2004 7 May :: 10.42 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Wink - Neal McCoy
Eye Color
Im bored out of my mind and so i was random journaling and came upon one, untouchableface, and there was a little quiz thing attatched in it and so i took it lmao and heres what my results were

Green Eyes
What Color Eyes Should You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
....haha funny thing is that iv Always wanted green eyes...funny funny funny.
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2004 7 May :: 6.15 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: To make you feel my love - Garth Brooks
It does NOT feel like friday thats for sure. i havnt talked to kelly in a freakin long time i think. i can never really remember what day it was that we talked, or if talking actually took place. anyways not going to go into that one. karl went fishing and nicole and i had a nice long talk last night. we decided it would just be a hell of a lot easier to become lesbian then to deal with the men in our lives. compleatly doubt that we will. i mean...i dont have any expectantcy to become attracted to the female anatomy. i rather perfer the male body. perferably the dark suntanned body of the cowboys you see around here, but, once again, not getting into that one. so, ashleys in a bad mood, taylors freaking retarded nothing more needed, dads in a pissy mood Yet again, moms still at work or out tanning, trevor...well hes fine hes out playing or whatever. hes a doll and i love him to death. anyways sounds like another Wonderful evening...ok yeah thats bullshit i was lieing. anyways iv got to do some freaking research on like the Paleozoic era and the 2 that come right after that one. iv got to do a 15 page report on them 12 fount. the good thing is that its at least double spaced...yay. anyways im off to do friggin research.
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2004 6 May :: 8.12 pm
:: Mood: alone
:: Music: Baby now that I'v found you - Alison Krauss
Today was the seniors last day. a bunch of people were crying and carryin' on, i didnt much like any of the seniors. there was my cousin Dale and then i liked Travis too. all the girls were prissy people with major issues. all thinking they were the shit, when like everybody hated them. anyways, after school i went to Sam's with Ash and we watched some of Cheaper by the Dozen, what i seen was great, now i want the movie so i can finish it, anyways half way through the movie mom came and got me from next house over for my hair appointment, she had just got done with hers. anyways not much different from what i had, just got it like razored or whatever and feathered around my face and thinned. holy shit do i have thick hair, good lord. anyways Ash and i are all alone cuz everyone else went to Taylors little concert/art show thing they got going tonight. Tay got her hair cut too so now shes all flippin it around thinkin shes all that. i wanna just slap her 'cross the face, im glad she left. anywho, Sugar, our cat, ran off and the kittens are hungry so i gotta go find her cuz Ashley aint lookin like shes gonna go find her.
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2004 5 May :: 10.31 pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: Dancin' in the moonlight - Toploader
Next Years Schedual
today i got my class schedual figured out for next year i just found it when i opend up my notebook decided i could post it on here for i forget, not that it much matters i just want to complaine about it so here goes... it sucks ass. we aint got enough teachers now to have an interesting schedual so were all screwed over. at least those few people that are staying here next year
First - English II
Second - Geometry
Third - World History - Independant study
Fourth - Spanish I
Fifth - Missouri Government History
Sixth - Biology
Seventh - FACS or Novels/Creative Writting
Im workin my schedual out with Jess since Kaylas movin and Jo might be movin too. sucks ass. anyways i aint sure on seventh hour. novels and creative writting seems more me, but Jess aint a writtin type and she wont get off my back on how she wants to take Everyclass with me. shes got issues but i love her anyways. plus we aint in sixth hour together cuz she doubled up on her science this year and took physical science and biology this year. anyways im probably gonna end up taking novels. the teacher said im "very talented and the school could use my work to help them win some of the compatitions we enter". ha BULLSHIT. but i still love to write, and if they're allowing me to get in it when its a Junior and Senior class then hell yeah. they wanted me in there this year but i was a retard and didnt take it. i could be in the second part of it next year if i had. oh well we live with the decisions we make i guess.
