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:: 2005 29 August :: 10.32pm


Hey! I'm really tired so I'm not sure why I'm even on the computer lol. Nothing really is new. I went to Brittney Themms yesterday and at like 11:30 we made these things over the fire called doughboys and then she felt like roasting hotdogs lol what a weirdo but it was fun and then today we had to get up at the crack of dawn for dumb orientation. We talk about the same things every year but I wont get into that. I think my pictures turned out okay. I hope. Then Emily, Me, Brittney, Megan, and Ashley all went to Big Boys after that. After that Brittney and I went and developed her pictures. They were interesting. I swear I'm always there developing pictures or with someone who is *cough Andrea cough* lol. I don't remember what we did after that but my dad and I had to go to Detroit to get my two year old cousin Brina. I'm watching her for a week. She is laying in my bed right now watching Finding Nemo, she was watching Laguna Beach with me but it's over now. Wednesday I'm going to The Lakes mall with Lisa and then after that we are probably going to both of the other malls. Of course Brina has to come. Everyone will probably think shes my baby or something haha oh well. Thursday I'm going to the football game with Brittney and Kourtney. Brittney is making me bring Brina to the game so that should be intresting. She'll probably be bad. Then Friday I'm going to Micahs. For the rest of the weekend I'll probably hang out with Kevin.

I changed my mind. I don't miss him or care right now. Screw that. You'll just walk away like you always do.


2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 29 August :: 9.47pm

so here's a little update on my stupid stupid stupid fucking life..

1. i'm pretty sure i have the flu or mono or something i feel like absolute shit, i am sick to my stomach all the time i want to puke, my head just aches and i just want to lay down and sleep

2. my boyfriend is having fun in college and i get to come to this stupid house and fucking eat cereal because there is nothing here and i just want to die and i hate this i hate this i hate this

3. i have no friends

4. thats my fault

5. but it still upsets me

6. my old friends don't exist anymore

7. i kinda want to

aaaaaaaaaaa i'm really sad and i think i'm going to go cry a lot. gawd this is so stupid. have fun . god.

7 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 29 August :: 9.42pm

kill me

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 29 August :: 3.26pm

Today reminded me how much I really hate my class.
Minus like.. 6 people.

I'm a senior!

6 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 29 August :: 3.14pm

New Schedule.
1. Hilter, Nazi, Germany - Norkus
2. JA Econ - Busen
3. Office Aid
4. AP Drama
5. Bilble as in Lit - Olsen
6. Yearbook
7. Seminar - Hazel

Once again, let me know if you're in any of my classes. Thanks.

5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 29 August :: 9.52am
:: Music: Bob Dylan

These are some lyrics. I know, I know.. it gets annoying 'cause people are always posting lyrics. But, this song is amazing and it really describes half the people in Cedar. So, if you can spare one minute that'd be grand. :)

Read more..
-Bob Dylan - Positively 4th Street

6 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 29 August :: 9.24am

someone left an annonomous comment and called me a fat ass. lol mean!! awww man!!

well i guess someone is agreeing with me.

time to go run.
fuck the po lice and

i hate school and now i have to go.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 28 August :: 1.54pm

Read this if you normally call me.
Only call my cell phone if it is after 9:05pm, if you are using a Verizon cell phone, or during the weekend. If you actually want to talk to me either call my house phone 696-0331 [and leave a message] or get online. If I don't answer or am not on msn, then call my cell phone, but I can't talk long.

Don't leave me voice mails on my cell phone either. I don't check it.
If you need to leave a message email me or leave it on my house phone.

