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:: 2005 7 August :: 3.14pm

osooooooo, bored!

6 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 7 August :: 9.28am

yesterday was one of the best days this whole summer.

we had our grand haven parade... and let me tell ya, it was HUGE! but it was so much fun before hand because we got to walk around and hand out massive ammounts of red flannel buttons to the other floats and there are some CRAZY people! one of the floats was a huge coast guard boat, and all the queens and court members that were around all got up onto the boat with the coast gaurd men..... *mmmm* and got a very lovely picture taken with all the guns on the boat.... i dont know it was just sooo fun. and the parade itself was huge... at one point one of the guys from WGVU jumped on our float with his camera crew and asked me all these questions...... i was like woohu! *giggles.

my mom and keegan made it to the parade just in time, they werent even there for 10 minutes when my float went by. after the parade we went to my uncle mark and aunt pattys (me, my mom, keegan and shelby) and then we came back into cedar.. by the way.. i have MASTERED the art of changing in the car. its pretty difficult to change out of those red flannel dress and all the stuff with it without flashing all the other cars..... laughs* anyways..... we came back here to freshin up and all that good stuff.. then me and keegan went over to his house for jennys shower.. jenny is keegans cousin, and she's marrying my cousin ben... they've been together since the 8th grade... it was kind of odd being at keegans house for a bridal shower for my cousins fiance... a little ironic. but it was so cool, cuz my aunt susie was there... so i was in like my second home, eating really good food talking to my OWN family! te he he..... but NO this does not make us related... and besides he's adopted... mwah ha ha ha.

after the shower me keegan and emma went back to my house to pick up shelby (she's four) and the 4 of us went to chucky cheese. we got 160 tokens... holy cow! it was sooooo much fun. one of the funnest things we've done in the summer! *laughs.. we're such nerds... but it was cool because it was me and keegan and our sisters. it was sweet and all that jazz..... :)

OH yeah... and between the four of us shelby had 1102 tickets to choose stuff with.... *shakes head. its funny cuz we spent 30 dollars on tokens for probably 5 dollars worth of stuff..... oh well, we got good pictures and those are "priceless" *laughs...... OH the cornyness.

i have my senior pictures today.... they BETTER still be today. they got reschedualed last time. im excited.. im super tan right now. well... i think anyways *shrugs.

yancy didnt make it out to grand haven yesterday.... the traffic was to bad, he never would have made it.... ahh well.

when we left chucky cheese we went to target and i bough shelby this disney princess game... well the setup took forever, so me, shelby, my mom and keegan were up till midnight because she HAD to play it before she went to sleep. she's so cute.

alright, i've babbled on enough. i dont like writing long descriptive entires.. AND i dont like reading them... but whatever

have a good day loves.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 6 August :: 5.33pm
:: Mood: aggravated

[Shit Happens]
Best friends are so over rated sometimes, because most of the time… they end up betraying you a number of times or you get in a fight and you stop talking… and I’m sure there’s a billion other things out there of why ‘best’ friends aren’t friends anymore.

But thankfully, I know who are my friends and who are my best friends and luckily I only I have 2 I have to keep tabs on lol.

I hate it how people think that just because your best friends with someone, means that you talk to them all the time and you hang out all the time, because that’s not true. I have the bestest friend ever- but I hardly ever see her. It just bugs me when people question stuff like that. She happens to be the best person I know, which really also sucks because we don’t really get to hang out a lot. (I miss you like you wouldn’t believe)

But thankfully (also), my other best friend, that I love to pieces and even though sometimes we both want to strangle each other, I do see all the time and hang out with… normally lol. She means the world to me, and I love how honest we are with each other about everything. I think the best thing about our friendship, that I really haven’t seen a lot of with other peoples friendships is that when we fight… 5 seconds later were talking and laughing again. We just yell at each other then, start laughing about it. (except for one fight that I can think of).

I just hope that everyone out there knows who their true friends are. And make sure you keep them, because I know that I’ve had a lot of best friends before in the past that I thought we would still be friends too. So just make sure that you work hard at your friendships… there not something worth throwing away over a fight or something dumb like that.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 6 August :: 9.46am
:: Mood: tired and bored
:: Music: Def Lepard

Well, its been quite the time since i've been in here. Going on like 7 months now or something like that.