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2004 5 May :: 10.15 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Dare you to move - Switchfoot
i guess kell got his license. didnt know he was going to take his test for it but whatever im happy for him. im finally getting over being sick. my throat still hurts like a mother and i still aint compleatly got my voice back but its all good.
its been decided at school what my trademark is. when i paint my nails, i usually end up not liking how the first hand looks so i just dont do my other hand, and i hardly ever take the polish off of my first hand. like right now, i have navy nail polish on my left hand and nothing on my right, and it really doesnt bother me so yeah. maybe ill paint like my middle right nail blue too. probably not. anyways i still got a shit load of homework to do. see i usually dont do it till late because then im in a hurry to get it done so that i can go to sleep, also, i usually have my shower by like 9:30-10:00 so if i fall asleep while doing it, im not still in the clothes and sweat i worked up from the day before. so yeah thats my philosophy. dad dont much agree with it but screw him : P
i figured out why the time is always an hour ahead of what time it really is here. haha took me awhile but i got it. andys from michigan. michigan is an hour ahead of missouri. haha so therefore if i simply reduce the last figure on the time its set for, example on here it was 23: 15, i changed it to 22:15. ha see it works. now its readin 10:15 instead of 11:15. i may be a redneck but i aint all that dumb. well its taken me like a year to figure it out but oh well. haha anyways homework here i come!
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2004 4 May :: 1.10 pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Jumper - Thrid Eye Blind
yeah im still sick. i stayed home today and moms making me do all the laundry. laundry is ashleys thing. i have dishes and floors and dusting. oh yeah i have to do all that today too. you see, i guess they dont realize i stayed home because i am SICK. oh well. i gotta go find some more kleenex's so later.
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2004 3 May :: 10.45 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Whiskey Lullaby - Brad Paisly/Allison Crouss
i came home sick today. i was runnin a temp and i was throwin up and my throats nice and swollen. so i got to come home and sleep. i dont think kells paid for our journals yet. oh well. if i lose it i lose it i suppose. alright well im in a bad mood on top of being sick so im just gonna go.
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2004 2 May :: 10.17 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Jumper - Third Eye Blind
Internet Vs. Life
nicole made a comment on how she has no life and shes tired of living for the internet or something along that line, and i got to thinking that thats exactly how i feel. things on here are so hard. you cant tell if someones serious or not when making a statement, or if theres something going on that you dont know about because your not there. i dont know. just thoughts that add up to nothing i suppose. i love everyone of my friends, dont get me wrong, but its so...confusing, the role that everyone has on here. i dont know just....whatever. maybe i need a break or something. mom would be happy thats for sure. shes always complaining about how much time i spend on here and how every time she sees me im planted at the computer, which isnt true, but i see what she means. oh well, its my life as i know it, a computer addict *sighs*. anyways, i have finally decided what im going to school for, or at least a reason to continue schooling. im gonna get a degree in psychology. haha aint that going to be great. all my problems dealing with someone elses problems. oh well, iv decided and its what im gonna keep at. maybe thatll be the only thing thats keeping me from quiting school. it sucks and everyone there is as dramatic as on here. maybe its just the drama im getting sick of, i should just hide out in a room with a stack of books for a week and ill be fresh and ready to start with the drama again. haha
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2004 1 May :: 7.58 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Silhouettes - Smile Empty Soul
Today is Kelly and I's two month anniversary but hes working so its spent apart like our last one. it sucks but hes got a job, and he cant lose it and all that good junk. anyways, tonight is prom, and ashley looked so beautiful. her date, andrew something, is sweet but pretty goofy looking. lol i met him for the first time tonight before they headed off, and i, doing my duty as a sister, took poor little andrew aside and laid out the rules to him. ha im sure he was just petrified of me considering i stand at 5'4" and he was 6'2" and i weigh about 145 and hes like 250 like almost all freaking muscle. ANYWAYS...yeah lol i need to go do my homework. OMG the finally of Nashville Star is on tonight. i swear im going to bawl, i love that show so much and...ahh i want brad to win!! hes so cute omg!!
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2004 30 April :: 6.13 pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
I'm torn. i want to go to Neosho with everyone, but i want, no i REALLY want to go to kaylas. lmao brenda (kay's mom) told kayla to tell me to beg mom and dad to see if i could come over. lmao oh hell i love brenda, and her dad was our coach last year, but then they fired him, but nobody can call him anything but coach still. ANYWAYS im going to kaylas. its decided. lol see yall later gotta go get ready!!!!
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