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A Silly Little Blog for A Silly Little Girl

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:: 2003 24 December :: 9.49 am

Justin Timberlake
Please rate this quiz I worked hard on it thanks
and I hope that you had fun

What Celebirty are you going to MARRY?!(14 outcomes with pics for anyone)
brought to you by Quizilla

People like you becuase you're funny!
What attracts people to you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Are you NASTY or NICE?

Quiz made by Angela

Your sign of frustration is....Swearing!!!! To you,
swearing is the perfect solution to everything.
The more frustrated you become, the more you
swear. You have a very large vocabulary range!

What sign of frustration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla


what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're goin' down! FOR STALKING!
Please rate if you liked!

If you're a goth please visit and join
up cause it rules!

What Would You Go to Jail For? (Many outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are STRAWBERRY! Girl-next-door? Boy-next-door?
THAT'S YOU! You may seem naive, but your
grounded mind has given you some morals.

What lipgloss flavor are you??
brought to you by Quizilla

3 comments | Say what??

:: 2003 23 December :: 3.48 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: powerpuff girls in the background...go bubbles! hehe

i'd make such a great housewife!
hey ppls! guess what?! i made mashed potatoes!!!!! .... not from scratch from the box but .... all by myself! and they were soooooo good! my whole family had some! mmmmmm soo yummy! i was so proud of myself hehe. grrr this morning was awful! i was sleepin...all nice and peaceful when my mom comes into my room and wakes me up cuz something was up wit the scanner and she had called the 1800 number but she didn't understand what the ppls were tellin her to do. grr so she wakes me up to get the phone and do it........i get my ass outta bed all groggy-eyed and junk and i start talkin to this spanish dude on the phone........AN HOUR AND A HALF LATER WE FINALLY FINISH! turns out my comp is more annoying and retarded than i thought! the damn thing would not do what he wanted it to! agh! it was so aggravating! but i must admit the dude i was talkin to was very nice and patient......way more patient than i'll ever be! i was ready to throw the damn comp out the window! .... the good news: we finally fixed the scanner. whew.....thank god......stupid thing! ooh i think i mite scann some of my 15's pics and figure out how to put them on my journal.......or send them to yarita......hmm.....ill see if i get in the mood.....omg yesterday me and shilpa watched this justin timberlake was beautiful and so was he! hehe and then i got sick and tired of waiting for spanish i called him.....he was so dull and i pretended like my mom needed to use the phone and i didnt call him back. hehe..mean i know....but he was just so blah! he was barely i was like fuck this.....i'd rather be watchin trl! so.......that's what i did! i hung up and went to watch trl. let's see if he calls me today. hmm....WHOOOOOOOO HAPPY EARLY CHRISTMAS EVE TO EVERYONE!!!! tomorrow we're gonna go next door to our neighbor's house and celebrate there.....they always have tons and tons of food and there's this girl i always hang out wit when i go....she's like a year younger than me but she looks older than me. and her older bro...he's like 6 foot something! whoooo! he's kinda cute .... hehe so whooooo i gotta look good! i dunno what ima wear yet...but we gotta dress up. omg the other day i found something out that pissed me the fuck off! i talked to nick and he told me that my mom had gone up to him and asked him y me and donna weren't friends anymore! i mean WTF! if i don't tell u mom it's for a doesn't mean.....go ask everyone i know till u find out the answer! that bitch! ..... haha when she saw me typin to nick i guess her guilty conscience got the best of her cuz she spilled like a monkey.....she was like oh i asked nick the other day blahdi bladi ya. hahaha u know what nick told her when she asked?! he's like "oh do you know cesar?!" AHHHH! IS THE BOY INSANE!? hahahha but she gave him this look r u talkin bout so i dont think she understood him.....and then he's like oh nm....i dont know y they're not thank god! haha! that woulda been so embarassing and i woulda never lived that down! haha. ooh i saw this old episode of everwood last nite that i had missed......gosh i love that show! ephram could not be hotter if like he tried.......whoo i'd tap THAT ass! hahha....alrite well it's almost 4 so i gotta go and call shilpa wilpa. buhz byez everybody.

tonite's song: me, myself, and i by beyonce........there's this line in that song that goes "i made a vow that from now on i'ma be my own best friend" i love that......cuz it's so me! it's like....u dont need anyone all u need's urself....and that's all i need! just plain lil ol' me! DAMN STRAIGHT! hehe

5 comments | Say what??

