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:: 2006 19 April :: 4.24pm

heres to the worst day ever...

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 18 April :: 9.42pm

okay so get this

on TOP OF THE FRICKEN FULL RIDE i also got a $1000 scholarship I applied for a long time ago

and my parents say

what you expect us to pay for you books




2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 18 April :: 11.44am

hahaha, cedar people who used to hang out by the window in the main hall near the crotch read this.
so I was just reminising(sp). I went back and looked at stacy's old journal and the one where I insulted everybody I could have possibly insulted. 101 comments I think over 3 days or something. pretty good. I don't even remember what spawned it. It must have been those damn pictures with the lyrics. I still hate those by the way. Basically my plan was just to throw as much bullshit and random insults into the arena, and that's what I got back from everyone, bullshit. Some of the stuff was kind of harsh. I had a good time with some of it though. Funny part is I hang out with these people now sometimes. here's how it went.

Me: Babble babble babble

Joe: You fuck pigs!

Me: You're stupid for saying I fuck pigs!

Joe: I hate coherency!

Jimi : My cock is huge! I agree with joe! Brag!

Me : babble babble babble

Stacy : I like sasauge!

Rachel from belding : you're an asshole!

Me: You're a cum guzzling whore!

Rachel : Shit!

Me : Tool! Tool!

Some Jessica Girl : I have no part in this, but I enter anyway with extended comments on how you don't make any sense, even though that was obvious from the get-go!

Me: your stupid for not noticing that I was merely babbling! And I'm stupid for never using the correct fomr of " you're"! TooL!

Phil: haha, TOol!

Mitch: Way to use everything that maddox uses! I only used to quote penny arcade every day nonstop!

Me: Way to notice things I make obvious! Asshole! FUCK!!!

Mithc: I'm sorry I couldn't have made that last comment longer, I was just so excited I noticed obvious things...

Me: Want to be in my music video with jessa? You'll get to make out with her, I promise...

Mitch: YES!

Tom: I kick ass

Me: yay!

Rachel : Blahhh!!! I'm a vampire!!! I'll use our 5 second sexual encounter to deduct conclusions about everything!!


Jimi: My cock is still huge... but I'll make sure I can negify that comment by stating that my penis is as small as a japanese mans penis, there by stereotyping japanese men... although I earlier refered to you as hitler/ and or agreed with someone when they made that reference... I hate myself

Stacy: am I still even relevent in this argument?

Me: watch as I continue on, regretting everything I say

Joe: I still think you fuck goats (insert reference to my mother being a dirty whore)


I think we should all come together and make this a play... or movie... or a novel that has a play made about it that turns into a movie. It would be fun...

It is, however, good to see that everyone has grown up so much. I consider Joe a good guy, dont' really have much to do with jimi, and Stacy is always cool in my book. Rachel, apologize for the whole whore thing. Phil... you're just phil. Mitch and I have our disagreements but we never let it get to us. It's all good and fun. Infact, reading how stupid we all were made me feel really good about today. Japan in 44 days! I'm goin clubbin. With your response today, leave me what you would like from japan, and for the 55th time, no you cannot have a child. go:

13 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 16 April :: 10.55pm

Everything seems so shitty. ugh, it is.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 16 April :: 7.14pm

so i worked all day and now i'm finally home.

ughghghghghg what a dumb day.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 16 April :: 1.33pm

Well this weekend was pretty interesting to say the least. I pretty much just hung out with my friends and yesterday I got my prom dress.

I can't figure out why things like that happen and they always happen at the worst times. It throws everything off for me. Cheers to another akward moment.

I never knew, I never knew that everything was falling through. That everyone I knew was waiting on a cue, to turn and run when all I needed was the truth, but that's how it's gotta be.

Everyone knows I'm in over my head, with eight seconds left in overtime, she's on your mind & suddenly I become part of your past, I'm becoming the part that doesn't last, I'm losing you & it's effortless.

Stacy I'm waiting for you because I have my picture of my dress ready for you now lol.

