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lets sleep till the sun burns out

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:: 2005 25 November :: 10.06pm

what the fuck. i am so fucking upset and mad right now. leave me alone for one, you. god. i'm not doing that

i'm not fucking going. how can you fuck up a family that bad. we are nothing fucking stupidj a;sdfkjasdfiojasdpfoij opifucking so fucking dumb.

that's not christmas or the fucking holidays. that's fucking BUSINESS . so damn fucking stupid. i'm not wasting my fucking life with that shit.

i can't wait to make my own and it will be a billion times better and we will never see you people ever again.

i feel like going and fucking offing myself.
fuck this stupid fucking shit.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 25 November :: 6.18pm

..The Basics..
Sexual Orientation?:straight
Single?:no sir
Would you like to be?:no
Birthday?:march 8 88
Age you act?:17 ish lol
Age you wish you were?:18 or 21
Eye color?:blue
Happy with it?:yeah i wish i was taller though well just so my legs weren't fat and short
Hair color?:brown
Happy with it?:sure
Your living arrangement?:parents
Family?:dumb mostly
Job?:rosie's and lazer skate
Tattoos?:not yet anyway
Obsessions?:love. eating :0(
Can you speak another language?:no
Favorite quote?:
Any webpages?:woohu
..Deep Thoughts..
Do you live in the moment?:not really kinda maybe
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?:yeah
Do you have any secrets?:not that i can think of . or not that at least one person doesn't know
Do you hate yourself?:not really hate. just dislike sometimes
Do you like your handwriting?:it's okay
Do you have any bad habits?:eating and being a baby
What is the compliment you get most from people?:eyes, smile
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?:One Fucked Up Little Girl
What's your biggest fear?:roman or jess or friend or family dying
Can you sing?:anyone can sing. question is can you sing good.
Do you ever pretned to be someone else just to look cool?:Yeah i pretend to be eminem all the time. People think it's really him.
Are you a loner?:psh
If you were another person, would you want to be friends with you?:probably not for the most part.
Are you a daredevil?:not usually
Is there anything you fear/hate about yourself?:yeah just how i am. and my weight and fat content and my face sometimes
Are you passive or agressive?:passive mostly agressive sometimes! lol
What is your greatest strength and weakness?:compassion and weakness would be staying strong lol
If you could change one thing about yourself?:thinner and prettier
There are three wells, love, beauty & creativity, which one do you choose?:i already have love so i'd go with beauty
How do you vent?:to roman or cry or other people
Do you think you are emotionally strong?:no
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing?:probably
Do you think life has been good so far?:neh
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?:al;lk
What do you like most about your body?:i'm not hideous
and least?:weight and fat
Do you find yourself attractive?:bleh
Are you confident?:no
What fictional character are you most like?:donald duck lol no
Do people know how you feel?:i dont know
Are you perceived wrongly?:yes
..Do you?..
Do drugs?:no
Read the newspaper?:sometimes
Go to church?:not often or regularly
Talk to strangers who IM you?:yeah just to findo ut who they are
Sleep with stuffed animals?:roman's bear, Bryan
Take walks in the rain?:no not really
Talk to people even though you hate them?:no
Like to drive fast?:yes
..Have you ever?..
Hurt yourself?:whatd you say
Been out of the country?:no
Eaten something that made others sick?:um no i duno
Been unfaithful?:no
Been in love?:yes
Done drugs?:no
Gone skinny dipping?:no
Had surgery?:no
Ran away from home?:yes
Played strip poker?:no
Got beaten up?:lol no
Been picked on?:yeah
Been on stage?:yaeh
Slept outdoors?:yeah
Pulled an all-nighter?:yuea
What's your record?:i dont know
Talked on the phone all night?:yeah