Well, i guess i'll start with the bad/depressing news. Emily broke up with me July 20th. We were together almost 9 months. It was bad........i mean really bad. I just can't stop thinking about her. I swear...for a while ....thinking about her was the only reason that i didn't kill myself. I don't want to kill myself and i'm not going to, but i did. Last week was the first time i saw her in 2 weeks. I saw her at the gas station. Then later on that night at a friends house. We didn't really talk at all and it was quite awkward. But then we talked on the phone the next day for like an hour. Nothing happened. We just kinda concluded that we would just try to be best friends. She still loves me and wants to be friends, is what she said. So yeah, once again i was heart broken. But you know what, thats life. Shit happens, and most of the time there's not a damn thing anybody can do about it, so why try.

Well, i guess the good news is my summer is going pretty good. Except for the whole paragraph up above. I'm hangin out with alot of my old friends that i haven't been around in a long time. Its alot of fun. My sister had her baby towards the end of may or beginning of June, one of the two. But she had a girl. Her name is Kelsie Rose. Kamie and Todd just got their appartment too. So i'm really happy for my sister right now. She has a baby, a job, support for the baby, and her own place with the baby's father. Its good to know that she's in good hands right now.

So yeah...i haven't wrote in here in a long time. I'm sure i missed a few people's birthday's.

Umm...Happy 18th B-day to Amy! But i already saw you after your birthday.

Erika....happy 17th birthday to you.

Um......and yeah i can't really think of anybody elses. So if i missed you, then i'm sorry and happy birthday. I've gotta get going now. Everybody in here should leave me a message or comment. It will make me feel good cause then i'll know that people read what i write and yeah.

Kevin L. Meek

5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 5 August :: 2.18am

It's crazy, we've been together for a long time, and the emotions I feel are so much stronger than just liking you. and just caring about you. But contrary to popular belief. I don't love you.. yet... So what's the word I use here?

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 5 August :: 12.20am

had a great day with my bebe'

i loooooooooove him annnnnd
i dont like band camp
and i'm sick of that .. person.


i'm suprised but happy that tonight went well for the most part. what with me being ME and all.

Cuban Pete. he's really neat.

I miss having time. i miss having money. i need money. Stupid ass Rosie's.
but other than that

i'm so happppppy. hap hap happy for us.

<3 jess

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 4 August :: 7.32am

ugh stupid fucking asshole i can't WAIT to move out of this stupid ass house. i can't fucking wait. you're such a dickface.

oh so you wanna go to this dinner so you can act like a grade-a big fake ass liar. go right ahead. i'm not fucking going. i'm not going to pretend we're this wonderful christian family. FUCK you. i'm not going to fucking pretend. i am waiting out this last year and then i'm GONE. i dont hate everyone in this family, no way. but there's one i strongly fucking dislike. you fucking asshole. i can't wait ttill i'm gone.

i think going for a nice drive int o a tree would be good and relaxing for me right now.

you're such an ass.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 3 August :: 11.53pm

i went with keegan down to blues tonight... its such an exciting atmosphere... *giggles.

im never down town.... but TONIGHT... oh man, tonight we got REAL fresh squeezed lemonade, i witnessed hours of incredible break dancing, and a big fat girl and her gang of trailor trash started some drama with this awesome girl that can breakdance.. i mean comon.. if i was fat and ugly and "on fucking probation" i wouldnt be starting something with a girl who has every breakdancer on the floor telling these nasty girls to go home..... bahh. some people make me sick! i mean there were little kids around... and keegan told them that and they were like "fuck the little kids" im thinkin "who the hell is you!" (te he... chris rock stand up is so funny) but anyways.. that was about it. keegans gonna teach me to break dance... *laughs.... i'll run this shit. *cheezy music plays..... "do do do do do do do, jump on it, jump on it" gotta love that song......

then after we left there we stopped over to gorters house played some pool which we lost terribly to him and taylor..... oh and all the gorter drama... if you dont know ryan and arent affiliated with him.. leave it alone. its none of your buisness... i dont see why it matters so much.


anyways... long day... gotta call my favorite asian since its an early night for us. usually i wouldnt be home for another couple hours.... this sucks... but its all good. sometimes sleep is good.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 3 August :: 7.20pm

i am so MAD

WHAT does he have that i dont?!?! Greasy hair?! a penis?- if he even has one! >:0( UGH!