6 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 16 April :: 6.11am

friday was so beautiful. keegan and i went to AJ's and went mini golfing (which i won) and then in the batting cages. i'm not sure that i've ever even held a baseball bat.. lol.

then we got ice cream and went to riverside park which was wonderful. after that we drove around downtown and stopped at nicks house (breakdancer) and last but not least, got smoothies from coldstone. it was a really good night.

saturday we had a yearbook work day. the senior section is seriously awesome. if you havent bought a yearbook you NEED to. for the people who didnt buy a book this year.. i think that once it comes out next year and people see how good it is, we're going to sell all of our extras.i just did 3 spreads in 3 days. (just so you know.. it takes some poeple about a month or more just to do one) im so excited for the book to be done!

yesterday after the yearbook thing and before i went to work, i went for a run/walk. i havent excersised in so long. and then i got home.. cleaned out under our bunny hut (which was long due... ugh) and wheel barrowed it to the back of our property. i was just in such a good mood ijust wanted to be outside. but TODAY my legs hurt from overdoing it on my walk thing, my back hurts from lifting the wheelbarrow wrong, my shoulders hurt from doing countless handstands, and my tricept is a bit inflamed. ah well, who cares.

we're going to my uncle david and aunt pats today for easter dinner. keegans coming after he gets out of work. he has to be in at 11 and his boss wouldnt let him come in at 12 after church. like ANYONES gonna be eating at logans on easter during church hours. so that's to bad.

the "easter bunny" brought me the carrie underwood cd and a silk robe in my easter basket this morning (thats right, im 17 and still get easter baskets and christmas stockings... my mom doesnt want to let go) and im SEEING carrie underwood at the KENNY CONCERT! i can barely stand the wait. derks bently is gonna be there too.. but i dont really like him. BUT brandi and i just got tickets for the tim mcgraw and faith hill concert too! OMG... now im just freaking out. because im going to two of the biggest concerts this year. i cant WAIT!

happy easter!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 15 April :: 12.16am

I woke up and wished that I was dead, with an aching in my head, I lay motionless in bed, the thought of you and when you're gone, but the world spins madly on.

And everything that I said I'd do, like make the world blend in, and take the time for you, I just got lost and stepped right through the dawn, and the world spins madly on.

I let the days go by, I always say goodbye, I watch stars from my windowsill, the whole world is moving, and I'm standing still.

I woke up and wished that I was dead, with an aching in my head, I lay motionless in bed, the night is here, the day is gone, and the world spins madly on.

The thought of you and when you're gone and the world spins madly on and the world spins madly on.

I miss you.


:: 2006 14 April :: 11.29pm

Does anyone have either

a. Some jewelry i can wear for prom ( i know you said you probably did for me erika)


b. Some light pink gloves...

my dress is light pink and... um.. i dont really care what it's like if you want to tell me about it... just not like a little chain w/ a jewel or something... something a little more than that.


4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 14 April :: 11.06pm

This one reminds me of people at rosie's and maybe what i'd like to say back to them:

Fairway: Your Source for Vintage Foods
Old woman: No! No! You need to cut from that side of the meat. Last week you gave me a cut from the right side. I want a cut from the left side! Don't you know that I want a fresh cut of meat?
Deli guy: Only way you gonna get a fresher cut of meat is if I take it from your wrinkly white ass.

--Fairway Market, 74th & Broadway

Lol and this one is so funny
Woman on cell: No, I mean, whatever. I cried for that baby when it died and all. Shit! I even went to its funeral and the damn thing wasn't even born! Who the fuck has a funeral for a baby that wasn't even born?...Whatever, that's not the point. The point is, I'm sure as hell not going to a birthday party for a baby whose funeral I went to a year ago. That is fucking morbid...and they had better not be expecting presents.

--14th between 7th & 8th

hahha all these remind me of the other day when me and roman went to applebees to eat and we listened in on this lady (we couldn't help it because she was SO loud and then it got SO interesting) for like seriously an hour about her husband who worked for a school and then she found out he was cheating on her with a student... she had two kids and he left home and she figured out he was at a hotel nearby that they had went to together before and she was able to coax the hotel manager into giving her a key because she had the same last name as her husband and she said she had the kids and didn't have a key and she went to the hotel room and put the card in and opened it a crack because she was afraid of what she'd see and she saw make up on the counter(GASP) and then it all came out that it was a student and blah blah blah... unfortuanttely that was all we got. it was so funny. we hardly spoke a word to each other because we were listening to her story.

