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:: 2005 8 November :: 8.31am

I decided I'm going to do everything in my power. I talked to Jalyn and she's right. I need to do what I need to do. I don't think I'll regret it.

I hate being here. I want to be with you.


1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 7 November :: 9.05pm

Today was pretty boring at school. I realized that I'm at school for a long time. 7:30am to anywhere from 6-9pm. It totally sucks spending so much time at school. Play practice was horriable today. If she messes up/skips lines one more time I'm going to flip out. She misses her lines, which causes me to miss mine. Anyways before our scene April and I were backstage talking and this sophomore kept yelling at us because we were talking and she's like "shhh we're backstage, stop talking" and we got really mad at her because she didn't even ask us nicely so we started talking louder and she walked over to us and said it right at our faces and we kept on talking just to piss her off and we would mock her really loudly and start laughing. I was suprised she didn't come over and punch us but she was being a bitch so we decided to do anything and everything to piss her off. It would have been a differen't story if she would have asked us nicely but she didn't so too bad for her then.

My dad got a new laptop today! I'm on it right now. I can't wait until Christmas because I'm getting one. I used to have one when I was like eight but my cousin Haileigh spilt grape pop all over the keyboard so it doesn't work anymore lol.

Anyways I have to go get in the shower so I don't miss Laguna Beach @ 10!!

<3 ashley


4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 7 November :: 1.54pm

just a little word to the unwise!!!

shut up!

because you obviously don't know anything. jerk.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 6 November :: 4.17pm

Okay so my birthday party was awesome this weekend. I have to post these pictures because Kourtney is getting really impatient waiting.

Click on the read more thing (thats for dumme's like you Kourt, haha kidding)

Read more..

Okay thats all I feel like posting.

Yesterday was pretty fun. I went to Kourtneys Mary Kay party. Then we all went to the amway grand for my b-day party. We went and ate at the hotel and then we went swimming and went in the sauna haha..I don't even remember what else we did. We watched The 40 Year Old Virgin and we went wandering around the hotel since it's so big and we found this room where a convention was just over so we went in there to get a piece of candy because nobody was in there and everyone grabbed like two pieces and I took like the whole bowl and dumped it into my purse! Everyone was like "ASHLEY OMG!!!" It was pretty damn funny and then it was like 1am and Megan, Brittany, Emily, Elyse, and I wanted to go somewhere so we got into the elevator and there was this girl who was probably about 23 and the guy was about 30 and we got in and this was our convo:
I think the girls name was Nina
Nina:(looks at Elyse's basketball shirt)Are you guys here for basketball?
Elyse:Umm no we were here for a birthday party
Nina:(looks at brittanys track shirt) I used to run track, I did hurtles!!
We all look at each other thinking shes nuts!
Nina:I'm supposed to be professional but im wasted!
Me:Oh I can tell
Nina:So whos birthday is it?
Everyone points at me
Nina freaks out and starts like hugging me and then she asks me all these questions.
The elevator door opens and then Megan,Elyse,Emily,and Britt get out.
I didn't know they got out because I was shaking the guys hand cuz he said happy b-day to me and then all of the sudden they called my name and it was too late and the doors shut so now I'm here stuck in an elevator with a drunk girl and a drunk guy, alone. I thought she was going to like try to makeout with me, she was so drunk and I thought the guy was like going to rape me.
Guy:She wont kiss me
Nina: (mocking him) she wont kiss me
Me: Hmm that sucks for you two
Nina: Omg how old are you?
Me: 15
Nina: You too young to be wearing those clothes. Your a hottie though..
Me: Umm thanks..
By now I was scared and I had no idea what floor I was suposed to be on and they didn't even know what floor they were supposed to be on so we just sat there.
And then nina kept saying how I was so cute and how I should play hard to get and be the girl everyone wants but cant get..so I was like okay w/e lady thats nice and so finally I pressed like every button and finally I found what floor they were on so they were all waiting for me outside of the elevator and they were screaming my name cuz they were scared lol..and I got out and I was like thank god and then nina was yelling at us before the doors were closed about how we should play hard to get and then the elevator doors started closing and she was like "PLAY HARD TO GET PLAY HARD TO GET" were like omg shoot us. I was so scared and my dad told them that we all have to stick together and then they lost me. It was hilarious though. Then we decided we wanted to walk downtown so we started to and it was freezing so we started walking in the circle doors and a lady on the michrophone was like "please step forward and do not block the door" and then she was like "please step forward and do not block the door!!!" and emily screamed out "we would if you fucking move it" and then she moved the door for us. It was so funny we kept making fun of her.Then yesterday on the way there in the car emily was talking to my dad and she goes "do you have a summer car?" and im like "oh my gosh I can't believe shes asking him this" and then we were talking about dinner and he goes "ash you can just put it on the card" and then someone was like "that sounds so like you two are on laguna beach" and im like "um do you mean me pay for my food on the card?" and he goes "no you can pay for everyone" im like "holy cow" so he did. He's so nice!!! He was like "I dont care what you buy or what you do just don't get kicked out" so then later on that night at like 2am we were hungry so we orderd room service..then in the morning we ordered more room service..I had like a 5 course meal when I woke up. We went to chek out and my dad seen our bills and he goes "gp sports bar, room service, in room movies, room service, starbucks, etc" it was funny..When the guy that brought our room service to us she was like "just charge it to our room" lol..shes so funny. She slept on the floor under the certains cuz she was talking on the phone there and she fell asleep. We had this huge bed in our room and in kourt,megan,britt,and brittanys room they had two beds. It was weird and today we found this trapt door thing behind a mirror, well actually kourtney did but it was really awesome. Then yesterday we were in the elevator and emily was holding the door open cuz we were waiting for elyse or something and then all of the sudden the alarms started going off and so we just started running lol. Then today at starbucks the guy gave us a free frap. cuz he thought we were hot..not because he made an extra one lol..Anyways I g2g. Peace.