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 28 August :: 2.56am

Hey! I'll update this really quick since I don't really go online much anymore. Last night I hung out with Lisa and then we went to the football game which was alright--I never pay attention to it anyways and then Andrea, Lisa, and I went over to this guys bonfire and then we left at like 2am and went to Nicks house and we just ended up staying the night. It was a blast and then in the morning we went to chinese and to get her pictures developed and then after that I went home and slept for a while. After that we went to Aarons house and now were here at GVSU and I only came on here too update but I will be home from GVSU tomorrow and Im probably going to Brittney's, But I g2g I have better things to do. <33 Ashley

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 28 August :: 12.05am

So saddy sad sad. i wish i was with him . i hate this. honestly i just hate going back here. poop. and i wish i was actually DOING something tonight. i slept sooooo much today so i'm not even tired.

yesterday i took at nap cuz i had been up so late the day before and then went to bed at 11 something and woke up at 11:30 and then went back to sleep at 2 and woke up at 3:50 in time for work at 5 ... worked till 11 and now... yeah i'm just bored.

i make really good money at rosies and i always have decent shifts and they go by really fast actually. so yay . and it's just an easy routine. hooray

i miss you baby i love you so much.

i dont think i'm going to church tomorrow i guess.


this is a puzzle for you all. isn't it cool? hahah yay!

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 27 August :: 7.21pm

Who are you to tell me
That I'm less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
I don't need to listen
To the list of things I should do
I won't try, I won't try

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 27 August :: 6.34pm

alright, as soon as my passport get's here I'm leavin the country for awhile.

I'm going to have a lan party at eden before I go though...

8 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 27 August :: 4.26pm

i hate this.

and i really really feel sick. ugh. off to work.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 27 August :: 12.41pm

yayyy today is the double date. me and keegan are going out with jess hazen and bobby. im soooo excited... not only is it a double date.. its a BLIND date... ohhh yeah.

weird... speaking of blind i had a dream last night that i was blind. and it all was because of... well that doesnt matter... but thats some scary stuff!

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 27 August :: 2.37am

You know your a cute couple, when it's 2:30 in the morning, and she needs gas, and she asks you to pump it for her. So you do although you have no shirt, or shoes, you walk through the oilly gas station and pump it. Only to find out she wants you to pay it, and you can't because of your lack of threads. So she pays, and tells the attendant all about it. And the attendant just laughs at how cute you are.

We're a cute couple aren't we. Lol

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 26 August :: 2.28pm

Did my sarcasm hurt your feelings?

get over it.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 25 August :: 2.53pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Gorillaz-Feel Good

Well howdy.

I'm quite bored right now. I'm just sitting at work. There are no customers and nothing to do, so yeah. I'm not exactly sure what i am doing tonight. I think i'm just hanging out with Randy. Going to some sports place that he wants to go to. But other than that, i have nothing going on. So if anybody feels like doing something or hanging out or whatever, call my cell phone. 262-3578.

But anyways, i'm doing good, my family is doing good, my dogs are doing good. My sister is doing really good right now. She's got her apartment, Todd is still with her, they take care of the baby. She's getting so big and she's starting to smile and laugh, which just cracks me right up.

So yeah, i don't really have anything else to say.

But somebody could be really nice and leave me a good comment!


8 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 25 August :: 8.52am

uugh what the fuck. i want to be in college and more importantly OUT OF HERE sooooooooooo effing bad. what the hell. i do not need another STUPID year of pointless high school. honestly.

i can't fucking wait to be out of ehre i can't stand it and i have a feeling it's going to come a lot sooner than anyone expects.
ughas;dlgkjsdl;gkjsdl;sdjgl;j l;jso fucking stupid here seriously.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 25 August :: 6.53am

maaaaan... its amazing how many people cant wait to take stabs at brad for what happend... but where exactly is it your place to do that? lets give stacy some credit here... what, do you think she's stupid? because i DO believe she's old enough to decide what SHE does in her OWN life.

stacy.... last night, just seeing how you guys are made me so incredibly happy. all this talk about you being "happy"..... you ARE... laughs. so i dont know what their talking about. just forget it.... because like you said, nobody knows him like you do.. nobody knows YOU like he does. and thats a beautifull thing.

just thought i'd stick up for one of the greatest couples i know.


i love you.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 24 August :: 11.17pm

:( Tonight was the last night of blues, it was a blast, finally can windmill to the point where it looks good. We got to battle the circle junkies (A bboy crew from Holland) they're pretty good, but we're better.. *and that's not me being cocky. ;)

I'm really getting hyped up about september 9th. There's a huge bboy battle in Benton Harbor, 3 vs 3 battles and a pop n lock battle. 500 Dollars cash prize for the 3v3 and 100 cash from the poppin battle. WHOO HOO! TEK BABY!

