2004 26 January :: 2.20 am
:: Mood: guilty
:: Music: headstrong - trApt
loose ends
kelly and i dont talk anymore. i havnt talked to him in so long, i dont even remember the last time that we talked. anyways, i had a big blow out with ashley friday night/saturday morning. he said that he was leaving and that he probably wouldnt come back and i thought id be easy on him and just let him go, and not drag him down with guilt, and as soon as i said what i said he was like well at least i know how you feel now, and apperently he just wanted to see if i returned his feelings for me and crap, and then we talked for a long ass time and then he said that he loved me, but that he still had feelings for missy, but that maybe in the future we could go out and so i told him that would only happen if he got all his shit straightened out and he goes "why yes ma'am" lol anyways it was funny and were both happy and hes stayin on and...life is good except for me an kelly. oh plus i found out that if i hadnt been going out with kelly that karl might have asked me out, but i was (and i dont regret it, dont get me wrong) and then he met nic and fell head over heels for her and alls well that ends well.
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2004 22 January :: 6.36 am
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: the remedy-jason mraz
i felt like cooking and so i was gonna cook supper and make everone happy and have a peacefull night...yeah fat chance with that happinin. i was gonna start cooking it at 6 since we usually eat at 7, and it was only 5 so i decided to do my homework, so i come into the kitchen at 6 and dads there cooking freakin turkey and noodles. GROSS. omg i was so mad because i had told him that i was going to cook, but NOO i dont know how to cook so therefore i dont get to cook. so i just baked a lemon mirange pie and im not going to let him have any of it. haha. well i caint do that...i have to let him have some...ill just give him the smallest slice. there thats it. ahh im so mad. plus taylor and trevor are being so freakin loud right now. i need a noose to hang myself with either that or theres gonna be a WWF smackdown in this house....
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2004 21 January :: 8.47 am
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: amsterdamn-cold play
im so mad and upset that i dont know what to write but i just found out that doug, a guy that nic and karl introduced me to has lukimia and nics aunt is dieing from cancer i dont know what kind but its not like that fuckin matters. life is so hard and everything is so messed up and it sucks skanky ass. nicoles going fuckin psychotic cuz shes upset about her aunt but who can blame her? i mean its fuckin hard to lose someone that you love. i dont know what i would do if someone that i loved died. i think that if kelly or nicole or karl or david or doug or jerry or...well anyways if one of my friends died that iv met on the internet, im so gonna freakin go to their funeral. omg i would die myself. ahh not a good thing to think about so i wont. this is the time to where, if i were a smoker i would get a cigarette or if i were a drinker i would get a drink, but i dont do either so my poor bottem lip is getting hell from my teeth. well ok im about as stressed out as iv ever been so im gonna be going now
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2004 20 January :: 9.48 am
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: hold on-good charollet
im getting bad about updating...but in my defence, iv been compleatly swamped with homework. omg its horriable. math (worst subject) history, english (reading Romeo and Juliet), and then also Intro to Business. its so stupid and i hate it and ahhh. ok well im done i suppose so bye
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2004 20 January :: 9.48 am
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: hold on-good charollet
im getting bad about updating...but in my defence, iv been compleatly swamped with homework. omg its horriable. math (worst subject) history, english (reading Romeo and Juliet), and then also Intro to Business. its so stupid and i hate it and ahhh. ok well im done i suppose so bye
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2004 13 January :: 8.46 am
:: Mood: sore
im a stupid retard that needs to be shot in the head to releave people the trouble of being around me. omg im an ass. good luck though, kelly : )
ok maybe not shot in the head....that would hurt rather bad...i dont wanna be hurt...so maybe ill just...i dont know...OH crawl in a corner and slowly wither away. haha yesh a corner. ok well....bye again
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2004 13 January :: 9.49 am
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: take me away-fefe dobson
i had to stay home from school cuz i have a migrain, so here i am...on the computer exactly what they told me NOT to do, and iv already read some too and after this i plan to do some more reading...i just cant help myself. but anyways, im so doped up, i have a prescription for migrain meds and i had to take 2 of those, then i took 2 excedrin migrains, and some ibprophin. hehe i think i od. but anyways, my migrain has reduced to just a painfull throb, and my head doesnt explode when i look at light for the moment, so im good to go and well anyways i think i will be going. so ...bye bye RachelElaine
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2004 12 January :: 4.35 am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: the scientist-coldplay
Dead or Dying
i spent a week in arkansas. my favorite cousin, the person in my family that im closes to, possiably the only person on this world that understands me, was killed. one of his best friends was drunk and he...just killed him. he stabed him 14 times in the chest region, and then...just...anyways, thats were iv been this last week. he was only fuckin 17. fuck this world, for it is only shit.
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2004 4 January :: 9.14 am
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: american soldier-toby keith
Back 2 School
well the wonderfull christmas/new years break is over, and its back to the grudging schedual of school once again. its funny, ya know, how you get into the rutine of staying up late and waking up late and lounging around and doing basically whatever you want to do, when in fact, you only have a few weeks to do that in, and yet we never get into the ritual of going to bed at a decent time and getting up in an undecent time, like for me i have to get up at 5:30, so that i can take a shower to get my hair wet so that i can put my stupid gel in it so that i can make it do what i want it to do, even though iv already taken a shower the previous night, then get my make-up on and get dressed make sure...well anyways the point is, im still not used to the whole stupid thing of school. i cant wait for summer, but then its back to school yet again. 3 more years of school, then its off to college. life is horribly laid out. hmm...funny how that is, when a bunch of people say that you need to be spontanious but how can you when life is a laid out....thing....for lack of a better word. ok well iv to go get my shower and keep the rythem of life going. bye bye
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2004 2 January :: 10.15 am
:: Mood: mischievous
:: Music: if bubba cant scoot (i can too)-shenandoah
im never drinking again. i drank for the second time wendsday and i drank a bottle of wine by myself. i didnt think just wine could get me drunk but it did. it was horrible, and yesterday was pure hell. anyways, yeah ill never drink again. well ok thats a lie, because im still intent on finding out what a martini tastes like, mainly cuz i like the little martini glass because they look cool and they have a green olive in 'em and i like green olives. so anyways, um i have no real what-cha-call it for new years. im gonna stay the same. well i could lose the extra few pounds i put on during summer break. lmao but i doubt if that happens seeing as how it hasnt already. ok well im gonna skidattle. bye bye
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