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Amanda Nichole

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:: 2007 22 June :: 11.35am

damn you, dog

I'm waiting for the water in the dish pan to cool down and then I am going to do the dishes. When these clothes get out of the washer and go in the dryer, I'm throwing in a load of towels. As they wash, I'm goin to hop in the shower.

Then, I need to run to the bank to put money in Justin's bank account and then go back to my mom's to play wii and wait for Denise.

I have a busy day.

To make it worse--my mom told me to bring Jayce down NOW so I can get things done quicker. Well.. Nore pushed out the door so I was like, "okay whatever, he can go for a ride. Well--he pushed out the car door when we got to the house so I hurried and ran Jayce and the diaper bag upstairs to the kitchen and then went to go outside to get Nore and when I go outside him and Haley (my brother's pit) are stuck together. So I'm like damnit what the fuck.
I ask my mom, "aren't you supposed to spray them with a hose or something? GET THEM APART!!" and I'm liek freaking out. She said it's an old wive's tale to throw water on them but that just makes them run apart and rips the girl.
So Haley is like biting Nore and freaking out and yelping.
I'm yelling at them that it's what they deserve.
My mom said they have to relax to get apart and I said when Nore's thing gets red, if you pet him it goes away. She said, "go pet him then." I was like, "Yeah right I'm not going near Haley, she'll bite me!" cause Haley was liek freaking out.
ANyways.. we waited and it took about a half hour and they got apart.

But now we will be blessed with labra-bulls. fuck.

Justin and my mom were yelling at me liek it was all my fault.
I mean--okay, I know it was my fault, but oh my gosh I'm a freaking moron okay!? I'm sorry!!

YTRSSS SWEERETTT my printer came in!!
But I'm done for now. I am going to svae this application for ABC Program to get Nore neutered and then I am going to wash dishes, put in a load of towels, take a shower, go to the bank and then go to my mom's.

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