WEll other than that... today was band camp and a certain SOMEONE really really pissed me off like the whole day. He is honestly so UGH rude and just mean. He just should think about what he says. Gawd.

AND after break i was running around the auditorium trying to just blow off some steam and i went to run down the stairs and i put my hand on the banister and my hand ran into the wall and the bricks that are all choppy and not smooth and i broke two of my acryllic nails off. AHHHHHHHHh it hurt so bad! I was really close to crying. Ah it hurt. So during lunch i made an appt. to get them fixed and now they are all better but my nails hurt still but oh well at least they are pretty again.


i want to be done with band camp.

and i love roman and i love my friends

and i am a fatty. oh well.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 2 August :: 4.42pm
:: Music: Death Cab for Cutie - Lightness

I was reading my old journal and there was part of an entry I liked..

"I described the moments I think are most important. I said something along the lines of.. The moments people forget are the ones that last seconds but seem like hours when you look back on them. The times when everything seems right, and you can't stop smiling. The times you don't even know what you're feeling, you just know it's good. The moments that you don't want to stop. The feeling you get, that you wish could last a life time, but goes away in minutes. The way you want to feel all the time.

I said so much more, I can't remember the words.

And Lisa answered with, "You just described so many times for me."

And I said, "And the next day everyone forgot, didn't they?"

She nodded.

I also remember getting to the end of Lisa's driveway, before we started down the road. I felt dead. I was walking, and part of the driveway dissapeared. Like Kate said, "There's a part of your driveway where I can't see anything." I felt dead. I wasn't thinking about anything, there was nothing on my mind, and as soon as I realized that, it went away. And the thoughts appeared.

I remember climbing into bed around 4:30 am, after my shower. Kate was sleeping. Lisa was laying on the wooden floor in the corner, sleeping. Benton Falls was playing. The computer glow was lighting their faces so I turned it off."

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 2 August :: 10.30am

so what do i have to do today. i'm gonna write it and just get it organized in my mind.... UGH

i need to keep going tanning because it's slowly making me feel better about myself when i'm tan. i need to go to the bank

i need to go to rosies and try to get that job


i wanna just go back to sleep.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 2 August :: 7.09am
:: Music: Bob Dylan - Blowin' in the Wind

You've heard it all before.
This feels so weird.

I'm starting to look into college things. I'm finding the classes I want and looking into essays I can do for money and shit like that. I signed up on some website to help me search for scholarships/grants I can get.
It just feels so strange to me. I have one more year of Highschool.
I'm a senior. Saying it doesn't feel right.

I can't fucking wait to start my life.
I'm excited for college.
I just want to see what I can make of myself.
If what I picture will ever really happen or not.
At least I can say that I tried. Even if I fail.

I just can't wait..

9 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 1 August :: 9.44pm

wow you guys look at my new journal thingy i did.

does anyone know how to make those smaller? just a tad? heh.

and also, jenna, dani, beans... a few other of you.. you're on there if you just wait and watch.

6 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 1 August :: 7.55pm

People keep reminding me.
Every day I still deal with someone asking me what happened that night.
It seems I'll have to deal with this for months. I've cut it down to one line when people ask now.

I'm not mad that people ask.
But, the fact that there's a story to be told stings my eyes with regret.
I want to forget. You have no idea how badly. I'm sick of writing about it. Talking, thinking about it.
Every way I try to escape it, it just follows me.

Why do things like this "just happen" ?


:: 2005 1 August :: 1.43pm

I'm leaving again tonight. I'm going to Detroit and we might be going to Cedar Point but I don't know yet. Reguardless if I go to Cedar Point or not, I wont be home until Saturday. Somehow I'm never home and I still manage to be okay and I'm never homesick. I think that if I moved far away from here I would be happy with that as long as my mom and dad both moved. Only two more years and im outta here.

Brie: I called Dan back last night and he gave me your number and then I called but it was busy so I told him to tell you to call my cell phone sometime this week.

Kevin two wayed me twice yesterday. Were going to hang out soon. I miss him.

Other than leaving there is nothing new. My sister keeps going in and out of my room because shes trying to find something to wear today and it's really annoying me. I hate when people wear my clothes. I need to go pack though.

P.S.-looks like you'll never know what happened then, will you? ;)

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 1 August :: 12.29pm
:: Music: Fleetwood Mac - Tusk

"You want to be a whore without claiming the title."

