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Down for the count...

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:: 2003 31 December :: 2.25 am
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: your still the one-shania twain

im sick of being alone. i wanna get to love someone too. i wanna be loved by someone that i know is mine, at least for awhile. life is NOT a bowl of cherries while going through it alone. its a bowl of cherry pits. but happy new years yall. not that i get the whole party scene for the new years. its just the ending of the year that most people tried so hard just to make it through, and now theres a new year that we have to try hard to get through again, so really theres no point to it, but party it up if you want to, im home alone with a bottle of wine this year. i think im going to get drunk, if i like the liver killing shit, iv never had any. if i dont like it then ill make some tea. iv never really had a reason to drink . well later


:: 2003 28 December :: 5.14 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: paper heart-all american rejects

nicole has been making me talk to her friend sean alot lately, and i like him. lol hes sweet and funny and....himself. i dont know. hwe like alot of the same things and, well i dont know but anyways, cowboy (karl, aka goof) hasnt been on in awhile and nics compleatly stressed out because she likes him alot, but shes going out with kyle so karls bummed cuz hes compleatly in love with her. its so complicated but amusing because they flirt non-stop. but anyways, had another boring christmas. oh and my gramma said that i didnt tell her what i wanted, so she got me a thong. yup. i didnt know about it but EVERYONE else did, so when i got that present (we have like 3-4 people hand out presents to everyone at the same time. we have a big-ass family on dads side) and i opened it, i pulled out a see thru lacy thong, and everyone had their cameras ready and waiting and all got pictures of me and my wonderful thong. its all funny now, but still really embarrassing. just caint wait fer tha pictures to come in. oh joy *rolls eyes*


:: 2003 26 December :: 2.00 am
:: Mood: embarrassed
:: Music: nothin' new under the moon-leann rimes

Dumbass - me
omg lmao im SO fuckin stupid. i was messing around with taylor and ash, and i got one of those ugly fake fingernails and put it on my left middle finger, and i glued it, and instead of having that crappy nail glue to where you can just pop it off, they put SUPER GLUE in it for the glue. so now i have this bright red nail with hibiscus flower thingys on it, and its only on my middle finger, and i CANT get it off *cries* and its hard to type the d's and e's so.....yeah its hard and it takes forever. lol i feel like the biggest dumbass ever. hmm ok well bye bye


:: 2003 25 December :: 9.07 am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: cant fight the moonlight-LeAnn Rimes

merRy chrIstmas
merry christmas yall, even though its almost bored and iv got nothing what-so-ever to say. i got a LOT of clothes for christmas. and i didnt tell my gramma what i wanted for xmas, and so she got me a lot of sheer thongs, and i didnt know what they were, and so i opend them in front of all my family. omg i was so embarrassed. ohh it was bad. but funny. haha see im laughing it off. its ok. well ok im off whatever. oh and i got LOTS of books too. im happy bout those


:: 2003 24 December :: 12.21 pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: unbroken-tim mcgraw

today we had to stay home again, but yesterday we had to go over to gramma harrisons. i HATE it over there, quite possiably more than i do staying home. i cant even begin to explain why. but anyways, i got in a fight and got my freakin nose broke again, and so yeah, it sucks, i have a cast on my nose for the second time. i can barely see, and its kinda hard to wear my glasses...but ill live. mom and dad left us a note this morning that said we didnt have to do anything except to keep the house picked up, and so that was quite a suprise. so i have to day to stay on the computer or finish my book. i think ill alternate it a little bit. ok well bye bye yall merry christmas. damn thats so corny but oh well...later


:: 2003 22 December :: 11.07 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: amsterdam-coldplay

First Day
first actuall day of Christmas break. so much fun. but instead of lazing around and doing nothing, we have to clean the house compleatly because were having taylors birthday party tonight. we were going to on saturday, but gramma harrison was sick, so we called it off, then we moved it to sunday, but gramma prewitt wanted to go shopping, so it got shoved over today. it sounds like our house is always dirty because i always talk about how we have to clean the house...blah blah blah, but no we dont live in a skanky house, my wonderfull mother is just simply a clean freak and makes us clean all the fuckin time *sigh*. well now that iv explained my house hold living...i think ill skidadle so later


