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At least you'll never be a vegetable
...even artichokes have hearts

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:: 2006 28 April :: 6.12pm

An update some few of you will be able to understand.
I just had an odd request from a high school speech friend of mine. I said hi and the first thing he did was ask me for the whereabouts of Caleb. Now, I realize that in high school I was the only one who knew half the time where the boy was or why. I realize that I stuck by him for nearly two years even though that junkie wasn't exactly the best thing to have in my life. He didn't have anyone else, because no one else would have been able to handle being with him. No one else deserved it, so I stayed instead and everyone knew it.

But two years after the fact... apparently people still expect it to be true. Joe seemed... sad that he hadn't spoken to Caleb in two years, and that he'd never probably see him again. I told Joe that I cut ties with him after graduation. This was largely due to certain actions on Caleb's part after graduation that really don't need to be hashed over again.

It's just strange to have that reminder again. Even weirder is that it comes after a very.... odd dream that I had last night. Something about Caleb and a non-descript friend of his waiting for me in a men's room to rape me. Then I tried to get a cop to go with me and he asked me if it could wait because he was taking a break. Odd behavior for a policeman.

Maybe I'll try to think more about what that dream means, especially when you factor in the introduction of the topic into a totally unrelated conversation. I'm either superstitious, fatalistic, or simply don't believe in coincedence. However you want to see it, this is strange to me.

If nothing else, it reminds me of how much better off I am now than I was in high school. I don't regret anything that I did. I don't regret the (arguably undeserved) devotion to someone like Caleb. I forget who explained it to me this way, but she was right when she told me, "You're the most important person in his life. I just don't think that you're the most important thing." For a while that was enough. It never will be enough again, though. I had never been with anyone who told me I was beautiful without the obvious motive of squirming his way into my pants, or anyone who sincerely told me that he loved me. Most of the boys I've known have loved me the way a smoker loves nicotine gum. A pale substitute for what they really want, but for now it's better than what they've lost.

I won't say that they didn't have their reasons. Caleb's first love died of a drug overdose. He watched her die. Link...well, there was Tara. I shouldn't have to explain it that much further. I can't blame them, but I can say that I'll never sacrifice myself to people like them again.

how time passes...


:: 2006 18 March :: 11.30am
:: Mood: blah

Spring Break...
...I already miss my friends...and apparently I've already run out of things to do at home in the entire hour and a half I've been here because I'm updating this journal. I'm sorry to all of you who used to read this to know what was going on in my life... I just stopped updating a long time ago. To any of you who still care though... I have a myspace... the link is http://www.myspace.com/shoeforyou and I actually update it. So.. sorry.

I guess I'm done with this.. I hope you all are well.

how time passes...


:: 2005 25 November :: 2.13pm

There used to be a girl on this site who used the handle "Porcelain."

I miss her. She was cool. Every time I log on and think about how much respect I had for her. Unfortunately, her mother found her blog and she had to leave us. Then her journal was wiped out in the Great Deletion of Unpaid Journals.

Well, Porcelain. Here's to you, wherever you are. I haven't forgotten.

4 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...


:: 2005 25 November :: 1.59pm

Proof that I'm becoming an elitist condescending adult:

Every time I see an entry on a weblog that looks like this:

"oh man why cant i just have love but no one will love me becaus i suck and there's no way anyone can love a thing like me because i suck and everything i do cuz i have no worth and i should just die becaues n oone cares and ill never ever be loved and i'm so alone and theres no hope for me cuz no one understands"

...The first thing I want to do is look for the person's age. It could be the bad grammar. It could be the lack of capitalization or punctuation. It could be the lack of specific explanations or thought of any kind. But the main thing is, I doubt the maturity of entries like this. The people I've kept on my friends list use proper English, and sometimes proper French or Japanese as well.

The other reason I doubt the maturity of these bloggers is that, yes. I'm like everyone else. If I'm supposed to believe that someone who's never worried about the cost of food or where they'll be living in a few months' time has problems worth reading, I want to read some kind of actual justification. Just because this is the internet doesn't mean you're excused from actual communication.

In conclusion: Quit your bitching or at least start bitching in a way that makes people believe your problems have some relevance.

This time of year I'm thankful for a lot of things. I'm thankful that no matter what has happened to me or is likely to happen, my problems will still never be that bad. I look at victims of wars, diseases and natural disasters all over the world and see that it can always be worse. I have it pretty damn good, and so do most people who live in an area where computer access makes blogging possible.

2 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...


:: 2005 25 November :: 1.57pm

I'm getting my WIS teeth out over winter break. As a result, my mother wants me to plan to be totally incapacitated for two weeks. This is the royal edict. This means I cannot plan to go to Brian's house over break. Why can't we just see what happens and maybe I'll be able to do it? Fantastic question! Because! My mother is buying me plane tickets. She will be doing this within the next day or two. This means that she'll be buying me a ticket back to Indianapolis. This means that the Fords couldn't drive me home to Indy without wasting a perfectly good plane ticket.

This all has one grand implication. I stay with my parents and endure not only oral surgery but four weeks around them, or else be a selfish ungrateful bitch for not wanting to be away from Brian for that long. That's what it means. And there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it.

how time passes...


:: 2005 30 October :: 1.02am

I return for a quick post.

3 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...


:: 2005 11 October :: 6.35pm

Well... it would have been an entire month tomorrow if I were to not update right now. I know some of you are disappointed my not updating. Atleast those of you who depend on reading this to know what is going on and how I am doing and... everything. Whatever.

Anyway... I have the best person in my life ever right now. I love you!

Yeah... but, my grades are bad... I have three C's, 2 D's and a F. Yay! I'm a smart one.