<3 ashley

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 6 November :: 4.15pm

Makes me laugh every time.
That's fucked uuup!

When in Rome.

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 6 November :: 3.09pm

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I knew this would happen.

I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you.

And for you I'm pretty sure I'm starting to hate you.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 5 November :: 4.05pm

wow... last night was amazing.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 5 November :: 2.56pm
:: Mood: giddy

Who's Driving On The Road?! ME!

Yes... I Am Driving, So Stay Away



You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 5 November :: 12.56pm

Rest in Peace, Tim.
This is for you and your family, Kelly.
Read more..

5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 5 November :: 12.13pm

My phone has rang eight times in the last hour and i'm getting really annoyed. I think I should just turn it off. Haha kidding.

I'm so excited for today/tonight! It's going to be soo much fun.

Jess and I are going to buy each other balloons for our b-day and were also going to move to California together!! Lol.

9 days until my wonderful birthday!!!!

Anyways I g2g.

<3 ash

5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 5 November :: 11.23am
:: Music: Against Me!

Blah, blah, blah.
This is what happens when you people let me get bored. Look what you've done!
Read more..

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 November :: 7.36pm

Aww Mishy you are so sweet. I can't believe some of the things you said. They are too sweet and you know me better then you think.

I'll post it just so everyone can read it:

