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:: 2009 13 March :: 5.50pm

dad found a massacred HP laptop in the trash, only thing savable was this

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:: 2009 13 March :: 5.50pm

dad found a massacred HP laptop in the trash, only thing savable was this

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:: 2009 12 March :: 2.35pm


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:: 2009 12 March :: 2.02am

Epic night at Northfield, all I can say is <3 boobays

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:: 2009 9 March :: 7.17pm

So I just read like 300 and some of my passed entries.
And I can't believe how lame they all are.
I wish I could just turn my mind off sometimes..

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:: 2009 8 March :: 1.40pm

I don't even know where to begin..

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:: 2009 7 March :: 2.03pm

I really wish that the drama would just stay as far away from me as it could.
I absolutely hate it.
I hate it when people say anything that involves my boyfriend cheating on me.
Especially when we are barely apart, and he really doesn't have time to cheat.
It literally makes me sick to my stomach when someone says those words.
I instantly get tears in my eyes, and my stomach gets knotted up and I can't swallow.
It doesn't happen because I feel like I can't trust him.
And even though I know I can trust him, it still gets my mind thinking, well can I really trust him, how faithful is he, has he done it before, who is it..
It happens because I care so fucking much about him, and the thought of it eats me up inside, because I already don't feel good enough for him.
The thought of losing him kills me inside and I feel like my whole world is crashing and burning right before my eyes and there is nothing I can do about it.

I swear I go through this atleast 5 times a year, at minimum.
Where someone says he is cheating, or that he made a move on them, or something that involves him and another girl.

People fucking suck.
And they are lucky I'm not completely crazy.

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:: 2009 6 March :: 2.29pm

I hate when my friends are all unhappy and their worlds are all falling apart.
The selfish part of me hates it, because it makes me reflect on my life.
The unselfish part of me hates it, because I hate watching my friends go through all that crap.

The only unhappy thing I have to look back on right now, is the fact that I have had a migraine for 2 almost 3 days now, and nothing is relieving the pain.
That and my cat is a bitch. I love her, I really do, but she needs a new home.

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:: 2009 6 March :: 10.19am

go see The Watchmen now

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:: 2009 5 March :: 4.07am

The Watchmen

seeing The Comedian, I see a lot of myself. hmm, he's not really a good guy.

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:: 2009 2 March :: 6.10pm

I have an interview on Wednesday at 4 pm.
An office position at Town and Country Title Services.
Its 40 hours a week too! :)
Now I must find something to wear..

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:: 2009 2 March :: 1.46am

here i am, sitting in the hospital right now.

my grandpa butch just had a heart attack.

his right cornary artary is fully clogged.

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:: 2009 28 February :: 3.17am

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:: 2009 27 February :: 2.58pm

gone insane, but the memory remains ...

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:: 2009 27 February :: 10.46am

Needs a washer and electric dryer..
It's been like 6 months that I have gone without. Can't do the laundromat thing anymore.

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