Slept together with someone of the opposite sex but didn't have sex?:yes
Slept all day?:not realy
Killed someone?:yeah like 12
Made out with a stranger?:no
Had sex with a stranger?:no
Had sex at all?:a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Thought you were going crazy?:;aaaaaaaaaaaaaa yup
Kissed the same sex?:no
Anything sexual with the same sex?:no
Been betrayed?:pretty much
Had a dream that came true?:yeah
Broken the law?:yeah
Met someone famous?:no
Killed an animal by accident?:yeah POOR POSSUM!! :0( i cried forever!
Stolen anything?:yeah
Been on the radio/TV?:yeah
Been in a mosh-pit?:no
Had a nervous breakdown?:yeah
Considered a religious vocation?:no
Been criticized about your sexual performance?:no
Bungee jumped?:no
Had a reoccuring dream?:eyah
Shoe brand?:steve madden lol o whatwever
Clothing brand?:forever 21 or whatever*cries
Scent?:britney spears lol or aura or mary kate and ashley LA
Normal attire?:whatever
Do you wear hats?:no
Do you wear make-up?:yeah
Favorite place to shop?:forever 21
Favorite article of clothing?:hoodies
Are you trendy?:TRENYLICIOUS babe
Would you rather wear a uniform to school?:no
Life on other planets?:prob not
Love at first sight?:no
Yin & Yang?:yeah
Easter bunny?:no
Is it possible to be faithful forever?:deffinetly
Is there a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?:only in michael jackson's backyard
Do you wish on stars?:yeah
Do you remember your first love?:yes
Still love him/her?:yes
Do you consider love a mistake?:not at all
What do you find romantic?:the beach, him singing to me, him playing guitar for me, telling me wonderful things
Turn-on?:strong back and arms, make me laugh, showers, being responsible
Turn-off?:smoking, irresponsibleness, stupidity
Do you go more by looks or personality?:a mix of course
Do you think the opposite sex finds you attractive?:well one does at least
What is best about the opposite sex?:getting love
and worst?:they dont realize mistakes sometimes
What's the last present someone gave you?:i dont remember
Are you in love?:yes
Is you signifcant other hot?:lol yeah
..The last person who..
Haunted you?:duno
You wanted to kill?:no one really
You laughed at?:jess g
Turned you on?:roman
You went shopping with?:jess g and jess h
Broke your heart?:roman
Disappointed you?:myself
Made you cry?:when i couldn't get into the college class at first
Brightened your day?:roman
You thought about?:well, roman
You saw a movie with?:jess g
You talked to on the phone?:roman
You talked to on IM:adam and dylan
You saw?:my mom
You lost?:hmm... duno?
You thought was insane?:myself pretty much
You told off?:duno
You trusted?:um.?
You turned down?:i dont wanna say!
..When was the last time you?..
Smiled?:like 2 secs
Laughed?:a while ago
Cried?:yesterday morning a little
Bought something?:movie ticket today
Danced?:a whiel
Were sarcastic?:every day
Hugged someone?:last nigth
Talked to an ex?:right now
Watched your favorite movie?:duno
Had a nightmare?:a few weeks ago
Talked on the phone?:today
Listened to the radio?:today
Watched TV?:today
Went out?:today
Helped someone?:today
Were mean?:today
Saw a movie in a theater?:today
Said "I love you"?:today lol
Missed somone:today
Fought with a family member?:yesterday kinda
Fought with a friend?:a while ago
Had a serious conversation?:today
Got drunk?:;;;;;;;;;;;
Had sex?:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Ten Song You Love
[x]:my humps
[x]:because of you
[x]:fur elise
[x]:jesu joy of man's desiering
[x]:christmas time is here
[x]:nutcracker shit
Nine Things That Make You Smile
[x]:jess g
[x]:hearing my humps come on the radio
[x]:roman's kiss
[x]:roman's laugh and smile
[x]:being tickled
Eight Things You Wear Daily?
[x]:a smile bitch
Seven Things That Annoy You?
[x]:mean people
[x]:dumb people
[x]:living here
[x]:not seeing roman
Six Things You're Looking Forward To?
[x]:living with roman
[x]:having a family
[x]:having kids
[x]:moving out
[x]:college (kind of)
[x]:being done wth high school foerever
Five Things You're Afraid Of
[x]:well there are only 3 spaces but okay
[x]:someoen i love dying

