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Down for the count...

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:: 2005 29 March :: 6.29 pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Autobiogrophy - Ashlee Simpson

i picked up a cold from someone sometime. my throats swollen and im congested(?) beyond this world. it feels like my nose is going to explode, and i want to just lie down and sleep forever...well not forever but you know what i mean. sadly
lol um...omg i don't know where doug is. he's usually on by now...i don't know, i aint been on a week and i feel like i've lost touch with every single person that i have ever talked to which is stupid, but...yeah ok im done rambling.
im gonna go sleep for a few hours hopefully


:: 2005 29 March :: 12.16 pm
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: She hates me - Puddle of Mud = funny shit
it just so happens to be lunch time and i am freakin starving but then i'm really sick to my stomach and so i know if i eat anything, it Will come back up in a matter of minutes, so i decided to spend this wonderful half hour reading bash quotes. here are a few of the good ones....

my teacher is the wierdest teacher i have ever seen in my life
whatever it is, i can one-up you.
you see, in middle school, i had a teacher named Mr Barnslow.
Mr Barnslow always used to go up to the chalkboard every morning and nail a fresh bag of tadpoles to the board. Then he'd spin it round and round, like a wheel of fortune, and no matter where it stopped he'd yell out, "Tadpoles! Tadpoles is a winner!"
we all thought he was crazy. but then we had some growing up to do.

[masterchris] oh wow. I love the way Norton backs you up against a wall and tells you that you have to reboot to complete the installation of these updates..
[masterchris] 'reboot later' button
[masterchris] just 'okay'
[DRUFER] pfft
[masterchris] i wonder, if I hit the x, will it close it - or reboot it.
[Pickle_Weasel] just keep it in the background until you're ready
[DRUFER] get your virus updates
[DRUFER] be happy
*@masterchris is going to try the x.
[Pickle_Weasel] ping timeout
[Pickle_Weasel] $5 on ping timeout
[DRUFER] lmao
[masterchris] Norton wouldn't be that prickey and make the x button the same as 'ok' i would hope.
* masterchris [GAT-X207@=SHVbyv-508.chebucto.ns.Ca] has left IRC
* @masterchris (GAT-X207@=SHVbyv-508.chebucto.ns.Ca) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[Kraid] ahaha

(ArmanyGirl) Impuro, describe yourself to me
([Impuro]) well, I have 2 arms, 2 legs, a torso, a head with a nose and eyes and etc...
(ArmanyGirl) duhh, i mean phisically
-(sadly this is something i could be guilty of...)-

oh christ. a friend of mine just got another of his mothers world breaking text messages.
I honestly do wonder what is wrong with the woman.

anotlwonk: I have a whole bunch of web designs and no one to give them to
crazyc0der: i smell an emo song brewing

im never stopping for small animals crossing the road again
i hit on the brakes and almost wrecked.
the little bastard sits there and stares at me for a minute, then continues to cross the road
and out of nowhere a truck comes from the other direction and pancakes the sucker

and my favorite....just because its true and somewhat sad....

friendship among women: one doesn't come home one night, and tells her bf that she spent the night with a female friend of hers. bf calls 10 of her friends, and none know a thing.
friendship amongst men: same thing happens. man says he spent the night at a friends place. gf calls 10 of his friends. 8 confirm he has been there, and the two others say he's still there.

if guns kill people
then pencils misspell words
and cars make people drive drunk
and spoons made rosie o'donnell fat

how many emo kids does it take to change a lightbulb?
none they just sit in the dark and cry

piratebot4: oh man
piratebot4: my friend
piratebot4: this really nice black girl
piratebot4: her name is regina
piratebot4: well, in class they were writting their names backwards
piratebot4: and she realized
piratebot4: regina
piratebot4: a niger

<|an> ok so whos got some nice anagrams of their name then?
<|an> ian hamilton
him into anal

well, lunch is over in about 3 mintues so i shall shimmy along to history now.


:: 2005 28 March :: 11.07 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: This Time - 3 Doors Down

old flames die hard
what do you do when you know you love someone and you're quite certain you want to be with them...but then you start getting feelings for your ex again? what do you do when your mind starts taking a trip down the road not taken, and you start questioning whether or not you did the right thing?
i guess you just never can be sure whether you did the right thing, and you can't live thinking of the "what if's", i guess you just live each day as they come and deal with the emotions that are rampaging around in your head and try to convience yourself that you did the best thing, the only thing, that you knew to do at the time and just live with the results.

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:: 2005 28 March :: 9.02 pm
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: Politik - Coldplay

i actually don't know much about politics...that makes me sad

i think im gona do some research and figure some stuff out...but thats for another day.

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:: 2005 28 March :: 8.04 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Lonely - Akon

ahh it feels so wonderful to be back. it has been a week exactly since i have been on the internet. dad just never would call and update the account. God! Idiot!
loved that movie last week, love it even more now.
lol i dun even know if thats how you spell his name

um...omg aint heard from my baby in 10 days today. in his last letter he said that he wouldn't be able to write for awhile because they had to go do all this crap and live in the woods or something. *big sigh*

the grudge was freakin messed up. i know its fairly old now, but it took me awhile to get the nerve to watch it. i like killed justin because i was sitting in the floor by the couch and i Have to have something to hold on to while watching a scary movie. i usually just bring a pillow (even to the theaters) but the guys decided to be Mean and take them all away and so i used justins leg. I think he liked it a little to least until i tried to stiffle a scream by bitting him...oops?
anyways yes, we watched The Grudge and Saw. saw had Quite the unexpected twist on it. the blond guy in that is quite the nasty lookin fella. im not much into blonds, no offnese to any of yall that are, they just aint my cup of tea.
i prefer redheads (*wink wink* to ...someone...) and black haired peoples.

speaking of hair, im going to chop mine off again and dye it this Really deep chocolate brown and put some caramel and chestnutt highlights in it. Maybe some red tints too. i dun know yet though, we shall see how it turns out.

i got an electric toothbrush!!! woohuuuuuuuuuu!!

i think i gotta go do some homework.
i miss my douglas.
i got caught up with kell tonight...
alls well that ends well
i dont think i quite get that saying.



