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:: 2005 11 October :: 4.42pm

noo, god im just so fucking mad...... its just a multiple entry type of rage i guess....

what the hell is your problem?

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 11 October :: 4.39pm

im done with this.

i had a rotten day, and the one thing i was looking forward to taking comfort in cancelled on me.

i could very easily take comfort in something else.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 10 October :: 5.40pm

Here is a picture of just us girls before homecoming. I'll post more later.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

24 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 10 October :: 3.23pm

I definately will do it this time.

Only a week though.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 10 October :: 12.39am

I L _ _ e you Erika......

^^ Fill In The Blanks!

Lemme Give You A Hint...

The First Letter Is A Vowel, And The 2nd Is A Constanant.

Bet You Thought Wrong...

I LIKE You Erika.. See, we're not one of those couples who jump into 'love' and I do love THAT. because when it is time for us to be in love. it'll be magical.

Geez. People and there jumping to conclusions all the time.

-K. Loye

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 9 October :: 11.10pm

wow what a way to ruin a perfect weekend. thanks a lot guys . Guess the tally is down to one now. Whatever, i'll deal with that.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 9 October :: 4.36pm
:: Mood: Happy
:: Music: Let Me Hold You-Bow Wow

This weekend was pretty fun. Friday I went and got my nails done and then I went to the game but Lisa, Brittney, and I left early because it was too cold.

Saturday I got my hair done for homecoming then like 17 people all went to Kourtney's for pictures, then we went to tgi fridays and then to the dance. It was really fun up until I seen someone who I wasn't expecting to be there and then I just ignored him and then I seen him walking over to me so I grabbed Emily Sorensen and Lisa and we ran out of there and he followed me and came up to me and started talking to me. It was akward and then Emily was just like "okay lets go" so it gave me an excuse to stop talking to him but I definately didn't know what to say or do at that moment. Lisa, Katy, Brittney, and I all went looking for little 9th grade guys and we would just go up to them and start like grinding on them..lol it was hilarious..some of them didn't even know what to do and some of them started dancing with us. It was definately fun. Afterwards a bunch of people went to Justins house. I hung out with everyone for a while and then I got really tired so I'm just like "yeah I'm going to go to sleep now" and some of us were inside and cohen was next to me on the couch so im like "okay im going to sleep on your lap" and I just fell asleep and then we left at like 2 and then Lisa came over and stayed the night. Today I went shopping and I bought two pairs of shoes that I didn't need but I also donated money to the hurricane katrina relief and then I went to Olive Garden (again for the second time this week) lol..so other than that, thats what I did and then tonight im hanging out with Andrea and Brie.

But I g2g get ready to leave. <3 ashley

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 9 October :: 3.22pm

last night was so fun. the most fun i'd had at a dance. and the before and after of course. i love roman and yay.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 9 October :: 1.03pm

yakys 18th birthday last night....

nucking futts...

I understand less spanish when Ive been conversing with my friend Jack Daniels....

6 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 9 October :: 12.54pm

homecoming was fun... kinda wish i did something afterwards but oh well can't do too much about it. the ending.. yeah.. i'm stupid.
he makes me mad! why must he get drunk all the time. i hate his excuses and i hate talking to him when he is drunk.. i just get in such a foul mood. i wish i could of driven there last night and been like you listen! you are stupid!!!! and then just walked away. but hell he proally wouldn't of remembered it anywyas.. and god knows if he even knows if i talked to him last night.
i'm so blah... do i call or not?

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 9 October :: 7.31am

The dance was cool.
I had fun.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 7 October :: 10.49pm
:: Music: Wake Me Up When September Ends

For some reason this song (Wake Me Up When September Ends) makes me really upset and sad. Yes I do know that the music video is sad but the actual song makes me sad and I don't even get what it's about but it just makes me think about someone and then it just makes me sad, like that.

I am so tired I don't think I can stay awake any longer. This morning I woke up at like 6:30 (which is early for me) and I got ready and then I went back to bed and I set my alarm for like 7:10 and I turned it off and then my dad came downstairs at like 7:20 and was like "Ashley!?! What are you doing?" and I woke up and I'm like "sleeepiing" but I wasn't late for school, I was just later than I normally am. I have to get up at 8:00 tomorrow but on Sunday I AM sleeping in whether anyone wants me to or not. I haven't been going to bed this past week until 12:00-1:30 and it sucks. Anyways, After school I went and got my nails done with Kourtney, Megan, Brittney, Emily, and Ashley.I spent $50 just on my nails today and then tuesday I went shopping and I spent $200 then Wednesday I spent $140 and last night I spent $100. I need to stop spending money thats not even mine!!! Ahhh...im so bad. I went out to eat again last night, so that would make it the third night in a row. I'm so excited for Homecoming tomorrow and I think afterwards were going midnight bowling, and everyone knows how I bowl lol, esp Brianna, Dan, and Kevin. They all laughed at me and I came in last place during our first game but then the second game I was came in second place, how I don't know!? But most of my friends suck at bowling so I guess it's okay lol. Sunday I'm hanging out with Andrea and Monday we don't have school so I don't know what I'm doing yet. I didn't find out that we didn't have school Monday until yesterday.