I'm so happy that you come down and support me in what I do. and you're not one of those girlfriends who have to "let" me go, but instead you're there. I can't explain how happy you make me in so many different ways :)

-K. Loye

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 24 August :: 10.59pm

I’m not even going to get mad. It’s not worth it anymore. I’m just going to expect the least from the people I thought the highest of.

I thought you changed. I thought maybe for once you meant what you said but obviously you didn't if you can go and tell ten other people the same thing.

So-thank you for once again, prooving my point.

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 24 August :: 10.33pm

is it bad for a person to be so sensitive?


1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 24 August :: 10.10pm

"he would look fine if he didnt look like that"

haha i'm so dumb
i love roman also and

i hate that he's further away but ughghaslgksj whatever. one more effing year and then i'm out of heeeeerrrrrre.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 24 August :: 5.22pm

Aww I love my kissing picture!

I give up. I never can win. I hope your happy.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 24 August :: 1.54pm

im so happy i never got into the whole high school partying thing. what an empty pathetic weekend. woohoo lets get drunk even though we're underaged and fuck things up for ourselves a little bit more. YEAH! way to feed into the stereotypes people.

anyway..... we had our E board meeting today. hopefully tomorrows goes good too.. im a little nervous about how its set up... but i guess we'll see how it goes. if anyone on senate reads this remember its tomorrow morning.

last night of blues tonight... im sad. me and stacy went downtown yesterday and i got so anxious for today. its so exciting with all the people... scott, micah, stacy, brad.... yayyy.

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 23 August :: 10.55pm

i stole this icon from some little girl's xanga journall hahahee.

isn't it SO me? NOT because it's a fat hippo and we look similar, but because i always do that little hit that thing. hehehe break me off a piece of that , bitch!! yeahhhhh!

and gawd some shit is so annoying. i.e. YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU goaweedddgksjdg

i am making moolah as a waitress and it is tres exciting!! hoorah!

i love georgia nicholson

and i love roman b. garcia aka hotpants mcgee

tomorrow back to ferris to move back in!! GARASLDKJADLKJQRRRZZQ!

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 23 August :: 4.32pm

So since I didn't talk to you for two days for reasons because (day 1: you were sleeping) and (day 2: because I was sleeping) doesn't make it okay to do that. Most people don't have conversations with other people while they are sleeping so since I didn't talk to you for two days it doesn't make it okay for you to go screw some girl and say it was because of me. I don't think thats the way it works. Who knew. And next time I see you, stay the fuck away from me.

Brianna by the way. The song you wanted me to find out for you when Anna leaves is called "If You Leave" by Nada Surf.

Last night I seen The Notebook for the first time and before that I went and seen The 40 Year Old Virgin. It was hilarious.

The whole thing still bothers me and the fact that you blame it on me makes it even worse. I could go out and do the same thing with someone, just so you can see how it feels but I'm not like that and I wouldn't do that.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 23 August :: 11.29am
:: Music: Fleetwood Mac - Monday Morning

This is going to turn into a very long entry so don't start if you can't finish.

After reading Jessa's entry about her childhood I decided I had to find out what was really bothering me deep down past even highschool so that's what I'm about to do. I'll try to separate in subjects.