1. Give me a new nickname and explain why you picked it.
Actually, I would just call you Ashley. I think that you've had enough of nicknames, and "Little One" makes you sound like a little kid, and you arent.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
Let's see. Around two and a half years, but we've become much much closer this year.
4. When and how did we first meet?
October 03, drama class.
5. What was your first impression?
"She has a really pretty nose and her laugh is cute. She seems sweet."
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
Yes, only my opinion is better, because I know you now.
7. What do you think my weakness is?
8. Do you think I'll get married?
9. What makes me happy?
California, The O.C., Modeling, acting, music, Him.
10. What makes me sad?
Being confused about Him, living in Cedar.
11. What reminds you of me?
The O.C., california, Gold digger, "Why?", gossip girl, "Goodbye to You"...more
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
A redhot acting career and a huge mansion in LA, along with of course, happiness with Him.
13. How well do you know me?
Well, I do not know your favorite food, or color, or your birthday, things like that. However, I do think we're close, and you know why :) I will learn those other things in time.
14. When's the last time you saw me?
Today, during Anatomy.
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
Absolutely not, the exact opposite actually.
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or
staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I
would listen?
Yes. yes. yes.
20. If there were a movie about my life, who would play me?
YOU would play you. :) No one else could do it better.
21. Who would play you in the movie about my life?
Hmm.. Christina Ricci.
22. Who is my hero?
Hmm.. I really don't know. Dad perhaps?

Your definately right about everything and nobody will know why were so close, ever.

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 November :: 7.14pm

Things are fantastic. Quick overview I suppose.

1 Year for Erika and I is in 20 Days. it's approaching fast. And the time we've spent together passed even faster.

We've got a number of show's coming up in december. 61Syx TeKnique baby!

I'm starting to write again. I'll post up poetry here sometime for anyone who may want to view any of my writing abilities.

I still work at logans. People should come see me sometime!

-K. Loye

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 November :: 5.05pm
:: Music: Soul Survivor

Don't you hate being stuck at work with nothing to do, when you're not even supposed to be here in the first place? Yeah, well thats whats up with me right now, and i hate it. I started today at 7:30 and i'm not getting out of work until 6 now. I was supposed to get out at 4:30 because my parents were golfing and they were gonna come back when they were done at 4:30. I just knew it was gonna happen. My mom or dad would call me and tell me to stay until 6. And thats exactly what happened. That will be 10 1/2 hours i have worked today. It sucks. So that deffinately sets back my plans for the night. But what ever. So yeah, sorry for rambling on and on about work. I"m sure you all are too.


2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 November :: 4.04pm

anything else that can make me feel more miserable? come on fucking bring it you are so stupid seriously like i wish i could wish you away and you definetely. i dont kno w

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 November :: 3.58pm

i have had the worst day ever god i've been bawling my eyes out for an hour now and earlier today too god fucking stupid ass shit and i am not going to school anymore i fucking refuse. it is so pointless and stupid. i haven't had this bad of a day since roman and i broke up for 4 days in the summer.

seriously i've never felt so completely miserable and FUCKING useless. there's fuckign nothing anymore and if a cliff suddenly appeared in cedar i'd be the first one jumping off it
i fucking can't take it anymore

fucking use some fucking common senese


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 November :: 10.07am

today is such a bad day. why'd i ever believe i could be any better than what i am.

faslkdfj that

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 November :: 7.01am

i'm sooooo scared

bet you'd never guess what i'm scared about.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 3 November :: 10.27pm

TEN YEARS AGO I... seven and chubby and even more annoying then i am now.

FIVE YEARS AGO I WAS: 12... and finally getting not as fat and into stuff......yeah

ONE YEAR AGO I WAS: with roman...he had moved out for us so we could see each other more.

YESTERDAY I WAS: baby sitting and then went to bed at 7:30

1. ice cream
2. chocolate
3. animal crackers
4. umm
5. oreos


1. ben folds the luckiest
2. third eye blind motorcycle drive by
3. kelly clarkson anytime
4. you know
5. yeah that one


1. be SO much less worried about my future
2. buy a nice house
3. marry
4. give my kids wonderful lives
5. not go to work probably


1. worrying
2. asking too many questions apparently
3. being easily angered or annoyed
4. swearing
5. procrastinating


1. roman
2. jess
3. sleep
4. feeling safe
5.feeling like i look good/fine


1. piano?




1. 80's shit
2. leggings
3. i udno


1. family guy?
3. home movies?