That line is so true to society.
I honestly don't think that could have been said any better.


:: 2005 1 August :: 11.33am
:: Music: Fleetwood Mac - Monday Morning

I don't want to try to convince you to feel anything or a certain way anymore.

I want you to feel that way all on your own.

I don't know why I can't just forget. I want to more than anything. Dwelling does nothing, but I just can't stop thinking.


:: 2005 1 August :: 10.39am


i am

horrible. right?

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 31 July :: 8.51pm

Your fucking dumb and if you thought that I wasn't going to find out, your wrong because guess what?

I heard.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 31 July :: 3.06pm
:: Music: Chemical Brothers- Into The K-hole

Their ideas... their ideas...

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 31 July :: 8.57am


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 30 July :: 11.38pm

Ahh my little brother is annoying me but finally he stopped talking to me because he found out I got my iPod so now he is sitting on my bed listening to it and he thinks it's the coolest thing ever. Well it's cool but not the coolest thing ever.

Today was actually really fun. I had to wake up at like 8:30 and last night I didn't get home until like 2:30am but anyways thats besides the point. I went up north and we went tubing and we stayed on the sandbar most of the time. It was really fun because theres like 20 other boats on the sandbar and we know most of them so we went with them and everyone was drinking like always. My friend Casey has this tube that is huge so my cousin Haileigh and I decided we wanted to go tubing together on the same tube so we went and my uncle was driving and his girlfriend was spotting us to make sure we didn't fall off and this tube could fit like 3 people inside of it and so anyways we couldn't get comfortable when we were tubing cuz the handles were really screwed up so we both were like just hanging on barely and we never fell off and then we hit this huge bump from another boat and it sucked us all the way into the tube and you couldn't even see anything but our arms and it hurt so bad we were screaming so loud because we couldn't breathe and it kept sucking us under it since it was so huge and we tried telling my uncles girlfriend to stop the boat with our hands but she thought we were waving so she supposably was waving (we dont know because we couldn't see) and finally after like 3 minutes of still tubing like that they figured something was wrong and they stopped but it was so scary because we couldn't get up and my uncle said all he seen was our little hands waving and then we went tubing again later that day and my leg got stuck under there and I thought I almost broke it lol. I have such bad luck but it was really fun and then we were listening to my friend Jordans iPod and the song Dont Cha came on and we made up this dance to it so everyone made us do the dance for them and like 20 people were watching us. Casey wants me to go back up there tomorrow so after I go to this party I probably will. I was going to stay the night with him because hes camping somewhere by where we went but I couldn't because I already had plans for tomorrow but they go camping almost everyweekend so I'm probably just going to go up there next weekend and stay with him.

(Cheryl I don't know how many periods are in that paragraph but it wasn't many lol. I was telling a story so it doesn't count!)

I wish you would just see that I don't like you. I never have and I never will so why are you still trying to get me to like you? It wont happen and after everything I've seen, heard, been through it makes me want to hate you and I know when I say hate everyone freaks out since it's such a "strong" word but im really trying not to hate you. You need to get your own life and get your own dreams so you can stop living through mine. Just do me a favor and stop being nice to me and then saying how your jealous of me and how im spoiled the next minute behind my back to all these people who don't like you in the first place. People like you and people like me don't get along. Were from two differen't worlds and please stop wasting my time. I don't care.

I just needed to say that. Brianna we need to talk. It's important. It's about that one person who we don't like and who we used to call robutusin *sp*. You know who it is.

I was thinking about what I wanted the other day and I realized that I wanted everything to stay the same but feelings fade and people change. Thats really all im going to say about that right now.

Do you ever wonder what your life looks like through someone elses eyes?

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 30 July :: 11.44pm

My shoulder is a re-occuring pain, and it's one of the most annoying things in the entire world. Seriously... Hopefully it'll be better soon, my first ACTUAL day at Logan's is tomorrow at 3. Everyone should come see me. Maybe you can be one of the lucky people who I serve! WHOOP!

For anyone who may be interested. On saturday nights at about 6pm we're hosting a Dodgeball league for anyone and everyone. Cost is 5 bucks, teams of 5-7 people. It's alot of fun.

It's insane, thinking about the past 9 months, and just being left in awe of how fast they come and go. But loving how the feelings stay right where they are. I love that...