:: 2003 22 December :: 3.58 pm
:: Mood: lethargic
:: Music: none

fill out if u wish
01] I _____ thaimi.
02] thaimi is _____.
03] If I were alone in a room with thaimi, I would _____.
04] I think thaimi would _____.
05] thaimi needs _____.
06] I want to _____ thaimi.
07] Someday thaimi will _____.
08] thaimi reminds me of _____.
09] Without thaimi _____.
10] My memories of thaimi are _____.
11] thaimi can be _____.
12] The worst thing about thaimi is _____.
13] The best thing about thaimi is _____.
14] I am _____ with thaimi.
15] If thaimi were an animal she would be a _____.

5 comments | Say what??

:: 2003 21 December :: 2.43 pm

** basics **
Nickname::timmy, thinland,thaimers, porkchop...
Location::tampa fl
Birthstone::uh.....that yucky orange one
Birthday::november 4th
Righty or Lefty::righty
** your looks **
Height::5'1 and a 1/2
Weight::135 ...... ugh hehe
Shoe size::6 1/2 or 7
Hair Color::brown w/ red highlights
Hair Length::shoulder
Eye Color::light brown
Size::size? as in what?....clothes sizes? like an 8
Piercings::ears.....want tongue!
Tattoos::nah i dont like em
** fashion **
Where do you shop::walmart baby woot woot! hehe
What do you usually wear::jeans, a tank top, and a jacket
What kind of shoes do you wear::sandals
Do you wear a watch::nope im one of those annoying ppl always askin others for the time hehe
Color you never
Color you wear at least once a week::black
Something you wear everyday::jewelry
Do you wear make up everyday::nope
Make up essential::lip gloss
Most cherished piece of clothing::jean skirt
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing::fishnet stockings
Do you wear belts::yep
Do you wear hats::only when i steal colin's...hehe otherwise no
How many pairs of shoes do you 10
** music **
Favorite kind of music::i like it all
Least Favorite::reggae.....eewie
How many CD's do you have::over lie hehe
Last CD you bought::justin timberlake
Whats in your CD player right now::all american rejects
Do you download music::i used to..till my mom made me get rid of kazaa! damnit! hehe
** Favorites **
Color::baby blue
Number::6 or 4
Ice cream::chocolate duh!
Website::this one's not too shabby..but prolly
Quote::i would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her skin, than an eternity without
Store::hmm...i dunno don't really go shoppin that often
Band::goo goo dolls
Singer::justin timberlake
Rapper::eminem or ja rule
Group::goo goo dolls......isnt this the same as band? hehe
Movie::city of angels
Actress::meg ryan
Kind of movies::romantic comedies..typical girl i know hehe
Place to be::my bed
Time of day::night
Clothing Brand::eh.....dont really care bout brands
Holiday::christmas.....and my birthday
Shape::umm...shape? u freaks
Restaraunt::haha nice spelling.....el miami
Fast food place::mickey d's
Boy's name::jacob
Girl's name::veronica
Candy::does chocolate count?
** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference::umm..straight
Boyfriend or i have one? if that's what ur askin then yes hehe
Crush::umm...ya...that would be the person im goin out wit......well i've also got a lil crush on someone else but shhh! hehe
Do you believe in love at first sight::no.....i believe in lust at first sight
What do you look for in a guy/girl::sense of humor all the way...make me laugh baby! hehe
Best physical feature::hands/eyes
Best hair color::eh..not picky
Best eye color::blue/green
** randoms **
Do you paint your nails::umm...on occassion hehe
What color is your tooth brush::blue
What's on your desktop::justin timberlak's rolling stone cover....hubba hubba
Do you like roller coasters::i love em!
Do you do drugs::hellz naw biznitch...haha srry felt like a ghetto kinda question
Are you a virgin::yep
Do you have any pets::yep a dog
What time do you go to sleep::umm....usually from 10-11.....haha im a loser i know

Basic Survey [ 87 questions] brought to you by BZOINK!

Say what??

