2003 26 November :: 1.48 am
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: first cut is the deepest-sheryl crow
Thanksgiving Break
we got out at one for thanksgiving break, and we dont go back till monday. yay. then we dont have school on thursday and friday...or maybe its just friday. anyways, its not like it matters. im tired and im cold and i want a date for the christmas dance. i can go to sleep and i can get a blanket, but i dont know about the date. i dont think im viewed as the "dating" type to any of our guys at school. but whatever. i dont care anymore. life sucks and i mize well get used to it. g'bye
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2003 24 November :: 4.32 am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: say what cha want-nelly furtado
omg. i guess there was this "big-ass party that u just HAD to be at" and a bunch of the bb players got drunk, then the party got "raided" as they called it (i had to ask and apperently that means that the cops came and busted it...hmm who woulda guessed) and some "people" (the goodie-2-shoes who dont do anything but revolve around sports and being perfect angels) told coach about it and who all had been there (since alcohol is banned to all ppl on the bb team, plus...uh yea...there kinda ALL minors) and coach is pissed and is probably going to end up kicking them off or suspending them from tha first 4 games. so thats the big thing at school for the moment. i think its all fuckin stupid. wats so fun about going out, getting drunk, having sex, kissing other gurls (a few of my non-lesbian friends did that while drunk) throwing up all over eachother, having more sex...and more sex...and more beer.......yea well iv never really done any of it, so hey, it might be one big barrel of fun and games, i just do not know
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2003 23 November :: 1.38 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: streets of heaven-sherrie austin
ashley had kendra come over today after church and it really sucks, shes annoying and thinks that she owns every damn thing in the house. i was goin out to my room and she pushes me, makes me fall down the fuckin stairs, runs past me, grabs misty, scaring the hell outta her, and then plops down on my bed. i HATE when ppl come out to my room with out asking, anyways, she threw misty up in the air and didnt catch her, made her fall on the floor. now misty has a broken foot (we had to take her to the vets) and kendra just doesnt understand y im mad at her. but its all hanky-dory. well, iv not really got anything to say, so goodbye.
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2003 22 November :: 3.43 am
:: Music: wave on wave-pat green
today taylor mom and i worked outside for quite awhile. just doin this and that, pickin up the yard etc, anyways, our dog Daisy is pregnant and shes about ready to have her puppies and i want one so bad. taylor has a dog, Duppy, and ashley has a dog, Freckles, and i have Misty, but she would rather sit in her cage and eat than get up and play, and it would be rather fatal if i tried to wrestle her. so i want a puppy of my own. i hope that i get to keep one. i feel kinda weird today, i dont know how i feel weird or why, i just do, but oh well, it will pass with the day i suppose.
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2003 20 November :: 7.22 am
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: invisiable-clay aikin
YAY!! i always wondered how ppl got their journals different colors and why mine was a gross color, and why it would never change. then i got to thinkin...*light bulb*...maybe I had to change it. so tonight i really had nothing else to do, so i was wonderin around on here and found the wonderful 'modify journal', went and did just that and *wa-la!im actually kinda suprised that i figured out how to do it with NO help wat-so-ever : ) but anyways, iv nothing really else to say so i shall be going. catch yall lata
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2003 19 November :: 12.37 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: take me away=fefe dobson
hey, im back on line since yesterday. i didnt have time to cum and write in here though cuz i had to go watch Charmed, but yea, i had like 363 emails and it was BAD. it took me like freakin 30 minutes to get them all gone. but its ok, its all better. i havnt talked to kelly in like a month, so...kelly i miss ya babe!! i tried to get on msn last night and it wouldnt let me for some reason and i got really mad. it said that either my password was wrong (and it WASNT!!) or my freakin computer wasnt connected to the internet, and it was or i wouldnt be able to be checking my freakin email. ahh im still mad now. i want to try and get on but we caint get on during school, so i have 4 hours and then i can go try again YAY!! ohh i made a B on my business test, better than i thought but worse than i want...oh well. ok gotta go,
bye bye
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2003 13 November :: 12.36 pm
:: Mood: grumpy
:: Music: this ones for the girls-martina McBride
ok. this sucks, i thought i was all smart and was going to check my email during school, because the ppl with hotmail can check theirs, but nope u caint check it if u have yahoo, so im just going to get to write on here till next tuesday....yeepee : ( so anyways, kayla told me that she might have to move and that really sucks and im really upset, but whatever. well i just got a worksheet for business (theres computers lining all the walls in this classroom cuz its also the keyboarding room, and so everyone gets to have a computer : ) yay!!) and i need to go work on it. and of course play family fued. its awesome, its on uproar.com and...yea its family fued, and im awesome at it ; ) ok well bye bye yall.
i love ya kell!!
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2003 12 November :: 12.36 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: hell yeah-montgomery gentry
hello, im in school right now, telling everyone that im grounded for a week and off the computer for that time. so, have fun without me and i have to get back to business at the moment, so see yall lata.
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2003 10 November :: 4.32 am
:: Mood: scared
:: Music: invisiable-clay ~~~ (dont know last name)
Fibroids and Overies
wow. got sum rather shocking news today. i might have fibroids on my overies. yup. theyre basically little growths on them...yea gross i know, but hey i caint help it!! anyways i have to go get an ultrasound and get it checked out, and if i do have them, i have to have surgery A.S.A.P. because they could lead up to cancer and i would have to have a hysterectamine or however u spell it. yea so its no big deal...*_*. im like scared to death right now. iv cried alot today cuz i dont even want to think about it, but hey, it might not be that big of a deal, cuz we dont know that i for sure have them. well, i shall be going now. later
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2003 9 November :: 4.29 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: tough little boys-gary allan
hey, im BACK at grammas doing MORE laundry. oh how much fun can one gurl have!?! joke. i hate laundry....really hate laundry, but hey we caint run around nakie, and im the only one who knows how to run grammas appliances, so i guess its my job. i dont mind really, i suppose, i mean i have an hour between each switch, so its all peas and gravy : )~ ok well im off to go read...i have to read tom sawyer for english/lit. fun fun fun!! alright, bye bye....oh poop i caint go read now cuz im talkin to spec...maybe later. bye bye
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