2010 26 March :: 11.35pm
They say things happen for a reason, but why do bad things happen to good people?
I am excited about being pregnant.
I was even more excited that I was going to have someone to share my pregnancy with, and was even more excited that, that person was going to be my sister.
I wanted to have that bond with her, and have a child the same age as hers.
That way even though they weren't siblings, my child would still have a cousin the same age to grow up with. Someone close in age with him/her, like I didn't really have.
However, God had a different plan.
My sister had a miscarriage yesterday morning.
She is completely heartbroken, and I want to do everything I can to take away her pain.
I don't know how to console her, or help her through this, and that hurts me.
Reading her blog about the events that took place yesterday tore me apart inside.
It has been a half an hour since I read it, and I still have not managed to find a way to stop my own tears.
There are so many emotions that I have running through me right now, that I don't even know where to begin to try and seperate them, and work through them.
I just really wish I could be there with her and help her through this..
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Your thoughts
2010 17 March :: 7.23am
If the government thinks they are going to tell me what I should eat, bunch of fucking homos.
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2010 7 March :: 5.30pm
To add to awesome weekend, started the cycle back up today and went for a drive.
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2010 7 March :: 1.27pm
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2010 6 March :: 4.00pm
Ford man now, will post later.
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2010 25 February :: 2.14pm
It's god damn 2010 and people still don't know how to do the most simple things on their work computers. Now I could understand if you don't use a computer much, but these people, it's a part of their damn jobs. The company gives them these machines that are a part of doing their jobs, they don't know anything about these machines so really they don't know how to do their jobs. Do your damn job.
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Your thoughts
2010 19 February :: 3.38pm
being able to RDP with DDNS amuses me
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2010 16 February :: 6.57pm
:: Music: Life After You - Daughtry
Life.. it happens whether we want it to or not..
I feel like I have hit a stand still in my life.
I don't feel like I am moving forward or backward.
I am completely happy with everything that has happened.
I love my life, just feel like it's too straight and narrow.
I hate my job; getting up at the same time, leaving at the same time, doing the same thing everyday, and seeing the same people.
I hate the repitition.
I understand that no matter what job I will end up doing, I will be doing the same thing over and over.
But after 2 years, I need a new scene. I need a different atmosphere.
I need to be able to go to work, and know that I'm not going to get into an argument with my boss over something petty.
I need a drastic change on the job front, like yesterday.
Something where I will see different people everyday.
I might be able to handle getting up at the same time, and leaving at the same time, if i had a different atmosphere to go to, and enjoy.
Having my nights to myself is lonely, and although I should be filling it with my homework, I don't.
I don't have the ambition to do my homework, because I am too caught up in being exhausted from work, and thinking about how I am just going to be going home to an empty, well almost empty house.
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Your thoughts
2010 14 February :: 10.54am
ha internet
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2010 10 February :: 10.41am
Iron Maiden - Man on Edge
Read more..
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Your thoughts
2010 28 January :: 10.38am
Big boy job.
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2010 26 January :: 2.55pm
The stupid discuss persons.
The average discuss things.
The intelligent discuss ideas.
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Your thoughts
2010 25 January :: 5.42pm
All the cool kids are doing it..
Has a hate list of her own today..
I hate that I have to be mean to get anywhere with morons that have better jobs than me.
I hate that I suck as a friend.
I hate that I don't realize that some things have boundaries, until its too late.
I hate that there isn't anything I can do in certain situations.
I hate that my boyfriend is back on second shift.
I hate that I have no ambition to do the ass load of homework that I have piled up on my desk.
I hate that I hate so many things.
Thought I had more to say, but I lost it..
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Your thoughts
2010 24 January :: 12.36pm
Dem boys got tha blues
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2010 15 January :: 11.13am
Chuck Yeager, that was a damn good man right there.
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