2009 11 May :: 7.45pm
I'm still depressed about this shit.
it seems that when i finally get my life back on track, i start getting my bills cought up i get kicked in the face.
what the fuck.. really?
i'm so sick of this shit.
to put the icing on the cake, today i got my insurence card... and it'll never get used because i don't have insurence.
why me?
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2009 9 May :: 12.17am
Life was better on prozac..
I've been at this place before..
Where nothing makes sense, but at the same time, everything makes sense to me.
I have everything most girls dream of, yet I am lacking so many things that other people have and dream of.
Sometimes I think that I want to be single and live alone.
But the problem with that is, I haven't ever lived on my own. I hate being at home alone. I tried living on my own once, and Mike was over everyday, and then he moved completely in.
I need to balance independent and dependent.
I'm back to where I was when I was in high school..
Crying about every little thing.
Making everyone miserable because I'm sad all the time..
Even though I really have no reason to be unhappy..
And seriously, I have no idea how Mike deals with it.
He tries to cheer me up, but it only lasts for a little bit..
Until I start thinking about how much my life is lacking in different areas..
I have so many hopes and dreams that I don't put into action.
So many ties..
And sadly I think the only fix is prozac.
And the problem with that is, I don't have health insurance!
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2009 8 May :: 11.24am
Can anyone reach the knife that's in my back?
I was just laid off, a week before insurance starts, i can't get unemployment either.
this is bullshit.
Your thoughts
2009 7 May :: 3.14am
I woke the same as every other day except a voice was in my head.
It said seize the day, pull the trigger, drop the blade, and watch the rolling heads.
Your thoughts
2009 3 May :: 1.10pm
Things are starting to look up.. Other than I have 6 exams due by thursday.. and being that I have to work monday-thursday, I have no idea when i am going to be able to make it up to the college before the lab closes so that I can get all my exams in..
Kind of worried about it.. but who knows.. maybe something will work out for me..
I still have work for 2 classes to do yet.. And there are a couple of assignments for one class that I can't figure out how to do certain things.. so yeah, im screwed!
Your thoughts
2009 2 May :: 11.13am
err i mean the H1N1 flu... yeah.
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2009 2 May :: 11.13am
wait, errr ummm.. uhhh.
not SARS, that was the popular thing to have 2 years ago.
last year was west nile and the bird flu
oh yeah this year its the swin flu.
so i now have the swine flu
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2009 2 May :: 11.12am
I now have SARS....
that is all.
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2009 1 May :: 5.43pm
just pulled my purple adios out of retirement
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2009 29 April :: 1.17pm
I have the weekend off! Let's party and watch hockey and get CRUNKED!
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2009 29 April :: 2.34am
I feel a pleasant surge of recklessness, temporal insanity in all it's wonders
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2009 28 April :: 7.54pm
Found a new home for her cat, and is now balling like a 3 year old..
The ad was on craigslist for like 3 hours..
Your thoughts
2009 27 April :: 6.08pm
I've been putting some serious thought into a career path, and I still have no clue what I want to do with my life.
I want out of this factory crap.
I keep thinking that there is a job out there that I will enjoy every moment of, and the people won't irritate me.
But lets be serious, that doesn't exsist.
At least not for me.
Any suggestions?
3 Thoughts |
Your thoughts
2009 25 April :: 3.04am
Insight from Batman and Alfred, two of my favorite people.
I want to be more than a man, I want to be a symbol. I want to be uncorruptable and stand for things, do what a hero can't and be the bad guy when it's needed.
I am the bat, the night is mine.
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