:: 2005 20 March :: 9.33 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Ain't no sunshine - ??

mom and dad are taking away my second phone line.

my life is over.

excuse my while i go kill myself.

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:: 2005 20 March :: 1.13 pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: Lonely - Akon

God! Idiot!
i need to fold and put away laundry, pick up my room, dust everything including my ceiling fan, and study for my spanish test tomorrow. but....i really just want to lay on my bed and watch Con Air or Dodgeball.
oooh what to do, what to do...
procrastinating is to tempting. it's very sad

friday we got out of school at 12:30, we came home and cleaned the entire house up and down backwards and forward and then decorated it for Trevor's birthday. it seems impossible that he's now 6. +craziness+
that night at 8 i went over to tessi's and we watched Napolean Dynaminte and Anchorman (Great, magnificant, Genious movies) and then i made dad come and get me around 12:00. last night i went back to her house at around 5:30 and we watched Finding Neverland (her step sister/my cousin owns a movie store and for some reason they cain't rent it out yet but she let us watch it. great movie, bawled my eyes out) and then we watched Murder by Numbers and we ate A LOT. it was wonderful. then we sat and just talked forever and i had dad come get at 12:00 yet again. then dad and i made a wonderful trip to Wal-Mart and got some nice dog food and cat food. made me very happy. lol i had flip flops on and so my feet were really cold and so i put them right underneath the vent thing and it made my shoes melt. they're like just rubber and i dont know they were all floppy and omg i couldn't was freakin hilarious. they're fine now though. woohu.
anyways, i was supposed to go Back to tessi's today, but i decided that i needed some time at im tired of running, and i really do need to go study for spanish.
ooh got mah grade card.

English II - A-
Geometry - B
Biology - B
Spanish I - B+
Government / Missouri History - A+
Housing / Family - A+
Creative Writing / Novels - A+

not so hot this quarter. makes me sad and depressed, but that's ok
ehh i have to go freakin study and clean.
oooh we redecorated our living room. i fancy it. makes you want to go lay down on the sofa's and sleep. its wonderful


:: 2005 15 March :: 10.15 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Politik - Cold Play

math teachers shall die
We had to work on a project for geometry. I devoted all of my free time to my power point. i even skipped lunch to work on it. it was great and i knew it was.
i presented it wonderfully, it was about 10 minutes long, it had to be over 5 minutes and i was the only one who got that done.
we got our grades for them today. she decided that it was "too good" and therefore decided to deduct points. she claims she "got lost in all the information". IT WAS SO FUCKING SIMPLE!! it defined lines, points, nodes, dots, all the types of angles, theorems and postulates. i mean HELLO!! how fucking hard is it to understand?!
its fucking bullshit. i worked hard on that fucking thing so fuck her. she can die.
=im not apologizing for that either bitches=

i am royally pissed, i haven't talked to doug tonight but i don't care. im going to go do my homework, write karl and then go to bed.

pi day yesterday. ides of march today. anything tomorrow?

+suck a dick whores+


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:: 2005 14 March :: 9.11 pm
:: Mood: happy & tired
:: Music: Novacaine - Green Day

Ahh! thank god i am finally home. then again i really don't want to be here because its nothing but craziness and hostility. then again thats fun sometimes.
anyways, i don't smell of dog anymore!!!! woohu!!!
well not like nasty stinky gag when i come around dog. just the underlying detection of puppy dog.
you all shall never get that and you'll just think i stunk. but that's ok

taylor and trevor are watching Home on the Range (even though i told them not to because its getting late...) and it's really sad!! i bawl on like ever fucking movie, its horrible. i cried on this plastics commercial. it was really sad though.

i really suck at spanish. we pissed her off today and so she made us write 10 verbs in the full form
desear - to desire
yo deseo
tu deseas
usted / el / ella desea
nosotros deseamos
vosotros deseais
ustedes / ellos / ellas desean
(end of example)
yeah, had to write all of that 3 times each for each word. mrs. clink should NEVER BE ALLOWED TO TEACH!!! ehh wasted like freakin 5 pages of my paper and it really pissed me off. hate that class with a fucking passion

aint talked to doug for a while (except for last night for like 2 minutes, not even enough time to get all the goodies about whats happend) so...yeah. wow, im really cold.
lmao omg this is sad. i've been like doing other random things and it says that i started writing this at 9:11 (9/ and its now 9:54. that is just a Little bit sad.
we'll just pretend that this much time hasn't passed. :)

Well alrighty then. i think i wanna head on out to bed...


:: 2005 10 March :: 11.30 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: some 50 Cent song

omfg i replied to kellys journal, and it put what i wanted to say, but it also put a blank reply...
i thought that i had done something, like pushed enter twice or something and so i decided to write again...and it did it again. it pisses me off. wtf is wrong with it?!
*glares at...something*

<3 | Random Journal