-K. Loye

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 30 July :: 10.54pm

oh , and just a little PS.

i HATE this house. i hate living here. so so so so so so fucking much . SO MUCH.

i'm seventeen and above that... LAY OFF and stop freaking out about things that don't even matter. gawdddddddddddddddddddddddd.

i'm so stressed and i dont even think i'll be able to sleep tonight becfause of how much i'll be worrying about tomorrow.


1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 30 July :: 9.59pm



Romans car is broken and HEY GUESS WHAT

my brakes are totally FUCKED UP they dont work at all they sound like grinding fucking metal

great and now romans leaving and i havent even said two words to him because my al;ksdjfl;asdkjfl;askdjgl;skdjgsl;adkgjasdkl
dk fuck

fuck you and the horse4 you rode in on.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 30 July :: 3.22pm






1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 30 July :: 8.31am

ugh people are so stupid and mean when will anyone realize ANYTHING.

i have to go to arby's today i kind of am hoping i got fired and i can just go home.

i feel like shit shit shit and i just want to go back to bed.

well .

here comes the...............fun.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 29 July :: 11.22pm

There's an ambulance outside. I think I hate that noise more than anything in the world. Everytime I see or hear one I pray that no one is hurt.

I'm trying to avoid it, but I just have to write in here.

I've realized more and more how bad my self-esteem is getitng again. I put on these jeans today and they used to be loose on me. Now they are fitting and I hate it. I wanted to cry and cut off 10 lbs of fat from my legs. I always feel so fat but I don't work out or eat good. I don't have enough self-discipline and I always am working so I don't want to work out when I have the time. I want to spend that time with Roman or friends.

I cry about everything about myself. I 'm really hating my looks again like I used to. Because of my stupid face. This was supposed to be done with 2 years ago but no, of course not. It will probably haunt me the rest of my life. I cry if someone I've never met before doesn't say hi to me when I'm introduced to them. That one makes more sense to me... but when I cry because people don't say bye to me when I'm leaving their house I just want to drive off and run into a truck. It makes me feel so extremely horrible.

I'm sorry to anyone i've EVER made fun of or thought bad of ever. I'm so sorry. I dont want to hurt anyone's feelings. I always feel that way but now more and more I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings even if I don't know them and even if they don't hear me. It's just so wrong because what if they did hear what I said? What if they are feeling like me what if they are on the verge and ready to go for it and that last comment they hear from a complete stranger just pushes them over the edge?

I just want all this to go away. For a while it was. Roman makes me feel great about myself so it all went away. Maybe i've been around myself to much and everything's coming back. WEll hey jess G if this makes you feel good... I wanted to let you know, my boyfriend thinks you're skinnier than me. Great huh? You are, and I know that but for him to even say it . I just wanted to go make myself puke until I was satisfying enough for the world. UGH.

I feel so bad about everything. I feel bad that I let down my parents I feel bad I let down roman. My friends. Everyone. I feel bad that I don't think I have what it takes (or even CLOSE to what it takes) to be a neonatel nurse. I feel bad that I dont think I can do college. I feel bad that I didn't get the cashiering job at white creek lumber and i was oh-so-positive i would. I feel bad that no one cares. I feel bad that I probably will be stuck at arby's for another year.

That is if they haven't fired me yet for not calling or showing up.
fuck them.

I feel bad that everyone is or seems more successful and more pretty than me. more outgoing, comfortable, together.a asssssssssssssssssssssssssdfffffffffffffff i dont like me. i think the only time i really like me is when i'm with one of my best friends or definetely when i'm with roman. but i always wish i could be more like him. confident. yeah that's right roman i think i'm jealous of you. hm. i love you and i want to be more like you but you know that already.

s;dlfkajdl;fkjasd;fkljas;dlfkjasl;dfjkasl;djkf gross.

And you know, I'll eat somethign before bed. Probably ice cream. Most likely. God i'm so dumb

Praying makes me feel so much better. but i still feel gross. Roman makes me feel great too but when i'm alone i still feel ugly.

PLEASE if you have any molecule of decency in you or like me AT ALL PLEASE leave me a comment with like... 3 things you like about me or think are nice about me or SOMETHING. just something that would be a little self-esteem booster. Because I need it. and i want it. And I will gladly do the same for you. okay? Please.

i need it. ugh. i feel so shitty.

and other than that. Im ready and I love roman with all my heart.

14 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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