2003 2 January :: 1.39pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: led zeppelin - houses of the holy
my mom: i hate taking down christmas stuff
me: then don't. You never know, Jim might challenge someone to a duel and the guy will pull his RV into our front lawn and wait for Jim to come out and duel. But then you could pretend like youre throwing out the tree but really Jim is hiding in it. But be careful...if he offers to shoot the tree up in small pieces for us i'll say ok and you'll say no! jim is hiding in there.
mom: youre scaring me, bye.
thats the longest simpson's reference ive ever used...
give a fuck
2003 1 January :: 8.21pm
:: Mood: tired
ahh, i still don't feel good today. I wish i could cause everyone else i know had fun last night, i got to sit at home and wish i was somewhere else...fun. I was gonna do something tonight but didnt really feel like it when it came to deciding what to do. maybe ill feel better tomorrow...
give a fuck
2002 31 December :: 3.10pm
:: Mood: angry
well i cant go because my parents wont elt me drive past 9:30. I hate how everytime i find something that i want to do she complains about it and wont let me do it. Even asking to go to a friend's house is 20 minute ordeal. so once again ill be sitting at home doing nothing for new years, hope everyone else at least has some fun
1 don't really |
give a fuck
2002 31 December :: 11.25am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Ludacris - Roll Out
mini-golf rocks...but not when you lose by one point! argh. hope i get to go to the meatloaf concert tonight, gives me something to do other than sitting at home playing guitar all night. Hope everyone has a happy new year!
2 don't really. |
give a fuck
2002 29 December :: 6.45pm
:: Mood: sad
well, that's it, another football season wasted...Dolphins will not be going to the playoffs. It's just so wrong that the Jets are the team taking their place. We are a better team but we can't play on the road and fiedler and gadsden had to get hurt in the broncos game. we should be 11-5 with a first round bye but instead we're 9-7 and out of the playoffs.
1 don't really |
give a fuck
2002 29 December :: 4.38pm
:: Mood: tired
ive been watching football today and i have kind of mixed feelings about what has happened. Saints are out of the playoffs so im happy, but the dolphins need a Jets loss (which is always good) to get in. oh well, ill just have to hope the packers can beat the Jets. ok end football talk....I'm bored! At least im getting my new guitar amp, dont know when tho, i cant order it until my parents have time to call or w/e. later.
4 don't really. |
give a fuck
2002 24 December :: 2.40pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Funky Monks
forget everything in my last post. I was very busy this weekend, worked from saturday til today, and i'm very tired. I was also out with friends every night this weekend til about 11 and that made me even more tired. I'm finally back from workin with my dad, and im glad im home. Going to naples and gonna have some of my cousins come back over here for a few days. that should be fun...see ya round
1 don't really |
give a fuck
2002 19 December :: 8.34pm
:: Mood: bored
I figured by now I'd be tired of all the exams so I wouldn't plan anything to do except for going to Cheeburger after school with an old friend, but now i'm not tired just really bored having nothing to do this weekend. I wont have to school to worry about at least, maybe ill do some hardcore bowling on friday or saturday night. see ya round!
2 don't really. |
give a fuck
2002 16 December :: 4.48pm
:: Mood: content
I stayed after to french club for food and to watch the petanque tourny (mostly for the food). Then will drove my car around with his sis sitten in his car wondering what he was doing. Then ms. youngman talked to chris on my cell which probably scared him alot. So i'm home and gotta study for US history which is fun cause i actually like that class (no im not crazy!!)
give a fuck
2002 15 December :: 4.33pm
:: Mood: more jubilant!
:: Music: still Rolling Stones
WOA! In last my last post i said the saints won, but no they didn't! I just found out that they lost with 5 seconds to go, and instead of minesota tying the game with the PAT they went for two and ended in regulation. Now im even mroe happy!!
1 don't really |
give a fuck
2002 15 December :: 4.23pm
:: Mood: jubilant
:: Music: Rolling Stones
YAY! Dolphins beat the Raiders 23-17, I'm so happy! Even thought Tampa Bay and New Orleans won too, i'm still happy that we beat one of the best teams in the leauge. Well I guess now i have to do some studyin. Bye!
give a fuck
2002 15 December :: 12.43am
:: Mood: awake
So me and BOB...oh wait I'm bob, anyway we were bored so we went looking for stuff to do and drove through about all of delray looking for stuff to do, very interesting night...
3 don't really. |
give a fuck
2002 13 December :: 8.38pm
:: Mood: annoyed
great, now i can't go bowling and have nothing to do. Nobody that can or wants to talk to me either, this sucks. I don't like people to be mad at me and not know why. I'm so bored...
give a fuck
2002 13 December :: 5.38pm
:: Mood: bored
haven't posted on here in a while, but since blog has been acting weird for me (deleting posts) and i have forgotten my pass word ill just post here from now on....
Well I'm bored i'll probably go bowling so at least i can have fun while i'm bowling, if anyone wants to come just e-mail or call.
give a fuck
2002 7 October :: 6.02pm
:: Mood: happy
well today was rather boring, didn't do much other than the american history essay. I finally decided on my psychology expiriment, but can't give anything away about it. if your interested in taking part however, email me at trespoulet@bellsouth.net.
give a fuck
2002 6 October :: 5.10pm
:: Mood: Upbeat
:: Music: Rush - The Spirit of Radio
I'm pretty happy today. The Dolphins kicked ass so of course im happy, but yesterday watching the ALMS cars in Miami got me anxious to go to Sebring which is still 150 days away! Oh well, it's definately worth the wait for such a great event... I have to get my psych stu8ff together, i found my study easier than i thought i would. well its only 5 days til Rush! i can't wait!!
give a fuck
2002 3 October :: 10.00pm
:: Mood: relaxed
been up studying for french, i think im rready for the grammar, im just not very great at vocab, it seems like we move so fast in that tres difficile class. Mr. Hall is officially crazy (ask alyssa about this). i decided i might go to the strokes concert since im working this weekend ill have some money...maybe ill see those who are going too. its so fun but wrong makin fun of the kids in health class. i just feel like such a genius when im in that class. btw yi(diana) is saying that the strokes are punk, i say straight rock...what do ya'll think?? well i also have the Rush concert to prepare for, doubt anyone i know is going to that one. bye
1 don't really |
give a fuck
2002 2 October :: 4.45pm
:: Mood: relaxed
:: Music: Van Halen - Reall Got Me
first of all, i think that its funny that anybody would read my journal thing but whatever....today was really normal, except youngman wanted new seats in french for like 5 people and any neutral change is good to me so im happy. ive really got nothing to write about today, so thats it!
give a fuck