A decent but LONG survey brought to you by Bzoink

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 25 November :: 5.32pm
:: Music: heard em say

come back, lovey. :0(

PS: NEVER see the movie Rent!! It is... just ridiculous!! and i swear, i tried in every way to give it a chance!! I gave it numerous chances! but to no avail. it was just stupid and crazy!

fuck that shit.


2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 25 November :: 2.49pm

the first year has come and gone... and couldnt have been any more beautifull than it was. you make it beautifull... well actually... together we made it beautifull.

yesterday was perfect. lots of food, family, and togetherness. exactly how it should have been. :)

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 25 November :: 6.10am

brrrr bitches! it's fucking freezing. my parents are crazy. it's 68 degrees.

i have to go babysit. i hope this day FLIES BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ugh !

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 24 November :: 11.12pm

be easy! don't make decisions when you're mad!
I miss that beautiful man of mine. He is having fun though and I'm happy for him. I think he needs a break from college stress.

Hey, I am officially a college student now. I am enrolled in Comparitive Governments at GRCC. Cool huh? Scoooore. I was supposed to be in Psychology 201 but then found out today that it was full. I was so mad and spent THREE HOURS finding a class that was available, that transfered into something for my ferris nursing degree and something that was relavent! or something.. yeah. cooliessssss

jess you a weird mothafucker.

I seriously am getting fat and i'm going to take pe next semester cuz i really UGH. And jess i'm trying those things again. Maybe they wont give me a heart attack this time. they'll just eat it away slowly. Whatever, I always wanted to be the first to die in a marriage anyway.

What am iI talking about? HA

I can't wait until things are just STRAIGHT.
I have to babysit at 6:30 AM tomorrow. It was supposed to be 4:45 am, but Jim will be home so i get to arrive a bit later.

i like stuffing and chocolate chip pumpkin bread.


1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 24 November :: 10.33pm

So you got what you want out of me
Took me for the ride but you never
Bothered saying goodbye, No return
What I have, is all that I have
And Im so afraid of losing
And Im so afraid of bruising
Cause Ive been here before
But I still want more
And I'd do it all again.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 24 November :: 12.18pm

The First Year....:)

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 23 November :: 10.49pm
:: Mood: Sick

So much for all the promises you made, they served you well
and now you're gone and they're wasted on me.

Well As for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs
And sit alone and wonder
How you're making out
But as for me, I wish that I was anywhere with anyone
Making out.

One last kiss for you
One more wish to you
Please make up your mind
I'd do anything for you
One last kiss for you
One more wish to you
Please make up your mind

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 23 November :: 10.07pm

ugh people annoy me. i had fun with jess last night though

k i've had enough. come home. now.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 23 November :: 10.18am

If anyone has the essay outline for Econ that we got, please send it to me in some form. Just what the essay is supposed to be about or whatever. It'd be really appreciated. Thanks.

9 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 November :: 8.50pm
:: Mood: Tired... Again.
:: Music: Hey Mama- Kanye West

Im Really Tired*
I just got home from hanging out with Ashley. We went to Alpine and went to the book store for like 3 hours lol. They have some pretty school stuff there… besides books lol. Then we went to Olive Garden. I pretty much ate like a pig, lol jk. I had… Fettuccini Alfrado, mmmmmh. It was funny cuz we went there wanting to get the soup and salad for whatever it is… $5.79 or whatever they advertise it for, and like before I could even say how much is the soup and salad, our waiter like read my mind and was like its $8.00. I was like oooohkay then. Then she like looks at me and Ash and was like do u need help with the menu, lol. We were like uuuhh no, lol. Then on our way back to Ashley’s, (I kinda think this was a had to be there thing) but earlier when we were leaving the book store Ashley was telling me how at school she always like almost gets run over and I was like ‘by cars?’ and Ashley was like ‘No, by cows!’ lol, so yeah on our way back to Ashley’s we were talking about how I should dress up like a cow and run her over and I was laughing so hard that I could like hardly drive. And I showed her that paint spill on Shaner. Every time I go by it I like crack up. Anyways: so yeah nothing to exciting for you guys to read but I had a fun night and that’s all that really matters lol.


Ya Know: Im Really Starting To Not Like You Anymore*

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 November :: 3.32pm

So at strike on Sunday it was pretty fun. When H went into the girls dressing room he was shocked. He said that it looked like a buffet gone wild lol. There was food all over the floor and clothes and makeup. It was gross. It was 10 times worse than the guys dressing room. H was picking stuff up and I'm like "omg there is my other sock that I couldn't find" and then he picked up some food and I'm like "oh that was mine" so since alot of it was mine he made April and I clean it. It was sooo gross. Then he told us to go through the teachers lounge to go get the mop so we did but we found tons of food so we just started eating it and we couldn't figure out what chemical to put into the water to mop the floors lol. We are pretty dumb. We finally got the mop into the makeup room and we didn't know how to mop so he had to show us. Haha all in all we had fun and I'm really happy that April and I are friends now since we weren't last year. Haha I can't imagine why!?!