:: 2003 21 December :: 12.07 pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: leavin' by plain white t's

movies, movies, movies!
hey ppls. i forgot to tell u guys something! omg like the past weekend or something i saw like 10 movies! i saw this movie that is officially one of my favorite movies of all time! it's called love and sex..and no it's not porn! hehe. omg there's this part where the girl's laying in the park wit her guy lookin up at the stars and she's u think u could love the same person all ur life? and he's like..of course i mean look at ur parents they've been married for like 30 years. and she goes...yea but i dont think they've said i love u for like 20 of those years. so then he's like......well maybe when ur with someone for that long saying i love you's like saying ...i dunno......cheese sandwich or she's like......god i hope not........then he looks up at her and goes ...... kate....i cheese sandwich u! aww it was sooooooo cute! and then she goes...i cheese sandwich u too! hahahha i thought it was hilarious and so sweet all at the same time. and then in the beginning of the movie they show her when she was a lil girl and her and this boy were behind this tree and they kissed......and he had his head close to hers and she's like wow my heart's beating so fast or something like that ... and he goes....WOW! WHEN I LOOK AT YOU LIKE THIS IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ONLY HAVE ONE EYE! hahahahahhahahahhahahahhahaha! and they say romance is dead!!!!!! omg i laughed so hard! and then the girl being the retard that she is says...thank you hahah like it was a compliment! what a loser! it was soooooo funny though omg! haha. i think it's my 3rd fave movie now...u of angels..2. when harry met sally.....and now 3. love and sex...........such wonderful movies...i think ima look for quotes from the movie later cuz it's such a great movie! well anywayz nothing interesting has happened today........but then again it's barely noon......hehe plenty of time for excitement! alritey buhz byez ppls....GOBBLE GOBBLE!

tonite's song: busted by isley brothers...another one of my latest faves.......i'll post lyrics soon. bye!

7 comments | Say what??

:: 2003 21 December :: 10.53 am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: stop by plain white t's

lyrics to that song by eamon
See, I don't.. know why.. I liked you so much,
I gave you all of my trust..
I told you.. I loved you..
Now that's all down the drain..
You put me through pain..
I wanna let you know how I feel..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack..
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

You thought.. you could.. Keep this shit from me..
Yeah, you burned bitch.. I heard the story..
You played me.. You even gave him head..
Now you're asking for me back..
You're just another hag..
Look elsewhere 'cause you're done with me..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

oh, oh, uh huh, yeah..
oh, oh, uh huh, yeah..
oh, oh, uh huh, yeah..
oh, oh, uh huh, yeah..

You questioned.. Did I care?
You can ask anyone.. I even said you were my great one..
Now it's.. over..
But I do admit I'm sad..
It hurts real bad..
I can't say bad 'cause I loved the hoe..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

oh, oh, uh huh, yeah..
oh, oh, uh huh, yeah..
oh, oh, uh huh, yeah..
oh, oh, uh huh, yeah..

Say what??

:: 2003 20 December :: 12.35 pm
:: Mood: eh..
:: Music: the game of love by santana and michelle branch

