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:: 2003 15 December :: 4.19 am
:: Mood: shocked
:: Music: green eyes-coldplay

someone wrote slut on my locker today. iv never even had sex or anything. i dont know. it was kinda scary. and i got looked at all day. i dont like ppl staring at me all day. it tends to make you stress out. but i dont know. i guess i dont really have much to say. but im not a slut.
we have finals all week. i probably wont write again untill christmas break is here


:: 2003 11 December :: 12.44 pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: voice from with in- christina aguilaria

and Again
no school yet again. the roads are fine, i dont understand this. it might be due to the fact that our school has/had become a freakin hospital...with out all the damn medicin. EVERYBODY is sick. a bunch of people stay home, the substitue teachers are sick, so our teachers have to come to school despite the fact that they are sick. and of course most of the student body is absent, but those of us that hung on untill the last few minutes, were all sick now too. but yeah, schools out. who cares the reason? ok well i have to go continue switching rooms with my fuckin sister. its because of her and her nasty ass dog that i have to move rooms again. i hate it and im sick of it and i dont want to change rooms again. i dont even get to keep my damn dresser. ashleys older and gets to have what she wants, and ill be damned if i sit around and let her take anything else of mine. in fact, i even have a secret little plot to getting back my dresser. mwahahahaha


:: 2003 10 December :: 11.32 am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: white christmas-bing crosby

Schools Out
it has finally snowed and we got the whole package. theres 4 inches of snow, plus ice under the snow. our main buss driver always goes and sees if he can drive his route and he couldnt, so he called school off. mom got to work, but dad couldnt since there working out side (and again hes a construction worker) and so he stayed home with us and is forcing us to do work and i hate it. this is our first snow day and we have to work our bum bums off. well i have to get off incase the fire phone goes off (fire phone- its how we know that there is a fire. the phone rings, but just continues to ring, never stoping untill u pick it up and see what the fire is and then ya go and do what cha have'ta do) ok well im using the phone line right now and i dont wanna die if the fire phone caint get thru so bye bye
(hint hint-mom and dad are volenteer firefighters.....who woulda guessed)


:: 2003 9 December :: 9.58 am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: get low-

My wonderful brother bruised his penis. HAHA i did NOT know that that could happen. so heres the story.....hes taking a leak, gets mad for some reason, hits the lid thingy, it falls, he watches it, and SQUISH! next thing ya know we got a penis and toilet sandwich. i personally think that its hilarious, but some may not. he thought that he desperitly needed ice, and so hes walking around the house with an icepack stuck in his underwear. ahh its great. but just so u males know, it hurts just as bad for our crotch or breasts to get hit or elbowed or kicked just as bad as it does for yalls. ok thats it, i just felt that i couldnt keep the excitment to my self, and had to share it all. g'night

1 <3 | <3

:: 2003 9 December :: 4.17 am
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: dust on the bottem- murphy david lee

im worn out with school. i hate it, i wanna quit and just get my ghd and do it all at home and not have to worry about goin back to the hell hole. but no. have to put on a happy face and sit and pay attintion to the dame teachers and write notes upon endless notes about shit that your not ever going to use. but hey! do our parents care that we hate school? nope. cuz they " had to walk to school when the snow was up to their chins". so what do we know? were just little things that popped out of our mothers. ok so yea. i dont have to have a hysterectamine cuz i have no cancer. yea ok well thats always a better thing to turn my mind too i suppose. well i have to go and do can u guess? yup HOMEWORK. ahh i HATE school!

1 <3 | <3

:: 2003 4 December :: 4.51 am
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: say what you want-nelly furtado

iv not really got anything to say, so ill not say much. i have to do a report on what job im interested in pursuing when i get older and start a career, and i had no clue so i had to do a lot of researching, and im thinking about becoming an Insurance Underwriter, its hard to explain what they do, so i wont even try. puppies are still kickin, all 15 of them, and so i guess were good to go. bye bye


:: 2003 1 December :: 9.52 am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: remember when-alan jackson

Holiday Season...Again
well yippy it tiss the season to be jolly (falalalala la la la la). i hate winter, i hate summer. i like fall. not to cold, not to hot. spring i like cuz of all the flowers blooming and it smells great. in the winter we have to worry about our cattle falling in a creek or pond out in the field and drowning or slipping on ice and falling down a hill. in the summer we have to worry about the creeks and pond drying up and them dehydrating. god but cha gotta love cattle. this spring were supposed to break our horse Shilo, so ill be able to ride him up to check the cattle instead of walking (mom and dad dont quite trust me with the farm truck just yet : ( ) and so that shall be a plus, but it all still sucks ass. and now that everything is starting to freeze, i have to go check em as soon as schools out, so i cant get on here as soon as i get home, and then afterwards im so exhasted that i dont know if i want to, so.....YAY! WINTER!!!!!!

The puppies are doing good. we have Lexi, Pipper, Max, Butterfly (it has a butterfly in the center of its back but its a male, so i decided that we could still call it butterfly but its now gay : ), Gagger (gags all da time) & Rolly. thats all that we have named so far. ok well im off to do wonderful wonderful homework. night


:: 2003 30 November :: 2.10 am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: shes not just a pretty face-shania twain

OMG! daisy was to weak to deliver tha rest of her puppies (taylors stupid and told me that she had had 2, when she had really only had 1...dumbass) so after having that one, she just stoped and she went the rest of the night and up till 12, then we had to take her to the vets and have a c-section, and she had friggin 15 puppies. she only has 8 titties, so we get to bottle feed! i already have the one that i want picked out, but if she ends up dieing, then i have another one picked out. her names alexis and shes soooo freakin cute. ahh im so happy!! ok well were having thanksgiving up at gramma prewitts today, and i have to go back up there. later

oh we have to sell all tha puppies but alexis when they get broke off tha tit, and the vet said that we could get around $50-$75 each, so maybe i dont have to work at tha farm after all ; )


:: 2003 29 November :: 7.28 am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: hurt-jonny cash

Daisy's FINALLY having her puppies, shes only had 2 last i knew, their both boys. i get to keep one of the girls if she has one. but yea, anyways, i have to go work at my moms friends friends farm to get sum money to buy everyone a christmas present. i only have 8 ppl to buy for this year, so it should be easier than last year. iv kinda lost a few friends since then....oppsy. ok well everyones gettin on msn and i cant write cuz everyone is writting me. so bye bye


:: 2003 28 November :: 2.04 am
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: little drummer boy-alabama

yay!! Daisy is in labor, getting ready to have her puppies any moment now. shes been in labor for almost 48 hours now...but we wont let that get us down....haha. im in a good mood right now, but im antzy cuz i want her to have 'em really soon cuz i want to pick out the one that i get to keep!! it looks like were in for sum snow today or tomorrow. god i hate winter, i would rather it be hot than cold, cuz ppl always say that u can warm up when ur cold but u caint cool off if ur hot...well i can never warm up, and if ur hot, y not just take a freakin cold shower?!? ok well im going to go check on daisy again, so later

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