Kourtney and Brittney think I should have a party for my birthday which I think if I do I'm going to just invite my close friends and go stay at a hotel with them for a weekend since I did that before and it was fun and thats what we all decided we think I should do for my birthday. I remember for my 11th birthday I had a limo and my friends and I went to the mall lol and I remember I didn't invite Megan because we hated each other and she always thought Brittney and I were going to be better friends than they were. Which was dumb because we were 11!!! Anyways yeah so I think thats what I'm going to do. Sounds like a plan.

Anyways I will update about my weekend and homecoming in the next few days. Anyone who is going, have fun! I'm a moron and I haven't charged my phone in two days so obviously it's been turned off so now I have four voicemails to go listen to and text messages to read.

Much Love, Ash

P.S.-If anyone heard H's speach, it was really sad!! I started crying even though I've heard it over the years. When he was like "do you see that chair, LOOK AT THE CHAIR...that could be YOU" I was like "nooo..stop it, it's not going to be me!" I guess that speach was juat a reality check.

What does it tell you when you realize we've never been just friends?

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 7 October :: 6.35am
:: Music: BOB DYLAN

Well, the 40 days of purpose res life group meetings started last night. As you can tell, I have no idea what to call it. Anyway..it went very well. There are 7 groups of couples, Brad and I are the youngest. Not by much though, all of them are in their early 20's. It was nice because I was expecting it to be really dull and everyone to be uber churchy, but they weren't like that at all. We all just talked and laughed the entire time. I guess it's every Monday for the next six weeks. It was supposed to be Thursday, but people had problems with that I guess. So, sorry Erika and especially Keegan. ;) Laguna night must be rescheduled!

Today is black day and I'm having fun with it. Even though my stinky boyfriend is being a shmuck. =) Hehehe..

I'm an emo kid, non-conforming as can be!
You'd be non-conforming too if you look just like me!

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 6 October :: 10.53pm

I hate how we don't talk for weeks but then all of the sudden you talk to me again and it's like as if nothing happened and I slowy start falling for you all over again.

~Ashley Megan~

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 5 October :: 9.37pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: Unwritten Law- Save Me

My days...
So things have been pretty good lately. I still think about it whether I should or not and I still wonder what happened with us. Anyways last night I went shopping with Lisa to get all our homecoming stuff (yeah I know it's late to go shopping for homecoming but we just decided we were going the other day) and then we went to Olive Garden and I seen Spike from my drama class (last years class) and she walked up to our table and I didn't even recognize her and she recognized me and she had to tell me who she was because she looks so differen't but she is coming to the play to watch me and everyone else that she knows from Cedar so I thought that that was pretty cool. On the way home we got lost. We always get lost because we had to go to my dads house to bring him food from Olive Garden and we got on the wrong highway/freeway I dont know the difference between the two. We are horriable with directions. Then today I went shopping again and I went out to eat at The Outback Steakhouse...it was pretty fun but I have to go do my homework. Ugh...


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 5 October :: 6.34am
:: Music: BOB DYLAN

Things are good in the hood.
Who's all going to Homecoming? I'm just wondering..

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 October :: 9.56pm

Wow..so much for going for the whole "month" thing.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 October :: 8.17pm

i LOVE you roman!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 3 October :: 9.48pm
:: Mood: excited

Woot Woot

- - DaYs- -



[B i R t H d A y]

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 3 October :: 7.20pm

tonights laguna night, im waiting for keegan to get out of work so we can go over to stacys. that kristin... dirty little skank. giggles

im excited for homecoming, especially since i wont be so pale.. thank god for bronzing tanning lotion.

yeah, so algebra 2 is kicking my ass... anyone care to help me out?!

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 3 October :: 5.13pm

I have something to say but i'll probably regret it so I will just keep my mouth shut. Your really making this alot easier for me and your definately giving me plenty of reasons to move on and not to care anymore so nice work. Don't try to think you know what im talking about.