Look at my wonderful play pictures. (Read More)

Read more..

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 November :: 3.31pm

Yeah so maybe you should call her again. Let's see where that gets you!?!?

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 November :: 2.44pm

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well since my page is already big, i decided i'd make yours big too.

sometimes i just want nothing more than to leave school WAIT a second. what did i just say? oh wait. i always want to leave school. i absolutely hate it. i'm thankful for a few things this year. Roman, friends, and having this be my last year of high school.

anyway. me and jess are going shopping and i am getting really excited. i have no money to spend but a few gift certificates and i dont really care because i just think it will be fun because me and jess dont spend enough time together anymore.

i must just have serious jealousy issues. i'm just not good enough. whatever.

wait one more thing, am i seirously like HIDEOUSLY UGLY or what? why does everyone do that to me??! i hate people! especially mean ones!

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 November :: 9.35am

on a side note... can we say irresponsible.

*rolls eyes... moron.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 November :: 8.58am

ok... in case anybody was NOT aware.. which im assuming most are not... the Holly Hop this year is a semi formal dance just like swirl or homecomming and is on saturday december 17th. yes ladies.. this means pretty dresses. ok, now im getting fairly frustrated.... and just for your further reference it is the freshmen that are planning this dance. if you knew about the dance prior to this entry please comment and tell me how you found out.... im trying to see how many people have actually HEARD hazels "announcements" because i havent... and he cant get it through his head that nobody is aware of when or what the dance is. most people only know of it through "rumors" or from me. so yeah... please comment on this issue.. EVERYONE... PLEASE.. because im very displeased with the planning of this event.

in other news.... *ponders if displeased is even a word* things have been going fairly smoothly. (in all aspects)

thursday is mine and keegans first year.... thats what we've decided to call it. why limit ourselves to "one" when we can say it's the first. its on thanksgiving.. so the day will be filled with family, food, and lots of US time. i think it works out nicely because we REALLY have something to be thankfull for. :)

GUESS what.... keegans dance crew (61syx technique) just got hired by the GR Rampage to dance at all their home games. its a paid contract deal and they're getting sponsered by a gym... they'll get jerseys with their BBoy names on em, 2 free tickets each to all the games and lots of publicity. im so excited for them! there's 5 of them... which just goes to show how good they are.. to get such an amazing opportunity... not to mention all the money they'll be making. *smiles....... as if enough people dont recognize keegan wherever we go... the guy told them that about 9 thousand people come to each game.. and there's 8 home game games.... say about 72 thousand people... yeah.. i'd say this is their big break! im so proud......

i'm VERY MUCH looking foward to sleeping in everyday of break. i have to work every day but thursday though.... aww well. i think friday im gonna get up really early and go shopping. i'd like to get a video camera for my mom for christmas.. figure that'd be the best day to get a good deal on one.

so yeah... i think that about covers it..

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 21 November :: 11.01pm

ugh seriously that's all

\and freakin hypnotism is weird shit. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM????? SHUT THE HELL UP. SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! I AM YOUR MOMMA!!"

hhahaa . it was fun but i'm sad. like x124125123512351235 million.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 21 November :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: Tired
:: Music: Anything But Ordinary-Avril Lavigne

So I was going to write this whole long entry but I don't really feel the need to anymore.

Friday-kids show, pizza, charlie & the chocolate factory, went home for two hours, show, IHOP.
Saturday-show, annalise's, show, cast party. At the cast party I cried for a long long time and so did April and alot of the seniors. I don't feel like explaining why so if you were in the play then you'll know why and if you weren't then don't bother asking.
Saturday night-Mikki's house.
Sunday-Aprils house then to Strike.

That was it I guess. I wasn't going to come to school today because I wanted to sleep in but then I remembered April I promised I would go and she promised me she would go so we both just, went.

I'm really happy that we talked today. I haven't talked to him in so long.

I'm happy that tomorrow is our last day of school.

Lisa and I are going shopping on Friday since it's the biggest shopping day of the year!!! I'm excited. We now have Lisa and Ashley days which are like once a week lol. We are dorks haha but I'm going to post pictures from the play soon.

Love always, Ashley

Your so predictable.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 21 November :: 9.35pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Heard Em Say- Kanye West

Play Pictures:

Read more..