Girl #1: I know it smells kind of cheap, but I like it because it's the perfume I was wearing when I lost my virginity.
Girl #2: I thought you were wearing Ralph when you lost it.
Girl #1: No, that was my other virginity.

--60th & Columbus

Woman: Look at all these rude motherfuckin' men! Can't get up and let none of these ladies have a seat.
Man: Having a vagina is not a disability.

--L train

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 13 April :: 8.21pm
:: Mood: Confused

That was definitely a lot harder for me to handle than I thought.

I guess things change in time and not always the way I want them to. Oh well I guess. It's just something I'll have to deal with.

I never stopped believing in you and me.
Your leaving? It never changed things.

Ohh and we can't forget that akward moment at school today. I seriously about died. I think Stacy seriously about died witnessing this whole thing. That couldn't have happened at a worse time.

12 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 12 April :: 8.42pm

i am so tired. yesterday and last night was such a long day.. and then this morning ...and then driving 2 hours just to work 5 more.....


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 12 April :: 8.11pm

looks like I get to leave the country again... yay!!!

12 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 11 April :: 9.32pm

I got a full ride scholarship at Davenport.

I couldn't even breathe.

and I have no idea what i'm going to do.
oh, i forgot to mention.. i can only attend one of the grand rapids campuses. not kalamazoo or anything.
so my plans???

are like messed up

14 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 11 April :: 8.06pm

"heyya i no him he 1 of my furends, we make brownE's together n the chocolattte spill on da shirt"

That's how some of you type. That's not my point but it's true.

Stacy knows. She's one meen bug. ahahahaha

17 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 11 April :: 10.56am

CRUCIAL EDIT: it appears as though I was horribly misinformed, or just horribly misunderstood. Chavez has not been relected YET. However, the year 2021 is the year he will remain in office if he is re-elected. Jumped the gun on that one guys, I apologize. The rest of the information, barring that, is in fact, correct.

also... He has now formally made friends with Iran. so I officially declare liking him makes you crazy. Because, you know, it makes lots of sense to like someone who is friends with someone who has nuclear missles and wouldn't mind using them against the U.S., well anyone for that matter...

News flash, "presidente" Hugo Chavez de la Republica de Venezuela has been re-elected. Based on his re-election, Chavez has come to the conclusion that he belongs extendedly in the office of "el presidente" as part of his further missions to institute socialism into the venezuelan government. He will now, as of being "re-elected" , stay in office until the election of the year 2021.

a few facts about chavez, heres a good list for ya:

1. In the early 90's, 92 I believe, chavez attempted a military coup of the venezuelan government. which he was arrested for.

my opinion: This is your first , pretty obvious hint of bullshit, most militarily ran governments don't work out so well, I.E. cuba, former military argentina (which is now known as being the cause of Los Disemparencidos* in the 70's and 80's, a group of people who vanished without a trace, most of which were never found again, the rest permanantly scarred physically due to torture or emotionally scarred.), most third world african countries such as liberia, rwanda, sudan...

2. Hugo was displayed in a prison in public. He had a little cage.

my opinion: A mistake on the part of the government. This only made them look bad and his cause look good. Hugo, if it was your idea... good work asshole, because it helped your political future.

3. Chavez was pardoned by the next elected president for all crimes against the government

my opinion: fucking bullshit

4.Chavez changed the term of president to 6 years, extending his term

my opinion: Hugo justifies this with a referendum that allows voters to to vote on his presidency, and whether or not he should still be in office. This happens every two years. Now this is a brilliant idea, good for it. The only problem I see with it is that it may just be another ploy ( much like the public display of imprisonment ) to justify his cause.

5.Chavez has declared his presidency until 2021

my opinion: all these things put together just seems to be adding up to something... although he hasn't really don't anything that jepordizes the democracy and well being of the people at this point, other than some economic reform laws that hurt business owners.