hehe hey in a heck of a good mood! so hoorah! wowsers i haven't updated in forever! mostly cuz i haven't really been in the mood to go online plus i've had exams and junk to study for so i've certainly been busy as hell. let's start the update shall we? umm...apparently me and spanish guy are going out eventhough he didnt ask me hehe but oh wellz. who cares. i'll actually mention his name someday......haha im such a moron. yesterday was so nice and such a blast! ok well i didnt have any exams cuz i had exempted so i didnt really have to go to school but i went anywayz so i could see spanish guy since i hadn't been to piano class all week cuz of the exams and funky schedules. so anywayz me and shilpa and anthony went to a ja together and i brought my friend's trivia game! omg it was such a blast! and guess who was in that ja?! CANDRA! i love that girl she was like one of my bestest buddies last year! but anywayz we sat down on the bean bags and started playing. it was kick ass cuz anthony brought us food! he got us this huge platter of like fruit and caramel dip! gosh that kid is always tryin to fatten us up! hahah u gotta love him though. so ya our tummies were stuffed. well in the friends trivia game there's this part where u gotta do charades and like the ppls have to guess the character and what scene is being acted out. so it was shilpa's turn to do a charades thingy and she got joey with a giant turkey on his head! hahahah so she's running all around the room flappin her arms around like such a freak! hahahahhahahahha omg the funniest thing i've seen in my life hahahah i guess i should also let u guys know that the study hall was full of ppls that we knew! including this guy she's had a crush on since like forevver! hahahha everyone was staring at her like she was the biggest freak in the world omg i fell on my ass laughing so hard..HAHAHHAHAH just thinking about it cracks me up. hahah we had such a great time. then during the break after the study hall it was sooo cold so i stole megan's blanket and colin comes up and like gets in the blanket with mme hehe. so we're sitting there with the blanket around us and we're all cuddly haha it was cute. i think im startin to get a lil itty bitty crush on him.......the worst part is that while we were wrapped in the blanket spanish guy walked by! he saw me waved at daphne......looked at me again.....and kept wwalkin......he looked a lil sad...i was like oh crap! so i got out of the blanket immediately of course. hehe i put my jacket on and i went to find him. i finally did and he was fine so yay! omg but the most wonderfulest part of my day didnt happen till the last period of the day......i took the piano exam eventhough i exempted it just for the sake of it since i was already tthere anywayz. so after spanish guy finished his test (which btw i got a 98 on anywayz eventhough i didnt study at all hehe) well after he finished we went to this lil corner of the room and we sat on the floor together and we put my jacket over us and we just like sat there cuddlin. awwwwwww it was so great! we were like holdin hands and i had my head on his shoulder and we were talkin bout us ..... it was so cute. we sat there together for like an hour till the bell rang. omg he wanted to go into one of the piano rooms together! i was like nah uh! not happenin. haha i wasn't gonna make out wit him in the middle of class wit the teach just like outside the door......that's just .. too risky even for me! haha so anywayz after the bell rang we went downstairs to this lil place that no one goes and it was so sweet. he like had his hands on my shoulder (he was behind me) and then he wrapped his arms around me and just hugged me.... like a hug from behind type thing......aww it was sooooo sweet we didnt even kiss but it was so sweet. but then we got interrupted haha. so we left and we were walkin to the busses. but he had to stay after school so i gave him a kiss on the cheek and i left to go to my bus and he yells my name and i turn around and he's like......ill miss u (cuz while we were sitting together i had told him that i was n't gonna see him for like 2 weeks cuz of the vacation) i was like aw hehe i gave him a big smile and got on my was so great. god im coocoo bout him. it's great. i love the feeling. alritey well before i go on and on and on......kinda like i've been doing for like 15 minutes straight....hehe ima go buhz byez.....

tonite's song: fuck it (don't want you back) by eamon.......such a great song i'll post the lyrics later!

5 comments | Say what??

:: 2003 30 November :: 11.14 am
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: celebrity by nsync....haha don't ask!

hello. IM EXCITED! my aunt called this morning to say that she's coming! hoorah!!!!! haha she's insane.....she's taking a 5 hour drive spend about 5 hours with us.....only to take another 5 hour drive back home! hahah freak! but im so excited! and it's cold! i love it when it's cold! :sigh: im all nice and warm though! im wearing this long sleeve pajama shirt on that has a lil teddy bear and it says im yours. and then im wearing these fleece pajama pants that have lil teddy bears on em! haha and then im wearing toe im as comfy as comfy can be! i did like none of my hw......oh wellz! what else is new! i talked to david today...hadn't talked to him in a while. aww him and his gf r soooo cute! he told me a lil bit bout heywhore...and how he's but im kinda happy for him. haha not too much u shilpa would say! my fingers r numb! haha i can't feel myself typing! ::::breaks into song::: I'M SO EXCITED AND I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT....I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT!!!!! haha im such a freak! grr last nite i was watchin the cutest was called the family man with nicholas cage (whom i love btw) but i fell asleep when there was like 15 min of the movie left!!!!!!!! so i have no idea how the movie ended! grr!and then i was gonna stay up and watch my baby on SNL (eventhough i had already seen it) cuz he looked so damn good......but grr...i fell asleep too! oh wellz hehe. i saw him perform one song. and the nite before last i saw the concert he did at which he looked yummy might i add! hehe my baby is so hot! yay there's school tomorrow! i get to see spanish guy! he says he's gonna eat me up with kisses haha....what a cutie! gotta love the boy! hmm...let's see what else.....nope nope that's it! i'll write back when my aunt gets here if something interesting happens. buhz byez ::waves::

tonite's song: selfish by nsync

2 comments | Say what??