:: 2003 21 December :: 4.23 am
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: ring of fire-johnny cash

Dancin feet hurt SOOO bad. and i miss kell, i didnt talk to him at all yesterday, and he owes me summin lol. omg last night was so much fun. we were dancing to "hot in here" and this guy ryan came over and started "dirty" dancing with me, and at first i was really embarrassed and i didnt do anything but laugh and then i was like what tha hell and started doing it with him, and then he went and told a bunch of guys that i was good at doing it and so they all started coming over and it was so funny! im sick again, i got the stupid flu or whatever, and so i stayed home from church, and had to get the computer to work again cuz we moved it and jumbled all the cords up , so they choose the stupid person out of the family to fix it, go figure. ok well i have to go, mom and dad are home from christmas shopping and in a bad mood again, they HATE the holidays, well bye bye

1 <3 | <3

:: 2003 19 December :: 6.14 am
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: beautiful night-hiliary duff

schoolS ouT
school has finally ended...for 2 weeks at least. im so worn out from all the late nighters, cramming for exams. i got an A on my business test, got 36/38. im so freakin tired, i feel as if i could sleep and not ever wake up. maybe like rip van winkle. haha. ok i dont wanna wake up old and wrinkly with saggy boobies so maybe not like rip van winkle...not that he had boobies that got wrinkly, but im sure his balls did. hmm. ok well iv got to go, so later.


:: 2003 17 December :: 4.16 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: lights went out in georgia-reba mcintire

I guess last night kayla was shooting around during half time at their basketball game, and she either landed wrong or someone bumped her, but she fell and landed on her ankle wrong and possibaly broke it. they have to wait till the swelling goes down before they can do an x-ray, but yeah, it will still be to sore for her to dance on at the Christmas dance, so i feel really sorry for her : ( today the finals began, and i did really good on my Health and Child Care one, i didnt miss any, and on my Math final, i well i dont know because mine didnt get graded, and then we had to start on our phy. science one, even though its not due to start untill tomorrow, but its so long that we have to do it today and tomorrow in order to get it done. on friday, during 6th and 7th hours, were having a bunch of different games instead of going to class. its one or 2 people from every grade (7th and up) which ever it calls for, will be compeating against eachother in different relays. kayla and jess signed me up for the scooters WITHOUT asking me, but im pretty damn good on 'em so i guess ill do it. i always win when we have a scooter relay in fun fun!! ok well now i have to go study for my business final and study some more for my science later


:: 2003 16 December :: 8.56 am
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: how do i live-Lee Ann Rimes

ahh! i got my dress for the christmas formal today!! ohh its really pretty. its black and it has silver glitter running down it, with a GIANT slit up the....left leg. omg i had to try it on to show dad and ash, and i still kinda have it on...teehee im pathetic but right now i dont care, i feel s-s-s-sooo beau-ti-ful *tear* i still have to get shoes, and they have to be silver, and i dont know how im going to get my hair done, because im a dumbass and chopped it all off (which i regrete doing now) and so i have to look at a bunch of hair magazines. its reeking havok on my brain cuz there all really ugly hair-dos. so yea, i dont know what ima gonna do. i havnt talked to kelly in a really long time. i have to send his cd off to him tomorrow...i should have already done it but i had it sitting out on my dresser, and trevor opened it up and scratched the cd, so i had to buy ANOTHER cd, and when i went to Hastings (a music/book store) they were all sold out, and then i went to this little cd store and they were all sold out, then i went to neosho wal-mart and THEY were all sold out, and then as a last hopefull resort i went to cassville wal-mart and thankfully they had it, but only because hardly anyone goes there. but i wouldnt have had to go to all that trouble if i had just sent it as soon as i had gotten it. mom was really pissed off at me but its ok. im kinda used to it by now. ok well i have to go cram for another final, this time in Health & Child Care, and also in Physical Science. fun fun fun....

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