All of our dreams can come true if we have to courage to pursue them.


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:: 2005 14 September :: 10.11am

in some feeble attempt to not sleep my day away I bought an double espresso and a giant muffin
so far (obviously) its working, but a few yawns have escaped the wrath of the caffiene so far. I really need to get that rough draft done seeings how its due tomorrow. heh.
yeah gotta do that.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 14 September :: 8.42am


3 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 14 September :: 12.03am

I cant sleep. I cant sleep I hate hate hate hate hate.
when i cannot sleep.

te odio que no puedo dormir.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

blah blah tired tire.d
spanish exam.
worst job rough draft.
blahk blahk college sucks.
i hate full course load and i hate walmart.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 13 September :: 9.14pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: Postal Service

Where's my friend?

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 13 September :: 8.53pm

im studying this book. trying my damndest to read this page about the differences between latin, hispanic, and american.
I am so overwhelmed.
Did i mention that the page is entirely spanish

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 13 September :: 2.28pm

math was okay.
i got lost a little well i forgot which classroom it was in but then i saw my teacher and he told me. and it was good news that he did because we had a quiz and he says, okay when you finish you can leave. the thing took my 3 minutes and then i left getting out of class 50 minutes early.
man that is what i love about college.
and i did welll on the quiz i believe.
so yay.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 13 September :: 12.36pm
:: Music: fallout boy- sugar, we're going down

math class eats my soul.
thats all there is. i have that next at 1.
2 l o n g hours worth of it.
not ready.
so sleepy. missed spanish. could barely stand enough to get to discussion anyway.
so when i was walking to spanish i was like arg.
i can take the absence. Ill study tonight cuz ive got some free time. its a lie i never study. but i have an exam on thursday so ill need to get on that like quickness cuz ive got to work tomorrow which means all studying must be done tonight or tomorrow after lecture. actually plenty of time but going to do at least some tonight. mi espanol es muy mal tus comprendes.
I honestly dont know how i got into 201. im super shocked at that, im a good guesser i guess. who knows.
well i have about 20 minutes left. what to do what to do. WHEEL OF FORTUNE.
I love you pJ. im not smoking right now. just to let you know.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 13 September :: 12.04am

"I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week"

I love PJ. thats about all there is to post about
matt whetzel that number i told you about for potrait studio is 18004380894
call that shit up

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 12 September :: 5.05pm

Hell, Ive got nothing to do I might just as well update this bs.
School is school.
The only difference between college and high school is that you have less time to do things and your teachers dont nag you about it.
It sucks.
Im so tired because there isnt anyone to tell me to go to bed at a reasonable hour and so i dont, not to mention that I work until 11:30 most nights.\
I have a rough draft due tomorrow for the worst job Ive ever had.
KFC duh.
but i want to do a good job since this is my first paper. ive been working on it slowly and steadily I just cant get into it though. and even though its a rough draft you cant just bs it like people say, the thing about writing is that if you get one done in what you would call perfect and then look at it tomorrow its going to be completely different than it was yesterday, so while Im happy with what Ive got today, there will always be revisions tomorrow, that being said you want to do a good rough draft that way your have the best final possible. I care about this stuff I really do, which is pretty much more than I can say for high school. or maybe its because I was really proud of my high school papers and then Leo went and shot them all up and said that college writing is completely different. I dont know I hate it that what he says is so important to me. I barely know him for gods sake. On that not Im broke as croke but its cool cuz now I make 8.05 an hour and that my friends is not that bad for a college chick.
I'm thinking sometimes though as i walk around that I was totally made for college. Honestly I have made no friends from college, well Ive got Kaylee, my roomate, Leo and Gareth, Leo's roomate. but I dont see them too often especially leo now thats hes had surgery, anyway I dont care about it, Im not insecure at all. In high school if I was walking alone I just felt completely alone, I dont feel that here at all. Im alone but its isnt lonely, its independence. Im pretty sad though because I do feel like im pushing my high school friends away for no good reason. or vice versa. Only I understand what my deal was with jay and I would like to talk to you about that, one on one, not on woohu because frankly its no ones business but our own. I finally realized that life is changing and you know what? I am totally ready to deal with that.
i had a dream last night that I think really pushed that past. Reed was grand valleys softball coach and I didnt try out for the team but then halfway through the season I was like crying and begging for him to let me play, this dream though had absolutely nothing to do with softball though it was about the comfort of something that I know. Like I love my team so so so much. I miss them all which is a total switch from last years attitude but I miss them and I would give just about anything to have that back which is why when I tried out for a team of completely different people and a new coach and something completely unfamiliar I fucked it up. subconsious you understand. But honestly whatever. I dont care at all. i want to go to school and be with pj and live my life to the fullest I dont want to have to worry about softball all year long. Ill join an intramural then I can have my own life too. I dont want something to dominate my life so fully.
Good for me for quitting before I made a commitment to anyone I mean really.
this post is all shit grammaticaly. and all spelled wrong and I dont really care. Im so damn content.

3 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 11 September :: 11.25am

graduated with
larissa hererra

thats really about it, if your not on that list and you think you should be then put forth some effort. because honestly i just dont care anymore and there are the select few that i still would like to be friends with but its just not happening. so yeah. thats my list of people that I graduated with that I care about and think about on a daily basis.

14 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 11 September :: 12.44am

I just got out of work. it was good. pj is here. I love him. Im so glad he got his shit together.
*yells im so glad you got your shit together*
he is making me some food right now. college is cool. I love it. Im so glad to be out of cedar and away from 99% of the people i graduated with. I mean honestly im in contact with like 3 people and as far as the rest well, there are the few that I would miss but we acknowledge our missings. for example dani and jenna who i try to post on and visit when possible. funny how my favorite friend from high school now is a person who i didnt even hang out with in high school. also funny how the people who i marveled at and thought were so cool are really just assholes. not even worth my time. I really admired some of them and for completely the wrong reasons.
Im really ready to close this chapter of my life. move on and be a better person because of it. yeah all set to go.

4 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 10 September :: 11.59pm


Edit i can't express my feelings right now, if i did i'm sure id get it trouble. i've got this real bad feeling inside me right now. i don't no what it is. just something about jessie, i don't want to know what the feeling truely is.

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 10 September :: 11.46am
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Bright Eyes - Perfect Sonnet

Rawr. This is a waste of weekend.
Anybody wanna hang out?

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 8 September :: 10.20pm

Gah! i screwed up.
Life sucks

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 8 September :: 6.29pm

I think that my biggest pet peeve of the day is flip flops.
i really hate them. they are a sad excuse for a shoe actually. they cover nothing but the bottom of the foot and a little v that makes a stupid tan line.
also then i have to see your feet and feet are ugly.
Also the scrapping sound that they make as they dont pick up off the ground.
like your just dragging your feet. it drives me effing crazy and everyone has them, men woman. I have about 48 pairs of shoes and no flip flops.
yeah you can live without. I will donate pairs of real shoes for those who have only flip flops. there are people who have a pair of flip flops to go with every outfit. craziness.
ahh i hate them.

9 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair | Random Journal