:: 2003 28 November :: 10.13 am bored

What Pattern Are You?

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

cute but psycho
you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your element is Earth. I hate to say it but you are
down to earth. Stubborn and loyal. You tend to
want to nurture others and you are the one
person friends always come to for answers.
Without people like you others would be flying
over the edge because, whether you know it or
not you keep a steady beat to your life and
will end up where you want to in the end. There
is a sureness about you that is hard to match
that draws people to you. No matter what
happens the Earth keeps turning.

What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla

Say what??

:: 2003 27 November :: 3.21 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: addicted by enrique iglesias

my poem and what i think it means
so i picked a poem for my it is....and what i think it means....sorta hehe

Lift Your Right Arm
by Peter Cherches

Lift your right arm, she said.
I lifted my right arm.
Lift your left arm, she said.
I lifted my left arm. Both of my arms were up.
Put down your right arm, she said.
I put it down.
Put down your left arm, she said.
I did.
Lift your right arm, she said.
I obeyed.
Put down your right arm.
I did.
Lift your left arm.
I lifted it.
Put down your left arm.
I did.
Silence. I stood there, both arms down, waiting for her next command. After a while I got impatient and said, what next.
Now it's your turn to give the orders, she said.
All right, I said. Tell me to lift my right arm.

k i think it could be describing a relationship....whether it be a gf/bf relationship or a mother daughter or even a teacher student one......where if u spend all ur time installing ur thoughts and ideas into someone then by the time u actually wanna hear what they have to say....all that remains within them are the ideas that u installed.....they have lost their sense of self....and now they have just become a lesser version of urself

Say what??

:: 2003 27 November :: 1.36 pm
:: Mood: eh...
:: Music: time of your life by green day

happy turkey day tout le monde!!!!
bonjour! dont ask im in a french speakin kinda mood! hehe well anywayz! today i woke up at freaking 6 30 thanks to my stupid lil bro! dumbass! i watched the macy's day parade.....only the performances though..hehe i saw simple plan! whooo! and stacie orrico! i love that song of hers "there's gotta be more to life". :sigh: kick ass! oh crap! i have four frq's and a map due tuesday! i gotta get started.....then on monday (dec. 1st) i have my poetry moment! i dunno what poem ima do.....i think i have one chosen but im not sure if i wanna do that's by jewel. it's called im writing to tell you. and it goes something like: im writing to tell you i don't love you anymore and blah blah blah and then in the end it it's not much of a loss b/c neither one of us truly loved the other. or sometehing like that.....but i dunno.....that's a lil too lovey dovey to read in front of an entire i'll keep searchin! to anyone who actually reads this baloney: if you have any ideas for a poem! 15-30 lines that i can read i'd be very very thankful! keep in mind i have to read this in front of a class so no cursing or drugs or sex....on and on and on. hehe anywayz......hmm....nothing too interesting going on rite now...i talked to nicholas today....whew it's been a while since i talked to that one. yarita frank is so MY bitch !!!!!!! i'd be all over that shit if it weren't for the whole ..300 miles ordeal! hehehe u know? minor detail! but w/e i gtg cuz......well just cuz! hehe buhz byez peeps

HILARIOUS UPDATE: hahah my lil sis was outside and the sicko grabbed a lizard by it's tail!!!! then the lizard's tail broke off and it stayed in my lil sister's hand wiggling!!!!!! eeeeeeeewwwwwwwiiiiiiiieeeeeee! haha and then she started crying cuz she thought she had hurt the lizard....and she thought the lizard was gonna die....hahahahha isn't she pathetic?!

song: you and i both by jason mraz

2 comments | Say what??