In all honesty, I don't think he's really done anything at this point, good or bad, except change things to better his politcal future, and make himself look good. It is noted that he's done a little for medical and education reform, which venezuela needs badly.( all schools are private, and most people can't afford to send their kid to a school, let alone a university or college, which have no credibility anyway except for possibly the univeristy of caracas) The poor are still poor and getting poorer, the rich are still getting rich, it's as simple as that. And while I'm far from socialist at all, the obvious goal for any economy or government is economic fairness. Everyone should have equal oppurtunity to earn their money. But it's not like that. The poor sell second hand goods and food on the corner, an average wage that I grasped from people was about four dollars an hour, and the infastructure in metropolitan and rural areas is horrible. This can be partly blamed on chavez, for contuining the building of Ranchos in caracas and metropolitan areas. Ranchos make up just about 60% of the city of caracas. I know this, because I've seen it. The projects of new york or compton or any "ghetto" have nothing on this. They're everywhere... The garbage system is poorly handled as well. Good luck seeing a clean street.

Hugo Chavez has spent more time on creating enemies with the United States and other countries, and creating allies that are about as valuable as 1 unit of the venezuelan currency (2150 per dollar, you do the math) then he has spent trying to better venezuelas economic situation. He has so much power with his oil. Instead of telling us to fuck off, he could be making more money by negotiating instead of rasing prices just to piss us off. He's been in office for 8 years now, and will be for another 15, and I doubt he will do anything good for the economy. I can't really know that for sure, but I just don't see him doing anythign but cause trouble...

Liberal media loves chavez, but that's an automatic, given his bad relationship with Bush. Chavez constantly talks about going to war with us. I heard himself say it on these little public announcments he does everyday, he says it atleast once a week... I don't know about you guys, but I tend to not be friends with the guys who want to shoot me. And the truth is, a big part of the downfall is the oil, but that he should deal with because he "cares for the people" so much.

The venezuelan government is now far more militaristic then it used to be... according to everyone I talked to. I never heard differently.

Basically, my main issue with chavez, is he's setting himself with the ability to be a dictator, not coming through on his promises, and yet the media loves him when they shouldn't... there is nothing really that spectacular about him that a revolutionary hasn't done better in the past, other than he called an american president an Asshole.. I can name LOTS of people who've done that...

In Conclusion:

He's done nothing good , nor bad. I dont' trust him at all... you can't tell me that a leader of a country just saying that he's going to stay until 2021 , even with a new vote every 2 years to see if he should stay, isn't pretty suspicious of him trying to grab some more power. I'm convinced.

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 10 April :: 8.21pm

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I spotted this in Detroit. Our plane just flew in, we left the aiport and were on our way to eat when we seen this. I have no idea what it is but it was dancing and I called it a douche bag and my dad got mad at me for saying that haha..it just makes me laugh because I have no idea what it is or what they are doing!?!?!

7 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 10 April :: 6.19pm

And in other news... MAJOR apartment hunt today... unfortuatlnleyeyeyeyeye ly by myself because Ro MAN had to work. it was quite a day. driving from 9-4.... i had to stop on the way home and sleep at a gas station for a half hour because i kept falling asleep on the expressway. I think I have it narrowed down to two different ones.... Westchester Woods and our orginal Alpine Village. We will look at them (Hopefully) one final time on Prom day, the 28th because we will not be seeing each other, nor traveling to K-Zoo before that date. It will be another long day.

I need to do some major budgeting and calculating and calling and checking and mailing and faxing and working so that I can do some paying and mailing and giving away money-ing.....

Frustration ensues. But thats okay. Anything to get out of here.

I am pretty sure I am taking a year off. I know that's what Roman is doing. We will be trying to save every penny we can. Then I think I'm going to go to Olympia or Davenport for medical assisting which is not my dream job, but I dont think I have any dream job other than being a mom and the job placement is 99% so I think it is a good idea. If I dont do that, then I think I may actually go to college. I dont know, thats just what I'm thinking. But I'm pretty positive I dont want to do cosmetology anymore. Eh it just doesn't appeal to me very much anymore. Clients and making everyone happy and it's the same kind of shit you have to deal with as a waitress. Acting like you are the nicest person in the world with absolutely no problems just so you can get a big tip and their business in the future. I don't want to do that. I can handle being nice, but OVERWHELMINGLY PERFECT is another story.

