead and insists on looking for him.

I cried a thousand times during that movie. A thousand. Even for me, that's a lot. I cried at parts that weren't even necessarily sad but just beautiful.

You know how Amelie had lots of red and green and a splash of blue? Well A Very Long Engagement has a washed out, yellow, old-fashioned look to it with bits of red, green and purple.

It is so wonderful. If you liked Amelie or French movies in general, you have to see it.

I love you all.

P.S. Can't do accents so you'll have to deal with some anglicization.

P.P.S. It's kind of long though. I didn't notice really, until I looked at the clock at it was 9. (I started the movie at 7.)

P.P.P.S. It has a lot of sex in it but I didn't mind it at all. It didn't seem out of place or gratuitous.

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:: 2005 6 August :: 3.36am

So apparently, a man was shot in the parking lot next to Nick and Ben's house.

Which makes me a bit upset.

Except for the fact that the newspaper is the only source that said it happened on Madison and Franklin and everywhere else says Madison and Woodlawn.


Either way. Rachel = freaked out slightly.

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:: 2005 5 August :: 7.19pm

Read more..

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:: 2005 4 August :: 9.36pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Nick Cave - Easy Money

"Change can be so constant, you don't even feel the difference until there is one." Life as a House

Words cannot express how much I love Penn Jillette. Soooo funny. "Michael Moore and Mel Gibson are the same person, except for a few sit-ups. Moore thought his cheesy political blooper reel was going to tell people how to vote. Mel thought that his little gay S&M movie about his imaginary friend was going to help him get to heaven. George W. Bush is president and there’s still no god. You failed boys. Someone should have told Mike that the bad guys are smarter than him and someone should have told Mel that the Three Stooges were Jewish." -- from the Aristrocrats website

Two more days of work. Can't come soon enough. Sick. To. Death.

Why am I so tired??

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:: 2005 4 August :: 5.35pm

And so I mock again.
Read more..

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:: 2005 4 August :: 2.12am

Uh, Katie?

A bodice ripper is variant of romantic fiction, often historical fiction, in which the heroine often loses her virginity by force. They are typically full of unrestrained romantic passion. Usually the cover depicts a large-breasted female whose bodice is being ripped by a muscular, often shirtless man. Often she first resists him, but is later overcome with passion.

They may be viewed a form of escapist fiction, with the historical background providing a way of allowing the (usually female) reader to indulge in a rape fantasy without guilt.

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:: 2005 3 August :: 2.27pm

Germans, I love you.

Some pranksters in Germany have been putting little yellow flags with Bush's face on them in doggy poo.

Hee. Germans.

I love you all.

P.S. Get your flags here.

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:: 2005 2 August :: 11.42pm

The neighbor kid band member left Eisley. You know, the one that wasn't related to all of them.

And they got their cousin to play bass.

Sigh. Changes.

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:: 2005 2 August :: 11.06pm
:: Music: Oasis - Champagne Supernova

"Hey! I have a dragon." - Joe

I read Michelle's journal and talk to her in person and I see that, as much as we have in common, as much as we gel, we are very different people when it comes to feeling. Not the feelings themselves, their content, but the quantity and quality of which we allow ourselves to feel. I stopped feeling to shut out the pain, and as successful at that as I was, I shut out everything else as well. My problem is the ambiguity of this divide between us. I don't know who's got the better idea; safeguard your emotions and live a more stable existence, or put yourself out there for a riskier, yet much more potential likelihood of emotional fulfillment. As with any sort of existenial crisis, you always have to take the cop-out and say that there is no one correct path. I do have to do that I'm glad to have experienced both though.

I just found out that I have an coffee table that's been in Joe's room since we moved in. Forgot it was there mostly due to the fact that he has a small topiary growing in there. Flippin' sweet.

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:: 2005 1 August :: 2.19am

So I was watching Full House on Nick at Nite and this AIDS/HIV awareness commercial came on.

I recognized the song. It was Tokyo by The Books.

It's not here. It's the same concept as those four one-word ones but it has Tokyo as the song. I swear.

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:: 2005 1 August :: 1.26am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Mates of State - Seperate The People

this is my comeback.
PenDuffy sums it up:

"I don't understand why I am so disapointed. I just am.


I don't get Fox I really don't . Why do they put some much money into developing really good shows, then allow them to wither on the vine.

Its like they bought a pure breed puppy. Got all the best toys and puppy gear. Sent the puppy to the groomer. Bought expesive dog food. Then when the puppy dies they go "oops I forgot I needed to water it"."

Looked around a bit tonight and found confirmation that the dumbasses at Fox axed another one of my favorite shows: The Inside. For all of you uncultured buffoons who don't have "appointment television" during the summer, it was a delicious blend of Se7en/The Silence of the Lambs/The X-Files that managed to get 7 eps out before the big bad reality beast reared its ugly head again (read: So You Want to Dance Like a Fag) and put a kibash on all that is holy in the world. Reading posts (among them some from one of the creators) I'm confident we'll be seeing the first and only order of 13 episodes on DVD before too long, but this is Nowhere Man-deja vu all over again. IMDB forum tells me that Rachel Nichols (lead actress) is being tied to the next season of Alias, but I haven't read that thread yet; if so, rock on, but still a small consolation.

BTW "bebe," sorry you had to find out like this... I guess this way we have more time to finish Millennium. Wow, that attempt to put an optimistic spin on this failed miserably. ::returns to sulking::

I'm really starting to get into forums for shows that rawk (i.e. Millennium, Inside, etc.) Reading is cool. Writing is better.

Read me, love me. Say hello, wave goodbye.

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:: 2005 31 July :: 10.38pm

My email at Aquinas: greggrac@aquinas.edu

My email has "rack" in it and yours doesn't!

I love you all.

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:: 2005 31 July :: 8.52pm

It's on Madison and Franklin, I was wrong. 737 Madison.

It's beautiful. I love old houses. It's big and old and beautiful.

I helped Nick paint and my parents came over to help move furniture and stuff. Nick's parents helped us paint. His room is awesome.

Once school starts up, I'm definitely staying there a lot.

I love you all.

P.S. The guy's name is Travis and he's nice. Piercings, Katie, piercings.

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