:: 2003 27 November :: 12.32 pm

>if i were a month i would be: november
>if i were a day of the week i would be: friday
>if i were a time i would be: 11 pm
>if i were a planet i would be: neptune
>if i were a sea animal i would be: A dolphin.
>if i were a direction i would be: north
>if i were a piece of furniture i would be: bed.
>if i were a sin i would be: lust
>if i were a historical figure i would be: george washington!
>if i were a liquid i would be: water
>if i were a tree, i would be: redwood
>if i were a kind of weather, i would be: snowy
>if i were a musical instrument, i would be: piano or acoustic guitar
>if i were an animal, i would be: a tiger.
>if i were a color, i would be: blue
>if i were a vegetable, i would be: cocoa bean (i can make myself some chocolate!)
>if i were a sound, i would be: Rain.
>if i were an element, i would be: fire
>if i were a car, i would be: bmw..convertible!
>if i were a song, i would be: iris by goo goo dolls
>if i were a book, i would be written by: Myself.
>if i were a food, i would be: chocolate
>if i were a place, i would be: the ocean
>if i were a taste, i would be: melted chocolate! yummo
>if i were a scent, i would be: strawberries
>if i were a word, i would be: indescribable
>if i were an object, i would be: a radio
>if i were a body part i would be: hands
>if i were a facial expression i would be: smile.
>if i were a cartoon character i would be: patrick from spongebob
>if i were a shape i would be a: circle.
>if i were a number i would be:4 or 6

Say what??

:: 2003 26 November :: 3.23 pm
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: frontin by ..... what's that guy's name? pharell! and jay z i think..hehe

what a cutie patootie!
what's up ppls?!...a lot has happened since i last wrote. well i did my euro presentation....haha i think we sucked but oh wellz he said that no one got lower than a B so no biggie....i am perfectly fine with a B!!! OMG PPLS!!!!! k well i had told the spanish guy the day before yesterday that if he came up during my euro presentation to hear me sing i would be pissed at him and i wouldn't talk to him. and u know what he does?! when i walk out of euro his friend comes up to me and tells me that the spanish guy had come and seen me. i was soooo pissed! :::well......fake pissed hehe:::: so he came to my lunch the day before yesterday and yesterday. i didn't talk to him during lunch and i was all like....dont talk to me! hehe ... he kept like saying im sorry! i love you! hehe then 8th period im walkin up the steps and (on the phone he had told me that if i didn't talk to him or smile he wouldn't let me go up the stairs into the classroom)... so i didnt smile or talk and he was like blocking my way and i was like no! im not gonna talk to u! so he puts his arms around me and says so ur not gonna talk to me?.....fine u don't need to say a word. and HE KISSED ME!!!!!! like a pop kiss! i was like omg!!!!!!!!!!! haha i got so nervous! but after the kiss i went back to the whole im pissed at you thing! hehe so he went into the class and we had a free day in piano since it was the last day before vacation. so he sits next to me and he's like trying to hold my hand and put his arm around me and im like .... no let go of me i dont wanna talk to u. and he was like plzzzzzzz mami! hehe im like noooooooo! so he finally goes fine! and he gets down on his knee and he's like perdoname mi amor. and im like nope.....and then he turns around and asks his friend how u say perdoname in english. his friend told him it was forgive me. so he starts yelling FORGIVE ME! FORGIVE ME! like at the top of his lungs! and everyone in the class is staring at us! and he's like holding my hand and kissing my hand and i was like ok ok ok ok! hehe shhh! and he's like so u forgive me? and im like yes but shhh! hehe so he smiled at me....came up to sit next to me again and gave me a huge kiss on the cheek! it was soooo cute!!!! for the rest of the period he had his arm around me and he kept like staring at me ... and trying to get close to me..i think he wanted to kiss me again but i couldn't do it cuz we were in the middle of class! that's just....kinda wrong! hehe. so then we walked out and he held my hand and walked me to my bus. haha as i was walkin with him to my bus....jovan sees me holding hands with him....and he gives me this like shocked look and i just looked at him and turned he goes......HI THAIMI! in this like....fine don't say hi to me bitch voice hehe. but w/e it was funny. so he gave me a kiss and a hug and i got on my bus. hahahha when i got on....daphne and vanessa and shilpa had the entire bus go AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! haha omg i wanted to die! it was so embarassing! hahaha! he came to my lunch yesterday and the day before yesterday. i've been sitting with him. haha eddy came up to me during french and he was like...'so thaimi...who was that guy i saw u with the other day?' hehe i was like..oh he's just a friend.....and eddy's like.....rite......just a friend.......yea thaimi..i believe u. hehe ciara and solita said the exact same thing to me during latin! heheh! they're like u didn't think u were gonna get away with that did u?! omg then in french i turn around and eddy just goes u know what thaimi? ur awesome! and im like.....y? and he's like just ....... u r! don't worry bout it. and im like...alrite hehe not gonna question that! and then before we were leavin he was singin this song and i started singin with him cuz i knew the song and he's like...god i love you thaimi! if it weren't for that lil boyfriend of urs..... hahah im like i dont have a boyfriend!!!!! and the whole time jeff was sitting rite there... omg i feel so bad for jeff! geralyn....his x....she dumped her bf to go out wit jeff....and then dumped jeff.....and now she's back with the other guy! what a hoe! haha jk! but still that's fucked up. anne marie did the same thing! she dumped holiday to go out wit mulligan then went back to holiday. sheesh! i can't believe these guys r takin these girls back! but w/e! omg yesterday i pigged out on cookie dough!!!!! shilpa had this huge thing of ccookie dough and so did megan and ian! so i had a ton of it! whoooo! hehe...alritey well i gtg cuz i gotta call shilpa....and the spanish guy...buhz byez ppls!