Ever since I was a little girl all I can remember about my childhood is having an alcoholic for a father. Him coming home around 3am smashing down a door or busting a window to get into the house. He wasn't one of those funny drunks either, he was a violent, mean drunk. He was so mean. The things he'd say would just crush me. He made me feel like a nothing because that's what he called me. And after hearing I was such a piece of shit my whole life I started to believe it. I remember standing outside in the snow barefoot just to be out of the house, away from his threatening and safe from him throwing things. He'd put me and my family down for no reason. He'd just go in a row, naming each problem every member had. Making us all feel equally as shitty as the next. And when I'd cry my mom would call me weak and say, "No one else lets him get to them, why should you?" I'd try to just go in my room, turn up the music to drown out the voices, and ignore it, but I swore every sound in the world couldn't make his voice go away. He'd just plow my door open and scream at me as I'd scream and cry to him. Yelling at him, just trying to make him listen to one word I said. But, all he'd do is put me down and tell me he'd give me a real reason to cry. This went on at least twice a week every week of my life up until around two years ago. Now it's not as constant, but it still happens here and there. I knew every cops name and they knew mine. They made frequent visits to my house monthly. But, they were always late and never did anything. They'd just say until he hurt someone physically they couldn't do anything. So finally my dad ended up pushing my brother into a door and making him fall. We called the cops and he got put in jail for 3 months. I remember visiting him and talking to him through glass an inch thick, and using a phone. It was a wierd feeling. Seeing someone and talking to them on a phone. I couldn't look at him, I had to pretend more than an inch of glass was seperating us. He'd apologize and promise he'd never do it again. And me being a little kid bought it and felt sorry for him. But, once he got out it'd all happen again. I also remember at a very young age he had an ulser and puked up blood all over the house. He kept falling and couldn't move. An ambulence came and got him and he was in the hospital for some days. We found out the ulser was from alcohol. I remember seeing his head crash down in my doorframe and a nail going into his chin. He still has the scar, in the shape of a nail on his chin from that day. I thought he was going to die that day. And when he didn't I at least thought he'd quit drinking, but he didn't. And he never will. People always say, "Well, at least he didn't beat you." But, ya know what? Most of the time I would have much rather taken a punch to the face than heard half of the things I heard. Words hurt more than getting hit.

Older brother (Keith):
My brother Keith was the one that got the most shit from my dad. He wasn't his actual son. I guess he's my step brother, but I'll never call him that because he doesn't seem like he is. He's been my brother my whole life, so the title "step" doesn't fit him at all. My dad felt like he didn't really have to treat him like a son because he wasn't technically his so he got treated like shit. My brother was always a good kid. He never got in trouble, didn't have girl problems, didn't swear, got straight A's, and was an honor student. He met a girl named Staci his senior year and they ended up liking eachother. Well, I shouldn't say met, they knew eachother for a while, but this is when they really started spending time together. Staci had one more year of school left and my brother waited for her year to end. Staci's father was a lot like mine. He was bi polar, an alcoholic, and quite frankly sounded crazy. So she really wanted to move out and just distance herself from him, and my brother wanted the same. So they ended up moving out and moving in together as soon as she graduated. They got married very quicky, kind've rushed into it I think. But, they are happy now and both away from their fathers. They needed that. And my brother had to listen to my dad count down the years he had until he was 18 and could move out. And now I listen to it. First it was, "I only five more years until you're out of my house!" Then four, three, two, and now my final year. I wish he saw he was just chasing all his kids away. But, he really only has a few more years to live as it is. He has a liver disease from drinking so much and is just killing himself more each day. My dad ended up getting a counselor and the counselor told him it was our fault for making him so angry all the time. She said it was his kids fault and we were the reason he drank. So, I started thinking it was my fault and it was put into my dads sick mind even more that we was right and we were all out to get him.

I was an ugly little kid. As you can see I never really grew out of it that, hah. My family was never well off so I wore a lot of big clothes, or boys clothes. I was a tom boy from growing up with two brothers. I was into boy games like football, wrestling, and things like that. I never really got along with the girls. They all kinda looked at me like I was a circus freak. Girls were always too whiny and annoying for me to handle. The boys were tough and could take a punch. I ended up being a trouble maker. I was sent to the counselor every day for recess for a year or so. Finally I met a girl who liked me. Her name was Brandee Weeks. We became best friends and all her friends were automatically mine. And she was popular. The most popular girl in that little elementary school. I know it seems odd that there was even "popularity" then, but believe me there was. Then one day Brandee and I got in a fight. And all her friends didn't like me anymore. It was like once she hated me they all could stop their act. I had no friends. I sat alone at lunch and became a very lonely, sad girl. I saw what popularity was. It was a bunch of fakers sticking together to simply not be alone. None of them really were there for eachother. No boys ever liked me. I got made fun of for being flat chested and dressing "scrubby." The guys that did talk to me just saw me as another guy. I never really had friends.