Friday I went to the game with Emily and Lisa then afterwards I went to Sam's house with Lisa and Kayla. We stayed the night there. I seen someone at the game who I haven't seen since 5th grade so that was a little weird and he remembered me because he came up to me and was like "hey Ashley"..I couldn't believe it.
Saturday I went to Red Flannel which was boring like always. Then we had our powderpuff game which was pretty fun I guess. Then I went to Brittanys little party thing and hung out with everyone. Then I went to Brittney Themm's and stayed the night and then Sunday I went to the soccer game with them and hung out with Cohen, Ethan, and Tj then we all went to the mall afterwards and then I went to Megan's house and I ate dinner with her mom, dad, and brother because she had to leave for two hours to go to work. Then later on that night Kourtney, Lisa, Emily Esch, and Brittney all came over too and we all stayed the night and talked and hung out. Emily and I are morons lol. We all skipped first hour today and then it was wacky hair day and Megan forced me to do my hair really weird and wow did everyone look at us but I did get alot of compliments on how awesome it looked.

Today I didn't really do anything besides play practice. I think the play should be really good this year. I had dance tonight but I didn't go because I need a break. I always have something to do every day after school and it's getting old, real fast. I didn't sleep much last night so I'm really tired. I guess this is all for now.

Sometimes I wonder what it is about you that makes me try so hard.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 2 October :: 11.19pm

Well, it's all said and done. And I know that you couldn't be any sadder, but at the same time, I know that you couldn't be any more relieved. And all I can do is sit here, and talk about it...

You probably thought that we broke up huh? TRICKY TRICKY I AM!

No, I'm talking about erika's red flannel reign, it's over. and I know that it sucks babe, but hey, you've got the role to still be my queen for as long as you want to be :)

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 1 October :: 11.56pm

k i just have to write about my hideously LONG day....

today i got up at 8:30 got ready and went to the school. played with the pit all day long in band and then had the little competition on the field and then played cymbols in the parade and then walked back to the parade and watched with roman and then walked all the way back to the school ALONE ahhh and then realized i didn't have my keys so walked all the way to the back and then put my uniform away and then drove to Rosie's , changed and got put on the floor and got tables as soon as i walked back through that kitchen door!!

we were so busy. but at least roman and jess came to see me :0) . i started crying at one point because i was so stressed because we were so exteremely busy. I got a $35 tip. that beats my 20 dollars . that was from a 12 top. WOW . i was happy! and me and chelsy were the only servers tonight. just us two!! and we closed all by ourselves again. i like working with chelsy she's a sweetheart. and to finish the night i made $119 tonight yay!! in tips. not even counting the hourly which adds about 15 more. but wow my feet hurt. i've been standing the whole day. i didn't have a chance to get a drink or sit down or even bus a table the whole night until 9 at night. wow it was a long day.

i got my senior pics back and they are really cool . i have like 8126545612 million wallets . awesome.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 1 October :: 1.20pm

Maybe I can't be just friends with you.

Lately I've been so busy I don't have time for anyone, or anything.

It sucks but I have to get ready so sometime this weekend I'll make time to actually write a serious update on what's been going on, besides these little two minute ones.


2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 1 October :: 9.26am

I am in the play. I get to be a Citizen of Oz. I know, I know.. it's a very minor part and I probably have no lines that I say individually, but I'm just excited to be a part of the play. I didn't try hard at auditions and my heart was never really into this play, but I'll put my all into it now.

Red flannel day is today. How exciting. I get to do fucking everything because everyone in yearbook is a lazy ass. No one can just offer to do anything if they don't benefit from it. It drives me crazy how everyone can take that class and yet not want to do anything for it. Whatever.

Hopefully today goes well. I need to shower, later.

I got my Homecoming dress, it's brown. And brown is the best, so I am happy. Erika and Keegan your couple is back!

10 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 1 October :: 8.58am

fuck you i hope you fall flat on your face and die. im done holding back bitch.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 30 September :: 4.08pm


but maybe i'm supposed to be worried instead. GREAT.

dg'alskdgjsd;lghjsd;lgjsd;lgj i'm so SICK OF THIS!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 30 September :: 10.21am

My mom got in a car accident today, she's okay, nobody got hurt, but she totaled her car. So she's off to look for a new one. But until then she gets a rental. Whoo hoo! I can't help but feel responsible for the accident though. She shouldn't have had to bring emma to school. I should have- well emma should have gotten up on time, but none the less. I still feel partly responsible for the accident.


Red flannel parade tomorrow. Make sure you stay for the whole thing, 61Syx Teknique is the last thing in the parade, we're gonna end it with a bang, some flips, some mills, top rock, bottom rock, etc. Whoop!

See ya tomorrow!

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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