tonite's song: with you by jessica simpson

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:: 2003 23 November :: 9.08 pm
:: Mood: boredisimo
:: Music: 93.3 flz

zebras r like biracial horses..... a bad day i guess. i stayed home.....i watched the bachelor marathon for like 6 hours straight! hehe sheesh! that's a whole lot of bob! i love that guy! i dont even know y i even watched it cuz i knew who he picked...cuz i saw it on oprah the other day....and i shouldn't have watched it cuz the one he picks isn't the one i wanted him to pick cuz kelly jo was so much cooler! but oh happens. but ya the show was so cutieful! spanish guy didn't call today...i was kinda happy though....cuz i was gonna just make up an excuse if he had called me to hang up.....cuz i wanted to see the bachelor heheh.....i had it all ready too....i was gonna say that my family and i were gonna go out to eat dinner...hehe but oh wellz. shilpa called. she likes someone! yay for shilpa wilpa! im happy for her cuz this guy is funny and sweet....and he likes her too! ..... at least i sure as heck think so! hehe but ya. i found the pics i needed for the french revolution project monday....thnx yara! but i didn't do any other hw.......which sucks on my part cuz i was sposed to finish the book for english and do this extra credit thing for euro....but oh wellz......didnt do any of that....agh! cousin bobby came today....which bites the big one cuz that means cousin bobby's gonna be in town during my presentation on tuesday.......grrrr! ima stay after school tomorrow to work on my project.....i hope we do ok. wow next week is only two days kick ass is that?! 5 days of rest......oh yea baby whoooo! im excited bout that.....haha wanna hear something pathetic? im still in my pajamas! it's 9 o clock!!!! haha how pathetic am i....but i dont feel like changin anymore cuz in a lil bit ima just go to bed anywayz! so what's the point?! i can't wait to see spanish guy excited....and pathetically giggly hehe...oh wellz. wowsers.....vannessa's bday's comin up....i gotta buy her something.....cuz she bought me the friends trivia game so i gotta buy her something....i think ima buy her like a big poster of smallville....cuz she watches that...or one tree hill.......i dunno yet.....i hope i can find the poster.....agh im sooooo bored! today has been soooo boring! and i've eaten like a pig! i swear i must have gained like 40 pounds today! haha i was sposed to go to this lowry park zoo service thingy ma bob jackie invited me to didnt feel like wakin up that early. plus....i dont even pick up after myself...what kind of hypocrite would i be if i cleaned up after OTHER ppl?! hehe okies ima stop writing now cuz ppls r iming me....bye!

tonite's song: i love you this much by jimmy wayne

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:: 2003 22 November :: 3.08 pm


discover what candy you are @ quiz me

You are quiet and like to be alone. You are sensual
and enjoy attention although you are usually
unnoticed. If you were in a band, you'd be the
hot one. You should play calssical guitar.

What instrument should you play in a band?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a Non-box.

What box do you get put in?
brought to you by Quizilla

My life is rated PG-13.
What is your life rated?

You're alone in the world. And you're perfectly
fine with it. But sooner or later, you're gonna
have to let someone in. Otherwise, you'll just
kinda rot away. And I wont come to your

What's your damage?
brought to you by Quizilla

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