Fall Break starts after classes Wednesday and I have Thursday and Friday off. That'll be nice but I know it will go way too fast for me to even know it happened. Ohh well, that's life!

So.. that's really about all I have to say. Patti, sorry I've not replied to your e-mails, I will soon. Tiff, I miss you so much... I hope I see you soon! Evan, Ellen, anyone else that still reads this... I miss you all too. Hopefully I'll see you soon. So yeah, that's really all. Hope you all have a good day and night and month until the next time I update.

2 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...


:: 2005 12 September :: 1.20am

. live in my head for just one day .
. I see myself and look away .
. the road is showing now -on my face- .
. soon I'll disappear .
. I'll disappear without a fucking trace .
. faces that I've seen turn old and grey .
. I've lost too many freinds along the way .
. memories I never thought would fade .
. they fade and blow away .
. I wish that I could disappear .
. unzip my skin and leave it here .
. so I could be no one again .
. and never let nobody,.
. I'd let nobody in .
. so now the walls are closing in .
. because -in life- you sink or swim .
. sometimes these shoes don't feel right in my head .
. feel like a book that can't be read, .
. a book that can't be read .

I'm really sorry...for everything.

3 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...


:: 2005 7 September :: 11.55pm


...for some reason I'm kinda pissed off. For no reason really. I don't even know... anything.

I'm like to the point of being suicidal. I've not been like this for a while.

I don't even know what to say.. I really have no reason for feeling like this. It wasn't a bad night... actually.. it was anything but bad.

Thanks to the one of you I had a really good conversation with tonight... you know who you are.

So... maybe I'm not so alone.

...anyway, nothing important. As always. Hoo-ray for nothing.

3 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...


:: 2005 2 September :: 8.04pm

I'm not dead. To the max.

I can be reached more reliably on AIM with the SNs:

alias pending
Mekta Satak Kai

That is, you know. If someone needs something.

how time passes...


:: 2005 2 September :: 8.04pm

I'm not dead. To the max.

I can be reached more reliably on AIM with the SNs:

alias pending
Mekta Satak Kai

That is, you know. If someone needs something.

how time passes...


:: 2005 27 August :: 7.30pm

Okay... so, here I am - to vent.

I'm really pissed off right now. Just had a nice little argument with my father. Every conversation that starts off well always ends in complete disaster. I don't think we've had a conversation in atleast two years without it turning into an intense argument.

My mother is too afraid to stick up for me at the time... she waits until later when he can't hear her telling me that I'm right or that he's made the same mistakes. She will not stand up for me... it's so incredibly disheartening to me when she does that.

The part that really pisses me off is when they talk about me in the other room. They speak of me as if I'm not present. I'd much rather have someone tell me my faults and mistakes to my face.

I'm just too sensitive. Anything that goes wrong just makes me feel so replaceable and useless. I shouldn't be so responsive to everything. I turn into a complete disaster when I'm here. It's not great to see, I'm sure. I don't like to be around any of my good friends on weekends after I've been here because I always feel like I'm taking it out on everyone else and I don't want to do that.

I know I ask for it... all of it. I leave myself open to it. I just like to complain. I feel the need to complain... it's what I'm best at doing.

Anyway, I suppose things are going okay otherwise. Classes are alright.. boring, but alright. I really like my suite-mates. They're the best. We have parties. I also like some of the girls from the softball team a lot. I really think I'll form some good things out of those friendships, atleast I'm hoping to. I went to the football game today. It was good, the first quarter was anyway. Not too much college news, still really slow.

Anyway.. I need to go scrapbook. Later, I'm going to a party with Evan... maybe. I'm not excited about it because it requires driving on a gravel road. Those aren't for me.

4 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...


:: 2005 23 August :: 10.45pm

Five minutes ago I had a load of stuff to update on.. now it's all gone.

Umm... I still don't like it here. Things are a bit better though and everything is getting busy and confusing already. Tomorrow is the first day of softball practice. Before I even get to that I have university seminar at 9, chapel at 10, Algebra at 12, and Am. Government at 1. After classes I have to go drag the field and be ready for practice by 3:30.

I'm sorry if I've detached myself from anyone lately. I'm still having a hard time with jumping into the middle of everything. I just want my life of nothing back. *sigh* I need to work on not being so stubborn and resistant to change. I'm sure that'll go along way.

I'm just pissy lately. I still do not like this. I just need to realize I'm here and there's not a thing I can do about it. I'm still going to wake up every morning hoping I'm not in the same bed I went to sleep in. But, it doesn't matter... so, I'll just let it rest like all of you are hoping I would've done before I started..

2 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...


:: 2005 20 August :: 1.05pm

Well, it has been different the last few days. I have to admit it isn't as bad as it was to begin with. I knew it couldn't get much worse, I'm just glad it got better. I think if I would've stayed there the whole time during Welcome Week I would've about had a fit though.

My classes haven't really started yet so I cant say much about them. I've had all of them once and didn't have homework in any of them. The teachers seem nice. I think I could talk to any of them if I needed to - which I will.

I have my dorm as near to complete as I can before I have things to work around when my schedule gets busy. I just wish it was more "lived-in", maybe it will be eventually. My suite mates are really nice. Can't honestly say I know their names but, they're cool.

Umm.. I'm just getting used to it, I guess. Well, except for this new promise I've granted where I'll basically be sexless for years. I'm just kidding.. it's not hard to get used to it's just astonishing that I'm actually going to be following it through. I'm still not so sure of the purpose though.. you'll have to explain that someday.

9 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...


:: 2005 14 August :: 9.15pm

I think this is a mistake.

8 We pass the time of day to forget | how time passes...

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