Middleschool was the point where I started getting desperate. My middle school career was hell. I am serious. I ended up fighting with this girl and we got so bad that they had to change my entire schedule. I had to have a "body guard" with me when I walked through the halls, and make all new friends in my new classes. But, everyone just ended up hating me and thinking I was wierd. They all saw me as a tattle tail because my mom worked at the school and no one could really mess with me. It was nice getting some benefits, but I really wish my mom wouldn't have worked there. I'd rather have roughed it.

My brother, Dustin dated a lot more than I did in school. He dated popular, pretty girls too. He ended up dating Taryn Bolwing for awhile. And I became best friends with her. Soon after we became friends her and my brother broke up and Tayrn didn't talk to me as much as she used to. Once again all her friends were my "friends" and I was popular again. But, Tayrn and I ended up fighting because I thought she treated me wrong. So our friendship ended and all her friends left me as well. Once again I was left alone. Since then Taryn and I really don't talk or had the urge to be frienda again. And strangely she had to be the girl my boyfriend decided to break my heart with. So some friendships just don't ever happen again.

So, after I lost her..I was a loser again. I didn't have friends. All I had was Stacey Knapp. And we were good friends. We ended up kinda being alone together. If that makes sense.

Anyway, my first year of higschool was a disaster. I was still trying to be cool, but no one liked me. I was ugly and dressed bad. No guy had a crush on me. They always chose the pretty girls who dressed well and wore all the makeup. I ended up meeting this guy, T.J. and he was "gothic" I guess you could say. I was intrigued by him because he was attractive, but very different from me. I decided I wanted to get his attention so I started buying black clothes, dyed my hair black, and wore a lot of bracelets and ties. He'd compliment me and make me feel good. Then a few other guys started noticing me. But, I still wasn't being myself. T.J. and I ended up going out. I found out he never really cared how I dressed. He liked me how I was. I'm sure I was more attractive to him that way, but in the end he didn't care. Anyway, he ended up being a really bad boyfriend. He just didn't know how to act and was very unexpierenced with treating a girl right. We broke up and I dated Jake. He was from Kent City and we really liked eachother. He was my first kiss and first love, I guess. He got really serious and it scared me so I broke up with him. He ended up falling into depression and had to be put on pills and I was just alone. The year I started dressing different a lot of people called me a poseur, but then I was accepted into a superficial group known as "the circle." I finally felt good about myself. Guys were hitting on me, I had over 20 friends, I was invited to parties, and everyone seemed to like me all right. After a year or so I realized the circle was not a group of friends. It was a group of people who never fit in and just needed somewhere to go. They were all backstabbing, gossipers. I ended up dating Joe and James. Both failed relationships, though I did learn from each of them. Near the the middle of my Junior year I finally became myself. I dressed how I actually wanted to and had a few actual, real friends.

Then I finally dated Brad. The guy I always wanted to be with. He just always intrigued me and I lusted over him. He ended up cheating on his girl friend, Kelly, a few times. And started getting closer with me while he was still with her. Finally they broke up and he was mine. Things were good for a while, but then his past always scared me. I was worried he'd cheat on me and lie to me. And he reassured me he never would. That he actually loved me and I was different from Kelly and everyone else. But, in the end he cheated on me. And to make it worse it was with Taryn. And that was that. So there I was again. Back to feeling like a nothing, feeling ugly, and being second best. Somone hurting me and lying to me again. Right when I thought I had love from one person I didn't.
I'll always be the second best girl.

So who I am now has been created from little things from my childhood to bigger things now. I expect to always be hurt. I know I left a lot out and skipped a lot of details. It's because my mind is gone right now and my fingers are actually tired from typing.

Sorry about any errors, I'm too tired to read over this.

26 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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