1. i really dont watch tv so i duno


1.MEAN people
2. bad grammer
3. when i must listen or follow orders or be taught by people are dumber than myself.
4. a COLLEGE BOY ...eta;fksdj
5. when people trreat their waitress i.e. me , like crap

fucekrs roni

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 3 November :: 10.11pm
:: Mood: tiredish.

baby doesn't get out of work until 2 which means i am sitting here doing nothing.

i finally joined the world and got a cell phone. hoooooooray~!

i got to work today yay so i got some money. i kept making good tips i was so happy.
i think i did really good on my chem test yesterday which makes me so happy.

i love roman and jess and thats about it frankly.

i couldn't stop thinking about your stupid ass today. not your butt. but you. because you are a butt and i dont know why you kept popping in my head but get out you stupid stupid nasty disgusting girl. go away.

i'm watching south park.
andndndnndndnd i'm finally seeing roman on saturday

Will anyone watch Elvis, my kitty, over Christmas break? Please. he needs a babysitter.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 3 November :: 6.31pm

I got this from Brie!

I just found this quiz so please take it!
1. Give me a new nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. What do you think my weakness is?
8. Do you think I'll get married?
9. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or
staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I
would listen?
20. If there were a movie about my life, who would play me?
21. Who would play you in the movie about my life?
22. Who is my hero?

<3 ash

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 2 November :: 10.44pm

It's no big deal. Break her heart. Let her down. Make her cry. You "love" her right? Everything is fine. Hold her hand. Lead her on. It's no big deal, she's just a girl.

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 2 November :: 9.21pm
:: Music: California-Phantom Planet

The O.C. DUHH!!!
I know Brie said this BUT--22 Hours, 32 Minutes, and 40 Seconds until The O.C. is on. I already have the scripts for tomorrow's episode but I'm not reading it beacause I don't want to ruin what I've waited weeks for. It's called The Perfect Storm!! Sorry Brie I decided not to read them and tell you what happens. We'll just have to watch and see!!

I've heard from alot of people that after this season they aren't going to continue making The O.C. but if that seriously happens my life will be over............and, i'll cry, alot.

I watch this show religiously...

5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 2 November :: 6.19pm

I don't know about things anymore.
I feel like I lost my place where I could run to and be safe.

What am I supposed to do?
I wish I had some idea.

Be single apparently.

12 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 2 November :: 9.30am

its been a semi-long while.

halloween was just a normal day for us. we figured we're to old to go trick or treating, and we didnt have my sister so its not like we had any reason to go. instead we went to the outback, and had one of those perfect nights that we have so often. PLUS we got some new games from toys R us.... and that was wonderful.

i havent really been up to much lately. just work, wizard, and keegan. oh and throw failing algebra in there too. but its all good..

i think im begining to slip away from woohu.... i dont really have much to update anymore. it seems so much easier to update when im depressed and upset, like i take the good times and the good days for granted. i dont know... maybe its time people actually had to start getting to know me instead of reading about me in my journal.

yeah.. that sounds like a good idea.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 2 November :: 6.56am

I hope you're ok.
Last night was hard.
But, I made it. I'm waiting for it all to be over so I can be normal again.

I can't wait for Friday.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 1 November :: 9.21pm

So much for that idea.....

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 1 November :: 4.52pm
:: Music: Ani Difranco

Today was a good day.
I'm reading some of my old entries and oh my God.. I was an idiot. It's so funny how only a month or so after you read something you can't believe you were so fucking stupid.

I'm changing and I think all this shit that has happened was for the best. I'm not doing as bad as I thought I would, at all. It's insane how well I am taking everything. I'm either gonna glide through this or it's gonna hit me later. I just know right now things are fine.

I know how I feel and all I hope is plans run smoothly from here on out.

Oh, and don't worry, sweety.. no one can ruin my life when I'm only 17 years old. Try at a later time. ;)

I love you Erika!

8 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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