I like the idea of having a year where I just have ONE thing going on... WORK. I LOVE the idea of having a year where I can finally enjoy being WITH Roman instead of with him but away from him.

I've never had any time where I could just be with him whenever I wanted. We've always been restricted or away from each other. How great will it be to finally be able to be together every day. Perfect.

*sigh of relief* School tomorrow is not something I"m looking forward to, at all.

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 10 April :: 3.54pm

back to reality..
i tried to forget about eveything and i did... the sadness all come back today.
i hate ______.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 9 April :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: Amused

Haha.... Funny!
So me and Sonego were talking about how were both hungry, well… I asked her what she was going to go get from her kitchen cuz its like 11:30 at night, and she said soup. So this is what I did…

Me: ‘Mom can I go to Ashley’s?’
Mom: ‘Why its like… 11:30 at night!?’
Me: ‘Um…. Well Ashley’s eating soup and I really want some!’

Haha True Story, So I Had To Tell You Cuz Its Just To Funny Not To<3


Haha, So after getting a rain check on our little soup party I was saying goodbye to ash so I could go to bed and she goes…

Ashley: have a souper night..haha did you like that!? I hope you get it.

LMAO… I just thought that was way to funny not to post either…

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 9 April :: 9.17pm


Read more..

19 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 9 April :: 8.01pm


4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 9 April :: 6.27pm

my voice is gone.

rampage game last night, bobby went with me. lets not get into the game though....

i stayed at keegans last night and this morning i woke up and one of my eyes wouldnt open. *sad face* what a BEAUTIFUL thing to wake up to... "baby, i cant open my eye" (keep in mind my voice sounds like a cat stuck in a metal pan) "aww, let me help you". i wont get into the sight he must have seen either... (now that HAS to be a test of our relationship!) i've got a really good one. and then of course his mom tells me to drink orange juice.. i think she thinks orange juice will cure everything. any illness... "ohh drink some orange juice." *smiles.... i love this family.

i went home while keegan went to work and my mom and me and shelby took jessie for a walk.. what a wonderful day. we even let shelbys bunny run around outside. then i took my NEWWWWW car in to town to vaccume it. THEN me and keegan brought shelby over so she could see sushi and we let him run around outside. he's not very fast.. it was so cute to see his tiny little self running around the grass. NOW we're waiting for keegans mom to get home to make us pork chops. i've been craving some pork chops for a couple days.. and sense im in NO condition to be seen, we're staying home tonight. i dont care though.. i just want to cuddle with my asian. :)

oh and stacy.. perhaps this will bring back some memories?


2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 9 April :: 12.22am

I love this song and it is currently my favorite ever. lol

Yeah, Um, I think ima try somthin tonight that i aint,
that i aint neva did before on this one, lets go

Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high (lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire(its that fire)
Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high (lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire(its that fire)

Got a lil bit of Blueberry Yum Yum
and I neva would of thought that it could taste this goooooood
Thank God for the man who put it in my hoooooood
Its got me singin melodies I neva thought i woooouuuuld
Im feelin sorry for the homies that be smokin wooood
Chop Chop, break it down for a playa like me me me me me
Im bout to find me a woman that skeet skeet skeet skeet
Ima keep smokin till i reach my peak peak peak peak
Or till im stuck and my body feels weak weak weak weak weak
headed down to the doungeon wonderin, if they got, some moore
and if they dont then ima have ta settle fa some drooooo
and it just aint cool cuz right on afta, ima have ta gooooo
and continue on my mission fishin for tha Yum Yum but im movin sloooow

Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high(lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire (its that fire)
Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high (lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire(its that fire)

Yes, fire fire got me so tired ima stop drop and rooooooolll
With a wet towel under the doooooooor
Dont pass it I cant take it no mooooore
Somebody take a trip down to the stoooooore
hurry please cus i need some snacks snacks snacks snacks
and how long will it take to get back back back back
Yes indeed ima lil off track track track track track
Off this weed and im full of that yak yak yak yak yak
Get on in that stankin Lincoln crank it up and riiiiide
and it aint enuff room to fit tha other chicks inside
Im so hungry wit tha munchies ima eat everything in siiiiiight
Me and my blueberrys together and everythings all right

Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high (lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire (its that fire)
Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high (lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its high (its that fire)

Get the propane, rollin thangs and lets blow this place uuuuuup
You already know whats uuup
I mighta have to pay some extra buuuuuucks
But I really dont give a fuuuuuck
Cuz a brotha feels great great great great great
But im barely awake wake wake wake wake
All bent outa shape shape shape shape shape
So stomp on yo brake brake brake brake brake
If u token good, then all my smokas, let me see ya flame
Dont know what ya got but my bag will, put yo stuff, ta shame
All tha different kinds of otha flavors, they dont mean a thang
You cant compare it dont stare cuz i got the ultimate Mary Jane

Get ya lighters, roll the sticky, lets get high (lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire (its that fire)
Get ya lighters, roll the sticky, lets get high (lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire (its that fire)


doesn't it just make ya wanna?!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 8 April :: 10.29pm

Cute huh?

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 8 April :: 11.58am


yeah so yesterday when i was with roman we put a deposit on an apartment. (Alpine Village, Stef. what do you think?) and it's refundable incase in the end we decide not to go with it.

then we were walking down that street that is the KZ mall and there was this guy playing saxaphone and we gave him all our quarters and then we found out it was the "Art Hop" so we had more to do. And then there was this thing at the state theatre it was Sonny Landreth was there. And we had no idea who it was but we just walked around more and then on our way back to the car, this guy comes up and he's like "Hey do you guys need tickets to the show" and we look at him suspiciously and he says "they're free" and I said "are you sure?" and he said "yeah i get them free from work, Im just gonna stand here until someone wants them. It should be a good show" and so I said "sure" and at first Roman didn't want to, especially since we didn't even know who this guy was but I said come on, it's free, if its horrible we can just leave so we went and the first band J.R. Crew or something was really good lol and the guy came off the stage and we were in the front row and he like sweat on us it was so gross lol but hilarious and then we only stayed a little whie for the Sonny Landreth guy. He was a really great guitar player and all the music was really great but we just had to get going because it was so late and there were so many old people standing around us dancing like freaks. lol man they really like their jazz.

oh but guess who else was there- . yeah , MRS MILLARD. haha we didn't even know who this guy was and Mrs Millard and her husband drove an hour to KZOO just to see him lol. So i said hi and I can't wait to tell everyone me and mrs millard rock out at the same concerts. wow.

Then we got dinner and when we were going home, i was following roman to the expressway and we were at a stoplight and these crazy ass bitches in the car next to me start screaming all this shit and saying stuff.. I dont even know I couldn't understand them but they just kept calling me a bitch and screaming at me and one of them in the backseat like stood up and stuck her body out of the car and was like yeah thats right bitch! and all this stuff and I honked my horn to get roman's attention and then theystarted honking their horn and roman got out of the car cuz he was like what the fucks going on and my window is broken so it doesn't roll down and I didn't open my car door but i should have but I was pointing to the side trying to tell roman to pull into that gas station on the corner and he thought i was telling him to get back in his car so he did. and then the next thing i know i look over and this fat bitch is knocking on my fucking window and shouting stuff. I was like seriously what the fuck is your problem. and then she just got back in her car and as soon as i pulled up a little they started doing the same thing to the car behind me. I swear they looked like a pack of apes. they were like howling all this shit. Crazy fricken bitches.

Yeah so that was my day yesterday for the most part.


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 8 April :: 6.18am

Born2bOnStage x3 (6:14:13 AM): please tell me you are not up right now.
mish is electric (6:14:23 AM): I'm not up right now.
Born2bOnStage x3 (6:14:33 AM): me either. i'm sleeping.

ahaha I just had to.

7 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 7 April :: 6.25pm

I'm happy about that but yet I'm not. I'm not waiting around again. Clearly waiting around doesn't help me at all. I waited around for months for someone and that just wasn't good enough for them. If there can't be any commitment made then what the hell are we both doing?

I miss you and as much as I shouldn't say that, it's true and it's even worse when I can't do anything about.

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