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 21 November :: 4.02pm

Lost and broken
Hopeless and lonely
Smiling on the outside
But hurt beneath my skin
My eyes are fading
My soul is bleeding
I try to make it seem ok
But my faith is wearing thin

So help me heal these wounds
They've been open for way too long
Help me fill this soul
Even though this is not your fault
That I'm open
And I'm bleeding
All over your brand new rug
And I need someone to help me sew them up

I only wanted a magazine
I only wanted the movie screens
And now my mind is an open book
And now my heart is and open soul for all to see

I need someone to help me fill them
I need someone to help me sew them up

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 20 November :: 8.37pm
:: Mood: Depressed

So I was going to write all about this weekend but now I'm out of time and I typed out everything and then I didn't like how it sounded so I erased the whole thing and then I typed it again and I still thought people wouldn't understand and I want them to so I just decided that I'm going to write it tomorrow when I have more time to think and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
<3 ashley

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 20 November :: 1.51pm

Attention: Anyone in the play
If you have any pictures from the play, practice, cast party, etc. Please get them to me in some way. I can give you a blank CD to burn them to, you can email them to me, send them to me on MSN, etc. Just, please let me know. I have no pictures from it. Thanks.

5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 19 November :: 4.45pm

It's been a real bumpy weekend. Highs and lows, and there of the highest and lowest points.

Example: Yesterday I decided to go to the play (again). And everything was good. Then we went to Ihop, and that sucked badly.

e.g. #2: I went to breakdance today, learned some new flips I was happy. Only to find out that someone stole 60 dollars from me at the gymnastics place. I'm pissed. But tonight. I'll be with erika, and most likely things will be better...

Damn roller coaster we call life.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 19 November :: 10.56am

This isn't going to happen.

I wont let it.

Now my whole day is ruined.

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 19 November :: 10.06am

the play is going really well.

and if anyone ever goes to eat at the IHOP on the beltline i will personally kick your ass for being stupid. im sure ashley will too. that place can burn....

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 18 November :: 4.04pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: The Used

I have an hour before I have to be at school for our second show of the day and I don't even know what to do. I haven't had time to myself or time not to do anything in forever. Today we had to be at school before it started to get ready for the childrens show. After we were all ready April, Mikki, Megan, and I all watched Laguna Beach. I love that show. Anyways the show was so much fun. Little kids are so adorable. Afterwards we could pretty much do whatever we wanted so Megan and I hung out with Emily and Pam since they are office aids and they weren't doing anything. We got to go to our normal lunch in full costume and makeup and see everyone. Everyone was amazed when they seen us..haha like we wouldn't normally be wearing tutu's and monkey costumes? Kidding. Afterwards we ordered pizza and then we just watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the auditorium. Most of us fell asleep on the stage and when I woke up school was over so here I am now. Tonight after the show the whole cast is going to ihop to eat and we have to go in full costume and makeup again even though it's like 2 degrees outside lol. Oh well. Tonight at the play I have to wink at Emily when I'm on stage lol. She's such a dork but anyways I should get going.

<3 ashley megan

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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 18 November :: 11.45am

where did i go wrong? i lost a friend

I really want to do something. I want to go on a missions trip or something. Feel worthy and maybe useful. I've been thinking about going out of state but you know. Things hold me back of course even though we have the resources so it's completely stupid, really. I could do it I guess just as easily as I'm doing what I plan to be doing... if that makes sense. But... there would be too many complications. Where would it leave us? I don't know, and so I will probably never do it.

Is that holding me back? I don't know. Not really I guess. Because it's also my door to absolutely everything. I wouldn't even be if it weren't for it. So I guess I can't say it's holding me back . That wouldn't make any sense.

How many times are you going to redo it? Kind of ridiculous.
I never knew people who had babies could afford such expensive clothing for themselves. Is that how you do it? Gawd.

I miss Roman like, really really badly. I haven't seen him for too long. Like a week. Almost. Really you're my strength babe. I'm going to see him early tomorrow. And then of course the day has to be brought down by work at 5. That's so stupid. I've worked every single day this week. Tired. Is what I am. Just tired. And then I have to work tonight of course at 5. We probably won't be busy at all and when you're a waitress, that really sucks. Getting paid $2.65.... come on. That's so stupid. I think I'll just leave if it's dead because it just is so pointless. And oh, I work Sunday as well. At 4. So I have worked every day for a week. What a glorious week.

When will something new come? I need.. not change but solutions. I hate this situation. I hate it.

I'm glad I'm fast typer. HA.

No love,

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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