All of our dreams can come true if we have to courage to pursue them.


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:: 2005 6 August :: 12.08am

okay well today was a good day. work super sucked. but then pj and i went to see the Dukes of Hazzard which was this awesome movie
like seriously kicked major ass, everyone should go see it right now.
I loved it. okay thats about all that happened today.
BOWLING FOR SouP TOMORROW well tonight now.
YAYA im so mega excited.
fuck yeah

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 5 August :: 12.47am

well interesting day at work.
always interesting.
tired now. gonna head to bed.
wish i could talk to pj. who i love more than anything.
and cue the giddy face.
i thought a lot about it, and i talked to nate,
i dont need his validation but it was nice to have it anyway.
one of the most important things to have is self-esteem. i can be bothered but only for a fleeting moment, until i realize that one. I know the truth i was there,
and 2. I am in a happy secure relationship with someone who loves and i am going to spend the rest of my life with him, so whatever and whoever i did or didnt do doesnt matter anymore. im a completely different person with pj. im in a relationship where i dont have to feel claustraphobic or insecure becaue i know that good boyfriends and real loves dont cheat, and what i have is one high quality good boyfriend who I can tell I Love you and not be lieing in order to stop an uncomfortable situation.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 4 August :: 12.04am

I find many a satisfactions in being proven right and knowing that i will always be better than most people leaving cedar springs. im at least in the top quarter percentile. ha

edit: at least the people in my graduation class

9 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 3 August :: 3.13pm

well today is going good. i'm just a little sore from soccer yesterday. I could hardly move when i got up today :(
it was the first time i actually felt like that in a while. I just recently got back from michele's house helping jessica watch the kids in the pool. it was fun. i got my work out in whil i was in the pool
well i am going to get going so talk to you later later

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 3 August :: 12.14pm

some people's absolute stupidity amazes me. they cannot grasp the concept of just shutting up while they are behind and they just keep coming back for more. but maybe they are so stupid that they don't even realize how far behind they really are. there are few people that i wouldnt flame war with given the right circumstances. jay, mitch, and phil.
yeah thats about it, pretty much everyone else can only swear and say things that make absolutely no sense. Im sure there are more people than that but those three can really hold their own and ive seen it. as for the rest...
its 2005 boys acting cool doesn't cut it anymore pull out your books and learn something before you try to make me look stupid.
*rolls eyes and walks away*

btw this post isn't trying to start anything it's just something that came to mind when some half-wit called me bitch like three times.
every post was like "listen bitch"
yeah cuz calling me a bitch is a really good one. maybe when we were in third grade.

3 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 3 August :: 10.42am

well shit pretty soon my karma is going to kick me in the ass. maybe today is the day. who really knows. i know that when something bad happens to me though it will be my own fault. someone told me once that god doesnt punish us but i think that maybe he does. just maybe once in awhile hes pissed off cuz you do something and you feel the repercussion and you beg for forgiveness and then turn around and do the same thing over and over again. eventually he just gets pissed off and that is how lives are ruined. i hate that feeling. the uncertainty of it all. i hate karma so you think that i would just stop being the way that i am, being a karma magnet. shit. i dont even know. work today though. gotta do that. blahk.
well later then *hugs*
cross your fingers that i dont take that hit of karma okay.
im not really sure if this situation counts as karma though. i didnt hurt anyone in the process so I dont think that it is. hhmm. thats a thinker.

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 1 August :: 12.55pm

My brother Paul was married Saturday. crazy. it was strange but good i guess. he's finally starting to grow up.
in other new i have two new pet goldfish (thanks Paul). Sophie and Nigel. :D. they make me happy. yup.


3 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 31 July :: 11.36pm

well i love it when everything works out. only ill be fucked when it doesnt all work out. someday im going to say the wrong thing and he wont love me anymore. thats only the scariest thought in the world

7 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 31 July :: 9.39pm

shit shit shit.
almost going to happen I can feel it again. gahd.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 31 July :: 9.18pm

well shit.
im tired
and the day is almost over now.
im watching desperate housewives.
so im going to reorganize my cd folder while i wait for pj to get on the messenger. id dying to talk to him.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 31 July :: 12.30am

well home from work, tired
so tired
hoping to talk to pj but he is probably in bed cuz of the all nighter and work and all. so i guess that, that is all of the post that ive got for right now.
alright loves then.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 30 July :: 10.17pm

what the hell crawled up there ass? errr... i don't see what the hell the big deal is!
i don't see why the hell there acting like that. i fucking help them out all the time

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 30 July :: 6.31pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: The Beatles - Hey Jude

Why the hell am I SICK AGAIN!!

Ugg.. I hurt.

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 29 July :: 11.44pm

My family went to the circus today, the whole family amanda and pj included. it was pretty nice.
the circus itself was pretty lame but we saw a baby on a leash, so that will lead to the question of the day which is what do you think about children on leashes?????
I will throw my opinion in later.
everything else is good though.
im mad pmsy.
like really bitchy, but i know that it is just that time so im over it.
i was thinking and talking about pj and the military because he wants to join but wont because of me, and that sucks, like i totally dont own him so it mad me sad. and later on when we get married and like have kids i dont want him to regret not doing it and resent me because im the reason that he didnt, thats just way too much of a burden for any woman to carry.
so i was like just join the damn military for christs sake, blah blah blah.
but all that is really just pms like i said. i dont want him to join the air force and i dont think hes wasting his time i just worry a lot about our future and if rushing into such a serious relationship so young is smart.
but these are risks you take. because you love somebody, i love him more than anything. its really intimidating to know how much power he has over me actually, but that is neither here nor there.
that was pretty much my day though. well i went to greenville walmart and bought some blanks to burn all the cds that belong to other people in my house so that i have them when i leave. all the britney spears and system of a downs and all that good stuff that my brother and sister have. and nickelback from my mom, which i keep forgetting to get. well shoot 24 days ive got left now. im so terrified. but refreshed. life is going to work with me. apparently the key to being happy has something to do with being yourself and not caring anymore about how that self is seen through other peoples eyes.
its cool

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 29 July :: 8.13pm
:: Mood: sad

Have You Seen My Kitty?

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Kelsa has been missing for 3 days. If you see this kitty, lemme know.

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